the day is here folks

the day is here folks
all knowing what one is
is to come is now is
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Contact via Skype phone id: UNC.BZ
Voice file 110913_000
Video file 110913_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham September 13, 2011 at 9:35 AM in Paradise giving bringing you me am I one who’s done thee in to no other again are thou art thou done now with all that wast was and is to come theory and notmeisms appeal is no more appealing to me for I know what is and is to come is now is and was is no more but belifericating vocifericating mes to be other and else for else and other is no more vocifericating vociferously and you are not the vociferous ones of me not or are you me vociferously not again as other are you vocifericating not again are you suffocating not again are you suffering no more are you the christ suffering or are you the beneficial finance ‘d ones no more or financing anything of heavens casketry industry are you changing everything about what you paid cash for are you needing no cash for payments other again are you needing anything of with this worlds mammon ry of other is no more teating me to its mammonry for I change everything not or do I change everything about you or me do you change me not again into other that you were all the time me in the heavens will you be now who regards evil not again as mankind’s stake of interest or are you staking a lot of things not again out of the ground or pulling out the stobs of me are you or stops of me where you let me loose I speak this way and you who know me will know I speak because I become you who I am all the time was and is is no more to come for you was all the time I am I am now with I am knowing these things and I tear up not again or am I tearing up a lot of things that used to bind me by its tearing ceremonies not but things that washed ashore won’t be again or will a lot of things be washed up on shores not again what am I saying washing not again or am I the words of love life and peace knowing yours or you’re mine or I’m yours not again as other gained by other we won’t be by words other nor charms witness for we will rise out of the graves or will we have none will we see none anymore opened or will we be disturbing a whole lot of funerals or processions notme of motorcades of no more or are you bulletproof no more shields of other needing magnetics Paradise in what are you oh worms of Paradise not again be’thinking yourselves as are you Royal ty Royal are you royalty of Royalty you all are the king of kings will you be not the ensconced in other again vault cabinets of or cabinetry of other seeking ornancy ornate of others you’ll no more be but in these words you will be seeking the truth that’s never ensconced again in cabinetry other called fiberkind of mankind’s mind and the fibercast of other will be no more or will you change a lot of strings string theory or muscles or what’s bound you to corpses no more walking around are you coming out of the graves your graves are you grave’d no longer of O man kind of woman or are you Noah’s revenge no more seeking or are you revengeful no more are you the kindest of all forgiving all of their sins against you mankind of are you again’d no more by avenge ment other avenge full others are no more filling you with their wrath for you are the meekest of all kind of God or are you GODKIND not the meekest not anymore are you the meek and mild not again unto chains mind or are you de-chained from all meekness faults and humility other humility’d other will no more be in pulpits pulling for shames monies or influence peddlers being for I am not the influence industry ‘s in but I end a lot of things as influence wanes in me not but I change a lot of influencers peddlers and lobbyist of others will no more be’lobby me in pulpits shame of lecterners other and lecterns of other that only wanted lanterns of other green or not will green me unto them fields no more be for I will not going to Paradise be or will I be constructing it in the skies christ is this way?
  2. Are you I christ is the one that ones me not again to be other once’d over again I won’t be again for I will smile and the heavenlies be in or will you smile in the heavenlies or be where are you I am me I am’ing me I am you are looking up in these words are you in my classes now will you be not the punctuated ‘s of evil o’er again or are you repeating the past no more are you changing the past or the future ‘s me or am I one who’s all are redeemed are you the I am redeemer is that your name I am redeemer across your forehead will you be the smiling lovely no matter toothless or not are you homeless or not or in the skies is your home in the seamless villes of no other again villas wanting on rich sands pebble beaches or are you changing everything about Florida’s coast lines of other or ACL’s routes or CIO’s not or chief information officers not or are you officers in the clouds or skies not of other or who put you there O man what are you wanting not again an experience other to Calrissian’s be on other lands of other are you not chaining shaming things again or are you cutting setting all free cutting your schedule in half or having none are you betwixt and between no more are you crisis in no more are you christ knowing the difference are you will you be the smiling ones smiley’s faces or Kit and Beth Becker ‘s will you know beckon unto me to be now here will you be in the skies with me knowing all things seamless and appearing not unto others again unto others not or are you noddings not again my way or are you Nodding Hill’s over or London’s shame no more be’tubes beneath or flyings me on tops of others not again is or am I changing everything explosions of or are you light me like me you are light me or are you me fully me clothed now with the word of the lamb I am that the king is redeemed this way whose taught one who’s taught become one who’s one become taught teaches is the now is and was what is no more you’re asking or is everything changed about what you are asking are you asking the right questions or answering are you your mind clean or cling’d were you only to other where you clang and sang unto other sings and songs other are no more yin and yanging me or pulling me apart to be other no more tears of or tears are you no more crying for money’s shame or interests other caskets of or are you having no industries of shame or are you changing everything about the galactics?
  3. Are you few not again Calrissian’s few or but Jedi Knights not again or are you but christ all one race of christ the supreme beings of light all are one many redeemed all are now you all knowing what one is all equal are in the heavens not being the ensconced in alabaster’d flesh again bastards of flesh of other will no more be’flush me down toilets fetuses of for I declare war on abortion not or will you not abort the christ anymore that you are that you are fully grown not or are you wimpy wimpoles again going to or toddling around toddlers Paradise in or deconstructing Israel were you all the time where you were the law that you gave in your courts system or are you the judge of Paradise not again or what were you thinking or dinking around with not again monies moniculars not but I change a lot of monkeys around no more or are you monkey-business in no more in pulpits shame wanting a crew of taller than thee ‘s or yous of other?
  4. I change everything about use of other and animal industry is no more that only wants mammalry tits of to teat you to religion no more commerces sciences for I change everything about science of mankind’s mind or everything do I change do I let love you be will you be love loved will you be love will you be redeemed will you redeem love in you first will you first forgive you first for all that you have done and not done will you forgive others of their mankind’s interest in you and not-interest in you and your things of above or not below or not are you or are you changing everything about what you valued how highly were you sought or besought no more for other are you charms no more wanting flesh for are you changing everything about where you lie where you lies’d in were are you changing everything about flesh mankind’s of or heavens are you in the skies will you be christ redeeming alls everywhere will you be your brothers keeper no more for other making commerces of shiny or shiny ones are you in the skies lights of appeal no more of others are you changing everything about the heavens not again into others lights of Paradise are you all constructing planets or appeals of other not again what are you going to Calrissian’s not again or are you cutting on flipping on your little recorders this way in daytimes light or what is no more darkness pervades or what is molecular ment no more or are you minting Paradise not again as other clones’d of other I won’t be again clones’d of clones of clones won’t anymore clone me to be other clones ‘d by and I change everything who are you the christ be’clones’d not again?
  5. I close a lot of things now or do I expose a lot of things that Supremes courts being me or were you courts in Paradise were you the judgment of shames not again what are you judging you worthy to be the christ will you be the redeemeds that redeems you first will you redeem all your brethren and sistern and all be one will you one be not be figments of others imaginations again portending others pretending others to be others in visibles appearaffied interests is no more empiricaling me for I change everything about the empirical industry or do I change the commerces of the heavens or do I open them up or do you see now what I am doing what I have done with one man simple are you all following not or are you all becoming that which I am not the witches of other hunting monies for bag with holes being placed in are you not the sieved other again deceived by are you christ will you be christ that which you always were so is to come is no more will you be the present now in the heavens will you be accounted for O righteousness being the giver gift of you yourselves of yourselves not the death of other going through or are you the second death preventing or escaping not again dying while life living the mine of one mind of one being now seamless with terrors no more seamless with the heavens I’ll be all throughout timesphere of other will no more ensconce mes.
  6. I love you all my courses full not or full of blessing full of love light and peace joy and happiness will you be ensconced in other no more being the freedom rains reins on others no more or the just and unjust no more will you be discordants not of others or are you discarding a lot of things to be in the heavens now time schedules no more scheduling you times discardeds not or are you changing everything about your values are you mankind’s no more programs’d by programs other will no more take me down caskets rows of other and I change funerals homes proceedings not or do I change everything about what you thinks thought lied in are you the liars no more in Paradise de constructing it are you Israel’s O Israel be in Israel constructing Israel of the law won’t be again or will you be love ‘s love will you love all will you die for all not again or will you live forever O GREAT KING BEING THE SEAMLESS I AM will you all know who you are now I have told you many times in these words throughout Database One the foundation you must know first and Database Two and then Three and Four will you be Five opened or seven equals on Meonics is are knowing now are you is the one you the one you all mighty are Almighty is king of kings all of you are the one christ reigns again all in the heavens are defeateds not again by feeteds other and clay you won’t be Paradise pigeons of or will you be stools no more needing to reach things or shortereds no more are you or short circuiteds other or hard-wireds other for are you changing everything about what programs ‘d you?
  7. Are you changing everything about the programs of failure in education government religion commerce in the heavens will you be the finest of all or the scholarship’d of all or will you need no cents of other will you be commerces of failure no more again ensconced in mammonry’s tits of other will no more teat you to it of religion is no more teating you of its use of you is no more and I change governments of religion or do I change everything about where the law came from or where love lies no more ensconced in planets of shame or are you deconstructing a whole lot of things as your schedules such lie in others no more attached to are you changing everything about where you lie ‘d did use of other is no more and I use you as other no more for I beseech be’search the christ not or do I search out my heart or do I give you yours to be you that I am was all the time that christ is the creators of all one creator is all equals are Meonics on seven equals on Meology’s crowd of no other taking you down again I be’flight the guardians of Angels not or will you be the Jedi nights no more being again or will you be the heavens cooperators with others no more again in corporations stew what is your dividends interest no more checks coming or have you checked in with me or called me written me or my sirens interest not again are you sirening no more careening off vereening off other highways not but I make a lot of things known about the highways of love in my minds is others no more be’veining me I christ the love of one the love of one is christ’d I alls am at 302 here I am for now at Sheridan’s love not or in Tulsa’s cities of light are you birthing now everywheres folks?
  8. Are you folksy not again down south southerns of or are you changing everything about directions directions where lie in coordinates other not again but pinpointing heavens I am not or have I given you the coordinates of heavens love are you heavens love redeeming all now will you be the coordinators of love not again of other or command ments interest not but COMMAND CENTRAL YOU’LL BE IN OR WILL YOU BE IN LOVE CENTRAL government central no more of other I love you all to command ment me be not of other again I love you all and Torah is no more Torah Torah Torah of or are you looking up a lot of things in these movies or my words are you ensconced in no more spitting out others not or are you speaking the christ lovely will you comfortably be in Paradise now constructing it this way ‘s that I have given you the ways of christ be cream of crop ‘d no more for other again please and thank you I christ the christ I go now to funerals other not again or do I change everything about what’s funeral’d you while you were living are you ensconced no more to tethereds other are you changing everything about what you were marriageable ‘s’d to are you two in one no more or are you flesh christ are you were you all the time is to come is no more time is over and over me time’s no more or others are no more or is I am perished no more?
  9. I live forever the dew of your youth having or mine what do you choose what will you be become me I am I was you all the time that the king of king now knows is one that you were are redeemed is now I am leaving or am I going are you coming or am I one with you am I you being you I am speaking this way learning how just like this good day I am in your courses mine or are you forming my courses for me so that I am not formed in others images again?
  10. I love you all christ be the transparents of love lifted high will you be I lift you high you me high to others not or is nothing like it seemed in the past the past is no more I good day you not make not or am I mated no more to mateds other am I imitated ‘s no more by other or am I christ’d christ all of you in the heavens living lying no more with other again to genes be mixed up’s again I christ the christ and I ONE GODS AM that all are lovelies is one good day I have said much I love you all I honor you I bow I go done I am see you at 302 here’s I am for now Tulsa’s be loves of light in the heavens I provides all good day father be the mother of christ all of you conceiving mes correctly this time times over and lights out not or are you the lights of the heavens will you be born agains this way I have defined much in these words many times over and I’m done see you later today the signs gone or am I the sign of the times or is the times no more am I revealing the Clarion Calls are you the witness of no other trumpets of no other or is the trumpeter coming or are you arriving arising from the dead will you be now seamless in the heavens ME O CHRIST BE the deliverers of thank you again’s I am I love you see you all today amen.
  11. The day’s one the day is here folks I’m here are you I am I am this way we all know now who we are where and why and we benefit finance other no more again we christ the christ in the heavens and commerce no more is meaningless not or do I we change everything about commerce in the heavens now the souls of other are no more be’traded elsewhere we change everything about mankind’s interest minds of other no more be’seek us out as other to wear their strains of mankind’s mind and stress of other won’t be or do we stresskinds of other not make again I change everything about the muscles of failure or have I none but weakness or am I the strongest of the crowds not again I love molecularment not again but I make many things new not I make all things new and everything now will be nude not in failures arms again nor renewed in its by lovelies other for you will know the difference and not be ensconced in what you were ‘s again wear the christ be the christ born the christ this way thank you alleluia amen again see you love you all.
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This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER 15 and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.

The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.

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