THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News is shall no more be the past driven by

is shall no more be the past driven by

is shall no more be the past driven by
will you be christ this New Year’s Day
will this New Year’s Day start everything for you anew
will you change everything will you be willing to learn
what are you willing to learn
will you be christ
language of one
priest of one
lesson of one
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan, Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
Voice file 120101_000
Video file 120101_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 1, 2012 at 12:29 PM bringing you peace or giving you a new diet all of worms not again am I tofu eating not or Charles Rambert’s Lambert’s me not again a lot of rolls as for I make no cinnamon buns a part of my diets not or am I changing everything about what I eats why where are you changing everything about picking your teeth are you not in public anymore doing a lot of things you called normal or are you the normalcy ‘d crowd not of other again seeking or changing are you everything about your diet of worms and what you have poked down each others throats as are you changing everything about theories and oh cranberries me not again or am I making no soups of other again soup de loop in are you loop de loop ‘s’d no more in looping the loops of notmes cords around you are you changing everything about the diet umbilicals cord as
  2. are you changing ask ing a a lot of questions are you about nets interest not or are you changing a lot of internets nets and webs of deceit ‘s are you deceivings not others again so only you can make monies are you changing everything about what you want to make monies for are you not the wanted wanters of wanting reproach of other other as cast you in their frame of reference I will not any more or will I not knot any more knotted ups be are you knocking up no others for pilgrimages Paradise ‘s to or to Tulsa’s are you going now to be me in pilgrimage not of other are you pilgrims of The First Degree not knowing pilgrimages other are you pilgrims of Pillsbury not again or changing are you all about the flours wheat and bulgurs other are you vulgars not again in advertisements deceiving are you changing everything about artificial interests are you not of foods flavoring or deceiving mankind’s again FD of approvals belligerents not or are you a bunch of belligerent no more trusting as each other fools you are you changing everything are you asking the questions are you reading the packages are you studying diligently to perform be me or are you not performing other rites in for others are you changing everything about the right of privilege other for you to write me will you write me now will you first-person words be penning my wisdom not of the ancients again are you changing everything o southerners northerners not again or changing everything about the poles polars what is destined to now not be again or is everything changing now now will you be the now’d not skinny wanting suits of other or fat bese obesity’s of are you changing everything about what you consider liein or lambed are you liam’s not again of lambs’d other are you lambing no other in your genes are you blasting no other but out are you your kingdom no more are you rising to your kingdom be established in will you please now
  3. will you changing everything about the now and put off till later not again anything or everything are you making a lot of changes in now are you now’d are you now will you be not the resolutions other again sinking Titanics ships in or ice bergs of lettuce not again be’thump me but I change a lot of thinkings and I am thumpings not again thumped by thoughts other I am not banged head up by bangings in your banged-on bang-ups of bangings other shall not sham up me again shamblin’s as or will I know a lot of lamlins or tomlins lomlins or beasts of Paradise will you no more be bred for by that you only did to yourselves your decisions own making are you making not your own decisions or are you making mine or are you mine not turned off to Paradise again are you me making willing to be making Paradise in your genes are you the stewarded soups of no other soups’d by duped by others you won’t be religion ‘s car lots in or changing a lot of things about your Carlotta’s or Deloitte’s are changing touche and bells not but douch ‘e will be no more or will you B be’s no more I change a lot of B’s models or do you change everything about what you were modeled after are you not modeling after A’s or T’s again that only shank rankled in bees bumbled other not but a lot of rumble seats I see no more or are your buns not stacked on your heads anymore are you changing everything about the way you dress figures or changing your checkbooks not to be romance tics other
  4. I change everything what I work for is no other I work for other no more I change everything about work I work no more for work to monies only pay for other I change everything about what other was and is shall no more be the past driven by that is my name or are you my name the past is no more driven by the future or are you changing all about time are you understanding everything what was is no more are you changing your futures mine your mind ‘s mine or mind yours that yours is mine is that one is are we now understanding these things not scratching the interests of other or log rolling in Congress ‘s other I change everything about parliaments unity or congression al affairs are you changing all about yours are you affaireds no more here on earths are you changing everything about what you diction ate and dictionaries lie in are you not etymologicals any more ontologicals of wanting ephemerals other to e FEMA me is no more I form not other disasters catastrophes in or are you catastrophe cook no more lying in cooks of your flames are you changing everything about what you’ve cooked up and schemes to monies make
  5. are you changing everything how you spend your time about about are you mine in the skies will you be mineless no more again will you mindless be again no more apart from mine or were you only mine that separated in your belief grief and suffering the Almighty consequences not or were you deemed unworthy by yourselves you what are you opinion ating no more pinionated by others no more ham burger me I change all the burgers not or Chief Justices counsel not other are you seeking or believing or asking the right questions are you running for Congress presidents or are you the right-hand of affairs not of other giving your hands to are you changing everything about what you have handled and what you have not
  6. are you honors privilege will you be the privileged will you be the honored not handed off to other to back stairs reproach make the help use or are you changing everything about the help ers yous what are you not using yous for other again that only wants a payrolls charm or changing are you everything making presidents or kings are you monarchs of not failure again or benevolent dictators not to yourselves again that only incarcerate yous in your own thinking will you not be believed or are you not believing the belief of others handed to you on royal platters because they think of you so highly dearly or wear vestments of reproach mitered hats as are you changing everything about the robes of mankind and the neg ligees other are you not negligents anymore accusing of or negligence wanting to be negligees of other is no more or are you Paradise negligent not of studying are you now will you be the studiers of The First Degree me having me am I you not in bed with other again that only wants a robed shoe or a crowns ‘d life of other are you changing everything what turns you on or turned you on did are you not turned on sides even baked as other again odds making performing are you changing all about your performance acts and what acts you performed for others are you not Linda Lovelace again going to or are you but forgiving all no matter what they stuffed down your throat are you religions no more seeking suffering from penises other as you have sat there in pews on rugs lied in and sought Allah or a God of other whatever you called Christianese or Hinduese or Buddhists other are you not preparatory again for hells making again in your genes
  7. are you changing all about your genes are you changing everything about the faiths of mankind’s face in itself are you facing yourself will you be christ this New Year’s Day will this New Year’s Day start everything for you anew will you change everything will you be willing to learn what are you willing to learn ways of Paradise not seeking again that only gives you an other to wait for be’seek other not again in your genes learn how to study seek and be me not the privileged other wanting again celebrities as or will you change your face es books not to be other or turn away from mine not again I am Facebooks other not but I change a lot of catastrophic illnesses now not or do I prepare or am I Weeden’s weeded out no more but Dave’s I know of gluntil’s era not but I make a lot of gluons known not again or shall gluel be me or change everything about what you elle’d or on’d by ong’s I change the ong of mankind’s bells and the bell of other is no more St. Mary’s bells as or are you belling not a lot of bell curves again are you changing everything about signatures faith symphony of or barely’s Epperly are you not Epperlyfied again or changing everything about what your batons interest say or perform acts on others won’t be or will you be the acts of the christ I love you acts mimicking not but the performance of one knows me all well will know me my name’s Theodore not again of other Ted’s or bears other or do I bare my chest before you or my whole body or you am I you are you bearing before other you all your facts and wants
  8. I love you all what you have motive’d is no more or are you motiving a crowd no more of motorateds other are you worshiping no more as other worsted wools of or only pine trees wanting bark of peppermints other no more be’seiging me but I make a lot of interest changed or known will you be tofu’s interest or veggie burgers not again eating or eating what are you my words now in the heavens are you changing everything about oils grease what are you looking up in these words semens not of others what are you semens not for conjured up others in your minds agrueds not or changing everything are you studying printing out these words will you transcribe them faiths not being again interpreteds as I interpret my words own I do or do I on my words am I on seven equals parity not again of other or do you know anything about the compareds not equal again to other or changing everything about the B1’s bombers are you not bombing again or embalming mes
  9. I change everything about the balmy’s weather or are you me catastrophics no more in cats of other parade no more around but I change a lot of things mapping and linking my words I study hard or do I fool softs no more that only want a cream of the crops dela them I change Della Reese not but a lot of Reese cups will no more be’swell me I’m obesity’s not perishing in again or was I only protons neutrons and charms of other I am elect tro’s other not but I change a lot of trons and I’m equal seven on owning nothing again or am I you all of you owning heavens or are we all the new starting out new to not others is there any por’trash of each other no more garnered again will be the trash of mores other I change all the trash cans or trash men or women or were you only trashed out to be no more bins’d for others words
  10. are you changing everything about what you store and the stock and store of other is no more are you looking up in these words what are you where and why what are you wearing why and eating what with who whom and what illnesses shall you no more be in are you healing on your own are you on the christ not owning other again are you on ing no others ideas however you spell that what are you owning not again a cloth of other to be only substantive other in your minds thoughts eyes are you empirical evidence no more seeking are you of the third eye or only knowing my mind mine that only one is that I have one for you or you it are one’s R1’s are I love you all beseech other no more again as other I develop the christ I create christ I develop christ I love christ I am you are I am I am all of you who surrender not to be other fed by again bulls of other no more is I change is or now do you now change is are you past no more garnereds by protecteds by no other I am the lambs no more needing it I am the ones who develop maturity I love you all matured christ be amen good day
