THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News will you free me first in you that I am you

will you free me first in you that I am you

will you free me first in you that I am you
will you stand before me and judge me
will you writing be to experience me
will you be christless no more
are you the vision of paradise creating
will you come to me this way and speak my words this way
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110811_000
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham August 11, 2011 at 1:30 AM bringing you peace paradise giving you an amen of other not again to other that only wants empirical evidence of another coming not or in other are you no more again wanting anything more again to come after you and give you a gain of other Southby’s other not or Christie’s Auction are you knowing not more again about or are you but selling all things at auction not again or but are you changing everything bout what you owned about with shames not or are you a bout with shames no more having are you one who knows me the lamb who I am not lambed chopped up by other again or am I lambing a few not other but again are all things changed about your structure are you change ing me not again to be you of other are you chain sawing not purposefuls other again are you me O lamb of the blood dried spears tipped of other again won’t be for I’ll be Joy Downing or will I know a lot of Spears not again or will Johnny’s be me or Margot’s shame not again in or do you know anything about my Germany’s German town relatives or nonexistence not in again are you in the real knowing the real this time in ends now all things does is that notme started for is is no more and was shall not be passed on again to past ‘d into your genes again for you will not past me along unto shores foreign or will everything be changed bout your understanding bout now times up times done times no more under your feet what will be now not any more as was perishing will be all things that you put there as other not again under you over you or are you changing everything about the damned defiant will you be no more will you affiant of the christ be affying not other again in your genes what will be defiant damned no more (1) or will you love loved be will you be loved love will you love enough to perish not again will you live O christ eternally in the heavens right now will you write my words will you writing be to experience me will you experience my christ words christ being fulfilleds not by other again fools’d of other you won’t be again wearing the christ head of sorrow were you ever or were you fools’d into thinking you were something else somewhere else were you half man half god halfbreed ‘d by other not again will you be bred by clones’d not again clones’d of clones will you clonesey be no more Jonesy’s of or will you know the perishing no more Lawrence Fishburne’s or Neo’s paradise in are you me going to me who real is knowing the actors real or are you not acting anymore on stages other are you Truman’s Capote not or are you the stories not of cold blood any more are you mammals of the first paradise or disturbed are you no longer again in distributed waters or are you distributeds no more as waters other are you fluorides no more purchasing in or are you purchasables not on the open market again by your words or yours others wanting or what are you exchanging no more on the open market is there one or Benedictine monks no more wanting monies of shame or paradise or collectings not few what are you collectings garbs no more in are you the intertwines of turbans others?
  2. I love you all to know me and I wear glasses not or do I read just real well or do I speak these words extemporaneously each time every night that I speak that I come to you this way that I come to you this way will you come to me this way and speak my words this way will you speak me who is perishing not again O great christ fools’d be not again of each other all of you are you paradisers privilegers not again of the faithful few not of other or are you the many mighty will you look up in these words knowing me are you will you know these words first will you perish not again in the soups’d of other soup de dupe not or are you duplications paradise no more in are you more’s’d by the Moore’s not of more failures again are you Moor’s mores not again in however how do you spell that however you want to or will you anyway will you think not shames burden in again for what are you for of other not again are you for each other not again or are you each other clinging to not again are you each other’d adhereds to not again what are you adhered to not again 2 by 2’s cleats’d of or are you power pointing my witness other not again North or South East or West or do you know anything about my directionless christ or have I given you many directions to be the christ instructions of love will you be directionless no more will you be christless no more will you be Chrysler’s following not or will you know Fritz footsteps not again in or but knowing my Landry’s of paradise or Tom’s do you know genetics other not or Gianopulos’s Sellick’s not or are you Sellick’s not on the open market selling each others shames genes again that you know not who you were or for what you were going to works other perishing me not again usa’ing in and I know what I mean for I smile now a lot and I know what has come forth through my genes what is I am genes’d not by failures again for I am the genes of christ one is that genes the christ this way will you christ me will you be me christing other not again fools’d of what are you seeing speaking are you this way will you please arise in the wee hours will you get up set ing your alarm will you set your alarm and be fools’d no more?
