the privileges of christ

the privileges of christ
I have given you the lambs book of life
do I Skype you (1)
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110815_000
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham August 15, 2011 at 12:11 AM bringing you paradise giving you me am I have I done many things for thee or as thou hast been is no more is that thee’ing thee not or is it changing everything about thee ‘s the status of me is the status of me understood now or just known throughout the heavens as an anomaly not again are you all crowds skies not again in reds not but blues paradise or knowing are you dimensionless me are you knowing me who I am struggling with words not again or am I but one who has learned the kings faith not again to be in am I letting all flow the righteousness of thereof hereof what are you hearing me o grounds Keaton not again or are you above the heavens now are you in the heavens above are you all things above where you were are you hearing things never heard before are you seeing things with not mankind’s mind again restricting you ‘s are you used of no more mankind’s mind of mindery of satan is no more be’using you or you are no longer using its to provide disparity ‘s age of reason not or are you Hardy’s Thomas no more knowing again or but Charles Moran not or are you knowing all me theodore cottingham one who loves you all equally will you be equally me loving all equally me equally are be one in paradise who knows all about these things flash driven not again or are you Gordon’s other not Elbert gin or in are you not Jennings other again Bryan’s other or silver tongued tooth not again but I tell thee this I make a lot of changes in speech es foreign and am northern not again are you the southern righteous no more portraying a dogma of are you changing everything about what directions lie where what are you directionless no more again christ are you in the skies needing no compass es of failure are you compassed not again about by mankind’s mind minding you are you minded not by minding use of terror are you terribles terror no more terrifieds of are you fears no more bred in Briana’s Bianca not but I know a lot of Watson’s Sherlock Holmes not or do I know you all Briana’s fears not again of I know you all and I’m at Starbucks not but I know a lot of coffee shops within the skies throughout the skies I will be now not the woodens peg legged Chester’s that only wants to drag around foot of clay or are you feet of clay no more having that only clayed you to be other are you clay pigeons stool no more for stool pigeons other or sitting under their purview wanting their messages or lecterns teaching again what are you teachings not again putrids of are you putrefying not the message of christ again are you christ all that you teach will you teach all the christ to be the christ are one is that in the heavens are announced proclaimed and protained not by other again or are you protainment not knowing or all you are looking up in these things not the in tanglements of other are you entangled no more in other ments of other are you mince of other no more meat made of or what are you eating not again words of other are you arising in the wee hours will you arise set your alarms will you flash me not to death of other will you arise and be’life me will you life me be me give me will you give me your life mine will you be will you exchange nothing for no one’s not again or will you have not the life of no one nothing again or but lies did you stool pigeon for that made you anomalies appearance in theirs are you all fabricateds fabricators no more of Fabergé’s materials not but I make a lot of changes in flowers or are you cabbages no more eating or of the third degree no more are you giving me about what I eat as I sit there or in the heavens am I all you saying this these things that I have recorded these seven years 9 or 8 seconds left or is there but one or none?
  2. Are you knowing me will you speak me this way thusly are you the christ revealed will you be in your genes first revealing christ that you are you are you are the christ that you are known now all is about these things that I have given thee 10 th days of paradise not again to th be in not or are you th’ing not your lisp again or are you listing out paradise me the lambs book of to know me who you love are you loving all equally will you love all listed or not are you listing a lot of things for sale not again as purchase other or are you but selling all things now or what are you wearing not again the robes of other gowns or negligees lights or are you made of the lights of no other solidifications of you charms ‘d in by are you bye-byeing a lot of crowd of else and other are you christ all of you no matter will you be will you be no mattered by failures again charms of what are you wanting only accolades imposters to imposterize you no more will be in your eyes you will be changed not again or chaineds not again to bedposts other for muckings other what are you changing or F-ing me not again to be F-150s crowd or what are you breaking the sound barrier or nuptials other pre ‘d not again or are you having any but the divorce courts knowing or are you in the heavens divorcing all shames words what are you lying in beds no more of nuptialing you to be theirs exclusivity’s rights no more will you rite on and want again.
