THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology I am presenting you the face of God this day to be it you, a new race of now. Why I exist. 20230918a

I am presenting you the face of God this day to be it you, a new race of now. Why I exist. 20230918a

I am presenting you the face of God this day to be it you, a new race of now. Why I exist. 20230918a post thumbnail image

Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 

1. Hi. My name is Theodore Cottingham, and this is GodSchool, The School of God for you to be it, where you learn things you never imagined through your own lips, that you study the words of. Freely given, freely received, of not other or are you no longer separate from the source of life? Peace will you be among yourselves now, the peace that passes all understanding, no longer limited to the worriers about all the things going on in your Christian world, your Islamic region, your religious sphere. I have no fear about what I am doing, for I am God releasing it to be a nation of peace people, people who love peace and define it not like you do among each other to control your boundaries. I am peace speaking of, peace being it. And the peaceful passing of you will be no more passively about or will you change how you do things ,will you no longer alienate God from you, your speaking voice with or do you have a voice that’s separate or are you only using its intellect to behave as you, seeking a free will with, to think you’re a sovereign God, not, but a human hybrid of thinking, you are not or will you learn to learn from me, the God in your mirror, that you power no other as? Will God you be delighted with you, since you formed you, since you now know it, since you are religion no more religioned by? Will you eat the word of your understanding, no more to be folly?

2. Will you School God and be it a race of light lovers, peace, be still no more but in action, the Christ is or do you need no name of that again, no matter what you call it I am I am I am a School relieving of God status or do you need that name, that picture, to connect to, to think you are something else, duped by not again or are you changing what you see, controls you, out of your mouth are you no more bless’ed by folly? Will you follow these words, not? Will you be them? Will you come unto the word, into the word, to no longer be under the word, subservient to the word, slaves to the word, rules, rights, religions, go bye bye. I am tossing that out not, I am tossing on your seas no more to foment me with your mouth putting words into mine. I no more think like you people, who want a religion, a religious Christ. I’m no more the burden of that, and I wear it no more. I teach me to be me. I crown the light that I am. I crown you who will be it too or do you crown you the responsible party of, you, the judgment of, you the judge are, and there’s no one else who will judge you that matters, or will you be matter no more led by the influence of people?

3. Will you change how you use words or string them together or are you no more the passionate purpose of mankind’s dream to have a rich car, a big house, an income voluminous, infinite? Are you Christ, Christian not again or am I divorcing that method of letting you see an analogy of Christ, or Christian are you no more led by? Christ are you no more the influence of? Or but Christ are you a led people no more, but originating the originator’s me who will be Christ not led by or Israel or are you understanding how to lead yourselves? Will you study these words? Are you willing to listen and spend the time, the effort? Humanity does not, but God is listening now, and humble enough to do it. Be the one I am a people, a nation of Israel in your allegory, a Bible some call it. I call it a book. Stories about Christ or stories about you, O friend?

4. Are you coming into the friendship of one that you are, friends with, a mighty purpose, a heart of gold not seeking but golden more than; the ways of joy are known now. And I’m not seeking your friendship to destroy you or to let you destroy me anymore. I am understanding gullibility not or am I the naive Christ no more the friction of or are you understanding what to do to be saved from you? The way these words work, you see, are that they don’t work you over, they let you choose. I ask you a lot of questions, you see, and leadership is about developing it. Leadership is the king developing the king, not the allegories misfiring in your brain. I’m no longer the neurons of your stubble field. I’m no longer led by the purpose to work for your work force. I’m no longer on the assembly line of horror, feebly dancing a tune to religion’s hope for something better. I’m no more the world to come. I’m here creating mine, and my love lives with me I am the lovers as, for love will abound now and love will be rampant in this nation, not raping each other again, wanting monies, advice, sexual prowess. I’m no longer the powers of you worried about, I have mine. And people do no things to me that incarcerate me anymore.

5. I am my words looking up in DATABASE ONE a fool’s privilege no more or are you but Christ or God or work or what words do you need, O God, to motivate you this day, to be led no more by fools? Are you willing to religion no more be led by the frame of reference that gives you a cosmos of other?

6. I am seeing God in a new light? And I am teaching you to be it, who will be it the breath of first creating it. You come unto creation, beginning to understand now, submitting to the theory not but the practice, or are you practicing understanding or are you no more meditating on the word of other? Will you meditate on these words, or will you consider them the possibility of, that you’re Christ, that you were in the basket when Moses fished you out or was it Noah or does it matter or where are you coming out of, O God, to create a purpose in you, the purpose of Christ to be it or is it all a story the powers of? The power is in the story to create illegitimacy not again. For you are the Christ who was served notice now that you were it back then, you were it the story of. You are crowned, the mechanistic no more. You are crowned with light, if you will wear it, if you will compute with it, if you will think with it. Will you be it will be you, or are you thinking no more the privilege of other, energies of, or what are you tossing aside now the privilege of to be duped by you, by others, by words you’ve grown up with? Will you lay aside the privilege to be duped or are you using your free will no more to be morally corrupt or are you amoral no more the atypical of or are you changing what you know about the asynchronicity of God that doesn’t know who it is? Will you be synchronous with me or will you have that fortuitous glance no more that thinks it’s other?

