will you have a Seminar of One now
I jean the christ
I the language of one have yours
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan, Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
(918) 732-9140
Voice file 111203_000
This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham December 3, 2011 at 7:39 AM at the Seminar of One or hosting are you one that one is now so surrendered simple to be simple to be your genes or mine I love you in either one not or are you one clouding the witness of me not again are you having sharing my witness of me in seminars are you making them marking them time as not other again in your genes are you timeless crossing out other not or bras of other over your eyes not again are you closing many things to see me or closing off miracles not again are you miracleaffied here at 302 are you the great rooms in are you having mighty many in close cramped quarters not or but are you having needing none anymore quarters of dimes or nickels pennies or dollars or great crowds anywhere to call you yourself successful or not are you having twos and threes in my coffeeshops are you having many me mighty other not again seeking are you seeking no numbers numerical success ‘s of are you changing everything about what Estée Lauder’s you or lauds you not as other are you changing everything will you have a Seminar of One now will you be hosting it will you be the host of not other again in your veins what are you feeding seeing what are you seeing seething not in again your words mysteries of kindness of other not are you changing everything are you about how you seethe not again in seeing other as witness other will you be the Seminar of One host promoter or simple surrenderer to have one leading it are you the leader of love that leads all to love to love all leaders to be who promote kindness in every way or being the simple surrendered who christ are knowing the difference are you now are you love personified not in other again chocolate coffees of or are you changing everything looking up in these words knowing how I speak where what why and wherefore have I given thee this time to choose O Jezebel be not again all of you whores witness not again o’ers the seas of sorrow.
I change all the OEMs or do you make all things differently now by industriousness not of other again industrializing other what are you in your veins no more sought as vainous mysteries of christ will you be not the vainaffied again seeking glories of glory to glory won’t be again glories of other for I glorious am not or am I one simple one who surrendered are to plant host a mighty vine of not other in my vine age or line age of sorrow my lineage of sorrow is ended and I pluck up many chords not or do I de-cord a lot of things now knowing me how I am speak and I speak am witness of other not again in my veins to be hosted here I speak many in great rooms not or do I take thee topsy-turvy not again but changing everything about the directions of lies where you lives had in other are you changing everything about the compasses direction or are you compassed not about by failures again or wombs of words mighty are you wombing the word again to be the christ mighty in surrender who surrenders all to be the surrendered christ which one are in the skies knowing which one aren’t again are you the surrendered christ will you be the most holy of all will you be the holy that are the most holy of all will you have see and seethe not in other again seized not be again in other are you loosening your tongue or tongues are you having of the mighty or are you knowing me not syllables whet with other again appetites for others success stories of other tongues languages is no more for I the language of one have yours or do you have mine are you the voice of one crying in the wilderness no more are you me deserts no more promoting rain in 77 days or are you the desert perishing or blooming out in under the stars are you changing everything about where in are you being formed by not other again I love love forms me well that love is for I form love in my genes words as love of I do.
I love love and I visit here not occasionally not or am I moving here great rooms in or map rooms making mighty where I am to map me my words know and host miracles not again planting shades trees of or am I changing everything about what planted me where here are you here in Tulsa’s light are you lies’d no more in other are you changing everything about what shaded you or clouded you Pacific Ocean of or Atlantic or what are you Antarctica’s no more southern as or changing everything about where you lied ‘s’d had have you anything of the South or North again changing directions are you headed to Tulsa are you light lives’d in other not again liveing as other are you alive are you live in your dead not again ness of other I change everything about what I again’d had I First Estate’d am I note the miracles of the mighty I perform them or am I them are you are you one will you be one surrendered to be the holy most are you all hostess of not else and sorrow in your genes breeding no matter how you spell that are you breathing me mighty walls not again perishing do you have any but keep you out not again are you miraclefied by no other are you not the walking miracles of devils other or devilaffied not in your genes again are you one is there one was there one only one that mighty you were all the time that thought you weren’t so you created it the christ to be other that you were all the time in your genes seeking other to come comfort and obey you your commands of as you thoughts that as you thought motive ‘d of?
