schedule 3 hours a day in me
the task role and mission is to be me redeeming the heavens altogether’s one the christ is redeemed this way this day Database One knowing first thank you
(if you are interested in connecting with me via Skype please let me know at unc.bz)
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110926_000
Video file 110926_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham September 26, 2011 at 7:23 AM Skypeing you not for am I (1) scraping the bottom of the barrel no more for a meal of other am I scraping no more of other for other to other give you a meal of words other to give you the words of the king have I given you the king on platters of not hate anymore will be around the country ‘s of me for I will be one country ‘s free or will I be all countries free everywheres now throughout the clouds heavens stars planets regimes galactospheres planetspheres are you knowing me anything about me where I am reside do you know understand care to will you listen to me teach you this way over Skypees network not or are you changing everything about the Skypors or questors to me in me will you be me scraping the barrel of existence no more of other please will you be me who learns the king how to be the king from the king that the king is in the skies that is in the skies over yous not or is that where I am living or where am I at 302 not living or making my abode at all for now or are you aboding not Paradise in other anymore searching for other an existence in are you changing everything about what you’re in ending are you a lot of things that you were in ding are you not dinging about things that only wanted to ding your wallets registers or make deposits in big bank accounts have you any nead you anything of this worlds dream iness state of other being in or do you know the difference will you be prepared for to be the king will you be prepared for will you for to be prepared the king prepare the king will you the king be prepared for that you prepare for this way the king is prepared for this way who speaks my words will speak my words this way will you be me who learns Database One first no matter what your royal ty lineage or thought suspect or not ‘d or not what do you care for what will you know what will you care to know what will you know to care for not again and change many things about what you cared for so much valued were they to you certain things collections of items of apparel or makeups shoes and masks masquerading you as a queens other or pompous ass of discollects not or are you changing everything about what dis-collected you are you not discollecting again or are you discollecting a whole lot of things that you collected spent your lives on that you wanted to collections be collections of are you spon taneous no more or but spontaneity’s approval not wanting from others what are you changing everything about what you wanted everywhere will you be at once or will you be me in one place in Tulsa ‘s charm not again of other wanting mega wattage of other flowing through you won’t be or will you be me who transponders evidence of evidentiary appeal not of other wanting again or is your wantery dead or your manufacturers purpose manufacturing you ‘s no more as other?
  2. I love you all to re manufacture purpose other not again no more will that be in your genes whatever you thought you were purposed for are you not the purpose of royalty for de positing big bank accounts in not or are you changing everything about what you de posited or are you positive of your certain appearance in a magnetic field of other will you not being again knowing anything about ignorance of ignorants of will you be no more will you be me who loves me is me who I’ve become one is that all ones are is this clear that I have given you that I have arisen in these words that I butt heads no more with you but do I reveal the truth do you will you butt heads no more with each other only wanting your to be right yours to the right you’re thinking you’re the right one are you meek will you perish not again in your meekness anti’d will you anti be no more to the christ that you were all the time will you Antichrist not gene in others where you clip their wings and honor their dis brow what have you disbrow’d or dishonored or dis-king’d the king will you discuss no more the king as other or will you honor the king that you are will you honor all as you the Rabbi appointed you or will you know all possibility mine with a capital A and P not or are you knowing all my Zanders approval not again XXX’s of or are you changing everything about diesels appearance or my VIN’s numbers (2) or are you changing everything about your laughters or what you value are you changing everything about how you speak and how you weave and bob not or are you changing everything about what has bobbled you or bubbled you up in other won’t be wrappings of sent off to shames network for you won’t be bubbled-up bubble-wraps in bubble gums appearance or what are you chewing no more on the words of other are you changing everything about what you have done where spoken how what are you writing my words are you first-person are you the first person christ first-personing christ are you christing christ are you christ that will be be ‘s now not the bees of other working for hiving in other opportunities grace won’t be again or will you grace have to see the stars of not other again or but are you witnessing the miracles miraculous moments of notme pursuing not again what are you big accounts bank wise not seeking their wisdom of again how to infatuate influctuate or make steady your income of expecting gains of other won’t be again always sure or uncertainties are you increasing ly becoming comfortable with or are you changing everything what am I asking you what are you changing are you listening to these words changing your schedule not mine again to be other what is your schedule 3 hours a day in me or me are you studying me are you me first Database One knowing inside out or are you turning not the leaves of pages other or but growing new ones in your minds me will you minds me not of others again will you mind me one in the heavens will you be all connecteds not to dis ers of other agreements what agreement are you having with my word ‘s that come forth from you through you to you in you to others will you be establishing the holy territories of not other again what are you Israel O Israel in the skies are you not the great claim on’s of terror again are you not the Klingons or will you sit at table with me no matter what you were from or to going now what are you changing everything about beam me up Scotty’s or are you Captain America’s no more or but Heinlein’s knowing of the First Degree or Puppet Masters not of others again caring for (3) what are you we believe in or we the living are or what are you changing the laws of mankind’s or planets or but regimes of notme not again what are you learning will you arise and stream me not again as other through your lips pens or waking hours do you have any or are you asleeps not again?