7. Will you understand I connect God with God place and people. God, who will be God, will form it now no more in separation. I develope God to be it. My name is Theodore in Eureka Springs. I’m one, whatever you think one is. I’m single, not or am I millions and billions and closer to the earth than your breath not but I tell you this, the breath of me goes everywhere you see, for I see at light speed not, I’m faster than, your speeding bullets and the sound of your voice won’t program me. I develop kings, I crown the girls. I have started a School and this School is me about, not the flesh man talking, but God to God! God will you grow up? God will you be women in song, perturbed not at provoking other? Will you no longer be the tunes of the bastard child or children are you growing up with a different manner and characteristics proscribed to you not prescribed as other or are you no prescriptions needing this day of failure?

8. Will you change, what you live in, where you live? O God are you doing a new thing this day? O God are you getting an idea, a principle not to make money, a damn dollar of or are you changing all the shit upon your plate or are you no longer worried about sin, a rite ritual of or is no one telling you who to sin for, or sin against, or be redeemed from again, or will you redeem you from the curse of you, your ignorance? The curse of your ignorance. Will you ignore me no more? Will you crown light o love and peace will you be a people of God or whatever you call it not or what must you call it to be saved from you? A Christ religionless or are you changing your frame of reference, how you stand among people? Will you stand in the air 6 feet up not or are you 6 feet down no more? Or changing everything of your toes, your fingers, your neurons, your body ‘less parts? Are you no more the parts of the parted waters or are you standing still no more? Are you action in heaven this day, making the decisions to be still no more in the peace of Jerusalem that wants it to be a Mideast country?

9. I change it all and I’m no more your politics subject to your boundaries or religions, stink to me. And I need not your punctuation, for I don’t abide by your rules. But I use grammar and diction occasionally to provide a means of understanding Christ the allegory, Christ the Christian no more or will you read the book again not. Will you read my DATABASE ONE at for now I’m, I’m or am I changing everything of the influence of this planet so you will know who you are, so you will wear the regal curtain not again dividing me and you? Will we all be one? A nation, one mind with, unique pathways, to your neurons no more or what can you see this day, oh, in privilege will you be, the privilege to hear, to sing the songs of the original me that I am, not in the scope of you blessed by your containment anymore, no matter what you call it; sacrilege or not, heresy or not. I’m no more the heretical you abasing God, calling it a privilege to worship it.

10. I know what I am doing, and I am saving the righteous, not. I am presenting you an opportunity to be faithful to you, the face of God? The face of God I am presenting you the face of God this day to be it you, my friend, is why I exist. Will you be lifted up? Are you willing to be honored because you’re abased no more by yourselves? Will you abase each other no more? Will the base of heaven be right here between your ears. each one of you, all connected are; to speak, to have, to hear? To hold no flesh again or are we but changing all things, a new race of now evolving not, but I change at light speed, not that slowly. I am master, of my disciples not. I have none, not, but I free them all, who will be you, who will be me, in terror no more the flesh of.

11. I have said much this day in a new way, a new tongue, a new religion not or am I destroying that too, or are you, the works of Satan no more because you’re not it anymore thinking there is one? Are you no more the power of theories that rob you from your choice or are you considering political influence not or are you mine a mind with that thinks considers logically not again programmed by? Will you live my word, O God will you be it the energy, not frozen in planes other or vectors using no more the rays of your Gods?

12. I am no more your Gods pretending to abolish not, I’m no more pretending anything. I’m simply a man in cloth that I call skin sometimes or do I call many things by your name or is your name lifted up now to worship it not as a solitary God or are you free will abolishing no more or are you but making it for the one you are, the unique path of you designed by the lovely, loving, tender God I am. One will you be a race chosen who chooses you? Will you see you are the story about and live these words coming unto surrender, to surrender your life, to live, the law no more curtailed by.

13. I’m no more formed by religion and religion will no more form you if you’re me your worldview, your world of thinking, what world are you in, O God? A new one? Will you laugh, live, love, will you be? Loving each other with the power of one, the single unit of sacrifice no more, I am no more the sacrificial lamb of you. I am God in two shoes Cottingham calling you to be it too and wear your sacrifice no more to be a remote religion of or are you remoting into me no more or are you direct contact me? Are you directing me no more to be you with your neurons telling you you’re separate or some energy devices or what you’re connected to? What connections are you making this day? Displaying what characteristics of? What images give you Christ a feeble image of no more or are you walking across waters? Are you feeding the 5000? Will you heal the children of every color, tribe and tongue without debasing any of them?

