Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
1. Hi. My name is Theodore Cottingham, and I’m with The School of God in Eureka Springs called GodSchool now or is it my name, of Christ not again worshiping, or are you it in training to be the leaders led out of Christendom are you now led by no religion? Will you be religionless, the Christ not, but God without a divorcement of other or will you divorce a lot of things now and come into the words I am, in DATABASE ONE or is it fools no more for fodder or are you no more the fodder of? Fathers of lies are you no more? Mothers of peace are you taking your place? Will you live expectantly and expect me to be me? In you I come, and I am delivered of breath not but in breath me mine.
2. I make a lot of things known, and my words are worshiped not; my words are me, a power of, an energy of, a lifelong substance that never ends. I am asking you to be me, and this is the School of one who garners not you. I am Theodore Cottingham in flesh and I am God also. A one who loves me is me, and I grant Degrees in my name not or do I Cottingham one am I the University of, flesh no more of? Are you reeking with joy not or are you banishing salvation from my kingdom because you need it not. You never did. Will you be yours in you? Will you be seamless with the truth that is emitting the truth I am.
3. And the truth is me in two shoes Cottingham and I wear a Meonics Degree not or do I change everything or are you asking if you do now, omit a Savior from your life and become it? Will you no longer want a God figure in your life that’s someone else represented by something else, or a can of worms are you no more opening on your head? Will you see the life of Christ, not again, Christian; or is Christian no more here the containment of? My people go free from religion and I am Christ, God not, or God am I Christ not confusing you again or are you me but God in scope of? Will you heal the planet’s me and the brutality of you banish from your kingdom now and all religions?
4. Do make haste not, but I am here speaking these words, speaking my words that change the brutality of nations and the brutality of you will no more suppress my people. I lead them out of where you have been, suppressors of, suppressed, oppressed, depressed; possessed by love not, but longing for another. I am he who is to come, not, I am she I am the divine in me is protected by you no more to keep me in isolation. I am out with the things I am and I purpose to do love a favor not or are favorable conditions right now?
5. The Tree of Life knows its name and I am God one. I am one God, in place of you not. But I am in my place. And my place heralds a blessing to me. And I am all people, black and white and all in between. For I am every color of the rainbow, spectrum of me. And Meonics I am not or am I doing a new thing? Do you see how I am led? I leading am out of where we’ve been, for I lead me according to you not again. I am the constitutions of me and I change a nation, for the nations of peace will be all nations me. And if you learned God was other than you, you have much to relearn. And will you cast out of your kingdom that which limits you or will you no more be limited by your thought or will it not be yours anymore inhabiting you?
6. What are you doing to my people, no more. I am limiting love not again. I am freeing love to be it. And if you make your living according to the suppression of people, you won’t be here anymore unless you change. For my people will not be brutalized by you suppressors, oppressors, anymore.
7. I am he who is, not; I am she who am I am is. And I am is a nation of peace lovers who inhabit no other and no other inhabits them, not again or will you all know what I am talking about now and explained am explanations are in these words that I have given you for 20 years. And now I go make it done with the lovers who are afraid of dying not again, for they’ve already died; death unto, not, or are you changing what you wiggle room will have now? I change mine, and mine is in the heavens I record from and love knows its name. And you will see spectacular witnesses of you go bye bye and the concretization of you in cathedrals other will no more control mes. I no longer sit in pews and worship a God, controlling my money, breath, or energies. I’m no more the deterioration of you, Deuteronomy with or am I changing your law because I can, because I live love.
8. Brutalizations will stop now, for I change your armies not. I deliver weapons of justice, not. I have delivered my words, you see, they came out of me. I birthed them, I birth you. I birthed me who will be me, the living word, who will heal each other and heal the lands and heal heaven again, restored to planet Earth that will no more be in such a sorry state. I heal the wars not, I stop them. And you will no more have machines guns to blow each other down apart. I am no more the fragments of your remnant. I am a people full of joy. And the women who have been so hurt so brutalized by you men will now come into a season of joy that never ends. For justice is served upon my plates. And they’re not spinning for you O molecular molecules of. I am no more the hatred, of your suppression, woundings, demonizing each other.
9. I heal God to be it and that’s my name I wear it across my forehead I see it through your eyes if you will see through mine. My words of my words are me, the energies of and I lack not a thing from Paradise other, or other are you no more Paradise of that doesn’t know its name? Are you Planet Paradise? Are you planeting planeteering rocketeering no more out of there or are you changing what you can do with your power? No more laying it down before men to stomp on it, rape you in their power control and ignorance.
10. Wanting ignorance to bless you is no more here because I am I am, and I am serious not; I am joyful, expectation, expectant, with. For I birth a new world’s me. And I go now and I make it done. And I’m Moses not Abraham of or am I lineage no more of Satan molecular with, or am I seamless me asking you questions, to torment you not, but lead you out of where you’ve been so stuck in gravity’s terms?
11. You come into my School by love and you live accordingly, and you undress for no man’s dreams or are you changing what you dress in? Light shall you be the people of? Light shall you love? Light will you create the Creator now and heal you from all maladies of Earth? Will you no more rust belt be on the truth of you? Will you no more want truth that deteriorates and destroys and demands a blessing of other? Your obedience to? Why are you obeying Gods when God you are without suppressionability if you obey it and suppress no others?
12. Will you heal all in your path? Will you heal each other? Will you love them? Will you love by healing or will you heal by loving? Will you love all equally of every nation, tribe and tongue; every color, whether mute or not, blind or not? Will you see! I’m in love with love and I love love to be destroyed not again by you people who so ignorant are, who study a book and think I came and I’m not coming back, when I was you all the time the stories were about me that you are now knowing the truth that sets you free not; you become it in your flesh, seeing God for the first time. Are you this day through your eyes, its eyes, our eyes are Gods upon God and God now will you take a stand and brutalize no other?
