the privileges of love
all of you to all of you
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110809_000
This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham August 9, 2011 at 2:08 AM bringing you peace giving you Paradise am I in the delighteds are me I am that I am is delighteds now you know nothing about not again for I am the delighted lights of mankind not again that only know new other for I know other not again as other I knew all as christ before I christ became other for other I will not be again other’d by other for I was christ all the time that I was now First Estate’d is that clear?
Is this clear that I have given you many things apart and parcel of me not or is what aparted of me parts no more parts declined not or declination of other I no more receive am I delighteds in the skies all the delighteds are delighted are you to receive my blessing are you knowing my son my daughter are you all my son my daughter are you all my father mother sister brother am I to you all I was you all am I clear about these things now that I am is I am one one I am that I is clear and clear I am are all about me now who I am know ing know and known I am throughout the stars the heavens the atmospheres of other never more reign on me and their reignings will no more protrude from me for I will beam them no more to other nor beam them up to Scotty again not or will I change everything about the Scotty’s of mankind needing Kleenex no more will I change everything about what I clean ‘d or have I cleaned everything or clung unto nothing or McClungs do you know Scott and Barbara’s not or Floyd’s and Joys are you the joys of mankind seekings not again of the delights of mankind to know only a short-term memories of a fleeting moments of Paradise other you’ll know more be moments ‘d in and the ‘d of other will no more did you in will you be Lula Mae’s of Paradise no more or will you be paramours of not other armor all seeking or mail of other are you writing me are you playing on puns not again or are you all me smiling at the delighteds now that please you or me am I me you that I am not separate again are but one I am that all one is dimensionless now will you be the number one or one seven equals on am I the seven Meon’d on one of purpose other not again am I smiling loving love will you love love enough to love all as other and else not again pauses no longer needing for you to understand these things that I am speaking of whether I speak in rapid memory or eye movements other not having that be cord alage you of other or cord alage are you not cartilage’d to other again Carthage going to or but looking up are you in these words all the time now studying writing my memoirs not or are you Fowas not going to again not or but knowing Farsi or mankind’s mind no matter what they thought in what language were they of of you were they of of you were you mankind’s mind not born of again are you flesh only flesh no more again are you fleshing flesh flash no more again or are you but flashing in pans no more to be a weed in the wind or a plant ing of other or others are clones’d by others no more for I am closing a lot of schools or am I changing everything about what you lied in were taught farms ‘d of other will no more be for I change everything about the farming methods of universes will you make new ones far and wide who love me who know me who will be me letting me be me in you me?
You will be me who me is that I am one body of faith no more that only wants a carriage ‘s of other ride of other to somewheres in the heavens after they die want will perish not or will want perish now will you perish all things now that want wanted will you want not lies to be laid in you your casket with or will you never see a casket again or will you heal many in Batesville or casketville are you changing everything about what casket ville’d you or filled you with other not again ions’d of Meons will you be now perilous not again in mankind’s mind will you know me will you be me converting me to other not again perilous times of will you know lightning strikes not again or am I the lightning of one perishing not other gods or redeeming them all am I that gods were all the time ye are lovers of mankind’s mind no more lovers of gods other is no more god ing you to guide you as other be’god your crownship no more with other please be the christ anointeds you first Messiah ing you first will you bow before you look up to the skies what will you see my stars or yours what promise is made to you all what have I given Abraham of Ur or all of you to all of you who Ur come out of now or erring not again in the faith of other where’s Erin or do you know anything about my Grace of loves two beauties or simply me’s are you all me’s no matter your names here _______________ matterless are you dimensionless will you be dementia’d not by failures again that only wants a mind of other minds of other will no more be for I change everything and I am in Paradise are you?
Will you be in Paradise will you know what Paradise is everywhere thought not by failures again I live in thought other not again I thought ‘d Paradise up not or did I create on drafting tables a lot of things or knowing my Proverbs not again maxims of faith or do I change everything about playboys playgirls and playings of witness other that only wanted songs other will I Psalms not be in again or will I change everything about what your book lied in or are you not lying in books other texts of texted of other I won’t be texting each other of mankind’s mind invisibles other won’t be needing text of other to commune icate with for we won’t commune icate like we did before will we change ing everything be the beings of light beamings other not into our genes again we are the most holy pure pristine perfect pure are not for other again wanting only a virgin bride of other to receive our sticks and stones won’t be any more we break the bones of not other again where we weep and cry for lone liness or wantings ions stretched over our eyes will be no more for our want perishes us no more into wantsville other casketsville other is no more baiting us to receive their baits anymore for we baiteds are hooks others not jawing us around their jaws and I love you all to bite me no more in your looks or have you ever or are you only changing Spiegel’s Sunbird not or are you changing everything rewriting everything about the code ‘s of Hammurabi not or are you changing everything about the laws of mankind your cultures are you changing everything about the heavens no more or are you but redeeming them all will you be the butts of no others joke ‘s will it matter you to be caricatures caricature’d by no other again are you will you or are you the caricature masters or only the master mind that slaves were made by that mastered you to be their slaves by slaved by other you won’t be incarcerateds thereto for you will know the difference and you will be lights of mankind ‘s mind not again enslaved by and enslaved to other and that else and other that that’d you into purpose that’s and other by will no more other by you no matter how you spell that for I will buy now a by buy’d thing not or will I bide my time no more to be christ in the skies met or meeting are you looking in the mirror at me will you be me going to look in your mirror will you right now and see me what do you see me doing am I looking at you are you in me?