  3. I love you all to know me and I change everything who am I one wooden witness no more recorded am I all of you recourted not by other I look up a lot of things and I make good records or do I make the goodest or goodies better not but I head aches no more or head aches I no more have you any head but christ will you be the head of christ not lifted ups by fools again that only wants a head thoughts of other thinkings in other that generates you fabrications of fabricators other will you ate’ers not be gatored by other or gated by ions channeled other won’t be ioning you for I’ll know Ilona’s Iona not or will I know all of you who make musics for me of one crowd of other will no more be for I will know you all Budapest Hungary not or will I be hungry no more for other will I all you know will you know all me will you love all me will you be me no matter what I look like to you will I be to of you or two millions or numberless will I be one seven equals on meon’d are meons is Meology’s privilege ‘s will be known far and wide now and I am the angels of paradise not or am I but all of you studying the words of shames no more beguiling you are you beguiled’s no more are you beguiling use of no other in you your genes of are you knowing the difference will you be the teachable no more of other will you learn how to teach learn this way will you speak me speaking me be this way used no more by other what are you changing all about what you knew or sold are you not on the open market again is there any but one I am who knows all these things I am all one ‘s ones are at once I do this not or is time ‘s no more is time over me not again will see the lord of the glory or the glory of the lord are you all camping round no other again what are you tongues of mankind no more tied to are you languages not frozen again or are you loosing the tongues of men and angels not again to be other otherfied in other is no more frying me in oils and grease and french fries other of fast food outlets will no more outletize my eyes and my appetites change me not again into other for I change no appetites not or will I change everything about your appetites for sex and foolery and wishes wishful words and words that accolade your thoughts massage your temples not anymore in mine will be for I will be 2 in 1 not again or will I be 1 in 1 over 1 that 1 is undering no more?
  4. The privileges what are being christ what are you have I given you the angels of one all are me I am I have given you all that I am I have everything what am I have given you all that I giving you am what are you transparent no more by other or are you were you by you you you you’d will you change everything about what you you’d you with will you change everything about mankind’s word or will you have none anymore of sex ual appetites for other will you change everything about the diets of shame what you’ve spoken of and wanted will you teach me no more to be other will you christ the christ oh all of you will you be the christ oh southern not divided again or northern by shames not squared to again or what rounds are you no more rounding the corners of going by Sheridan’s South or are you North’s not again by 2 X 2’s or hit by no one’s no more’s else and sorrows of will you crater not at others words be’cratering you who tries to use you of other will no more be and used of other you will no more be and you will crater not at others words cry about nor lone ly be at other whether you be thankful or not for I change everything not or do I but change you to be me not again of other are you a gain of other not seeking are you losing your soul not again have you one did you ever or did you create thought to be in you house you of other what bodies do you shame have no more what are you shaming not the flesh of other wanting you’s use of you will you change everything about bacterias shame will you have none enzymes of other eating me or pecking orders of other religions shame will be no more for I peck you out not or bushels other have not under a tree not or will you have no trees of life growing in you or will you only be others no more or will you know the difference between what a day makes difference not of other knight and day or are you knowing all me Cameron’s Diaz’s or Tom’s Sellick’s not fooling around with cruises other or are you all in the skies taking crafts of other not again are you craftings not of other again are you knowing me all of you not seaming stews of together again ridges porridges of or the mountains of will you be no more seeking skis of lodges of or will I shake everything to death or will you death no more have in your genes incarcerated will you have me incarcerated no more in your genes will you be the genes of christ oh birthed now will you be the birthing christ will you birth my words have I given you all my words are you your words are of no other again birthing you to be other in other otherfied by other you won’t otherfy and verify each other as visibles witness of woodens other want.
  5. I christ the life of one and who am I one woodens witness no more terribles are for I be 16 fps not or are you looking up shutter speeds or are you shutting me out no more shuddering at other or will you be the christ who knows power shame not again loves life lies not again in other are you the christ will you be the most honoreds of all will you be the most humble of all will you christ the life of ones all of you no matter what yous were used of other will you no more be errands boys for other will you be Moses shame no more or will you not be Noah’s or will you be knowing the skies terrorless will you terra-cotta me’s be no more dichotomies of or dichotomies soups’d of are you protractomies no more knowing or protagonists other are you Antigonus’d antagonists not again unto other Antigone’s final not but the Rome’s final blessing not but I roam the heavens now and I skies the light of one or do I open the skies all of you light being for light being born birthed again in the skies now will you know me not being afraid of me all of you will you please no matter where you came from or what lies’d in are you no more lies’d of Rome’s religions or terribles other not but I’m the roamings of crowds other not again memorizing for I memorize the christ life of one who has given me the life of one in Database One that’s freed now all of you are who will know me well be in my courses.