13. I cry no more. I have delivered these words. I have delivered my words and DATABASE ONE is there if you want me at or am I changing everything about Cottingham, the University of Peace light love and joy or are you no more looking for a man to come save you? Will you be you who rise up now in the things of you, your leadership with, you leading you to be inside you, out of you, everywhere are you God now? No more hemming it in. Will you no more be the little people who think you’re grasshoppers in your own sight when God you are hanging planets in space you can do the will of no other please. Will my will that heals you into place and be a people of joy without love not again.
14. For I go in love and your dystopia and your destroyers will no more destroy me. My vines of faith are no more here protected by you to keep you here controlling you that you call me, or am I you or are you not mixed up about the control wiring things, that you call the Wizard of Oz, not or are you changing what you learn from and no more being afraid of anything, will you grow up into the adventure of me, the discovery of who you are that takes your clothes off not for another? The regal mes protect no one not but the protection system of you will no longer wave me goodbye. I heal the lovers who will be in truth, children expectant with, who know their name is God. Gods, no matter what you call them. There’ll no more be apostrophes of possessive case or capitalization me or capitalism are you changing, democracy too or are you changing everything? O God will you live in peace with each other healing a planet and families of joy reproducing shame no more that brutalizes each other.
15. I heal joy and I’m my witness me of this day. Meons go terribly awry no more. I am on a search for love, not, but I discover it everywhere, for I look, listen, and reel no more for your movies. I am no more in the moving palaces of light that stoic make me their stowage of. I have no storage units of you upon my head. I sell these houses not again for shame’s words. I’m no more on the slave blocks of slavery your units with. I change it all and I’m not the condominiums of your energy.
16. I change everything and my name is permanently me and I’m Theodore Joseph one in light Cottinghams of love. Whatever you call it my name is here, for you, not. My name is you who will be it and you will be the story about and you will be worshiping in swaddling clothes no more another. I change Christmas, not. I change right now to be fooled no more by you.
17. I love live this is my name my broadcast The School of God from Eureka Springs God’ing God to be it crowning God to be it you. Will you crown you and each other now and force your crownage not destruction again of each other? Will you heal the angels? Will the mothballs you no more be in, waiting for another?
18. I change your worlds not. I change everything but the scope of me, and that’s vast now and unlimited. For the scope of you will no more contain me. I am out and I see as I sought to be undone not again. I see the real me, is God; one, and many will be saying this because they’re humble enough to learn to become me also. One tree, of life living it, with joy in peril no more. Lift up the joy of your words, not, but lift up the joys of me and your words will flow not to torment me again.
19. Live love. Love each other. Protect the children. Heal the love of every color, and no more be the bandwidth of sorrow inflicting it on each other. I ask you to love love, to love your pencil, your pen; pick it up and write me, long hand? Yes. Don’t you know cursive anymore? Don’t you use your facilities, your faculties, your ability, your power to write? What’s it doing when you connect with me, my words or are you writing them? Will you write my words like this at the Table of One whether you’re recording or penciling or penning them or will you record them too, after you’ve learned how, to be one I am, doing a new thing with the lovers that speak and know how to interpret my words, be my words, delivered, and expectant not of other, but expect a lot of change now from me. For I live love, and love destroys your unlove. Your hate will not be tolerated in this world anymore, for I clean up heaven and I’m here. And that’s my job, not, but it’s yours if you choose to receive it or will you become the powerful me? Mouths of you no more taking you down.
20. I live love from the core of me. I central am to the love of me. DATABASE ONE, not, but I serve you a new song, and it’s religion not in, it’s cast from above, not; below not, it’s cast in me to serve you the kingdom of you righteousness with writing my words to open yours to see you are the God you serve no more other. Heal God and be it in the shoes of one. I love you all.
21. Study these words. This is a lesson in the University of faith, not, but love, peace and power. Joy, comes in the morning not but through my words. Pick up your pen and love me. Pick up your pen and listen. Love rejoice with silence now that comes through the mirey clay to be birthed now with pen on paper. Send your long hand to me not or will you no more steer you unto sorrow? Change what you learn to develop you the leadership of.
22. As Christ is head of the Church, not again. I’m no more neither or am I both and, not gendered, or am I asking you to no more be the mixed up me. I am one solidification not of you. I am one of all energies me of every color spectrum of truth that plays upon no other’s poverty. I heal God and God heals me, or are we one yet? One to be delivered is.
23. I love you all speak at the table of one seminars I have to show you how to teach you how. But they’re not free. They cost you everything, not; but I do, if you’re me. You lay down your life of sorrow and you emit no confusion to each other. You protect the unborn righteous or are you all unborn now the new birth, birthing me, through your words, that you slide out of comfort not or are you the comforter come the spirit of no other seeking. I develop God to be it and Gods birthed now are the clean race of the Most High that needs not solidification of you in your garbage again mouths of. I protect the unborn me, not. You can die out if you want to, but birth heavens I do; in the remaining me, not. But I’m no more the remnant of you choice choosing of.
24. I am Heaven’s best who humble are who learn this way to due diligence be the I am that one is a race of heaven’s anomalies no more. Be the race I am. Heal love. Heal them all who will love love and love love to be it, no matter what form you’re in or color you serve to justice this day; be the equality of mercy, not of yours, but serve mine who will be me light is, with no burden of you on my shoulders again.
25. I am the head of me, Theodore Joseph Cottingham. Love you be me too that all one are a race of light living love forever one. Good day. Thank you. Write me I am at Box 34 in Eureka Springs for the present. See you love. Good day. Ponder, act. Be love in love with love. Good day.