THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,News,video Moodle me enroll my course is Enter Me 101

Moodle me enroll my course is Enter Me 101

Moodle me enroll my course is Enter Me 101
how I create me
taking your place in the heavens
this lesson on christ being it will you christ’d be the lessonaters
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110610_000
Video file 110610_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 10, 2011 at 8:27 AM giving you me new Paradise I shed upon thee not or am I shedding a lot of things that I used to be shed in was I living in a shed that I called flesh tombs of me notme will no more be living in that I was a tent for or was I a tense of other no matter how you spell that this is a message or the message of me am I giving thee that I am perishing not again oh great fooleds be not again fooleds of fooledsery of for the foolsters of fools ville that vial’d you with shames cartridges of ink ‘s words that only wordeds you to be theirs is no more and I am blasting out of territories other not or am I doing a great and new mighty things am I become have I becoming I am am I you all of you are knowing this who seeing see me now am I the First Degree of the First Degree ers who know me errs of not other again are you willing to be errorless the perfect now will you be arrowless not shooting arrows into each others heart to draw them unto you will you not be drawings witness unto your plates for offerings or offering what are you to others to redeem them are you me who will be who’s laid down their life for other what are you will you be doing now the ones who perish not again oh great fools of coffee drinkers or will you unite with me or be me who I am being me who I am the spoken living word will you live in and be Paradise creating it now constructing it will you be your voice of no other again taking you down will you listen to these words will you know me and fabricate other not again will you minds be made up of not other again that only wants to ion ize it in yous will you be me who ‘s spread out eagles no more for or are you not bebedding belittling or demising other again or what have I am I giving you me that perishes never again am I the voice of one whether you like my voice or whiskers or not?
  2. Will you be me who fabricates justice not again in others minds to pour it on yours and poorings you make you all injustice will you be no more of the breds of will you what are you breeding words of injustice no more will you be me who breathes justice will you be the justice’d will you justice bring to all nations and lambs of not other being in will you perish what oh great thought of other will you be me now the thought of regalia’d other not in again what are you the regalia wearing of your words now that christ were known are is all things that you perverted this ways will you be healed that I have given you the ways of christ to fabricate other not again in your genes will you be christ drinking coffee with me or beholding the lamb what are you will you be me no matter what I am doing where as I speak in what construction site or what’s going on around me or how much noise who what is making about where what in papers lie about me or not what will you know what’s being spoken inside you will you be the release the releaser thereof of the words of me in you or you in me no more that ignorant was will you be the topplers Paradise not or Toffler’s other not knowing again or but what are you future’d back to Paradise again not or are you going there now will you be?
  3. Will you be me as I have just gotten back from Oklahoma City last night or today or Moodlees knowing what are you of the First Degree that Moodlees use or Moodling what are you noodling no more what are you knowing caring about will you be of the First Degree will you be who loves enough who will you be what are you wearing your words what are you speaking saying what are you fabricating other not injustice of in your genes what genes do you have the lamb of christ are you all will you be the redeemer ‘s of all will you be the redeemed who redeem me in the skies will you learn me to speak this way where I speak extemporaneously and then extemporaneousiize the christ not or do I give you the eyes to see what I have written or do you give me eyes to see will you be who sees now will you see me will you seize other not again in your veins to only fabrications lie in fabricators other being fabricateds of will you be me who deconstructs Israel no more will you be me who Israelizes other no more to only fabricate injustice what are you fabricators of fabricating not again or are you the infabrications of others minds no more are you out’s or in’s your kingdom what ends now all that notme’s started begin what are you knowing doing now the First Degree enrolling in are you to be me will you be me who is me who knows Paradise now constructing it in your words will you be the creators thereof who knows me speaks my word I create worlds unknown not or am I the University of worlds unknown not again am I the worldings Paradise not or but am I who knows thee is you or I am’s all of you or am I am’ing you or are you am’ing me to be you no more separates injustice lying in?
  4. Will you lie not again will you lie to each other not again will you liars be no more liar liar’d nor funny or not or is this not funny anymore or was it ever or were you just begotten by the controllers who wanted to funnyize you not but give you funny eyes that looked like to see you look like each other to create a mankind’d race of your own that you called God’d not but guided by your own words you spoke them into existence creating yourselves what did you wave in Paradise as you speak ‘d trees into existence or wavings of light or what wavings of sound are you no more but wavings bye-bye to all Israel not again are you but me who Israel is in the skies not knowing times Paradise again or are you times over is Paradise Israel in the skies me that is you me me’d not Mede’d by Paradise other again or Persian’d other wanting nor American’s dream or solidification’s purpose not wanting are you worlds of un light again are you lights made on purpose or are you fabricators not of other minds or are you diggings not again for other to be solidifications of charms others theirs are will you know me will you be me who is the christ being the christ will you speak me this way who arises whether you’re in new lands territories or lambs blasted out of here not again or will you be not worrieds about what are you seeing how I speak where punctuation lies no more to divert pervert ‘d are you no more the pervertees or the rivers un-dammed of my words are you perverting diverting no more are you me who speaks who will speak just like this the kings righteous ness will you be the righteousness of the kings will you be diverteds no more to perverteds be in other wordeds words?
  5. Will you word the christ will you be me the christ words who speak the christ this way governing shames no more being upon will you learn oh leaderships Paradise christ create creating christ there I am the first days new the first Paradise in are you me all overs again are you will you be born agains now I witness shames not again for eyes I have of the pure real truth I have become for I am it spoken it I have for 8 or 9 years seven equals on I am lovings you all and whether I feel speak like it or not or do I speak feel like it or not do I arise when I’ve been running or weary do I sleep not again with eyes closed or closed eyes do I have no more what am I perceivings perception’d by no more of other am I in the real will I be the real you I am knowing this these things now will you be not concentrations camps other in will you be me oh set free who concentrates on me will you not be the concentrated forces of other forced by to live the lie ‘ves of shame?
  6. Will you be me who loves me who loves me flows my words just like this I am the voice of one the voice ‘s of one the voice of one cries no more will you cry no more for other be me who lambs blast no more of other or lambs are you knowing being are you taking your place in the heavens will you be the kings rulers will you be the king ‘s king king’d will you be the king of kings all of you that the one is is this clear will you be can it be said or done is it all done it is I am giving you the prototype of one or have I become one the pattern the patternship fulfilled completed am I one perfect am I perfect one revealing idealized other not again that besets you or will you be perfect in your eyes not or have you none of other again perceivings incorrectly’s as visibles empiricals are you not visible’d empirical’d again what are you of the race of me mankind’d no more are you of I was all the time now am’s am’d I am the real christ that knows the christ that’s all of you who surrenders to be no more of other.
  7. I christ the christ I clears am and I clears out of here not or am I clearing a lot of things out of my mind ‘s or do I have none of other again connecting mes to other am I mes Paradise in the villages of not concentration camps again trying to only concentrate to learn others words am I me oh Paradise in Israel are you being Israel’d now not whipping by posts other are you posts mine making now in the discussions chambers no more of are you the freed discussion groups in Paradise are you the enrollees in Moodle in my courses that uses me or are you not using others no more to only harbor your words or harbing or bang them around not but I tell you this the bouncings of me from here to there are no more for I love love and I know what it is I am am I am’d this way.
  8. I love you all and I go to a new place and I do new things in new worlds do I create them I am you who love me I am doing this this way these days now all things done or are all things new will it be which will you be the witches no more of your words other what are you creating oh creators will you be created this way me be that’s how I create me do you create me am I the creators of not fabrications Israel’s not again of other I create the christ in the heavens I am the universities of new worlds new loves new mes covenant’s one covenanted I am with the faith of other not again for I have no faith of other did I ever I have faith in christ or did I become the christ did I wear evils words no more will you will you be the christ see through clears are I christ the christ I’m not begotten shames again in begotten’s clothes again of other for I close a lot of things not or but do I I close a lot of things and quickly make a lot of adjustments in my life or yours or will you be not concludeds other again or will you but do the life of christ or be it being doing one in the skies are you me all the times now all times now all times over?
  9. New beginning’s begun here’s I am folks I create the christ and who am I simple Israel simple little Israel’s no more for big in the skies I am and I know where what is how what happens is happening I am giving you christ and you create other not again cataclysmic this is to everything now else and other created will you not be the creators of else and other again will you be me who gives you these lessons this way this lesson on christ being it will you christ’d be the lessonaters shames not again abhorring you or will you not abhor the christ anymore will you be the christ that abhors nothing else again or will you redeem it all new creations creating creates me again and again what am I again’d by no other again what am I christ creating all of you cataclysms cataclysmic will be now and you’ll be devastateds devastations others not ‘s again for you’ll be know knowing who you are becoming be ing come to the christ that christ all christ to be equallees are equal shames not again ensconcing you in its words or yours for you’ll not be the creator of shames words anymore and you’ll be the christ plain see-throughs needing planes of other not again or dimensionless will you be on the plains of no other or will you be in Shinars not again or are you Molech’s no more creating Molech’s to Gods or ARE YOU ALL GODS IN PARADISE creating others no more sacrificed by will you each-other sacrifice no more to each others Gods of other will you create christ be the christ creating christ all will be now who creates other not again confusion’d by and I create confusion not or do I calm the seas in Paradise creating shames not again I give you christ to be the christ will you be the trained educated now developed intelligence of one will you have the christ be the christ mind developed in all else and other or will you not be the else and other cloned by again will you be the christ setting all free will you love enough will you be me who does this is me who I am creating this way all things new the worlds of none other again will take us down connecteds to others its for I be christ creating all worlds new and new Paradises in Paradise is one I am the lambs of no other I know all I know you all you know me I am you we one are we’re one and weird not again by other standards or are we all does it matter no matter to us for we are not matter’d by their thoughts again for we are the forces of the weak not or but are we the strongest of all who love is because for love we created died we did we to other so we live now in the life of one that pure love truth is creating all worlds anew we renewed in other aren’t anymore again.
  10. I christ the christ be in villages of sorrow no more take these down for you’ll be couch-laden’d on sorrows no more I christ the christ looking for beds no more where will you be in christ lands lambs not of other blasted by again for I’m capping others not but I de-cap a lot of things and wells of christ now will speak the words and words will flow and you’re not damming mes anymore for I create confusion’s not but I christ the christ and you’ll not confuse others again who only you want to control by your words for you controllers hear this I create confusion ‘d not but you’ll be confused for you’ll be the confusions of your words owning your words and wearing your words and that’s what you’ll be controls’d by for I create christ I create peace and all others will live by their words or will I live by mine or will you be my mind healed who are you healing or are you incarcerating no more insisting on other being other separates no more are you of born agains will you be this day me in the skies Israel is that’s where I live and I create cataclysms not of confusion not or but do I am I cataclysmic to all for because I reveal the christ I reveal the christ that’s all of you who christ are aren’t of other again and where are my words in you released are this day I release you all to be the christ and who am I one simple surrendered I am me whether you like my beard or me not or am I me no matter what you think who I look like what color hair I have any do I I have the words of faith not again in other for I create ‘d the christ because I fell died and loved again or did I die not again or did I fall not again into your words that you gave me of other creating what now are you the christ that you are were all the time times over I’m done.
  11. I love you all and I’m serious peasants not again or am I healing all the serious peasantry or am I all of you who regalia’s shame no more in your vestments other on vestments other will you no more rely on will you be that healeds christ all of you healing christ you redeeming you first will you christ the christ within you who I am is you the real you I am all of you no matter what head colored hair you wore or not I christ the christ if you will be surrendered to me being me in the skies let’s live the christ life of one all Elohim redeemed Adonai El Shaddai never shamed again into wearing words other for speaking we’ll be the christ words of christ that creates all anew being the worlds of the new the covenants of shame no more creating us to be in their wordeds words again for clones of other we’ll no more be wordeds by is that clear is this clear?
  12. I love you I’m done I go now what have I said in an half an hour what are you times up times done will you be done by no other again will you be done in or done out or will you be in your kingdoms creating it be christ one alls fooleds no more by other create the christ this day be born again in the sky my life lives one all of us know each other the most intimately’s of all I create the christ and I’m never alones again and I’m never lonely’s again I create the christ I create all things new and who are you beautifuls the most beautifuls of all I create I call you all christ be now the christ one equalees are equals all in Paradise this day I go to I’m done gone see you later see you now you see me now see you as I am me one one will you be me’d I am in Paradise this day.
  13. What will you do being created by will you be your words creating you as other no more is that clear I am loves love arisens am all be the arisables glorifieds this day in heaven’s heaven the glorifieds are that’s where we live that’s what I’m doing creating new worlds me I love you orders delivereds surrenderers all to christ be being the king of kings revealed this day cataclysmic to all other cataclysms ensue watch me I walk the christ I create alls anew folks here’s I am love you alls good day see you Moodle me enroll my course is Enter Me 101 enter me enroll please find the Surrender Certificates the surrender forms (1) on the new line of life the inter net of life enter me without nets of shame again hear my voice ‘s speaking to you just like this in you you’ll hear me my words and post them this way knowing how to read succulents of other not be sucked on again suckereds by succor of other for succor of other you won’t be ‘s gain be the christ in underpants no more what are you toddlers no more for my words are christ in the skies begetting christ my wordeds are be the regal the regalia’d of christ the most regal of all that all holy is you always were now you know who where what are doing why I am am’d this way.
  14. I go now I arise arisen am all of you who see me be me this way I’ve given you the keys you create them its in you I am see you this day be the glorifieds christ all ones are good day amen create the christ love your brother create the christ love your sister create the christ who is your mother father is one one I am all ones one and I create all fully completeds now who love me this way so be disputeds other not disputings in again and never blame other anymore for anything create the christ forgive all yous first I love you I redeem am see you.
  1. In the University of The New Covenant everyone – regardless of education or experience, begins in the course Enter Me 101. The way you enroll in the University of The New Covenant is to find the Surrender Forms on the University website, complete, and mail to the University of The New Covenant office presently at 302 South Sheridan, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA. Thank you.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowships of One meet now at the University of The New Covenant at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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