THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,News charting a new course will you be taking Enter Me will you be learning knowing me a new language of studying words as never before

charting a new course will you be taking Enter Me will you be learning knowing me a new language of studying words as never before

charting a new course will you be taking Enter Me will you be learning knowing me a new language of studying words as never before
will you be charting a new course
are you learning a whole new language
will you study these words know how to learn listen and speak me
please be me the christ
will you love me enough
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110816_000

  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham August 16, 2011 at 2:50 AM bringing you peace or am I disturbing a whole lot of things that you would rather have peace about or in your genes are you not wanting placationvilles devicevilles in you again vile’d of I change a lot of things or do I uproot a lot of things do you are you uprooted now from where you were what you wanted to lie in are you no more lying in lies where you were are you not infestations ceremony going to anymore to be coiled up within you and snakes of serpents other wanting to infestate other and double tongued be or split-tongue hoof’d were you all that wore one in your tongue double minded of are you not paradises Angels not or are you but of the third degree or second not again or are you but christ all of you knowing who you are now not double hoofed tongued again or four quadrupled not flying on me not again or are you but uprooting a lot of trees that used to fly you or what were you brooms ‘d no more on are you brooming not again any houses sweep lie in or are you changing everything about text structure or sentences you used to lie in comfortable with comfort with no other is your aim no more for you are not aiming at comfort other again are you in my genes me christ being christ christ’d are you willing to be the learning learnful will you learn full of christ being the love of mankind not again but loves mankind to redemption be to mankind will you be the mankind’d kind of mankind no more that only wants a kind of man that re-affirms verifies and veracity’s witness becomes will you become not the empirical witness of other that only wants to charm other in their veins of other will their veins of other they no more have in them running to veins pourover wills or what are you pouring over no more your money’s drains or are you draining not the paradicial judicial court systems of the paradise again are you knowing one in the heavens will you be not judicial’d by other again or are you flashing me of the First Degree again knowing mine movies videos are you making them will you be with Virginia’s Paradise or knowing me will you all Maureen’s love ly’s be now will you all know me who I am I’m preferring not or are you all preferred christ not stocks common going to again to be stocked bond in are you not bond ‘d by paradise others again syllables of syllabic other will no more isticate me and I will istics be of other not or will I change everything about how I speak uproot will I a lot of things go bye-bye or will I go bye-bye to a lot of things I need ‘d not again?
  2. I change everything about times zones of other will no more incarcerate me’s for I will be involubles not or involitions not or will I change everything about what in sconced you will you not be the sconce shells or conked out will you not be laying on floors anymore seeking a witness of other will you be witnessed to no more by other that only wants a witness of other to give you a Jesus of other or Allah God or whatever you your name wants to be for to before other is no more or are you me all me are you uprooting a lot of trees now that you planted with thoughts other not taking you down again chains’d to what are you be leaving now are you leaving the leaves of paradise only tree of no other or are you growing not the leaves of other on your trees of thought will you not be placated again genes ‘d by?
  3. I love you all to change many things or will you all change me not into garnerers other or will you know Chuck Garner’s shame not again or but Sandy’s love or will you all know me who I am pianoing at the bar of evil again that only wants to belly up me taking me out on 10 toes up you won’t again roll me out on gurneys southern or northern for I’ll be directions shame not again direction’d by for I know the molecular declination not or am I celestials in the beauties of christ or am I christ beauties all of you of are every nation tribe and tongue are you all christ all of you are the one will you be the one not declinated by other again declinings charms of other or are you uprooting a lot of things or denying the privilege of un-christ again are you denied not again or but are you christ denying yourselves a lot of things that you used to imbibe enjoy are you changing everything about what flashed you in their pan will you not be the flashes of ceremonies other or bulbings you again cameras of cameras’d of other I’ll be not or Cameron’s shame not or will I know a lot of relatives close or divorced now will you know all extensive families will you judge not to be judged or will you judge the christ deem worthy you are the christ all of you will you be Virginia’s declarations no more or will you be the independence of paradise at Independence Halls not or are you all me christ going to the ones of shame no more but christ in the heavens will you be Tulsa’s first will you be going to Tulsa’s first on my list chart not or am I charting the heavens through Tulsa’s portal or theodore’s love are you all loved love now will you love love and love enough to love all enough to love all to be the christ will you all christ be licking no others wounds again charms’d of will you compassionates no more be in lies of other that only wants humanity’s charms lickings yous?
  4. I change everything about a lot of things you used to spend your time on won’t be spent on making dollars again or will you not make dollars over me wrapping me in skins shame or skinflints other will you not flicks be by are you flickered not by other images of are you imaged not by failures of christ pictures or do you know mine am I you are you making yours mine are you directing movies many are you christing the christ not failures images again wanting images of failure to concretize you in its will you be not the lead bottoms again only led by failures will you not led be by leaderships of failure again that only want to follow you not but stomp on your christhood christship of other will no more be stomped on how are you reading this or are you but listening to these words this video watching are you sharing me at the Fellowships of One will you be in me in carcerated no more by other?
  5. I love you all to know me and I am technology’s dream not again dreaming about others for I am learning a lot of things I take responsibility for learning I will the christ be how to just like this I will study I will be here in class I will study let I will speak I will let I will the words flow through my mouth just like this where I study let live the life of no other again I love love ‘d became loved I am again love lives now in you will you be love lived out now will you be of your kingdom no more will you open it this way will you sit there at 2 a.m. in my seat will you be you of other no more are you uprooting you to be me will be me you at 2 a.m. are all of you meeting me are you meeting me all of you in the skies will you be not the declarations of shame independencing you of other again or but are you changing everything about what declared you in the past as theirs are you changing everything about divorcing hates words or will you be the divorced no more from hates words or are you hating nothings or divorcing everythings that notme started or covenanted with or renounce not shames again but are you changing everything uprooting what are you changing are you my language not again or but christ do I speak right into the hearts this way your heart of heartville not again aching I won’t be developers other developing me’s in theirs I won’t be developers of linked others in shames what they want for I will not be wanted of shames again falling in arms other and arms’d other will not armor all me with its spray or tooth paste or bitings before of that I won’t be smellings of or sauce will I not be made of chutneys other or do you know my favorite ‘s or preferences of curry ‘s other not again going to South Africa’s not but are you in the heavens everywheres now going to all your preferences or lie ‘s not again him chicks other what are you bittying not again by bidening for times other?
  6. I change everything about the presidential politics or are there no more in fightings will you infight infestations be no more in fighting each other use of other to fight each other will no more be love loved will be now for I will all know me who I all will be I all ways was and the ways of christ are known now not obscured uprooted by other will no more be for I uproot a lot of things a whole lot of things the holy I will be now known and I will not be uprooted by other planted by other or will I be charms no more uprooted by or chains’d to them nor uprooted by their wants nor magnetized by their charms wants of other will no more be’charm me into their wants and their wants won’t be’want me or will I change everything about what I wanted before in the past will no more be’lead me into charms other.
  7. I change everything about the maps of failure where are you in the heavens celestials lying in no more are you but in the skies are you learning a whole new language of mappings make will you make mine will you study these words know how to learn listen and speak me ease of not other again going to will you me ease of burden not wanting again will you me’s me will you me be me are and I am singular and plural not again or do you know any of this any of these things that I am not apostrophe’ing again not or am I making clear and shame not being in again I chain a lots of things not but I de-shame a whole lot of things that de-shames me now or de-chain will I everything to you not be chained to shames’d again of will you be shaming no more of others or will you be the christ condemnings not the condemnings will you condemnation no more be the condemnations of will you be the christ exonerateds all will you bow ‘s before christ will you bowed not be before other or are you bowing before all to honor christ in all that condemned you will you hang your head no more in shame or will you erect the christ in you will you build the superstructures of or will you be not the super’d of other again powered of other is no more geo politicals of or are you changing everything about the earth are the heavens no more yours or were they were you duo-politicals no more or geopoliticals other knowing but George Friedman not (3.2.137) or are you all knowing my Edmunds politicals not but Hillary of others not conquers again but do you know me I’m on the North poles of paradise not or am I the South Hills of shame not being on or Independence Avenue or Hall do you know me am I living where am I in the skies the governor ships of knowing me I’m Meridians Avenue not all and or am I drawing a line in the sands of time no more am I sands ‘d of other I’ll be no more or Sandy’s garnerer not but I know a lot of Chuckies not again cheese of or am I cheese ing y’s not again I change everything about where you lie ‘s did will you be no more the uprooteds not or will you change everything about what you were?
  8. Uprooteds in other you’ll no more be sleepy’s of or will you be changing everything about turbinators sugars or chutneys of paradise going to makers thereof not or are you BC’ing me no more in the eras of paradise the errors of paradise the E’s of paradise other will no more electronify me or will I tron be not by terrors electro again or magneticing interference broadcasting me not again as other am I changing everything about your waves function are you functionated not by terrors again that only wants a time space demand command capsuled by other will no more containify me I love you all to IFR be not or FDR not knowing again or but VH1 (3.1.075) looking up in these words are you knowing a lot of broadcasting shames not again rights of I love you all to know me and broadcast no more shames words of that only takes you down to look like fools not but make you look like paradisers will be no more ensconced in me’s will be broadcasting rights or will you all be the right wing of no other or left ies other are you left y’s other no more are you left behind’s no more or are you in the skies writing me will you be in my classes not left behinds or were you only put to death by your ignorances were you only war on ignorance knowing or terrors will you know my War on Ignorance will you terror fied not be again affirmed of us of use other will no more be for I revolt revoltings not or I WW not or am I reds no war paradise in or am I changing everything about your reds world or were you only bakings in paradise you created bells there of other will no more be wringing me out on their lines to only hang me up on their lines will be no more for I’ll be clothespins ‘d shame not or will I have everything changed about the lines of paradise interlaced others videos of or are you knowing me all RGB’s red green blues or spectrums color are you knowing not again the charts’d of or are you charting the heavens O be blues’d not again or are you reds ‘d not again or are you knowing all me from gammas spectrum or ultra rays light or are you knowing me all me being me not alls sounds’d shame again limited to ear drums ear function of other will no more be’drum me in chick lit’s other for chick ado chicklets I’ll be not or will I change everything about your gums or teeth will I heal you all now that ails you or will you ale ‘d not be drinking again in the words of pools other will you pools’d other not be Bethsaida’s or will you change everything about Beth Israel or will you be Beth’d no more or Israel will you be all in me I am’s paradise other not wantings or am I changing a lickings ceremony or are you not licking ceremonies other to sit there in pews other or rug’d there be by are you bye-byeing a whole lot of things are you sitting there speaking with your arms folded or your mind open or are you be’channeling me not other again are you me ing me are you me of the paradise free first will you be will you first others not again in your genes to be over you will you be seven equals on will you love me paradise will you be constructing it the constructors thereof will you build Israel in your infrastructure or theirs not again are you christ in the heavens will you be charting a new course charted are you by no other again are you the crafts manship of terrors not again terrors fied by terrafieds will be no more however you spell that or are you looking up a lot of spellings variations or variations in spellings not again what are you knowing about my Databases closed are they no more or but Database One is your first one to know memorize will you will you be me memorizing many of the placarded walls of no other plaques’d of other I’ll be no more keeping or will I be brushings not a few words out of my mind a ways from me?
  9. I christ the life ‘s of one and the life of one I will know and be not discardeds again for I will not want punctuations again to punctuize me and I will be punctually ‘s other not or will I be punctual from now on or will I know the disease es of christ not again will I heal all will I be me healing me first will I be forgiving me first will I of all I’ve done and un forgive will I forgive all un’s and hons not be of other do-lists other will no more be’honeying me for I’ll be de’hons buns not wanting however I spell that or did you do you not won’t the hons of shame again honeying do-lists you will no more be whatever that meant in your culture for I charms’d yours no more or do I pick my teeth in public no more or am I the publics good no more seeking of a man drakes witness or man charms’d me or am I compassionates not lying in humanitarians use of aid other I won’t be again aidings by abettings use of other for I’ll be charms legalers not by abetters other or am I betting no more on racetracks other am I dog gies ponies no more or tails other pinned on me am I ukuleles paradise no more wanting or am I in Hawaii’s shame no more or do you but know me all I’m instant ce’s witness not or am I all of you Mario’s bells not again going for but tolling for other I won’t be but toll roads I’ll know into Tulsa or takings trains witness not or am I all of you driving footing not hoofed again or but flying am I here’s out of here into celestials other what are you being knowing are you the christ writing my words flowing this way will you be diaries not of failures again wanting others journals words other will be no more or are you broadcasters rites of shame no more springs of other not but I change a lot of things about where you drank or what you lies’d in are you changing uprooting a whole lot of things you rooted were to used by other you will not be anymore charms’d by rooted to for I uproot a whole lot of things or shall you be not uprooted from where you were are you from elsewhere are you from paradise are you constructing it will you be the constructors of infrastructure no more of other are you changing everything about you will change you about other will no more be or will you be firsting christ the first christing the first christ will you be the all of you will be one now the one are that one is I am the christ revealed you are all of you are of every nation tribe and tongue be fooled not by other again into use other and use other other no more for other again please be the christ be the christ please and be used by no other again to only use you for their interest woodens of for you’ll be christ peg-legs not or will you be flyings in the heaven chartings a new course will you be the navigators other not navigations for or are you the craft manship of not other again are you craftings the heavens or gods are you all ye gods are gads of other not but gadabouts other I’ll fly not in or will I be changing everything about how I travels now will I needing passports be or not will I be the poor trayings other not or tray’d will I not be on their neu rons or other neuronals of other will no more neuron be me or will I change everything about what I thought with or with thought no more shall I be ensconced in?
  10. Will I be the thinking christ that develops christ this way that will know the difference will you will you be the thinking christ or cogitative not on other again cognitive other not knowing again or are you but christ developing the cognates of christ will be now or will you be graduating not with the cognates of other cognitives other being or cognitive christ will you christ me this way where you study shames no more will you be wordeds of what are you changing 37 minutes or 16 fps or what f-stops are no more on your cameras or are you videoings me all now seamings other not again steaminess of I make the revealeds now all courts of shame no more be held in use of you will no more be reality ing other used by other you won’t think reality you’re in again will you please be me who re defines reality or will you re terror fy no more other will you terrify not yourselves in other terror mony’s other matrimony’s of or are you changing everything about the bed wettings paradise are you changing everything about what you lied in were you lied to and only ate swallowed a dreams’d lie are you changing everything about the clone ‘s’d are you cloned no more clones of bred by races other what are you knowing in the celestials atmospheres of not other are you knowing me beings of supreme light supreme light of beings or the supreme beings the most humble of all will you light be born of no other again are you in the heavens will you be charting a new course will you be taking enter me will you be learning knowing me a new language of studying words as never before what meanings etymologies of or what sociologicals paradise are no more vowelistics other or ballistics other not ballisticating you or are you changing everything about the ballistics of mankind’s mind are you armor plates no more needing mails of?
  11. I change the intertwineds not or am I changing everything about your burping or burpleing are you not me again on videos paradise or are you but tapes no more rolling or are you knowing mine that taped paradise not again in others words scotched up in others will no more be for I drink a lot of Scotch tape not again or do I take the tape off of all things now that stuck you to others or gravity’d were by adhereds to other I will not be stuck to’s again and I will no longer stick to others again that only wants to be’words me with others for I’ll be Virginia’s me not or will I be all of you will I love you all equally all Maureensville or Murines other not needing again am I the eyes of paradise seeing now will I be you all Olive oil’s other not or Dagwood’s other not going to sandwiches or Blondies other will be no more or will I change everything about your comics strips of other will no more strip tease me or will I be changing everything about the bed rooms of terror or will I changing be about all the things that terrified you or only promoted a race of mankind’s mind will be no more however you choose to delay this no more will you be the christ will you be the christ christ you first will you be the forgiving christ that forgives you first will you forgive all sins yours first will you firsting be the forgiven christ that forgives all christ their sins will you forgiving be of all all they’ve forgiven or not will you forgive all sins they’ve forgiven or not have I given you all times zones not again to be in have I developed christ or are you developing the christ this way that Messiahs all want not of other again shall want no more be in your genes shall you chart a new course uproot a whole lot of things uproot ing all will you be now not the concretized other again conquered in conquered to other Concordes of not or are you changing everything about New Hampshire’s primaries or the presidential process of getting electeds no more shall be as others divisives want to lie in I change everything about the houses of Congress or everything where you’ve lied in terrors charms and bitten off arms not or have you bitten words been by have you bitings no more to show your wounds off in public are you cryings no more in public or cryogenics not taking studying again what are you knowing pyro techniques not of other again or magnetics other magneticing moment ‘d not or are you changing everything about the magnetic moment or magic not of other wanting are you magic’d no more again projected ‘s of what are you in the fields of paradise no more wanting other are you changing everything bout what you understood are you boutings no more poutings of clouded use of other will no more be’cloud me I have said a lot.
  12. Used of other will no more be used of other use of other goes bye-bye now I uproot a whole lot of things I establish paradise in the skies I love you all and I am Israel’s Israel in the skies I am not needing sneezies of lovelies other or are you the loveliest of all will you go look in to your mirror be the loveliest of all will you be the one you always waited for terrified not by other again I gene the christ and who am I one simple wooden witness no more again for I am glorifications shame not again or am I glorified bodies all of you am I lookings in the mirror now at me am I glorifieds no more of other will you be accolades of other no more wantings accoladeds by other I’ll Adelaide go to not or will I be going allwheres everywheres in the heavens now not timeless not will you not me to death no more will you knock me down no more with your words other will you cut off my knees no more with other will you cut off my head no more will you wear mine will you be mine developed will you be the christ headlings of other not coils’d of use of other will be no more in my head for my head will be no more in use by other of other will no more be used by me or will I be changing everything about me that I was for I think not as was I was the christ all the time but I knew now or know now am I new will you newing you be however you spell that I love you all and I terrify paradise not again in my genes for I will be the christing christ and use of other is not allowed or do I command you all to use of other not be used by will you love love enough to be died in the wool not of other again will you be the lambs wool not other for sheared by religions terror will no more terrify use you of its be for I change everything about your sentence structure or do I sentence you to be christ do I love you enough to give you mine all words of paradise will you know studying be will you studiers be of the paradise first that gives you christ or gives you christ in your genes will you be the first christing christ will you be the mutually exclusives not again or will you be the all inclusives other not again including other bacterias shame and enzymes enzymatics other will no more automate automatic make me of theirs for I am automaticals paradise not in others again for I am not automatically endorsing their words or candidates shame or am I the love parties of one in the heavens will you be politicals paradise not of other divisives of are you changing everything in 50 minutes or the 50th president are you of loves command of parties not but the love party you’ll know of one parting with other not again or are you parting with everything that uprooted you to be not the christ?
  13. I christ the christ the life of one knowing in the heavens now all will that I’m seamless with all ones are one the Jesus christ of other not wanting again or are you seeing all christ the pattern of one the patternship of one will you follow in to into one will you be one that all one are have I explained this well I have loved you well and I know what I have said and given you the keys to paradise will you be it me that I am you are the one glorified now shall will you be one is glorified not by other wanting Virginia’s paradise or declarations are you making of independence in the heavens or the Federations of One will you be the Angels of the lovers of all equalees knowing I humbly’s am the most humble of all God is redeemed this way will you be whether I inflections my voice or not you will know me for you will not be determinings make use of my inflections or will you be listening videoing me are you all christ learning this way ‘s the ways of christ will you be fed by no others again I feed miracles you not or do you feed me bulls no more of paradise balls other I won’t be balls’d up in twines other will no more hold me in electricals other for I’ll be circuits no more of electrics neuronals of and I change everything who am I you who love me I am and I run for president not or do I sit stand or walk see me in the skies see you not skies’d of other again going to gravure’ds other for graves other will no more be diggings me out of or will I be changing a lot of things that’s grown over you use of other will no more be fallow grounds by or do I roto till other not again or are you not rotor bladed by use of other again?
  14. Use of other is no more using you and who do you are you are I change everything and you think paradise ‘s words are hard not again for softies I am not but tissues other I need no more again to collect bloods clots in my nose or will I be the veins not cloggings use of or will I need not the veins of terror running through my electrical circuits or am I not circuited by christ un’s again I christ the christ and I am unchrist not again I am freeing all christ and who am I one simple Theodore Joseph Cottingham and I am the peace of love not or am I giving you all peace or uprooting terror’s am I you all knowing simply I am I am ‘s am and am’s I am ‘d this way and I am not terribles again soups’d of their words other for I change the languages of shame not or do I change everything are you the uprooteds now or are you uprootings all things that uprooteds you from being the christ in the heavens shall you be the celestialsphere now shall you create new ones far and wide shall you the heavens be in the heavens are you the willing to be learn this way learnful will you be studying ‘s here the humble humblest of all will you be bowing before all will you honor christ no matter what they look like to you whether beards have flowing hair or not little big fat or ugly not again are all the lovelyables the loveliest of all are you all THE ONE for me I am the one you are that we be’covenant other with not again we covenant life to be life we create life this way the project iles of no other again wanting projectiles of other for projectiles other will be projectile’d for not or will we be changing everything that projectile use of us gave ours theirs or theirs ours to us will we not be the reflections use of again?