  3. Do you care for me will you be me not the sleeping again on the job do you have one any but being me to be me will you task not other again slave masters for will you be me oh freedoms approval not of other task masking you you won’t be the masqueraders other marauding by marauders other for you will be Mercury’s other not but Jupiter’s perish not or do but the rings of me no more wear on my fingers have meaning no matter what diamond ry laid there or are you taking off a lot of things that you laid where on fingers not of me or trees growth of notme what are you changing stripping no more in front of others or are you but nakeds in the skies your thoughts of are you knowing perishing not again are you the thoughts of the trees of life that all ones are thoughts not of other thought’d by are you rooted no more in grounds failure what are you rooteds out the perishing no more or but ground trees of other hogs won’t be again or will you sniffle snuffle-out me no more as others want to Runnymede’s have or runny noses having not again are you changing everything about the colds or hots the hotties not for others having grace will be approval not or will you approve know a grace in your genes again of things that you only want to make you approved of others are you changing everything about your equities laws of mankind’s are you changing everything about who condemns who condemns the christ now to anything or are you exoneraters of the christ will you be who honors all honoring all will you bowing before all be the king that kings all kings before you will you be all that teaches all how to be the kings will you king all your constituencies congregations and righteous be the leader of that leads all to be leaders of the First Degree will you be throughout the heavensphere now will you understand Meonics and be Meology’s crowd of not other searching for will you be meologers of the First Degree or will you be me understanding all these things and how I speak ask and let you listen not to other again or am I forming the tree ‘s of life in you or are you but me not forming the other in me again?
  4. Are you forming christ properly ‘s this time everythings new and THIS IS THE NEW BEGINNING folks and I am here’s I am and here’s I am are you here’s I am hear’s I am are you hearing me hearing me are you on my networks yours are you establishing ones in the heavens are you not the beamies of other blimey ‘s going to or are you changing everything about the limeys or not needing scurvy’s perish again or but soups other not to soup you in birthrights other to I change everything and who am I one simple who has had the word of the not-perishing again are you the immortal O great king are you all who I am speaking to of every nation perish not again in your soup of other soup de other won’t otherfy you for you will know the difference in my words be will you please knowing the difference the king is not the soup broth’d of the of other again brothels of memories other won’t take you down anymore again will it be the pure clear pristine pure perfect pure perfect pristine will you be all Christine’s not of other or will you but heal all you first will you heal your constituencies who you love will you heal your families or all my regimes not to be other again throughout the coastlands what are you going to all equally love will you now love equally all loves be will you know me not the paramours of other parasites of that only want to para more you into other?
  5. I change everything about the mores of hate or do you have none anymore do you change everything about what yous ministered unto will you minister unto me or be me the ministers of hates no more ambassadors of leading countries in ambassadorship other will be no more for I will be morons hates no more or will I know a lot of Ronnie’s or Ronald’s cleavage not again into other I’ll cleave not unto other again for cleavage I’ll show not or will I have none or will I be me simply warren’d not by other warranted not by other what am I changing everything about what I thought I were wore where war ing not again against terror fied others I change everything about the christ or do you change me not unto unyou again that the christ was all the time that I gave you the patternship of the pattern of one are you one with me being me I opened the the way not again or did I give you but two or one did you become I am not seconded again I am the first is last no more will you be for you are the first becoming the first that’s there only one is the first that all becomes the first that’s why there’s no last will you be no last ing impact again or will you change everything about the heavens in will you be the stars of not other approvals wanting for waiting for other you will no more be for you will know the difference in Database One you will be the studiers thereof hereof hearing me speak this way each day and interweaving miracles other not or will you be the miracle networks not of other seeking for?
