THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News will you resurrect the christ

will you resurrect the christ

will you resurrect the christ
will you christ be the priest of one
you are who christ is if you see it
you call yourselves
leading all leaders to be leaders
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
Tulsa Oklahoma USA
Voice file 120102_000
Video file 120102_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 2, 2012 at 7:27 AM and I give you many jet fleets of 727s not or do you come here now bearing many gifts not as unme’s did in the past when I was born in a manger or am I you was I you being born here at 302 South Sheridan ‘s witness not again of other are you changing everything will you be the christ born in your country English or America Farsi not speaking again or are you farced not by your countries redeem no matter what you lived in English America or not are you changing everything about what you lie ‘s’d in have been are you not the lying to each other again liars’d of Liar Liar not portraying again or are you Jim Carrey’s or Amanda’s weakness not again Pressler’s as or knowing me a lot of bottles not of genies appearing in or were you ever just hoping for Mahdi Hopi hopping not or changing everything about the American Indian reservations or Indians Punjab or India’s do you know anything about Pakistan’s Afghanistan’s where are the mountains are the lowly no more in the heavens are you the rife ripe for appearing no more or other are you no more changing you into other are you changing everything about what you shot down or shoot up in your veins cocaine’s teas as or changing everything about coffees unite or what’s uniting you coffees of coffeeshops not in the heavens again or changing everything about what again gained is are you gainers not wanting again of full power other so that you can shoot heroin in your veins or cocaines sniff or sniff out a cane of other to walk on when you’ve depleted your supply are you changing everything about drugs and what drugged you along its path of maim ery that maimed you in villages other or are you a lot of sand ‘s knowing not again are you the Sands of Time being reversed no more or changing everything about what dumbed you down or down’d you dumb made you not or are you making you dumb by what you want and wanted did and still want more of power love and a sound mind not of other or are you changing everything about rocking in chairs no more are you rockets propellers grenades propellants of are you propelling the word of truth will you be speaking through your noses not again nasal tones as or rolling r’s as such are you changing everything about the growl ings of mankind’s mind and mouths other where you’ve bitten off words to chew not or have they bitten you and tur moil’d you are you in turmoil not again turmoils of are you changing your oil supply do you have any one or are you me the oil of the virgins not of Paradise other am I the virgin are you are you the virgin of paradise having conceiving the christ child in your country or Tulsa are you light ‘s light will you be lit will you understand the sages ancients or vast appearings in me will you be me who I am not another country from or am I from Israel in the skies defined is this way are you Israel not of popularity other again only diminished by ignorance are you changing everything about the Jew are you one are Abraham ‘s your father are you Gods your father are you your father ‘s God ‘s R1’s are that God ‘s is in the heavens not mythology’s ancients again going to to only know Homer’s or are you homes not seeking Iliad’s for to shell your ben evolences or Ben Hur are you leading out of ancients texts and stones throw of notme or were you only stoning each other in your ignorance were you only lying in her ses of other where hearses took you to Hearst Castle not or are you but changing a lot of things what’s published where why now what are you publishing your words through me or me through you or are you you me now that I am one is
  2. are you knowing understanding the ignorance not of the perishing again or are you understanding how twisted pairs got this way are you weddeds not to twisted pairs again of double meanings or are you knowing mine not double helix’d again or changing everything about helio coils looking up in these words are you pads for no other landing in your mouths again cilia of are you silica’s not again sulfurs as or changing everything about the compounds of faith are you changing your transcription series are you opening Database Five now who am I talking to or will you are you opening Database One yours your own are you who do you belong to do you belong to no other again are you wishtians no more again only wanting a club of other of your theology wishing you’re right hoping you are something of a third degree not of other or are you changing everything about the degree ‘s of faith or face have you given you only yours to seek and behold other are you creating not the creator of other again o worship er of other not again o were shiper are you not worshiping again what you worshiped only an ethereal makeshift believer being or were you only making on sands time or time were you sands ‘d or were you brittle ‘s not anymore brittleing breaking your time in have to coffins go to other you won’t be made in brittle ‘d for you won’t be eating peanuts again or will you peanuts sniffling be no more again salts as seas of other is no more seas of other no more control you you are not seized by your sneezing again or were you only peppers or joys for steaks peppered or not George ‘s Peppard not or are you changing all about the actors of faith or were you on the stage of faiths other were you only acting out a life given to you was or did you create it you were you you just following a chain reaction of failures fission or fusion what were you fused to belief of other or were you creating it by your charms dreams and what you wanted