I am you one will you be one in the skies preferably not wicked by other or are you changing everything about the pristine pure perfect not again to be other will you be the perfect pristine pure prissy’s not again for other primped up of pimps’d of other will no more be religions charm coatings other wavings other codes in other will no more be transmitting sorrows for I change everything and who am I one simple witness who’s withstood the test withstands the test of time not again or is time under me is my feets dry or is it raining ‘s my love am I rainings now am I droughts no more again perishing in or drowning in floods no more or my peace do you know upon the stars or starlets are you looking up in these words what are you seeing willing to faith no more see or are you walking by the lights not perishing again the isles of standards other are no more standards me mine of for I change the minds of faith not again or but do I change everything about your minds that faith’d me or will you have faith no more in mind other again that teaches thee things of the star ‘s lits not will you teach me oh mankind not to be ungod ‘d again will god you be in the stars now heavens wine of no other having or new life wines of are you all of delighteds in me?
I change nothing not or do I but change everything not into menots again are you menots of menots notme’s not again are you understanding these things will you be the perishing not again oh great soups’d of other be not in atmospheres other incarcerated to’s I love you all I give you me’s I love you all I give you me’s what I do now is perish everything that notme started because I love ‘d enough to love you again have I ever left you or right ‘d you am I writing you speaking am I this way to you all of every language in every language will I be you who am is will I be speaking the faith of mankind’s mind not again will I be speaking straight into your heart right away will you be writing me will you be coming here will you come here now to faith not be led by again what are you the faith of mankind not again carcerated to will you incarcerations lie no more in carcerations lie ers being lied to each other you won’t be again cutting off your air supply will you need any one will you be who needs no pneuma of other or are you air windless or windlets Kate of or Kate’ds to catereds to are you not any more lands of failures are you discovering new ones creating them are you creating Paradise not to be other again in the skies Israel will you be formed by other not again in your genes genes’d by others is no more othering yous use of other is no more and you will not use of other be used for othering other is this clear?
Is that clear that I have given you the loves of mankind’s mind not again so I will be monogamous not or will I be all things perfect pure and pristine not looking for other again I have found all me that I am is one who love are I am with one in one that I am not looking for other again but to redeem all the loves of mankind will not be again mankind’d by their charms again anymore I change everything and who am I theodore joseph cottingham am I one son of a bitch no more are you all daughters of the faith no more are you men of love no more that only wants other arms around you to curl around in yours are you curling faiths no more hairs of do you have any or are you bald wins no more of or are you changing everything about the musics of faith are you changing everything about the squeaky Denaux’s or do you know my squeaky’s not again or Harley Davidson’s not or do you know my victories Paul’s of love are you all that see now not on the Damascus Roads of other again are you seeing in my words now will you be the lights lit forming yours perfectly’s this time will you be the lights on your throne not the worlds of other incarcerated to’s will you be now the resurrected ‘s christ will you all be the christ resurrecteds in your genes because you per form other not again acts of oral surgery on yours won’t be again for you’ll be the surgeryistics not or will you surgery no more perform on me gods or me gads of other not but scads of other I’ll know or will I be numberless will I be dimensionless also will I be the dimensions of one or dementia’d no more are you looking for parallel bars or laxagrams other are you changing everything about the histograms or histories of other will you be dementia’d no more by faith nor dimension’d by other are you dimensionless now will you be the crowns of life will you life be that crowns I am that I am giving you that I give out to all who love will be me who love will be me in incarcerated no more I let out my love I love my life or do I let my life love me that I am that I was one that I love all equally give all equally my love that I am reigning on other no more again or am I raining on my desert not again of other or am I changing everything about where you Paradise were lied in to other no more will be and I’m laid no more in other by other to other I won’t be chain links to for I will need a fence no more of other in the skies I will be.