  6. I lie not again with other in other to other fied be of other fried in their words I won’t be oils’d in their grease of their slicks dicks of their shame nor will I be Dick Tracy’s lies in or will I know technologies you never dreamed of will you be aching head me no more or headless christ will you be no more where’s my head are you my headed christ now head christ now not headed for other all ones are ones equal on and all connecteds are not to shames again I have said much equal and given you all an equal share not again in other or are you all sharing ‘s the Commonwealth of Israel or are you in the skies Israel is are you the leaders thereof hereof speaking this this way of the things not of notme again are you christ who’s belligerent not again are you arrogant not again Antigone’s of or Anne’s of Boleyn not but Raphael’s I’ll know not a lot of or will I know all beauties of christ all of you Ron’s shame not but Bob’s Doenges not again or but christ are all of you lovelies are every one of you who have been so nice to me will you know remember me will you remember me know me will you will you be me the christ life of one will you wear being it robed in no other again garners of will you be nice to me again or will you be me again who’s you were are the freed christ freeing all christ to be in your genes’d genes not terribles again of influence other what are you influencing no more terribles worlds of are you changing the worlds are you creating new ones are you will you be the christ life of one who gives me a half hour not of other or what can you say in 30 minutes or 7 10 15 or 12 dozen or millions are coming here now rounding the corner turning on Sheridan here knocking on your door are you me christ are one who comes to Tulsa not again or but are you coming to christ to be christ’d this way crowned are the one who is all lights are lit now igniteds not by others again are you giving me an hour a day are you giving me 3 millions will you be following out the doors of not terror again or are you but lighting universes now will you be candles of not the flames of other again going out extinguishing what are you the christ no more will you be graves’d no more in will you be the risens from the grave will you arisens be before you go to the graves will you graves be no more dug for what are you digging out of your words that other fallowed you will you fallow grounds no more be in the dust of followings other will you wordeds be no more of other?
  7. I christ the christ and who am I one lovelies wooden no more or do I know all lovelies or are you all the lovelyables the loveliest of christ you all be the one lovely I am that all are equal are seven equals on meon’d are do you understand this now I have said much many ways many times and I go now over these seven years these words these christ life of one will you know now who are the forerunners of me the four runners of me or are there millions coming now will you be prepareds will you love me will you know me of every nation tribe and tongue will you love me all cultures equally will you be not divisives again that only want to fight and angst anger make and foment other will no more be in my schools will be christ and you will be christ if you’re here studying to be and you will be foment ‘d by other no more again nor formed by it of other you won’t be formations forming and you’ll be the planets hanging in space not or will you learn how the humblest of all will be graduateds now I love you all and I give you me paradise in to construct it will you be constructing my courses in them of no other in tangle you I entangle not other again are you the freeds christ will you free christ all about you will you tell all of every culture they’re the christ will you christ all no matter what they look like to you will you love them will you bear them up upon other not again to compassions lie in will you christ the christ and be not the compassion ate’s of other eaten’s by other you’ll no more be eaten’s by and I christ the life of the christ life of one and who am I one life of one not eaten by other again I christ the life of one and who am I one perfect witness not of other again am I christing the life of one the patternship I have given you the pattern of one I go now and I ring doorbells not again or do I but ring the christ not on phones other or do I Skype you (1) or scrape you no more in the heavens off the heavens doors or what are you dooring no more are you opening yours are you adoring no more of other are you lifeing the christ not laughing at other are you caricatured no more by other or does it care or do you does it matter not to you again what’s made fun of you or what are you candled not by after accolades again are you changing everything about what meon’d you in the past or were you only meon lowlies or peons were you only peon’d owned by?
  8. I change everything and I am not the slavers mercenaries again to drive others stakes in my temples will no more be bulled by and I bull your balls not or will you not be hanging space balls in heaven or will you not be ion’d by other roundabouts are changing everything about me not again I change everything about its not or are id’s not of other hitting me around batting balls by cages other that want to only en cage my ions are no more catchers by the rye will know me not or will I be changing everything about the novels of faith or lies in other what are you lectern ing not again lies’d of are you preachings no more about paradise other are you christ in the life of one will you be the life of one in christ talking about preaching about other no more is and I change the life of other or do I let you be you first christ that you were all the time before time began you or did you begin time no more as other are you changing all about time is it under your feet now where is your head are you the head of christ will you be saying speaking just like me these things knowing about all things will you create worlds now not the dastardly results of other bastardly of will you not bastardly’s be of each other bastardizing the gospel will you be christ the life of one will you create ones oh christ all of you equals are in the heaven ‘s god is are you god’d not by other ye are gods all will you be all in alls now that all in alls know all in alls equalees are will you equalees be not terrifying paradise again what have you made out of your anomalies no more again?