  3. Will you delight the christ by being it will you be it it’d of no other again id ‘d of or ego’d of shames no more are you walking around with a big fat whatever on your head was there anymore is there no more a big fat paycheck coming to you or what you wanted did you have lie with no more will you lies’d not be with peril anymore amony of terror money of other will be no more for I terrify you your genes of not or will you terrify mine me no more as other will you bequeath not the me to other again are you me bequeathing no other things to me or are you a whole lot of things giving away now because you need none are you living in the skies are you not afraids again to bequeath or be’peril are you not peril’d in again are you your words freeing you ‘s are you used by terrors no more to speak terrors charm in to are you christ will you be christ words will you be singlees not dualistics or traction needing 4 X 4’s not again what are you climbing not paradises fools hills in again are you fools hills no more clinging to your mountains of shame on your heads of paradise not be again of other please thank you for releasing me being me who I am me will be now and I will not be coagulateds other chains’d to others bedposts of other I’ll not be chained to for lies’d lies in me to be pumped out of me or pumped into me nothing will be for I’m pumping nothing in to or am I atmospheres of all changing or am I not in your atmospheres of hollow ness again nests making of each others fools’d of who lie here will be no more peril ‘s in or will you perilous times be not in or will you change everything to not perilous to me be again any more?
  4. What are you changing everything about what existence you lied in or were you in force field one’s loves of one will you know who mighty dies no more are you the most humblest of all will you be liars’d not of other again what are you seething not again in writhings other again are you writing me will you write the christ will you seethe not other again seepings into you what is no more pores of the capillaryous others are you capillaryists any more not again of the First Degree will you be now who carries not capillaries ca poreious anymore or Capote’s not shame anymore Caponey’s other not but I’ll make a lot of bank robberies not but a lots of poors are no more or standards are shaming me’s no more what are you changing everything about your indices of paradise index of other won’t index me for I’ll give you an index of failures not or will I catalog not shames again for your index ‘d mind will you index mine be not of other again that only catalogs a fools hills in are you not linked to shames again connecteds thereby DNAs chaining you to others thermonuclear paradise won’t be again thermonuclear’s of or fissions other are you the vision of paradise creating other not again in yours or are you dimensionless shames no more in are you listening will you be shaming your words no more will you be wordless not or will you be the words of christ knowing speaking this way all of you arising at the 2 a.m. meetings of christ will you know the tables of shame not again will you be coagulateds other not again wanting molecularment or molument of me or e mill others not or are you Emil Hawkins knowing or DSLs of the First Degree not or are you all but graduating me’s in the skies with Meonics Degrees will you know the Meology’s paradise ers are will you errs not be of the faith again of other won’t be othering me for dynamics of others for I’ll be the stagnants of others not again or will I be know not the shame words of mankind’s mind again thinkings me black Negroes of or am I all of you of every nation tribe and tongue of every color what speak est thou do you me will you speak me do est thou understand me will you please and be amen a man of failures no more what are you awoman of or what are you bouts no more having fits of shame will you fitualize me no more in others fits of sorrow will you be Fritz Kreisler not or will you be Horowitz shame no more shamed of or will you be the diligents christ knowing me my awards of will you honor Horowitz and Fritz not or will you know me all being gamma rays other not again of or do you knowing anything about me are you willing to be me christ who will learn me this way musics shame not again or highered maths’d are you all of the highereds degrees not of other hireds by?
  5. I love you all to know me who I am and I be’witness shames not again in powerfuls me are there any were there ever as was is no more I shame everything not or do I but live the christ life of one am I all of you not re cardinals other or am I not the cardinal’d number or the integer ‘s of christ or the red woods other not going to but I’m Cardinal ‘d by other not again integer’d of or am I the square roots of terror not knowing the routes’d of in my mind ‘s again am I one’s one will I be one no matter what square root you’ve taken of me or what planteds are no more in rounds paradise are you changing everything about the rectangulars rectangles geometries of sacred not again E8’s or are you not aching again in chairs other rockings around a porch ‘s of sorrow are you portulaca’s knowing or gardens of shame not again will bequeath thee to other for you’ll be the king of kings or will I be you will I be you will me you be will be me you will sorrow not by?
  6. Bye-bye to a lot of things for as was is no more take heed to the following not or will you follow not evils again will you rise the christ stand the christ will you stand in the shames no more of halls other or will you cough drops not need anymore or will you be be coughing up blood no more or words other that blooded yous to be others dried tipped spears blooded by yous won’t be anymore used by you all of you will know this how to words speak of the word be birthed again this moment will you be moment’d by not others again will you be the paradise that lives forever in me paradisers of Paradice village going not to or Diane’s Keaton of me or do you know a lot of Keagens Illinois not or are you noise ‘d abroad not again of other or broads not wanting or men’s shame what are you Moloch’s no more mohawks of Molech’s other not going to or being what are you changing everything about what you dedicateds were to?
  7. I change everything and I have asked and answered a lot of things many ways many times is over I am everything now is changed and how are you reading hearing listening are you reading printing out these words to know them will you study me will you be listening to paradise others not again sewing you into its id’s of other will no more be for I be christ reveals you that I am all of you reveals christ I do this way that I love you all honor and bow before you to you or am I you in you to you am I seaming you to no other again I seem the christ not or am I but one no matter what I look like to you will I love you will I free you will I you be me you are that one voice is crying no more in the wilderness again of earths other what are you the generations of shame no more will you be the generations of light generators of generating not shames words again the regeneration’s here folks and I am it id’s of not other will be again not or will I change everything you will or I be you not the wills of other again Holcombe’s knowing or Venessa’s Redgrave not or are you reds graves not going to (2) or are you changing everything about the movies of faith or Keaton’s Keagan or what are you Keating not again of or the governors of the First Degree will you know me the presidents thereof I am presence of christ and I know the fragrance of thereof is me I have told you many things about me who am I the christ who you are who are you I am who I am is is all of us I am one is the christ of not other seeking again in my genes to be other’d otherfied by for I’m otherfied by other not or am I the pattern ‘s of shames not again I be’Allah christ not or alibi’d not by terrors other religions in what can you point to no more what is the point of other no more the will of other is no more what are you pointing to or becoming the christ in the skies are you will you all be each others brother or sister not again of other are you all christ being the mother of father of the mother of the father or the father of the mother are you all one christ no matter what which way you look but loose will you no more be of other or loosed are you to be each other in no more arms’d of are you arms’d not anymore of terror amony other are you terrifieds not by each other again fears having strokes of or are you only strokes of each other wanting accolades of promises of at wedding altars is no more for whetting your appetites for failures no more dreams of I change everything and who am I one who speaks the word of christ am is and am was of failure no more for I change everything about times zones of other I won’t be in sconced in ensconced in others I won’t be your words’d by and I bye-bye a lot of words of terror not or do I say goodbye to you all?
  8. I go now I worship other not again I worship me love me not or do I love you all worship you all not again or did I lay my life down for you all are you all laying your life down for you all will you be all in all ‘d not again in terrors genes ‘d’affied again are you affying the affiant damned no more will you be free ‘ds now will you free each other will you free the christ in you first will you free all others second or will you be the seconded no more because you become the first when you first christ realize you are that there is one is that there is but one that one but others no more have others before them the images thereof are you imaged not again of christ other are you the patterns of shames no more will you know the patterns of christ Jesus will you be or will you be all ones the father the mother is of christ will you be the ones one will you be the genetics engineered not again of failures other will you be the clones not terribles of again will you genetics engineering not be’fly ‘d with flights other or are you changing everything about the dove tails or what dovetailed you into other no more will be shoved by rectangulars other into square right-angles not but I change a lot of things about your sacred geometries or will you know not the highered math or calculus others or matrimony’s other will you be no more at the altar rails studying documents other or nuptials pre other not or are you changing everything about what you married were to I change everything about everything and the matrimony ‘s to other will no more be for you will not wed christ of other in your words or will you not be christ of other wanting no matter what you Allah wanted or not the will of other is no more over you for you will know the difference and not be crying in the wilderness anymore alonables of or will you know Ilona’s Budapest Hungary not or are you hungry not for the gospel of other again no matter what you called it religion lied in is there anything but truth or did you lie to the truth to make you incarcerations shame when you were truth all along will you be Roger Breland’s not or will you know all of Truth’s horns or will you be’but me with shames no more heads over hands or hands in hands of other no more I’ll be helping hands of other not but I’ll know a lot of Debbie’s shames no more of for I’ll be Ted’s witness not but flower shops will close not or will you not be flowered ‘s brains’d by cabbages shames of heads other or what am I changing the molecularment of emoluments other not or are you changing christ not riding on the expresses murdereds of each other you won’t be trying to solve or my words will you be in knowing mine not riddles of paradise riddlers of riddles other you won’t be solving or will the highered math you be mappings my words knowing me all throughout the heavensphere now spheres of love knowing or Spears not other or Joy Downing or are you downers no more in California what’s there nothing but sins shame no more or is but paradise there or but in the skies are you all looking shames ‘ward down no more or are you fingering your nose no more at thumpers other are you redwoods other not anymore at or are you knowing me celebrants shame no more or Roger Breland’s not or are you all horns horny no more for horns other or are you all brass winds quartets or orchestras of love in the skies will you be brass winds other not or winds of love will you all be wars no more I quell a lot many things I have said given you the winds of Katelyn not or am I changing everything about what you wore your words of other will no more be wordeds you by bye-bye to all else and sorrow I good day you all see you love all equally please love you all I love you I give you me ‘s all in alls be terrified ‘s no more.