  3. are you not wanted cast by again in castes other are you changing everything about what you take off your arms or are they not breaken broken anymore shelled oils for are you changing everything about what you broke ‘n machinery of are are you changing everything are you no longer R’s for other are you changing everything about what you know and understand how you teach or are you led only to believe in other by teachers who don’t know their right from left or up or down polars exclusionary not or Poland are you excluding no more from the round table or Malgosia’s there Wojtek’s not or are you knowing a lot of rejects not again you call yourselves are you self’d not by selfery’s self again religion of are you looking in the mirror no more calling yourself mankind are you Angels of The First Degree will you know who heaven is where populated by what I buy the kings table not again try I dogs not again vomit out for their words repeating thems what they gave me I seek no grades of Paradise other no tiers of other will ever seek me again to beneath them put me or were they only putting their selves above me or what were they putting above me themselves or their cells of their pastures or dreams of being someone important or paid well or succinct ly successful or were they just following out orders of commands other given to them on their radar screens shields are you changing everything about the radar ization of fields other and what spun Paradise into webs other deceit of other will no more take place here I sit in the seat of the scornteous not again did I ever or did you are you scorning you are you sitting in the kings seat scorning you day after day thinking you’re righteous not but taking God down scorning and scoring and casting off your regalia to be the christ are you the christ not ignorant again are you dogs licking vomit not again are you dogs not wanting vomits again nor dogs licks lying in that you slap each other with words of ignorance are you hairs not wanting balls for other to only be confident in your success so that you look successful a certain way
  4. are you changing all your definitions I have changed mine I am loves love I know what it is now I know love because I met it or did I speak it did I learn to speak about love because I became it are you one who will have the will of no other are you map rooms in making plans for not departure other or are you departing a lot of things earths ville of other vile of other be no more please I spell a lot of things or do I de-spell a lot of things or spell a lot of things with definitions other have I defined mine in these words Database One beginning first with will you please know and understand with me being me becoming me are you studying me to become me are you me not ignorant again were you me all the time not seeking religion again shall you be now the first of the first DEGREE of love will you know anything about printing out these words studying and transcribing yours will you release the faith verse of not other again or will you be the faithful to record my words will you be the faithful christ knowing and delivering me unto me having not the virgins of failure again at your disposal or are you disposing of no other christ again are you changing the 99 or going after the hundred dollars or me are you changing everything about what you need what you want what you wear what are you wearing your words want no more are you wanting not want to wear you again are you changing everything about how the world works do you know understand will you be not ignorant again will you change lies shame lives no more of other that you don’t understand or make enemies with or are you not making enemies anymore are they killing you or can they can you be not regardeds as other again brethren as are you all brethren of The First Degree women men women of other not taking thee down or were you only taking you down to shoot you of The First Degree with machine guns not again AK’s of or changing all about the A’s appearing of christ will you be the Angels in the Angels be will you be the Angels that all A’s make will you be A’s finishing completing my courses will you course the christ will you all be coals off the altar not again or will you all be taking my words not converting them to other machine guns as what are you changing o love will you be the christ sitting before maps in map rooms recording will you be studying laying out on the roundtable not theories of other or looking at my ships for devastation other not again what are you changing the piratesphere or the pyrosphere are you not in again
  5. I love you all to sphere me not again in your fearings teachings and all that you combobulated did do for each other to each other that you two’d with are you changing everything about the dualistics nature of christ or were you only ignorant bred for ignorance ignorants by I change all the ignorants or do you change you what are you willing to be understand and know are you knowing all will you be taught by christ that you are will you be taught by heavens best that you are will you be taught by lack no more that you are lackluster or shiningnots are you changing everything about the flesh how you understand and know who I am what you are one is christ being the superfluous not of other
  6. I change everything about payrolls dreams and money to pay them and taxes won’t be anymore as thought was or will you not have any payrolls tax or socials security are you not socialing security again to be warms’d over in deads brains or are you not dead brains again only walking around life supports on others are you not feeding dollars yen and what ever your currencies lie rubles in or changing everything about the rubblings rumblings or what winds of war are faiths no more are you changing everything about face books of approval are you not written in rosters other are you changing everything about how you socialize this year ‘s are you not the dreams of other led by friends other to popularize your media sites of other won’t take me down I change the numbers less not or do I change everything about what n stands for