  6. Searching for other you won’t be again you will be the christ who one is one’s is not garnered by territories other or fork’ed tongues other again preaching for I change everything about the monasteries or convents or convictions me notme of I’ll have not again convictions of territories other won’t exist in me or will I change everything about what existeds in me am I The New Covenant’s perishing not again The New Covenant’s me and I am ‘s am I am I am’s am and I king’d this way am that king is not the perishing anymore immortal corruption putting on no more again or am I the corrupted no more by religion ‘s charms or yours of mankind’s mind that you gave me or wanting not again are you perishing not again O christ soup not be souped de other again or will you change everything will you be the immortal king perishing not again O great christ not in the soup of other what are you breathing now words of notme not again need you anything perish here not again on planets earth or are you but two or one I love you all perish the king not again that you were that you are shall not be again or will the moment be mystery’d no more are you the mystery of christ finished will you be complete the complete Zion on approval not from other rented again what are you rented no more again out for leases other or are you changing everything about what you had in your closets or stored for other not a rainy day will be or will you change everything about the droughts of my appearing or soughts will you be now throughout the heavens because you know the words of the lamb ‘s I am I am the lambs kings of kings that lambs all kings or kings all lambs am I the same ones you are will we be the ones perishing not again that I am is I am ‘s is I am the king I am is that is the king that perishes not again I live forever not in the soup of other or is the soup of other no more atmosphere ing me fearing no one else’s words nor actions I speak the word of christ for I have become the words of christ that I am learning Database One first this way eating ingesting not the words of other fear ‘s of fears’d of other I won’t be or will you fear me or will I terrify you no more or will I do the miracles of faith no more what are you fearing being the christ no more will you will you fear no more being the christ will you be the cleanest of all purest of life pristine pure perfect in the heavens throughout the heavens redeeming all will you be the redeemed christ christer of all please and thank you.
  7. Skype me as other not again or scrape me out of others memories not again of other or are you scraping the barrel of mankind’s mind no more for seeds other to seed provoke in you or provocations other knowing not but I’ll be the habeas corpus of writ not but I’ll change a lot of things now and you will know me suspended ‘s I won’t be in suspensions other or suspensiveness other I’ll know not or suspense will be no more emotion other will be no more or will you know me the difference will you speak me not be terrifieds other anymore what are you making movies of faith not anymore trifles of or will you know me trifling not with other tripeing other not again noodling but Moodling me will you now please know how to Moodle me and discussion forums post in that mine are in the courses of one enter me please will you Enter Me 101 (4) the doors open the gates locked no more or was it ever were you always my words will you knowing now know me be me beaming me not other again as what are you changing the ass of no other are you having or wanting again words of that flesh you fabric’d of mankind’s other will no more be printing you out on other etched as other or are you changing everything about what you read how are you listening to me speaking my words being in courses of shames no more what’s lifting you or were you downs no more quarks’d by or what are you changing everything about the particles of faith or matters not the same as it was that you were thinking in are you changing everything the creators creator about are you the creators not perishing again oh by each other be not again those who clip each others wings and Angelfy others to be anti’s in hell ‘s please no more be doing that to others you won’t be for you will be the kingaffied kings of kings all knowing kings bowing before all the mores of mysteries other you’ll buy no more in to for you will be buying a lot of things no more as mistresses perish or were you only moments mistress’d with that wanted times purview of purveyors not other again are you stringed by be on the hooks of other no more mortgages for or are you not mortgaging your futures mortgagees as or mortgagors knowing the difference are you not the real estates of faith knowing again church properties of or are you signing your names no more on sureties interests are you the co signers for nothings no more of worlds other othering you by words other no more will convince you of their faith ‘s or property’s interest to ensure you as other you won’t insure others by your words or convictions or what are you convicteds no more by the christ or are you christ convicting all of loves deeming you worthy or will you be the shamaround no more shamed by are you changing everything about the shamans imams or mosqueualizations of synagogues not of other sinning about being separations of are you all the streams of me seven or will you be perfect will you be perfections number or numberless are you numericless not again of others or but me ones and zeros not or are you X’d out again not of failures genes are you changing everything about what seven equals on chromosomes other I won’t be gened by for I will know a lot of things through these words of terror I won’t be again brought up in or will I change everything about the heavens will you be the redeemer oh Neo’d ones not of others again or will you be THE NEW COVENANT’S perishing not again I am matrix’d no more by terrifieds religions of religionite other will no more kryptonite me for I’ll be Superman’s Lois Lane not but grace I will have to do the right thing or what am I the right thing writing am I writing your words first-personing me are you the kings king all of you having the grace to love each other equally writing the words of grace peace and love life being the trees of love life and faith not having in other again mortal wounds bearing no more will you wound each other with for you will know the difference and be light to light and form the light from light being formed light perfect pristine is pure ones are the king of kings is formed this way.
  8. I have given you much love and light this day be to each other please who honor each other as the king of kings forward and foremost will you be the reversals not of other again mired in love you all clay not be of others again mired in thank you for yourselves free me will you be me who king of kings is mortal lyfied not by other again Marlyfied by other I won’t be stringents in or stringaffieds by others for I won’t string on anymore terrors mysteries nor mythics in me for pizzas I’ll not be appearing in or will I change everything about Julia’s Paradise or Harris’s of Harristown other I’ll know not or will I but go to Philadelphia’s love or Madison Square Gardens be in London’s shame not again Coventry Gardens of or will you know all me where I am Hyde’s Park not sleeping in again what Hyde am I not hiding in again hideouts other am I the flesh wounds of no more hiding in houses other garnereds of shame I’ll be no more for I will be the witness of not terrors again I will be the christ who one is am is am’d this way know my words in be thank you good day.