  11. I love you all new days me new Ubuntu’s not or am I having trouble with no more installations of other or changing are you everything about what you installs on your mainframe are you B1’s no more for ENIAC’s other that you carry around on your heads shoulders are you the head of christ the heads of christ are you all one are one R1’s are I love you all new I make terrors not again be the christ enamored ‘s with no other in enamorment fails me not or has enamorment failed yourselves that you created to admire yourselves with
  12. I change all the Luciphers of mankind’s mind or were you all one that one was is no more is that being created I am new all new am ‘s am good day love I see you all Lorraine as or quiche not or am I making a lot of change ‘s about the eggs or dowries lineage of you are the priest of one needing no dowry lineage of other I create the christ by the surrendered love me lineage well one is link to no other I link all my words map and make not maps other again in my laps but laplinking other I’m not but I change a lot of laps now and laptops open to record me like this just like this
  13. I love you all no matter what day it is new days here are you making one new resolutions not again of other but I change the new years here new days one I am loving you all good day this is Theodore Joseph Cottingham 25 minutes of Paradise precious moments or hours few to remain in or are you no seconds left the clock is empty not or are you of all ideas other times stand stills now or are you the air heads of no other called to the head ‘s of the table are you the heads of the head that head is only one not the arms ‘d of reproach other bearing for no others I bare the chest of blood pumping muscles not but you’ll know my bodies and I am one ‘s one ones one is R1’s are glorified bodies be are faiths no more face books of other no more terrorize me but the book I write the lambs of love will be and know open up me mine I am my brains clean or my bodies or am I my thoughts processed by no others seeking no other mores I change everything I christ the christ and who am I one simple no bitch of other taking me down or was I ever the only one that bitched myself that pitched a fork in my tools shed not but I shed a lot of things and the clothes of other will no more cover me or will I be nudes no more in your words noodles as spaghetti brains other will no more tear me up and I will no longer sit in silence dev astated develops the christ I do far and wide be at the kings table the tables of one in cosmos one force field one know all about I love thee well I give thee all I am and arms’d other you’ll need no more approaches of for I approach the airports not or are you in the airs of notme not again but the air of love you carry be birth ing now are you the christ are you the heirs of one not the atmospheres of other carrying around or birthing in your genes again I seek what love ‘s love birthed well oh my soul not be again souls’d of
  14. love you all the the glorifieds this day alls anew be the creating it alls one I am glorifieds am’s am glorifieds now at 302 be the witness of no other in again ensconced in no other be the christ glorified hands not but the bodies of christ will all be me wearing no other ‘s words again see ‘k the christ be the christ not beaking other again for nor putting others words or ideas in beaks other again be ‘aker me no more for I’m James not or Bleeker will I be no more of other am I knowing you all redheadeds and not blue and green are you everything going to and redeeming now are you galactics on purpose are you shames not again anchored to earths osphere Ursula’s Andress not or but am I all of you knowing time backward and forward time forward and backward times time is up and times I am done in I go to all seek me first be me first and foremost love the christ enough to be me speaking my words this way develop yours not again as other for I will romance your languages not but I change everything about the tics of Paradise that only syrup’d yous dry ice I change everything be the bled no more of other and ticks other will no more place its prongs in you by religions fork of its mouths no more going into mine
  15. I change everything o love be at the tables of one recording mes just like this the courses of love know one ‘s mine open is the open kingdoms are open yours first be the mouths of no other for smacking garbling gobbledygooks other is no more change everything the language of one be pure love pristine perfect speaking just like this amen to each other in each other be the christ develop matureds on the crown of one the king of one the crown of life wearing it being it altogether one ‘s me I am’s you who love is not garnered by terror again I am James Stewart not or am I all of you acting out on the stages of sorrow no more or performing acts of other religion as I change all the ast’s of terror not or namaste do you know greet each other with or bowing are you before the christ all of you before each other to now be now’d in the lesson of one know the christ is perfect be ye therefore perfect the christ be thank you amen
  16. I love you all equally good day be enamored with no other covering no more other shall you wear the burqas are gone the veils are gone was there ever any but fake’s façade faking you out no more again be Allah’s Paradise in no more or ARE YOU GODS ALL OF YOU GOD ONE IS that GOD is guided by no others words speak mine have mine delivered to you in you will you be the deliverer being my words birthed in the heavens be the new born again this ways is what it means is I have defined well many times good day love see you amen Ubuntu’s mine know me love me and windows to Paradise you’ll have not or will you be creating new houses or castles in the air not again mansions of failure taxes paid by other no more surmounts you change everything surmountable be no more or insurmountable will you be the heavens on in ongs of no other thong me but I’m g’s of love no more but R1’s are love you all good day amen perish no more rise eternally grateful the king is for all of you am one are thank you good day.
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This Lesson is part of Database 4 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously by theodore cottingham.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that what GOD is will teach all peoples ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
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Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth the word through you; becoming it.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.

The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.

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