  7. I change everything o love I love you all and I’m Peppard not or am I prepared am I you christ is your name here written in these words will you write it will you speak it will you be it arising at 7 a.m. in your time or mine will you be at 302 South witnessing not again of other or will you be me just a simple sinner no more that’s separated from christ that you were all the time in your genes not doubly helio coiling oxes again or are you ox ‘s no more mail for or changing everything about what you know and understand ID’s of open identity of loves will you be or changing everything about your identity are you Bournes Jason no more Jason’s for or changing everything about Brazil Debbie’s love or Ted’s knowing all about me not winwan’s again or changing everything about the language you know and understand are you knowing one English will you be or Israel’s proper in the skies are you knowing me Jewish faith not again that only gives you priests of other are you the priest of christ will you christ be the priest of one that is in your household not of other where is your house holed not of other hold other not in your arms again or are you changing all that you know about what you thought was so secure and precious are you precious rings not anymore to precious moments other or considering a statue iconic or not are you changing all about the values of clotheby’s or Rothby’s other are you changing everything o christ will you be the christ that christ you first from Afghanistan pack istan or what are you packing to come here now or are you not packing at all a brief case of other are you cases not for beer barrels of other are you changing mine have I any to drink or are you only clean Picards slate not or are you the richest the christ will you be the most humble of all will you be the one who loves all
  8. will you change the pathaheathen or the parapathetic not or are you paragraphs writing me will you learn how to know and love and put words together or dissect apart not others again are you changing everything about the bloodflow of christ are you not bloods for others crippings again crimpings of are you changing everything about what you know and understand about the faiths world of other are you changing not your faith again or have you but any face of love are you loves love faced not by the crowd of other or walking through it all are you rising in the heavens will you be the heavenateds that needs no fuels of other are you changing everything about warmths and colds I am not cold again I am not frigid waters in or am I in the seas of love not making C’s again on report cards other where is mine have I made mine all public am I graduateds this day are you are you graduating now will you be in the skies recording me changing all about geographies demands and where countries lie in continental plates shelves other not again shelving your genes words not again will be turned offs on’s will be me or will you be me not knowing the fore beasts of the Apocalypse other won’t be 2012 ing me but I will be shelving a lot of things that taught me other I will no more be carrying carting them around in my genes I will change all my information or mouths will I mouse not be needing Microsoft’s of or are you changing the micro ic fibers or fibrous are you of tumors other cancers cancerous of are you changing everything about the healings in your country will you heal it will you be the christ redeeming your country ‘s country will you christ be the country of faith no more in other face ing books other are you not booking into jails other warrants for arrest or are you exonerating all will you be the christ will you heal all not be on death rows again sending you to Angel camps not or are you sending no more to death rows again to only coffins have approach of are you not coughings or coffins wanting again are you changing everything about the blood flow or tuberculosis muscular sclerosis or livers other
  9. are you not the living in will you be the living in Paradise will you create it will you know anything about your brethren and sistern across the universes will you create new ones will you devastate others no more with your thinking little and littles being Doug’s Schloth not or are you knowing all my Linda’s of love lace or not or having no lace laying in coffins other are you roses no more preparing for rosie’s grave or Grier’s other grief’s other you won’t be ladened by I know Don and Sally’s not or do you heal them all your friends naming listing them here in your books of faith no more be ridden by I change everything o love I call you all love no matter how much you weigh how much you’ve hit or been hitten’ I hidden am not again or are you hiding not your christship again in your language face or faith be not burdened with the past what you have looked like ‘d or read taught or been bin’d in I bend you not backwards not or change I everything about the right angles of faith 90 degreed won’t be anymore or the degrees of faith will you no more seek 30’s of masons or changing everything about the Masonic orders or what orders are you taking no more from cultures other are you changing everything about the influences of you that you influenced or only sought be’sought of sot’d others you want absorbed be I change everything and who am I one simple witness of no other I be christ that reveals the christ are you you are who christ is if you see it he it one shall be you she it of the divine order of faith no more or orders are you no more Masonicing masoning or devastating other countries by world trade orders other no more trade bank me I am not papers deva stated by and tatering your couches won’t be dicks other again I change everything about the conceivings of me and Dick Tracy’s watch I’ll be looking for not but a lot of scientifics will no more shame me by their ignorance or wanting devolutions other