  9. Course me well I have given you much and requested many times for you to do my assignments to be assigned by no other again the task role and mission is to be me redeeming the heavens altogether’s one the christ is redeemed this way this day Database One knowing first thank you please be my searchers for others no more search me out in be in my databases One first be the database oners first who one are one’s is thee honors the king all ones are thank you know what one is thank you I love you.
  10. Knowings be perishing others not again or will you change everything about the endings of faith again or will there be no more faith in other will you christ the christ all of you the Pope pourris not being of other again what are you changing the religions of religionites kryptonite not again but I’ll change everything about grace not or will you all have the grace to approve me the christ you are that you are not the chargings of other for again not or are you the charge of christ having do I give you the charge of christ or are you not charging anymore on your credit cards have you any credits to be the christ no more will be markings of or will you not be bearing the mark of solds other again in your life ‘s lives will you know of other not again or the life of christ will you all be live and properly know me ones is in the sky immortal seamless now be the christ living in terrors terrmony not again thank you.
  11. Shames not again each other lie in be the christ the fortifieds of love my words give you the fortification of shames no more or do you beget me this way will you be’let me this way speak and through you write me who I am so that you will know who I am first-person will you be the first person me face to face will you be me that I am your face faced me by will you be by my side not again as other will you be me facing me beaming not other again into your genes what are your genes not cleaned by other again or queened by or clinging to no other again be the spherospheres freed not or will you change everything about the heavens that you were connecteds to others won’t be ringaffied again for I’ll ring you up not or will I on Skype be you or connecteds other not dis’s to again?
  12. I change everything and who am I who honors all as christ be thank you good day grace the worlds know me mines of love know how to act not the actors of faith other or are you actions of love all true and genuine pristine and pure perfect be living forever christ be the born agains this way I have defined much and given you love ‘s words far and wide scot-free love you all be in my courses Enter Me 101 (4) Jesus the Pattern The New Covenant‘s love love me well and be the Priesthood of All Believers surrenderers lovers are to each others love be incarcerated by no others again love you all be the freeds freeing all this day the king of kings at the tables of one this way the manners of love beseeching not others again love you all tenacity’s be dishonors no one anymore love you all grace the king king the grace have the grace to be the king tenacity’s love exonerateds be honor all patience be have I love you all be the patient ones not or will you be the meek will you love me will you be me speaking my words first-person writing the words of shames no more thank you love be in the skies with me being me all ones are one is defined well well be well’d all by you first who redeems you first judge you worthy to be the christ who I have exonerated many times or are you exonerating me or are we all notmes not anymore we are all the christ following the patternships of shames no more for the shame of loves other we’ll have no more for other WE WILL BE THE CHRIST FOLLOWING THE PATTERN OF ONE Jesus was is and shall be to come in you or are you other not again or are we all but father fathering mother no more as other what are we used for or are we used not for other again are we all christ begetting christ this way in the skies changing everything about heavenspheres everywhere be the learn’eds learnfuls few not again be in my classes of love here’s I am at 302 ‘s for now in Tulsa’s love cities of light knowing far and wide now be the constructors of O Israel blessed this day the blessing of Israel have be the Jews of not other seeking or will you be the pristine pure perfect few not again know my law ‘s coming out of Zion in the skies between your ears be not incarcerateds again lovely all be lovelyluias are lovelyables perish no more again I speak the words of christ first-person this way to you all raise in the skies you who you are the christ be glorified ‘s this day amen see you soon now contact me you’ve my address my information my words Database One knowing first start here’s I am today schools one for ones king of kings king’d this day are one’s am thank you I love you all see you.
  1. If you are interested in connecting with me using Skype, the free video sharing conferencing software (www.skype.com) please contact me at info-1 at unc.bz or directly on Skype. Skype name/number is “unc.bz” just like the internet name. It seems like what is forming is a clear idea that “class” begins at 7:00 a.m. via Skype where I teach by bringing forth the first-person words like this above, first; then we could discuss it, discuss Moodle, and how this University works. If you are interested let me know. Thank you.
  2. Consider the humor of the king. Consider the book “The Art of Possibility” by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, (2000); as well as searching the Central Database.
  3. Consider the book “The Puppet Masters” by Robert A. Heinlein (1951) and a movie of the same title, “The Puppet Masters” directed by Stuart Orme (1994).
  4. “Enter Me 101” is the first course in the School of Meonics of the University of The New Covenant. It introduces and interacts with the courses of Jesus the Pattern, The New Covenant, The Priesthood of All Believers, and the Kingdom of Heaven. See the University of The New Covenant website for more information. Thank you. www.unc.bz
* * * * *
This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays. 
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.

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6.1.016 (Database 6, Volume 1, Lesson 016) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph