the Fellowships of One every day I go now
be the leadership of Paradise in developing it
today’s the day
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Video file 110605_000v
This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 5, 2011 at 1:30 AM giving you me I perish not again do I you anything that knows you perish now or but are you not perishing genes of other in your mind or are you doing a lot of things this way that I come behold you thee as me or am I thee holding you no more as other am I that you one I am no matter how much you are not mixed up again about these things are you now I am knowing what the difference is because I have made a many decisions about these things as I have walked these seven years 8 or 9 do you know anything about the way I have come upon about the way the key to become the key is me who I am is you not beholding other as other again for all one me I am that one is a universe the other not of again that only wants something else to flash in the eye or bulb other not again as mankind or are you studying will you words witness be no more that only words witness yours to the highest bidder or what bidding are you no more for other others other will you be not looking for just what makes sense to you what are you sensible sensicalities of no more or are you califragilisticexpialidocious ‘d again not or but are you anti-establishmentarianism ‘d not again or are you anti-ing anything or but me are you orbiting not me again as other or are you shelled-less now or not shelled again or but are you one and the same both and knowing now that isn’t not the other again or art thou saved of me not again or art thou the Savior redeemer I am thou art thou art I am the redeemer I am that thou wilt be not wilted by other again in the Paradise of other wanting for you’ll be blinking on’s not or will you not be at all on what wanted thee to be on what isle of Paradise will you not be anymore or will you be not making your own not or will you be filing the keys to Paradise not again as other or words etching you what is the Paradise manprint of other no more printing on your dollar bills or have you none bills of other to behold you or keep you here or what are you othering not again what are you speaking of learning how to articulate me just like this will you be genes’d of other not again will you be caring carrying not other burdens again will you be burden-less burdened-less burdens-less slessed of not other again Schlesinger’s do you know authors are you of the First Degree that knows Arthur’s not or are you king of kings all of you are of every nation tribe and tongue that tongueth Israel not to be other again are you me O Greek Mede Persian not again or but are you Paradise constructing no matter what you thought you were born in what were you the kingdom of heaven are you it I am this way knowing thou art I am the great I am that you are not separate from me will you be again me’d again will you Mede O Persian Empire not again or wilt thou not be Caucasus knowing or Caspian seed what dead aren’t thou anymore sea of other or Dead Sea rising or emptying not out on upon you not again the spirit of me or art thou me havest no thou spirit of other will you be other’d not two dualistic shamed again shames of what will you be wearing words of mankind minds not again Ishmael languageing you or language Ishmaeling was or what was Ishmael language of no other what are you hearing listening reading writing speaking of the First Degree are you who will arise?
Who will arise you who be the arisens one ‘s who will arise you I am flowing the Clarion Call to arise you now to speak be the arisens one the arisen ones who will come speak be here’s tomorrow or today’s the day will you arise will you tethered not be to anything else will you leave your belongings or give them away or sell them not again to other or what are you doing being tied to no more again the tetherings of other that tears you apart or slices your words or have you none of me that tells you what you are where I am that I am you are I am that I am is one whole will you be now healed healing you first will you be not genes’d regarded by others for others again will you know the difference will you care to be filed not by other again keys of mankind handing you islands of shame or have you none or will you be none affied no more will you be the inheritor of all or will you be the creator of all all over again all over you not again will you be the unders underfied no more or overs overfied no more will you be the equals equalees christ will the christ you be equallees are that you know are what the definition is now I have given you over and over repeatedly repeated repeating in your genes are you not junk DNA’d junked again what are you on heaps ash heaps no more ash-heaps’d in hells are you not burning each other ‘s words again are you not temperatures istic ly born of their words again that only want to cut clip yours or what cut clippings are you clippings no more of services other are you mine that knows mine extemporaneously are you speaking mine the news of me being me regeneration’s now regenerated is what are you not regenerations mankind’s of words wording you ‘s again to be will you sit here’s speak here’s be mes hears the words of the lambs of not other again that kings other to be other for I am not separate from the kings for I am the kings kings not or but am I the king of kings all of you one or all collective mighty all collective being not the collections of other knowing imminent domains of other nots again what knockings are you knottings over again not or but are you disengaging from a lot of things that engaged you were to are you discontinuing discontinued dis continents’d were you or have you no consonants or continents again not or but are you either or and’d not by other again Andes Mountains knowing or but what are you speaking and how will your diction land ground you or will you be grounded no more in the heavens will you be knowing my learning system how I teach all things at once or at once am I all things made known well am I healed this way will I speak through little boys girls little big and tall and ugly and fat to your looks or what looking are you to no more of other what are you benign no more to other or cancerous no more to the christ will you be the christ who heals all christ this way acknowledging all as christ will you be the christer will you heal the christ first that you are?
Will you be the christer christ christing christ will you be the anointed Messiah that heals you first that’s why the Messiah is you that heals you heal you first will you be willing to blame no one else for your faults have you any will you be perfect now an ideal not of other not set by other again what are you setting or the sun or havest thou no of other again what are you begetting sons of shame no more however you’re spelling that or not or what are you spelling no more shames words or what are cursings rantings no more about separations of froms being the christ when you all were what are you knowing now where are you looking what at for what are you getting benign christ no more are you cancerous to other not again or healing a lot are you healing everyone are you will you be the healer of all will you let all know they’re the christ now whatever you’re saying or being not benign’d by other to be un-christ ‘d again theirs of?
Will you be the woolly buggers’d not again or will you be me no matter what I say connect ing the dots will you be the maps ‘d of no other again mapping genes or are you mapping mine connecting the dots of no other again to be dotted others dotted out’d Dot who do you know or what isn’t anymore or what am I redeeming all will I be woolly buggers’d other not again woollying me bullying other won’t again be where will you be in the skies skies’d not again by other disguised as will you be me seamless in the skies will you be me learning the system of faiths no more filing yous to be keyholes’d other used by will you be the ram parts other not again used by used for will you be me the new will you new the way be the new ‘d now I love you all to be me new covenant knowing covenant being the me filed not by other or will you be meticulous record keepers of the First Degree will you be knowing will you be being not filed by other down here on earths record keeping system or what are you keeping no more records more than three years old or havest thou none that are cutoff ‘s not or what are you cutting off the flow of bloods lambs bloodlettings that bloodlettings you were on theirs chopping blocks what are you cutting no more longer off or are you cutting off the legs minds of no others again legs minds in or leaves of their trees of life in them what are you encouraging discouraging no more or are you the encouragers of faith no more are you the christ begetting christ will you christ all around you letting them know they are the most beautiful of all or will you not be charms seeking or giving out again that only flesh’s flesh or what are you knowing what forces you are about or what forces you no more again to be forces other forced by or what are you forcing not again other or what forces weak or strong or strongs not weak again not or but are you knowing all these things will you me perish bosons not again or what boats are you singing on not again or what’s carrying your cargo not again are you carrying me or being me whistling Dixie not again or but are you Dixie’s crowd or confederacies other or oxfords other not again what are you wearing sandals other not again what are you being not others intellectuals again or are you the intellectual intellaffied or intellifiled by other not again what are the intelligents of christ what are you the intelligibles of the intelligence of whatever you spelling however I spell what am I spelling not again as spells’d other were by or for what are you de-spelling or writing a new language of faith no more are you genes’d of are you me mine wholly whole’d whole will you be healed ly healed will you heal me first that you are I am that one is the father healed the mother by?
Bye-bye saying to a lot of things that you used to value as a part of separate mankind’s mind valuing things of others that valued you or what were you others’d values systems not bred by again will be what are you breding breathing no more of saints of opportunity to only fill your pockets with theirs lands wanting actualizations of or what are you actualizing no more Maslow’s theories or are you mine leaderships perish or will they be developed or will you I am be the key to all the kingdoms known where are yours are you in the skies all kingdoms known now will you be riding over others not as herd ers again will you clippings be no more those about you will you be strewn no more about those strewing yous or what will you shrewd ‘s be no more about your others fathers business or have you none others of other or are you all one families being in the skies regardeds as no others again are you christ all christ christing christ will you be about the fathers business that you are mothers daughters one o Saints of otherhood not again will you knowing the difference will you be the Saints of no other Sainted for knighted for no other what are you night no longer knowing are you the day of one being one will you be the brightest star of all or the most humble of all or both and the same God is one that God needs no power of other again what does God need or am I one not needing anything but am I surrendered to to be the two’d not by other again will the tude of no other take me down you will be one who knows this knows all these things not filed by other again in their filing systems what are you breaking out of DNA of other or what are you other’d by no more etchings christ nots to be nots again or knotted’s are you no longer meticulous ly filed by theirs what are you highered maths no more of other what are you othering intelligibles genes or are you the intelligent christ the christ that is the intelligment not intelligibles not by other again or what are you intelling or inscribing not in your genes again are you telling all they are the christ will you be laughed at will you be mocked or scribed scourged do you know the difference are you looking up all these words in these words my words first will you let me be the definitions of me that I scribe you as other not again will you be me o definitions of one being one will you be the key to all glory glorifieds being will you redeem your brethren your sistern you’re all families one will you be the king of kings in the skies redeeming all the universes of love will you be yous that are not used by others again flappings down here on the ground will you know Brook Benton’s song will you be Aretha Franklin’s not or Arethafied by other not again what are you arousing no more again or are you arisens all me Franklin’s other not minted again of or what mints are you knowing no longer of dollars other or what Federal Reserves no more are existing as such was what are you changing the minds of o’er that only mined mine to be theirs I love you all to mine yours no more as others or will you mind mine not again as other or will you know me both and the same beings the surrendered to each other or will I be christ christing you or you me or who’s birthing who or will you be the birther of me as other not again in your genes will you clip your own wings not again as others clippings yous and others taking yous down using each other for your purposes?
Will you be mankind’s mankinder ‘s no more again mankind’s of will you man kind be kind to man that sort of way no more again that only uses you and ensconces you in genes theirs and turns around and reciprocates and cuts off your blood-flow to legs other or will you have legs no more in your brains or leaves trees of or what retrieves you as others no more their wantings in what births now is the real the new covenant’s me fine and I speak this way extemporaneously news I am and I am before you all on cameras many or all the worlds know me who are you I am me whose one one is who’s one is developed this way the keys to the kingdom ‘s given you all that you knows I am and nosey’s other pose as others no more to benefit you to only take you down in your naivete’s for you will not be the naïve ‘s any more and that naivete’s of other will no more naïve yous to be gullibles in Gulliver’s Travels or will you not be the traveler or will you be in the skies knowing all the universes will you be going to afraids not again will you be me developed christ will you be the undeveloped no more will you be countries of shame no more the cities of light on a hill will you be undeveloped not anymore will you be the christ christing christ the cities of light in the skies will you be going to remarking other not again as other what are you charting courses maps of other not using again are you maps’d me again will you be mapping me maps of no other again using or but are you me sextants not of other churches in or what are you churching no more the word of the lamb or the lamb of the word not chopping you up again that tells you you’re other what are you bene fitting no longer what are you fitting out no longer what are your genes no more fitting in what are you words of Paradise always were the temples of light now withdrawn not again are you ephemerals other not again emphysema knowing or cancerous other being light to others not or what are you knowing the difference what now a day makes or are you making any brand new are you the suns rising or the daughters of shames no more ray or ra or hooray for other not again are you lambs of light now birthing the light I am’s the light and I am I am not the word ‘ds other again wordeds by that only gives me a fuse of them to blowups their destinies or what’s blowing up no more Israel’s in the skies I’m all confused’s not again and fused by other I won’t be fissioned by or visioned by other will I not be the words of other tarried for or will I tarry for nothing anymore am I coming here’s right now am I speaking the words of shame no more just like this will I be saved or honored or abased no more again will I be you who’s you who’s I am how you speaking feeling will you arise whether you feel like it or not and speak just like this me is does this way I am am’d and I am is my name I priests am priesthood of all believers priests of God God knowing God is God ‘d this way guided by no others words again I am the priests of other not again priesting for was I ever or did I know the truth did I become it or did I behold a lie and become other?
I am not ensconced in others words again nor am I the energies of failure needing or wanting anything of this worlds again but to redeem it for I have forfeited nothing again or am I forfeitures other not again forfeiting or am I but redeeming you all or me or am I you that was you all the time that you didn’t know when you looked in the mirror that you thought I was something else someone else somewhere else are you now everywheres now will you be not afraids shames again will you be shameless or afraidless or will you be dexterous others not or dexterity’s ambidextrous not or will you know what it is where I am’s that I am’s intelligibles of christ developed this way will you be not afraids about my vocabulary what will you be listening to the MP3s of others no more or what walkmans are you no longer walkie-talkies’d of what are you listening how have you listened to other planets talk to you or were you programs’d by that you thought you were thought’ds by each others or yourselves or were you just planets inferior’d or inferior complexes knowing complex’d by yourselves or what are you simplified messengers no more of the cross of other what are you bearing no more in your genes X or Y’s or havest thou any wives of words other or negatives of mankind’s imprints or positives other positiveing you or what are you positive of certainties no more of other what are you negativeizing or positiveizing no more or are you izing no more genes of mankind’s mind over you in you or of you no more are you unders or believers of other what are you believing in or receiving believing for the filing of no other again or are you 1040s shame no more or are you over and outs no more are you in the kingdoms of one perishing no more again will you know my euphemisms ephemeral not or will you not be ephemeral’d or effeminate’d not or what will you be masculine feminine neutered no more or what are you castrating no more the christ will you be emasculateds no more no matter what you were will you be the no-matter’d christ will you be christ genderless will you christ be in the skies not the sex of o’er wanting will you be sectless will you be divisivements no more wanting will you create the christ will you be me who was I all the time are you now who has eyes not for other again will you be the christ the anointeds anointed Messiah will you be redeeming alls all will you be the perfect in the perfect redeeming the perfect to be the perfect christ not ideal ized by other again with some other thoughts of some perfect perfections of mankind’s mind that’s regarded other as inferior will you realize all christ are christ that’s all of you one mind ‘d being having will you be now the mind of christ healed?
Being intelligibles the intelligent of christ the intelligence of christ developed this way will you speak be learning me this way will you be willing will you be here’s where you’ll be today’s in the skies the lessons of shames no more be’worlding yous what are your world views havest thou any leaderships of shame not again do you know mine will you be the leadership of Paradise in developing it will you lead all out of shames world again will you be the christ cyclic nation oh me of me will you be me developing me christ be o christ be not the regardeds other for failures again for lights of other you won’t need nor machines to fly for flyings you won’t be flights of other needings in or what are you farmings no more neurons of other reflections will you be no more cast in will you be out of the images of shame magnetics field of have I said a lot I have given you the way ‘s of Paradise be filings of no other filed by I love you all christ be the bankruptcies filing not or but are you what are you doing now what are you tethereds no more to systems of failures what are you begetting no longer the genes of un-christ will you be christ begetting christ will you be me will you love me will you be me just like this speaking the words of christ unafraids no matter what people may say do or think print or write right or wrong will you be wrong no more or will you be blame no more pointing the finger at anyone for anything whatsoever will you be me who forgiveth all who forgives all I do will you be me now and forever always am.
I’m done I go now I worship you not again or did I ever or were you just me worshiping other you know now the difference a day makes what day is it now today’s the day I’ve asked you to come where are you from where are you going what doeth thou no more as other what are you attached to no more as other of other going to be otherfieds sitting in their pews services no more will be for you will not be the religious’d few anymore of many or many’d few fused by other not again will you be defused now de-pews’d will you pew of other not need again rugs on nor lies fabric’d by will you be the fabric ‘d no longer of mankind’s mind will you have one of mine will you be the father healed mother is conceives me I am the conceiveds of christ not conceiteds other again conceiveds of.
I christ the christ delivereds now I am this way I’ve given you the keys the ways will you be filed not by others files’d again down services by will you service no others or will you be me in the lessons of shame not again Sunday schooling yous or weekends shame knowing or little bags of pipes squeaking yous or what are you doing no more Irish’s you shame or have you none are you all budgeteds no more or having any are you in the skies needing any or are you all balance sheets of income ‘s no more wanting statements of or are you all accountings’d IMF for or knowest thou any are you what are you creating planets new regimes not again of what are you the presidents of Paradise no longer again that only wants you to be a company of failure or control what are you controlling no more lands or kingdoms or are you will you be the developed lands this way in the skies what are you knowing being develops’d other by for no longer again crops’d by?
What am I saying and how have I said it have you had to think will you be the thinkings no more of other thoughteds by what are you residings in where are the real will you be magnetics shame no more cast by cast by the wayside no more what are you breds by other no more I am the breads of shame not needing again but I am moleculars other not or am I seamless with all worlds at once or going to what am I the new creations me born agains I am born again is and that’s how what I’ve given you fulfills the word of I am that I am is born again this way I in the skies live reside love lodge I lives here I live everywheres I live love and love I live and that’s what I’ve become and that’s how I emit following to other not again I rise the christ that’s all of you who will be not ridden by others again I write the christ and I ride not others again or but tickets do I give thee not or do I give thee the writs of shame no more I give you christ be the writings of me writings just this way after you transcribe them or will you be me the speaking christ after you’ve learned how to write on yellow tablets looking up in these words what are you the messages of faith not again or the lessons of christ will you be the lessons of knowing filings other not again what are your systems of shame no more regardeds by are you all open books all mine are seven seals not again are all seals open the Clarion Call having gone forth I call you all now here’s I am christ be the merits of shame not again meritocracying you for you’ll be aristocracies other not again confirms’d by or confirming wants in your wantsville for you create alls anew do you me I am’s am I love you all I’m tireds my eyes hurt do I see am I one who will see do I now I see you all as christ I speak call you all christ I do here’s I am lovings you all I go now I’m done and I speak hottie’ese not but I cool off a lot of things not or but do I change everything new worlds here the regeneration’s I am and I am regenerating everything anew day one’s here folks what ‘s that meam I’ve told you all or have I given you the keys you become it don’t you you become I am I am that’s the key to be surrendered to being the surrendered key to life will you be whole’d beholding it will you be the christ conceive ‘ds this way healeds are will you heal yous first that you are will you heal me then heals all about you will you blame no one for your failures past or successes future or which mixed-up what isn’t anymore what are you past going to or future’d not again or what are you everything knowing now will you be willing to create all things new and redeem all your errors or mine had I any or are you perfect I am or errorless not again or but parity’s shame not knowing again or art thou parityless parroting not others again what words of are you birthed now the kings the vocabularies of one the educations of shames no more the systems of me regarding me as inferiors for I’m the intelligence of christ all lambs are I love you all everyone speaks me be ‘s me beats me up no more as other I walk through the christ I am all loves are this way I am’s am the beautifuls are be the most beautifuls are christ is one is christ are one one christ is all are saved this way?
Beasts of no other burdens for again and burdens for no beastialities of other will occurs in me anymore again and the masochisms of faith and the masochistics that only wanted to masticate upon yous in pews other and thinkings thoughts other will no more chews on yous for you’ll regurgitate shames not or but will you no longer be consuming shames words nor letting leaves grow in you of their trees or thoughts what are you word ‘ds of no longer are you the words of life the trees of honor ethics of the king words of love giving to all ride ings no other what are you humpings no longer for a paycheck what are you no longer doing being tethereds to other will you be the christ begetting christ in the skies all free’s are and I pays no one not or liberally do I or do you need no pay of shames world again are you creating all things anew worlds of shame not or but all equalees the king is all kings this way communities of shame not again wealths wanting or the Commonwealth of Israel are you or the Federation of One planets in the skies eagles not again of other eagles’d I’ll not be again of other I’ll be Israel in the skies Israel is my name is now I love you all what’s across your forehead will you be in the cities of light will you be them freeds all I are one is the lovers me I’ve listed many I love all and alls who I am who surrender ‘s are to the words of love to be wordeds by no other again I am the word the life the life of one I have given you that one is the king of kings that is all of us healed that one is conceived this way I have given you the keys of love.
I go now to afar place be back soon tomorrow today’s one the first day I create all things anew I’ve said much I go now I love you all extemporaneously I speak extemporaneously I’m gone extemporaneously I’m here I’m X’d not by no other again I here’s I am and I hear well don’t I I teach well too do you will you teach me all I am is all I am lacking nothing ever again will you be me making movies is Hollywood enough to give you all planets all universes what are you creating lacking nothing will you be the christ creating mes here I love you I hears well here’s I am I’ve tested I’ve died I’ve arisen I know what agony is I know what isolation is I know what rejection is I know you and I perish your name not again do you perish mine not again I am you christ write your name here ____________________ sign it hang it on your wall or will it be on your forehead I am christ christ’d by the love of one that I have become that I am I am my fathers business about now in the heavens that’s what I’m about doing revealing I am commerces all not little businesses here and there failing flinging about their resources or have they any higher am I than all or am I all in all?
I love you all I give you me the universities of one me the universities of love me that I am you in the new covenants the New Covenant wines of life the wine of me and flowers other you’ll no more be flow ers of the words of other waterings yous again I love the new wines of life alls me mine the everlasting The New Covenant’s me one the Universities of love Federations of the Angels the planets of one the Federations of One I the president ‘s am the presence of me is everywhere I am the presence of me that’s what I think what I become bodyless the bodies of me are o’er nothings not or are we all the governors not of shame or presidents of Texas not or is there one in Oklahoma not again or but are I all of you that one knows all Oklahoma the worlds do Tulsa‘s fine me find me here’s I am lovelyluias 302 starting now’s where’s I start in these words Database One what’s I teach at the Fellowships of One every day I go now I love have died arisen here’s I am being love you all good day.
I go now to a new place won’t expect me everyday will you or will you arise and speak me just like this have I taught you well will I let you be me will you let me be you who am I will you be the real you that I am is in the heavens will you be creating all things new the regeneration’s here what are you doing about tomorrow today the regeneration’s now here here’s I love here’s I am I’ve given you alls I am is that enough would I have given you more do you need more do you want more still will you be still and see what I have given you by writing my words becoming the keys that I have given you your kingdoms open mine is one the fathers healed this way the mothers are we’re one’s one sexist not again genderless bodyless the bodies of christ are christ body of life the trees of life love is birthed rooted in no other again I christ the christ not the neurons of slattery slippery slopes again.
I christ the christ I love you all fearless be christ me christ you be the christ I am ones is graduated this day that’s how you graduate here’s I am alls told just beginning new things here technologies find ing me I am finding alls anew I create the creators here be me wells and emptyless or fulls fooleds of no other again I christ the christ lovelyluias be arm in arm bodyless alls new vocabularies me wine one whining no more again about other I christ the christ be in the skies lovelyluias am good day I go amen pass these words along pass me graduate fly ‘s thank you be the christ redeeming all worlds anew creators creating be this way the keys given you all amen the kingdoms one know now be it opened before all I am’s I am thank you good day I love you all.
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the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowships of One meet now at the University of The New Covenant at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.