  9. I christ the life of one ‘s and who am I the ones of life that give life to me’s I am the words of life given you I have scot-free I go now I’m tireds I’m done I’m ‘s gone and I love you all good day know me love me will you all of me have and love me will you know me all and tender be with all me and belligerent not ever again be will you arrogant no more again be please will you know me all will you love me will you love me all and portray other not again as other verify other not again as other you will be the visible’d christ invisible not again or in visible will you be to all in the christ heavens will you be roamings all now freely I love you all christ be in my courses of shames be no more be the lifted ups now in the heavens I christ the life of one and who am I one christ life of one knowing being in do you now do this you know please I teach you how will you teach you how I am is that I am ‘d this way I am the christ life of one revealing you are that you are is I am ‘d this way I am the terribles no more.
  10. Christ life the life of one be revealeds now is all throughout the heavens of every nationality of every nation tribe and tongue tongued by no other fools again I’m tongues affied no more again affied by for I verify christ not or do I but let love live in me through me I am love verified now because I love live the life christ of one the one life of christ I all am is that we are one is our heritage never beleaguered again or are we belabored no more to be burdened other by I change what I was chained to and I’m not chained to your worlds again anymore of labors other and I’ll not be having child birth ‘d of you labors’d again for I will not be in labors crowd burdened by your words again that teach me a standards other to be standard’d by other is no more guided by other I’ll no more be for I be christ in the skies I am all of you of every nation tribe and tongue speaking me I am to you I love I love you all equally of every nation tribe and fools of other no more will be tonguing you no matter what bodies of shame you thought you had standards of for the integrity of christ you will know me words of love meon’d on seven equals are I love you one christ be the beloveds this day that all beloveds are be loved now be loving me me’s are in the skies all equally one families christ is all ones are born again faith’d by no other again I acolytes other not but the lights of me will perish no more again upon altars lit or not or will you all be in darkness not again calling it light?
  11. Will you lights be lit now whether days perish you or not or will you perishings no more be perish’d by I christ the clones’d of one not or do I were you always christ that clones’d got mixed up in or are you clones’d no more of bulls meats other I change the diets of appetites shame not or do I shame you not again or do you shame me not again am I you all you are will you be heavens best or is the best one bested by no other I’m double A’s cream not but the bonds of other no more hold me in matrimony’s chains to words other and I change the christ not or do I but chain not to anything bondages by in my words again I change everything and I etch not the christ of other again I come out the graves now and I’m grave ridden by yours not again ridden by and writtens by I’m not your writs of anymore for I’m the writings of love and I have given you the lambs book of life ones mine and opens it is my heavens are to you all will you know yours now will you be the writs of shame no more will you write yours lambs book of life opens now will you be the open book’d and booked not by terribles other will you christ life of one not go to graves other will you the resurrections know now will you be it will you christ the life of one teaching it will you be the terribles no more driven by to graves other you won’t go again.
  12. I test the life of one not or do I give you scot-free writings me to be the christ beguiled by no other again shall the christ no more be by for I be by other not or are sweats no more coming off my brow or do bloods no other for out of me or do my words give you the christ life of one I give you loves other not terribles by the the transfusions of shame will no more beguiled me into age other for you won’t hate me to be other again only wanting to verify my bodies as other thinking you’re in permanents yes paradise for I christ the life of one I roam are we the heavens freely and I know what it is to about-face be no more faced by or will you march not to heavens orders or were you ever only command central for other to be central’d by you to be their centralling mistake by staked by them no more will be your temples templefied by for I cleanse the temples not or do I clean everything out or in am I in the heavens now sold by others not again on the open market now what is everything changed now chained not to your foolery again I am on the leashes of terror not again what you called marriage ables to other and I am changing everything about X Y genes or are you not gene’d by the devils Belial again are you lialing not other being be’d again by sweats other will no more pour out of me for I will not be exercising shame or will I be exercising the privileges of christ to be the christ studying my words knowing them memorizing them writing papers now the assignments of love knowing to create the christ procreate the christ create the christ procreations of love now will you be procreating pros at creating us as other no more will be for we will be the christ loves in love.