  9. I love you all lift the curtains on shame no more or will you but pull back the curtains of shame are the temples rented in two are there no more temples of other are your templeifieds not templeurefied by other temporary shame not in or permanents else and sorrow not but I change everything about times zones of other you won’t be stratifieds in or B-52s fortresses other you won’t be vaulted ceilings in or will you be changing everything about the ceilings of light are there none are you ceil ingless I love you all to ceils’d me not again in terror be or will you all be the Rangers of faith no more what are you learning in my schools the B-52 knight lights not but you’ll know me a lot of cameras not or cameras will you be before just like this recording me’s are me’s are knowing diligents of shame being not again I love you all wear the words of faith no more please be mine recording mine speaking me in the wilderness of no other for you change everything do I I am you who does this now is revealed you are that I am you are is one I am we are one’d this way Meon’d are Meology’s perfect and know me well will you create me perfect will perfect you be me me’d will you Meons’d be not of terror affieds again I christ the christ and I’m 38’s not or am I 57’s magnum no more or PI’s force police not but I change a lot of things.
  10. I have said many ways that I love you and given you many things to mapping map me be the be ers of paradise will you be in me will you create me be you create paradisers of villages no more that only coagulateds want to congregate around congratulations other will no more be for baby’s shame or will you be having none of either or both and the same not again or are you changing everything about what cigars you smoke are there any will there be no other Cubans or will you be everywheres Cuba’s love or Castro’s other not or Fidel’s other not or are you not castrating the christ again any of you what are you landing in Calrissian’s shame no more or are you but christ looking up a lot of movies now not or are you but all mine knowing in my words are you reading the assignments will you trust me my assignments of to lead guide you into shames no more will you land safely will you be the perils’d no more will you christ the christ O christ please christ the christ please christ the christ be you first redeeming all else and sorrow will you not be in ensconced in in’s anymore of that that’s of over is over me no more for as was is is no more is that clear?
  11. Is this clear that I have given you the extemporaneously words of christ for seven years eight or nine do you love me will you be me beaming not others words etched into your genes no more will be again or will you changing be about everything about paradise now will you create it hells no more to be in will you held not be by space pens any more however you spell that that’s correct for I am lovers of light now correctifieds are who’s sought judgment delights of shame not being delighteds in again I cried out for discipline delight of love the light of love I judged or did I come before the judge or did I judge my mind not holding me as other again I delighteds am of sorrow no more I call the christ I rise the christ I uplifteds the christ are who knows me loves me in the skies is be me now who is the futures mine I am the future or the past no more or times dead no more to sorrow am I or am I the lightest of all I smile a lot and atmos ‘s other will no more be’sphere me I love you all and I change everything about your planets shame no more will incarcerate me’s there for I will de-chain everything not or will I de-shame everything first will you not be chained to shames other no matter how you look at it will you see me my words what I am saying what I have said given you what have I freedom your freedom yours will you free me first in you that I am you will you be me speaking this way to me be me to me who humble is that I am the humblest of all god is I are one is I am be the multiple many god is collectives shame not in again for I am collecting no more shames again in my ions’d other brains’d of other I won’t be brainiac’d in ENIACs other will I know a lot up CPUs running me not over again will I change the heavens or will I be one in one I be the light that I create now’s all anew Israel’s is the new breed’d of other no more again I love the christ I breed the christ as other not again or do I breathe the christ am I breathing into me now the bodies of shame not again I lovers of light am I light the worlds with my love and I know what I am doing where when and I am love ers of light and light loves love ers of light and light is and no more as was is anymore.