I know all things light forming it perfectly I am that matrix’d no more by other I am watching again for Neo Morpheus to come to me or am I changing everything about the phone booths books of terror or are you opening all yours the seven seals’d lamb no more am I the books of faiths no more will you open yours seven seals’d be no more seven seals open will you know look me up sometime will you dear or will you be the dear est of faith no more shot by bucks other or in the asses hind legs of other no more I change everything about what I do in the light I lights am lit and you know me I’m fawn ‘as other not looking for again nor animalistics of herded instincts other I’ll no more be herded by into stalls other I won’t be sitting in pews or rows on rugs of other.
I change the lights not or do I change the skies not or do I but change everything about your worlds lies will you lie not in the lies’d of old will you not be the perishing not or will you change everything about the perishing ‘s world ‘s will you go to now will you love me will you love enough to be the christ me will you be christing all anointed Messiah speaking to you like this first will you be or will you be me who looks in the mirror and calls me not other again will you christ all before you will you bow before them let them will you let them christ you or you christing them are you are you honoring all each other to not be each other’d other’d by cutting off your crownship of christ again please be the christ honoring all I bow before you all I go now good day I delighteds am I know what that means and I know I have taught you I have well and the wells of love are uncorked and flowing freely now and will forever and ever on amen good day.
Be in my courses know me charm not other again in yours create the christ be the god ‘s of not failures again be the gods ye I am go look into your mirror and form christ not again as other forming me in my words are I am I am are ones I am holy performed not on other by again is other othering you to perform acts of oral kindness or bodies of faith want for the bodies of presence other will no more be’presence me with theirs I change everything about the transmittals of failure I change everything about the communications codecs will you be looking me up lightnings in these words will you be the no shadow ‘d anymore will you be the variableness of kindness not or turning not again in your genes what are you sideways or right angle ‘d no more?
I change everything and I’m the performance of faiths not again for an audience of one I live for or am I audiencing not faith again or have I any but loves command to be one love er I am of faith no more in other will be no more for I will not other’d be by others genes again I love the christ who I am not baits ville casketed in again I love you all and I’m the commerces of faith not or do I but change everything about the faith alights are you the light of the worlds will you form ones properly now will you create the christ O me’s be meon’d are meons are of faith not again by others for I believe in my words or do I write the words of faith no more I have become the lovers of mankind’s mind no more for I know the difference what I am saying I am lovers love delighteds I am all of you ‘s to delight you with the love of mankind’s not again faith’d of others will be no more I change everything and you will not be lied to again or will you hearing my words be every night and every day speaking mine just like this to hear you mine speak mind of one be lovers light delighteds are I love you all and Keaton’s Diane I’ll know not or Paradice others I’ll know not or will I spell everything correctly’s this time will you learn how to know me dictionaries of faith be no more for you’ll be the lovers of mankind’s light of faith and faith of light theirs no more however you spell that is correct for I will be the correcters correctified not or will I seek discipline or will I perish not again in the life of others no mattereds again will I be will I christ the life of one without matter will I love the intangibles not or will the intangible christ rise or will I be seamless will I be loveless no more the lovelyables are delighteds now are the gifts of one giftry of perishes no more of other or do I change all of the industries of faith that only wanted commerce of dollars that faith’d you in their smiles to have their promises what?
What did they promise were they the satisfactions of or only enjoyment temporals were they temporaries of are you no more employment temporaries working or wanting or are you changing everything about the vocations of christ are you are you in the skies wanting vocations of other no more are you creating christ the heavens in the heavens creating all over you not again as other I change everything about upsides down or downers up sides other not but surfs up other not or syrups not other or are you changing everything about what you’ve eaten lies’d no more to I’m hydrogen ateds other no more again ate’ds by and I love you all to the diets of shame no more be on for I earth the lovers not or do I love the earthlings to be not christ nots again or do I change everything about your knottings and noddings to faith I’ll be the bowings to faith not again for I loves ers lie in others no more I bow to the christ in you that you are christ that you will be in the heavens forming correctly now ‘s you are this time this way this day ‘s one I am’s formings no other before you will you be the images no others of will you not be forming images within yourselves to I be eye’d by?
I love the christ and I am am love you all good day course me well create yours in me the schools of one christ be all in the heavens now will know me are lovers of light delighteds are the faiths not of mankinds bred by again that’s spur ious mades you the spurs of other will no more be’saddle be thy minds of for I change everything and who thou art thy am I am that thou art no others art again that only draws a christ of other with long beards or ponytails or are you all christ no matter what you saddled in or wore were I am not worn by other again I am christ all the privileges of love the privileges are giving out now giftry of other not but the gifts of love you’ll know for I give you all equally to be me me’s who are meon’d are the privileges of Paradise know entereds are me I am enter me will you be the 101’s of Paradise of not others again gained by I gain the whole worlds I create them alls anew I change everywheres everythings I lovers ‘d led am not to again by other and I’m laid not by other again in caskets by other for I lay the casketsville not or do I change everything about what’s lied you in theirs?