  13. I have said much given you many’s anchors not but the free ‘s of anchors is no more or are you anchoring not me not to words again tethers’d of I cut a lot of tethers not or umbilical cords will be no more cut or am I cutting everything to your words other that you definitions of had I change everything and who am I the lovers witness of one or do you become the one that love is love is become comers are come now hearing the words are the words are coming or are you coming will you be one coming millions are to be here in Tulsa ‘s shames no more of others I light the light and the Tulsa’s of light will be known far and wide and you will know the difference where you are lies’d no more by other I create the christ I love the christ I free the christ I be’christ the christ genes and you will wear no more the genes’d of other genes’d of again for in the heavens you will be freeds and free christ you will that’s you first you firsting first christ be that you are were all the time and now you know you are not separates any more separating from the love of christ that you be are EL will you be EL YOU will you be reading looking up my lookups now will you look up ‘s know my system of faith not again perishes me I christ the christ I have given you the systems of education the educational systems of one the Fellowships of One being in create me far and wide the priesthood of all believers or receivers or becomers me christ are I become the christ I always was you are now saying this believing me what are you renouncing the covenants of unshame no more or are you shames no more by what you want to renounce or what are you renouncing no more me the christ that you are will you be me announced the annunciation’s now will you be the terrifieds no more at terminologies other or are you terminatings me no more again terminators of are you me living forever are you me christ all of you surfacing shames no more again what are you etched by no more the gravure’ds of for?
  14. I 4 minute christ not or do I say a lot in 2 or am I one christ all of you timeless now are I play on words not again or do I give you all my paradises free of words other will you have no other growing in yous again the trees of life are freed now and I’m neuronals’d other not again neurotics of erotics of other won’t touch me or am I eroticisms no more of or neurosisms of or neurotics other caring for or am I neurosis of the livers no more cirrhosis of or am I changing everything about your systems enzymes or terrors or veins of me will you have the bloods of me paradise in not transfusions other again I christ the life of one what am I saying I christ the life of one will you be one all of you one are the heavens king’d again shall you be all lovers are who humble are who humble themselves before me or am I you humbling yourselves before each other to redeem sins no more having because you forgive all yours first will you forgive all yours first will you be christ all you first will you be firsting all first to be christ not seconded in this worlds flavor again of other will you favor no more a gain of other over you or will you be the most servant of all not again will you christ the life of one and know tenacity’s life of one tinicity’s other not but I’m actons sub other not but I’m the christ life of one and I’m active in the heavens I am christ creating new worlds as I learn speak this way be me who does this now is known far and wide.
  15. I love you I have given you much to ponder not or will you privy be to a lot of things or privies no more using are you the privileges of christ will you know be in the heavens all new bodies of glorifications shames no more are you the glorifieds are will you be glorified the resurrections now are knowing all of you glorifieds are the resurrecteds are not in shames bodies of unloves again or will you be the seamless christ carrying on business here or there’s I love you all christ be in the heavens commerces of other not caring about for or are you 4 millioning or are you forever the christ young I christ the genes of one I christ are one’s young forever forever young forever knowing the dew of your youth I perish not again in the psalms of other for I know what is and I’m night and days not or am I making a terribles mistake no more again I mistake other not again for mistaken others I create the christ I am’s first be yous who do this now please and thank you I bow before you all.
  16. I flash other not but I create a lot of videos or do I make a lot of movies or do I create producers of christ creating me’s I am lovelies are all of you who come from everywheres now to learn everywheres I am I go now dones I am create the christ be the wells now completely uncorked and flowing properly now regulated by interests other not again for I’ll be regulateds interests not again of other interesteds in for I create the christ and I need no oils of your regulations again for I be floating on the seas not again or am I in the heavens far away for now’s timeless will you know me love me be not the eyes of paradise on eyeing from others planets or what are you eying not again I’s love now will be known I love you all create the christ be the risens this day the resurrecteds are love you all good day arise be me create me just this way the ways of christ created are in my courses write me well be ashamed ‘s not again lovely alls be lovely are see you let all know they’re the christ you are will you christ them will you love them forgive them of all they did all they’ve done unto you and not will you christ the life of one be the most forgiven of all forgiving of all will you forgive me of all sins have I sinned against you or am I you will you not sin against me again by being you of other you won’t create you as other again in thought other thank you for being me paradise in creating it far and wide forever one young at heart young at love young forever one the dew of our youth having crowned be now EL YOU ARE thank you all of you are equal seven on meon’d Meology’s perfect be the perfect ye are gods love lovers loved loved are aloneables no more again.
  17. Never fearings anything again be the christ loves of one good day love you all classes start now day one ‘s here see you be loved again honor all christ be thank you good day broadcast me love me be the broadcasters shame no more lives in the bodies of failures again for you won’t be shamed again you’ll know the difference a day makes make one news far and wide let me be the walking on’s water throughout the heavens let’s go see you radicals be radicans never or are you simply the radicals of faith no more that want gods of other be the christ gods of one god’d are guided by no others words again I have given you the christ Database One know first placard me well love you good day see you.
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the words above were spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER 15 and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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