  10. I devolve not into other again or am I changing all black holes theory or are you black as whites no more or knowing anything about matter matterless are you DNAs no more conceiving in yours universes of as christ shall you be or christ shall you be developing no other are you anti no other will you arise and speak me like this at 7 a.m. in my classes courses mine will you be in create ing me will you be at 302 landing at Tulsa ‘s International Airport are you the international galactics will you be establishing creating here will you know the portals of heaven will you be heaven creating creators are love me well I am not benign not or am I not benign to your ways are you establishing no ways of unchrist again are you tearing down christships no more again are you shooting down rocket shelters no more or what are you sheltered by need you one anymore are you changing everything about where you go address and what in your genes is addressed by no other I’m Addressograph’s not but I graph a lot of things or do I map in terror no more I change the map rooms of faith and strategies sessions of other will no more stratagem me or will I be the tacticals mess no more or the strategic other are you looking up in these words what I am saying will you be me who lessonates theory not again will you be me who needs no pause ‘s of reflection for diagrams other diagrammatic in or diagrametric are you no more are you changing everything about how you graph and understand mapping linking words are you my lessons in preparing posting making each day making postings each day and every deliver me who loves me become me every delivery not or are you delivering the christ to you are you growing the christ within you are you the christ not neurons’d of other again neurotics of erotics other will be no more
  11. I change the erotica of influence other in Washington’s pony stable or are you Flicka’s out the stables now or are you tamed no more for other trained no more for other are you the training christ in training will you be training all the galactosphere will you love start here will you be the most humble of all needing nothing wearing nothing or will you be your words no more ensconced in what you devastate is no more for you are not the devastators club of clubbers anymore you are not the christnots developing again
  12. I christ the christ and I change everything and who am I one who you cannot kill or will you not try to kill you again that the real is will you be christ not killing your brother your sister your love er of one are you one that loves all equally no matter what they look ‘d like to you in your former faith or face have you no face of faith other are you not faithing other again in your Facebooks are you friending no other christ of other or taking tearing each other down are you loving bodies no more as failure are you all lights not flesh again are you flesh not lights again putting out or changing everything about what you put out will you put out of your kingdom put you out no more will you bar yourself from your kingdom no more will you Katie be no other barreds as or will you barge not into kingdoms devastating others and ripping their wings off will you changing be everything about you will you know and understand not the fake façades of other that’s porch’d you portulaca’s given you or are you in these words looking up in these words these things that I have so devastatingly understood not or am I the most humble of all you are you are one’s one will you be one in one understanding what one is now I have devastated not or am I changing all your definitions of one will you be the new years in 2012 will you be changing everything this year will everything change you not to be its again in id ‘s other
  13. I change all about the connecteds and the connecteds other won’t enter me or will I enter the christ or be it delivered conceivings are conceive the christ well I have conceived much or are you conceiving me at 302 will you be the words witness of no other are you changing all about your atmospheres of faith will you not be cast in again will you transtaneously speak me or transplant me no more to other extemporaneous christ will you be conjoining words not of other or making many etomemes or gnomes not again are you genomics not interesteds in now are you changing everything about the genetic race of mankind’s failure are you not clones ‘d for are you changing everything will you clone no more of other will you change everything about what you did done and who are you doing to christ not other again taking ripping wings off other by words won’t be again I change everything about what how you are treated I change everything I treat the mans of mankind’s mind not or do I change everything about your minds or do you change the mind of not failure again to be unchrist will you resurrect the christ will you be it you always were will you not be ignorant again will you christ the christ oh son of a bitch no more be of flesh or were you only bitching yourselves thought or thoughts were you cast in aflame ‘d by are you changing everything born again will you be in the skies not your faiths of English other or changing everything about your face books what are you studying now will you be led no more astray or leading all leaders to be leaders of the faith no more of other will you in the skies be the resurrecteds are now will you the glorified bodies be no more of faith’s other I change everything o love I devastate all religion or do I obliterate it do I be one simple one that walks in jeans I love you all and I am in tenny pumps not or do I give you new ones skates not again to skate around genes in