how to love
will you neuter christ no more
it cost everything all that you are
will you do the things necessary to perish not again
will you enroll
be of The First Degree that writes my words this way that speak extemporaneously this way
perfect pure pristine thought
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110804_000
This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham August 4, 2011 coming to you at 2:42 AM or am I coming now am I there with you am I in you I am I am now I am’d now gene’d of The First Degree or The First Degree do you know anything about that my University issues my issued are you that issue me proclamations of me throughout the centuries coming before or after are you me known now throughout the centuries centurionness not of other again are you asserting rights of yourself or writs of mankind no more again are you writings me the writings of knowings now are you the proclamations of decrees of declarations of love ‘s love do you know me will you be the lovelyables who are the cast outs not again of loves un sphere will you be sphered cast outs no more again nor cats of other wanting prowlings yous what are you prowlers for no others trash cans again trash bin’d of are you of The First Degree that creates all things new will you be the createds created creators are that are creators of The First Degree experiencing it experiencing it of The First Degree will you be genderless neutered not by other again in its cataclysmic castigation claims or will you not be the castigateds directeds mis anymore are you miss understood no more are you understanding all things will you please be the ones that honoreds all have honor ing all honor honoreds to be honored now will you be the most honoreds of all honoring each other first you yourselves first that deem you’re worthy to be the king will you be the king now that is worthy of all else and other not again please will you be kingaffied self not again that only self wants to be separations lie in separate ness of other is no more for you’ll be the king of kings who was is and forevermore one praise the name of Jesus not or Allah not again going to but are all of you going to Mecca not again but Tulsa’s charm not but Tulsa’s light city of light are you there are you it will you be it of id’d no more please will you lid ‘d be no more please will you take off your glasses or have any or be drinking the wines of new life will you be the streams of mankind’s not again immersed in what see you what seest you what sea will you be in no more whether you spell that SEA or SEE what are you seeing now the seas not of mankind that sees you as other to only be proclaimed as theirs woodens other you won’t be again race of Pinocchio ‘s for them for they won’t be controls’d by you for you won’t be controlleds by them for you won’t be controls’d by each other see what I have said oh please christ all of you your name here ______________ because I christ you do you christ other not else in your genes again to be otherfied ‘s other oh please and thank you amen.
I have said much in this little short video or do I make long ones not again or do I make them all of The First Degree no matter what I sing song or dance in no more am I or but an artist am I not orphaned again to orphanage other or am I orphaning you not again or but am I you was I you all the time was you are me now you knowing it will you it of id be no more that only wants an aching backs charm or an Achan’s memories no more will you be no more Molech’s crowd on pews offering your souls to devil ‘s to only save them to others and be shipped off after you die is no more for you will not die again if you’re me because you will know understand and love love and become be it all the time now to each other who love is all of you toofless homeless toothless burden bearers or not I tell you this I bear the burdens of no other again I christ am relieving you all of yours or have you any more that you must bear must you christ the christ that you are other and else no more for you will know how to interpret these words for you will listening be listener be of The First Degree that writes my words this way that speak extemporaneously this way just this way will you be way’d by no other and found wanting what will you want no more in your genes will you be the christ who set your alarms and arise in the wee hours will you awake and learn how to use technologies dreams no more ensconced in others that dream you weariness of big fat paychecks flat with mankind’s mind or are you flatlining no more again the oscillations of Paradise or do you know anything about oscillations shame or oscillating fans no more caring about or air conditioning where are you in heats hell no more or what are you droughts draught no more draught drawing the draws from others words minds that minded ‘s yous?