  12. I christ the light of the worlds am you who love me is I love you all good day course me well know me love me search me come into mine websites now clean be cleaned yours be will you clean me or shuffle me not off to shuffleboards other for I’ll be retireds other not but I come out of retirement not or am I changing everything about what retreads you were in remixed other I’ll not be on boards shame again shuffling others to ENIAC you in others walkarounds will no more be the way you got around in the past I change everything about what you wheel around in or are you not the wheels of miss fortune again or are you fortune of not other again wanting are you amonious not anymore perilousing in are you changing everything about what your currency is are you not electrics anymore of bi polars disorders or are you not polarizing others words or are you not turbinating other sugars what are you poles reversing or knowing anything about Poland’s other not Krakow’s or are you going to Malgosia’s shame no more will be sided with I love you all lovers of light and I know Wojtek’s not or I know you all lovers of light be the first revealed will you first reveal your light that light is yours you first will you be the redeems’d will you redeem yous first will you love me be me crying in the wilderness no more I light the worlds with my love I bow before you alls I’m done go I do I’m workings on my website I’m finished I’m almost done’s I am all of you with this worlds be the new creating the new redeeming it all anew ‘s is now and I am the news is me will you be walking across waters shame no more still’d or will you be the still christ speaking my words recording just this way Diaz’s of Cameron’s other not or cameras before the world will you be before will you stand before me and judge me not as other again will you be the christ I am lovers of light be discardeds no more for I card catalog you as other not but the Cameron’s patternships of other will no more be for I patternize you as christ not or patronize you as other not or will you change everything about what you were before the cameras of or were you just before the eyes of the world ‘s worlds were you be the invisibles no more or were you just the visibles christ were you all conceived by not other again half-and-half breeds’d of?
  13. I change everything and I am the full christ and blowns of other I’ll not be in the winds of shame or Katelets other or caterers other needing for I’ll cater to other not again I will be’christ the christ the lights of the world ‘s known now far and wide we create new ones we are this way lovers of light be all of thee shamers no more again for all are converted to christ no more as other or are you all shames’d not again of each other are you killing no more each other are you de-winging each other no more are you wings’d of the christ or flights will you have into paradise or will you be creatings all anew I speak this way used of not other again I reveal the christ and the temples ‘d twained’s no more I love you all christ be the risens this day glory hallelujah amen I smile a lot now good day transcribe me know me know how love me train me well be the develops ‘d the diligent christ is all ones are know me well the rigors of christ the rigorments other not but rigor mortis will never set into you again for you’ll be the settings of christ in not or will you be in the skies living this way speaking into other ‘s peoples hearts who otherfieds are not anymore again in are you the lovers of light not having the hearts of shame for again?
  14. Bye-bye to all else and sorrow and I know Dr. Elsa’s not or do I know Dr. I and my father are one I love you all what’s your name here ______________ I loves light burdened no more with else and sorrow I be lovers light am am’d this way I have given you the way the truth and the life I am the life of one I am all one one ‘s’d this way good day be amen with me be me in the skies course me well of course thank you does your dog’a bite or do you have any are you the bittens no more by the snakes other infestations of other will no more be’bite you for you will be christ in the heavens that’s where you are where you came from will you go to now will you be the ones one ‘s First Estate’d be the christ looking up all these things in my words the Proverbs other not going to again or are you but 22’d not rifled other again or rifles’d by other not but the armies of love will know me not or will you be the most humblest of all needing nothing else of armor bearers other I quest the king not or I kiss the light not or do I but become the light the king is all ones are believers in paradise becomers of paradise creators of paradise be the creators are renounced by other not or are you renouncing a lot of things you used to be married to others words will no more renounce me I be lights lit in the skies connecteds not to sorrowa again for I renounce the light not again I be light lit christ is this way the light you are fully blown no more by others neon into or are you the glassblowers torch no more carrying or Olympic’s shame not again or are you Olympia’s in Washington not or Zeus’s christ not but I’ll know a lot of things about the heavens now that never was made clear or are you the clearest of all about these things knowing how all started are you starting all things new again this moment from time forth will there be any time time left times no more overs yous for I have used up others not or are you all using me no more as other?
  15. I change everything and alls known now the mysteries of christ is no more I be you am’s is and as was is no more christ be thank you good day be the news anew the New Covenant is all ‘s arising now good day see you smile a lot be the most satisfieds of all the enjoyment of all terminates not or do all the terminators terminate me no more I lovers of christ the free flowing words I am freed this day this way I have given you the light I am see you I do love you all good day in paradise be create it create me wells and sorrow no more draw from others again good day connecteds be to me be one me thank you amen see you.
  1. Consider the movie “The Damned Defiant” directed by Lewis Gilbert (1962).
  2. Consider the movie “Reds” directed by Warren Beatty (1981).
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the words above were spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you ā€“ the creator created, creating all things anew ā€“ will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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