or changing everything about the gliders of scopes or trials not again monkeys in see I do as other no more again I create the christ that says this do this does this unto me no other again I create the christ conceivings all as christ I treat you all as christ and you won’t treat me as other I be you not here if you’re other other create in you no more as other please and thank you be the christ delivereds raised up appraised are you lifting all your mankinds what you’re creating are you creating the race of joy christ is are ones are R1’s are are you not the B models of faith before again or after I change everything are you will you be in 2012 a new person a new faith christ or faithless christless will you be no more but the face of christ one will you be B1’s no more bombings me but I tell you this I take a lot of radio active shields no more or do I change everything about what radio’d was were
  14. I change all about communications I change o love I am the lovers loved and I start here begin at 302 lovely are your faces words not or are you the face of love no matter what you look like ‘d to you or each other I change everything and I’m Mohawk Parks in but I wear a lot of mohawks not again or scalping am I no more each other change the love and grow out your hairs not or change everything about the balls of faith or are you no more bowling in ions alley or what cosmos cafés of light do you know now I change everything o love I create coffees unite not or do I change everything about commerces love and what you have loved dollars for succinctly others be no more for I’m cast in their loves light no more I change all about the advertisements of faith or do I change everything flames aflame other no more be’lights me as other I know the difference I create christ here’s I am at 302 South Sheridan’s witness of other not but loves other will no more be loving other for other will be known for what it is and I be lights lit and I’m at 302 ‘s love be again you please deliver yourselves unto unloves no more be the christ loving all transcribe my words yours your words mine each others will you all be love ers loved will you love change everything about the mores of hate in your country that were ensconced in your sands hills and time
  15. time is no other time is no more other is no more A is no more B C not or are you changing all about the letters of faith behind your name face regards other not but I’m DSL’s of love not or are you knowing my courses of The First Degree will you be christ regards one as one I know the definitions of love be loved again throughout the galactospheres universespheres creates all anew I do teach how just like this be the humblest of all bowing before all I honor all no matter what you have done lifted up or been ensconced in for I’m skirts of failure not or am I de-skirting a lot of fenders or are you forebrows’d no more wearing the veil of other are you minds open now are you opening yours to your kingdom are your kingdoms there are you brittles not of failure again eating peanuts of are you changing everything about what you have eaten faiths of platters of face other will no more behead me I wear the face of christ the head of christ is one all of you are one one are that’s what God is defined this way born ‘s again are love you all the identity of faiths no more I be’faith not or do I de-shield a lot or reveal all you are done and have I reveal everything love knows love is I love you all revealeds be this day resurrecteds are christ ones amen good day
  16. see you love be it amen no matter what you were be christ develop ‘d this way thank you transcribe love be honest humble sincere loving respectful change your values of mankind in your country be the leaders of love first developed here am good day love be never coffinated again never coughing again tuberculosis of bloods other not but you will know Oral’s love not or will you know his campus or mine I am theirs there however you spell that shall you or shall you de-spell a lot of things there in your countries or lives be the ones orally no more placating or will you change all about languages yours will you be the language of faith no more but face of one christ be in the heavens Israel is and I’m Israelis garbage not but I take a lot of things out of your countries or are you changing yours will you be the leaders of love will you be cast in not the frames of reference other I change all about the fps or are you recording me ABCs or CBN’s not again or are you simply me lovers of faith joy and peace or do you have faith in your words or are you simply simple enough to believe to begin will you begin will you begin this New Year’s me everything changes
  17. I change everything and I am 2012 not or am I you changing everything right now I love you all write me well I am at 302 South Sheridan Tulsa’s light live in be it ensconced in no more giving returning to your country what are you giving your leaders light lie no more in others ensconce others no more in the ancients past of texts other thank you love know mine develop yours one’s one mind is good day love be see you broadcast well learn how right here I teach many miracles not but you will change a lot of lives changing mine or yours first you decide don’t you be ensconced in no more develop the christ mind of one good day amen fools’d by no other resurrect the christ thank you good day.
* * * * *
This Lesson is part of Database 4 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously by theodore cottingham.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that what GOD is will teach all peoples ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
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Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth the word through you; becoming it.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.

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