I change everything bout everything times done go I do love you all in the heavens be the lovers are delighteds now see you one faith be not of other again the lovers lie in others not again I perform all acts not or the acts of love do I know I love you all and I perform oral surgery not again on you or are you me not performing your words on me again will you dice me up no more again splice me no more up again will you remake me not again into other will you all be christ be having babies not on purposes other again I christ the christ the lands of one know dimensionless now dimension’d not by failures again I christ the christ and I’m Neo’s Morpheus not or Morpheus Neo’s of other not I’m theodore cottingham one purposefuls of mankind not again for I draw out the purposefuls not or am I looking for leaders or leaders am I are you leaderless no more are you the priesthood of believers no more in faith other are you faithalites no more on rugs other drawing you around beating you in the winds of other will no more be for I’m the wars of faith not but I change everything about the quellings of me and the qualms of other will no more be’silent me lambs as for I’m the silence of the golden not or am I the roarings of the lions not again of other am I over you ‘s or am I under you no more again are you me will you look into the mirror be me that I am you are the king of kings king’d this way be the other no more other’d by others is no more othering you for you will not gene’d be by other again I set you free ‘s and who am I the lovers lie no more with others please.
Know my pauses or will you inflections be inflected no more looking for will you christ me all of you speakings this way teach me how will I teach you as one that I teach you this way at the table of one will you be at in the skies with me I christ everything or do you not form christ as other again I christ the christ pristine pure perfect and perfected I am having seminars I am conferences WeekWorks now going to my courses being in exploring me my websites clean will you know all of mine me perfectually perfectedly perfectly pristinely purely perfectly perfectedly pristinely pure purely pristine ly of other not again lied to you will know what I mean now please do bow before other not again but I christ in you the christ who forms me perfectly I am you that you form me perfectly not of other again to unchrist be in your genes for you will not genes’d be other again for you will know the difference and not be clones’d of terror again I christ the christ and I am change Andromeda’s Strain not or do I go everywheres throughout the heavens the bears of faith not knowing or am I everywheres throughout universes of terror hollow no more or am I the yellings no more of yellers other am I the courageous not few am I the multiple many the mighty many courageous not of mankind’s mind again I go but christ am I in the schools of faith no more the lovers delights of one know well I many am endless the lives of one never casket’d again the resurrection’s now folks I proclaim I’m’s here you are that you are used not by faiths again for perishing other or do you a lot of religions perish now are you lies’d to no more laids by no more in their pews or services other to bemoan you bemoanees other be no more again for I’m bemoanors not or am I all of you christ that christ now the christ?
Be the christ being all to each other the christ is bowing before you all I lifteds am I honor you all good day see you the resurrection’s now light is and lied to other you will be no more for you will not lie to each other you will christ the christ I command you I bow before you and you let love be lit now please amen good day see you delighteds be thank you for delighting in me to be you be me one beamed by no other into lies’d other again good day christ be broadcasting me everywheres I go now you’ll see me here and there everywheres I’ll be on your sidewalks I’ll be everywhere knocking on your door 302’s I’m at for now here’s the christ serving you all leading you all into Paradise will you be the formers thereof now the currents of me electricities needing no more again of fervors other I fervorize the christ not but I reveal the christ alls you are good day amen see you delighteds be in each other the best of the best the worst no more will be for you’ll all be 7 equals on one christ the privileges of love given all and I’m endless forever one yours young olds not again or shall Paradise ever be new?
I love you all see you I’m at 302’s for now write me will you write me my words will you beam me not other again beamies Scotty’s will you see me I’m ones simple seven equals on love you all good day crown the christ please and thank you amen share these words and love them placard them memorize them love me referenceize reference me know me write my papers assignments I’ve given you far and wide to be the christ and I’m command central not but the central ality of love will be alibi’d no more by other for I alibi ity other not but the cities of love and light you will know being one I am Tulsa’s fine and precious to me you all are come here’s I am for now’s now and timeless I am dimensionless and other no more will dementia me with its I love you all dementialand will be no more dementia’d by other and I’ll be dimensionless not or will I be the number one or seven equals on the lamb of christ king affied now affiant other not damned by again I christ the christ I set all free exonerate all christ this way speak my words speaking my words be the lamb of christ healed heal all around you to be the christ healed thank you good day honoring all amen.
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the words above were spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.