What are your motive ‘d no more perishing or motives mighty do you know anything about M&Ms looking up in these words or changing me chocolates as coffees not of other cappuccinos other or are you having in my coffeeshops are you in the skies are you knowing everything anything about me will you speak me this way learn from me me being me who voice es other not again in my skies or yours are you changing everything about where sky king you were are you all Sky King are you all jets not on purpose again other of are you changing otherites airlines will you be America no more or will you be Angels angelic from on high in on high on high will you be high not on other again jet fuels expense of not but a lot of budgets I change need no monies here or will you be jetless or lackless Lackland Air Force Base not again sees me or will I change everything about what seized me in the past to be other or am I forces mighty or one force field of love that forces no other upon me or am I changing everything about that which forced itself on me am I raped no more pillaged in sorrow am I no more of other sorrowed by sorrow that gave me religions form of suffering other will no more form me in its I change the words of mankind or do I GODS have and know am I GODS GODS am I GODS all ye are words of witness other not formed by again I make many come here or do you volitionary missionary not other again in purposes other or are you lights from light bone from no bone again of other bonies other I’m not or am I fats no other oils grease seeking?
I change everything the diets of sorrow are no more and worms words no more make me woodens of theirs for I’m peckers mighty not but I peck the eyes out of no others again I words am free sleep the eyes of no other Willy’s Davis as or are you Davising the cup of sorrow not again or coming here to Tulsa no sporting events again knowing or changing costly items are you that you sought wanted or bought furs of minks coats not again of sorrow I change all the animals pelts or are you not pelting each other in animal kingdom ‘s mighty or were you one just called mammals or flesh ‘s mankind were you changing everything now are you one are you one will you be one are you one mighty are the mighty many who humble are in sorrow no more be the lifteds up in my Seminars of One my conferences of the mighty many will you be one at creating me well form me well with words of sorrow no more form you as other form us one that we one are we one are we are the same one now being mighty in your jeans not again of terror I jean the christ and all of you are plain clothes christ who will be in the heavens making mighty miracles not of other or will you be letting my words flow like this Tom’s of not other again cattings around other ‘s not belew again but I know a lot of Doug’s and I love you all and I graphic miracles make but I tape record a lot of things or do I untape a lot of mouth ‘s shut now yours will be no longer you will not be lock jawed in terror again I speak the words of christ teach here I do in great rooms mighty or stunt rooms men not but I change a lot of stunted stunties not or Chauncey’s will you know looking up in these words my Navy League Cadet Corps not or are you all me Baha’is of faith or simple me surrendered ones?
Are you all knowing me texting me not again or are you me breathing me are me you are I love you all army of one no navy needing or are you me forceless not again or the force of love but love are you the loves surrendering to die to all else and sorrow not being in your veins again bred by.
I love you all be the christ one loves here I make many miracles happen not or do I teach thee how to be the miracleafied christ will you save yourself first will you love first yourself will you redeem your worries and fears or have none will you change everything about where you lied had to yourself will you self your self no more will you sorrow no more in sorrow will you be the lifted up queen of no others words again make the mighty christ be the mighty christ let you in your own kingdom will you be the kingdomaffied will you affy be your kingdom will you kingdom be damned no more will you usher in a new pride of race not again will you usher in a new tenacity of christ humility humble one are you bow ing before all?
I love you all eat not the diets of sorrow again I love you all lifted ups be the tunes of love knowing far and wide Christopher’s Blessing all my families one in the heavens be regardeds no more by other I change everything light love and peace to you all grace and mighty miracles to you to come be here I love you all I am one ‘s one good day one is mighty in love being it all are one in the skies molecularments no more terrorize mes mes know one Meology’s perfect study here’s my internets fine and shamed no more I make many connections and I’m everywheres now of every religion nones and knowns Zanone’s other not but I know a lot of Joan’s of love and I’m Arc ‘d not by other again know me well I’m Maryam d’Abo’s not or am I all of you bonds of not interest again seeking rings no more of other will be I will not be choked by deaths words again I am the languages of one Almighty ‘s are good love day one ‘s here good day love one days here mighty’s are one day seminars not or are you all conferences at I love you three day miracles not but you’ll see me my hand moves here this day love you all crown the life ‘s of one good day Almighty are one good day love be.
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This Lesson is part of Database 4 Volume 1 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously by theodore cottingham. To accelerate your understanding of what is being given, watch the video – listen to audio while reading the text; then print the text to link and map.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that God will teach them ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD that can change your world, if you let it, and begin with you first.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
Skype id: unc.bz
Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.