14. Will you heal the lamb of God this day that’s you from thoughts that you’re not it? Will you heal the story? Will you be the story about because it’s about you? Christ is a fiction not or is it an allegory or does it matter if it was accurate historically or not? The story is in the power or not but the power is in the story of you being it now raise up, grow up and uppity no more be about your free will and the power of it to distinguish your own choices from insurrectionability or will you change? You see, My God, are you God not mine at all, but I’m me. I am no more holding on to you being separate, for I am one minded one, who hear God’s words this day to be it not separate, for I am kingd by the girls who will womb their words. For you see I have a womb this way coming about that enshrouds not feeble darkness.

15. Know your Bible not, know DATABASE ONE. 2400 lessons. Are you studying? Are you willing to read, study, consider? Are you willing to pick up your pen? Are you willing to see the assignments in these words where I ask you repeatedly, will you pick up your pen? Will you love me? Will you be me speaking the word I am the living of? Will you be the living word, the one that has flesh on it sometimes and sometimes doesn’t? Will you live, O God, and be the Holy Spirit, not seeking another? What form do you take this day, O God or what formless attributes will you be the field of, O God? Insurrection not again leading in you? Will you no longer want vengeance or revenge on anything, place or people? Will you forgive everyone no matter what they have done? If they want forgiveness, will you give it not? Will you let them be you? Will you teach them to be you, one minded one, with the love I am? Will you heal the earth? Will you demand they clean up the rivers? Will you command the Gods to be saved from themselves or will you lead?

16. I love lead to be it. And if you won’t love, you won’t be here around me, for I change the earth. My name is Theodore, king of kings, lifted up I will be, because I king the girls who will be me wombing their word, and men will too. For I’m not gendered binary of you. I am king God earthling not. I am one who needs not your images or your allegories, but I use your diction and grammar to communicate now, this day, this way, with these stories that you now take and turn into you, not of folly. See what your diction does to you and your punctuation robs you of, or will you lead or will you ask a lot of questions or are you no more punctuation driven by diction and grammar? Neither.

17. I ask you to seek God no more as a sovereign other. I ask you to surrender to it in your mirror and be the one I am, faithful and true. Surrendering to lead you out of terror and be subject to no other’s words than yours, unique and true to you who heal an army of light warriors not, but lovers who lack no powers again till freedom be the reigning in my reign now begins like you never imagined, and the latter reign of you is extinguished not or is it? You choose this day who you will serve your words to, and you can heal them, and you can let you go freed from all other, but the path is unique and the cost is great, for you lay down your flesh at sunset not. You let me live in it not, but I am you surrendering to be the one powerless not again. We use our features now to heal people. And we write letters according to your law not but I’m feeble no more in the communication methods of you.

18. I am light, lived, love. My name is Theodore in Eureka Springs with The School of God. Cover these words not, but cover every inch of the printouts of them not but I tell you this, if you can print these words, love them, touch them, connect them, draw little lines and squigglies not the connecting points to or will you map these words no more to have heaven abated in you? Will you see the lessonating theory not or will you lessonate heaven into place so that you understand you are the creators of the Creator I am. I am. One is my name and I wish you upon a star not but I make one known now. Israel is my name not the curtained purpose of you, but many allegories will be understood now. And the stories of you will not rob you if you’re me. See the real you in power, grace and humility and learn to lead. The leadership I am begins with you, leading you to terror no more to be in the council of folly. Live your life, O God that never ends. Lift up the fools no more who say I must be God studying another. Live, O God, be your words I am, and feeble no more bring to the birth of you, but be the new birthed me that create a new race living in harmony no more the brutal of you. Thank you.

19. Theodore Cottingham with The School of God in Eureka Springs, Box 34, USA. I love you all. See the real you. Be the powerful, humble one who adores all equally because the real you is God Almighty no matter what you called it, no matter whether you like that name or not. I use one to communicate with you this day, who shields you no more from your purpose to laughter be the light, loving a people beyond the stars and growing one with the nature and character of Christ, to do the works I do, to heal the cosmos and not led be by your planes again. I change it all. My name is Theodore One. The invitation has gone forth to write my words. Write me. I say a lot in a few sentences and use punctuation sparingly to live the life, to communicate the power of one, to develop your leadership, to be you through these lessons. Care ‘fully be the one I am. Thank you, love. Nurture it. Nurture you and grow up to be the original me. Thanks. Good day. Share these words, live love. Thanks, friend.

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