  15. I change everything about lights photons or will you photonic be no more photobic of or phobic other use of other is no more be for you will have no fears again be the christ fearless now in the heavens flights of love taking crafts manship of terrors no more terrify yous for I’ll be in the skies terrorless now I be genes’d of christ for I gene the christ this way who am I all of you studying here’s I am at 302 ‘s I begin I begin now I began seven years ago or ten nine eight or studying are you my words knowing my Databases 4 are closed not or are you but opening mine all of you Database One first knowing memorizing fully completely will you have the minds of christ that stumble not at fools’d other again will you fools no more be stumbled by other will you stumble over laws other no more will you be loves loved will you love all enough to be the christ letting all be christ fools other not be the commerces of failures again I heavens open I’m all galactics enterprises not or am I the enterprise one of captains not or am I the leaders of love leadershiping all shipping all off to terrors not again I be’set all free not or do I set you all free to be the christ speaking my words this way the voice of one in the wilderness crying no more of other for you will be setting all free to paradise be the makers thereof where you were are in your genes all the time were now you seven equals on are is that clear?
  16. I am loving you all lovelies are good day and I’m Virginia’s paradise not or do I make the declarations of shame no more or am I the independence of halls shame not again going to or am I the independents or am I the federations of one in the heavens the federations of one the Federation of One the one of one’s know me one is are I am I am’s am am’d this way and we all are brothers sisters in christ no more of other we’re all one families are we the families of christ one are gods is god is that gods are ye are ones is one’d again seven Meons on equals are and I have said many things many ways to give you the Virginia’s of christ not or am I all you of lovelies all of you all of you are all of you are know me well and I’m independence halls not or am I the declarations of love knowing will you know my decrees my lovelies proclamations are my words my paradise are my thoughts no more be’takings me down are use of other no more using me to be theirs I change the wordings not or Ishmael’s language am I no more am I Abraham’s Ur not or am I all of you paradise in the heavens being the celestialsphere knowing now I charted heavens use of not again or do I be’use not heavens sphere again or do I change everything where are you the fearless now calling you I am calling you fearless will you be here now become so come now here’s I am lovely be the courses I am in treating you thus fairly not or are you this what I have given you all things unto your hand to be Israel’s Israel’s in the sky ‘s paradise creating not the infrastructures of superstructures other again for I superize christ not or do I change everything about your humblest or humility’s other not wanting again compassionates thereof?
  17. I hear of christ I hear christ calling me I am I come here’s now to be the christ genes’d of not other again I graduate now’s in the skies I love you all and who am I one simple the Universities of The New Covenant the loves love love me all enough I bury no one not again not or do I bury loves no more I marry in the heavens not or am I married not to others words again I’m all one’s family happieds are the happiest christ of all all christ are the happy’s of all the happiest of all the joyfuls christ dones not in others again I make everythings anew I love you all donesville ‘s preempted not but I preempt a whole lot of things that’s done you in in the past and I’ll be Lula Mae’s no more for other ever again for I’m evers after not I’m befores you all and here’s I am yous are you now understanding all this these things please be me the christ I bow before you all good day.
  18. Woodens witness no more be wanting ever again I christ the christ and who am I all you the lovelies the loveliest of all you all are and I’ll know Megans shame not or will I know you all and treat you all the loveliest I bow before you all and I forget not this word again I love you all be the best be the humblest will you love me all will you know my Tracy’s and trace not the paper thins of other or will you not be the papered christ of other or will you know the papered christ or peppered Jesus not but the Paper Jesus you will know not again or will you know all me writing the lambs book of life will you love me enough will you be me be me who are God is revealed this way I have given you the genes’d of one christ be thank you ones one forever one young forever young at heart the heart of christ now knows beats in me for other not or will I be beatings use of other no more beaten-downs by I christ the christ I have said much I go now I’m done love you all and I forget not this word this lesson of shame no more be used by love you all good day amen fearless be fearless are thank you I am.
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the words above were spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER 15 and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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