I love you all to ask a lot of questions consider that I have given thee’s this night that I have given you every day every night are you pummeling again not the pummeled will you beat up not the beat-up anymore will you castigate not the castigated will you castrate not the castrateds emasculate not the emasculateds will you neuter christ no more will you be christ all of you christ of every nation tribe and tongue no matter what you have done look like been in or ensconced in been incarcerated in prisons are you no longer religions charm no matter what you called yourself or worshiped will you worship money no more religion no more education government no more of anything over me will you be me in the skies that knows what I am talking about becoming the king of kings again that you were are and ever more shall be now is proclaimed decreed declared what can I say more clearer justice is served will you be it will you hand it out to other no more as other does and do you understand proclaim ing will you be the word of the lamb healed this day will you love me will you speak me who speaks me this way hearing the plea of my heart will you come unto me and let you be me who I am the king of kings that needs nothing of this worlds again air-conditioning of or hells bells hearing bell affied in you will you know me who I am I am you who perishes not again will you graduate in the skies from my schools this way my school is one my schools is one I school the one I school all christ that one is knowing understanding these things will you speak extemporaneously the christ being please will you share these videos and your words not with other that christ condemn as other no matter what you have called him it she divine one are you it of all times Paradise now understanding creating it will be under your genes no more of other anything again for you will know what the christ is exposing everything or will you be anythings of underthings no more pants of wanting or skirts garnering you flappings in the breeze no more will be admirings flesh or will you be flesh less now will you be thought ‘s less now or will you be the thought’d christ that only has mine minds one of that one mind is healed whole and well this day I bow before you all and call you christ whatever you think of this video me or my families one in the christ skies of one all christ are skies are not empties fulls anymore that only full of shit crap make of your speech whatever you foul mouth were in religions shame or what fornicated with thoughts were you did that you thought’d yourself as unto not christ being what I call you christ is perfect pure pristine thought not of other again I christ the christ who am I one simple one who just like this arises in the wee hours everyday and have for nine years eight or seven ate’n what have you what are you eating now nothing but the words of I am light will you be not incarcerated light again in others words what are you the light of the worlds will you hang no other upside down in your words images or will you have any of mankind’s mind no more kinding you to be its id’s of or egos proclamations no more sharing words of mankind will no more governmentize my eyes nor government me education of nor control my words in any way for I will christ christ I will be the christ christing christ and who am I one simple who honoreds all are honoring all are and I honor you all as christ I obey you not again as other I honor you love you and have given you my life will you wear it me these words out on streets or will you be on streets of gold or proclamations of light do you know anything about mine cafés of love will you be ensconced in no others punctuations again of texts other that only textualize other to textualize you as textures other in theirs moments of mankind’s mind or what are you not seeking again speech will you no more be speeched off by others or will you not matter it to you will you be not matterfied verified by other to each other wanting empirical evidence other will you evidential affied be no more that only wants an affiant damned to be verified to on purpose be theirs that they can condemn or not what judges are you judging from thereby?
Hereof I declare proclamations proclaims of love I am that I am the proclaims proclamations that I proclaim proclamations of is that clear whether you think I am clear or not I love you and I have given you the clear love light I am that you are not the famous or rich or are you the terribles no more wanting garnereds by others you won’t fashion your life ‘s after again you will not be images imaged by other again will you please will you know the christ will you speak extemporaneously will you fashion and form yourselves not as other again that wants an extemporaneous’s vision of yourself version of are you versionated no more as visionated other are you heavenaters now will you heal the christ that you first are will you be the first’d degreed now christ are in the heavens born again is now you know what born again is that my schools againaffy no other in will be for in I will be the christ lands of one shames not anymore I know the difference a day makes I make new ones far and wide and I knight and day not or am I the words of christ knowing all of you Cameron Diaz’s not or will you look up my movies Brad Pitts or Rhett Butler’s or peaches spitting out seeds not or but are you herbs of christ not wanting again of other or are you all me wanting me enough to be me to arise in the wee hours set ing your alarms gardening not vegetables other or are you vegetable affied no longer vegetables of that only wants a mind flatlined by oscillations shame in some hospital or doors corridor?
What are you walking through now the doors of light corridors of not hells again will you be on Congresses will you be on the hills of not shame again what are you forming declaring loving love the parties of love parted waters of not other again or are you walking across the seas of shame on tops of dry land not again or across waters skies are you all parteds me not again of other wanting what are you veins again of Paradise no more in or are you the vainous crowd no more of other vain in your thinking wanting weathervanes of other no more again or is there any wind or are you the pilotless no more stuck on the ground in shipwrecks ships wrecked a few awry not or are you awry’d no more are you arisables are you will you be who speak this way whether I extemporaneously christ this way or not or will you be must you be have you be christ will you please off the high dive what are you knowing understanding divings shame no more or will you dive into Paradise un’s no more to recover your loves other will you be no more other in love with will you be mine in the skies who loves all equallees are will you love all equally Israel is loving Israel is in the skies all equallees are is this clear I have given you alls I am and alls I am is all I am everywheres I am I am pilotless no more for you are my pilots hands not or are you the flywheel clutch no more of other needing rubber bands to turn your engines of shame on Pilot’s blessing are you no more washing your hands of other or are you christ in the skies will you learn to B-52s pilot or X SR 71s will you know or X me out not again into your genes or x-ing out other Y am I are you knowing all about these things chromosomes on or me are you on Meon’d are seven equals on fashioned not like Paradise other again for I make new mankind’s mind not again of other I make all new things or all new things do I make or do I change everything about Paradise hell you had it that you made it you lived in you fashioned it you wanted it egos of driven by shames words no more will be helicopter rotorbladed of for I’ll be jets engine Paradise not or will I be screaming off the runways now or need I none 7,000 feet or will I be 30,000 are you looking up coming here now what’s in shame no more?
Will you live in shames words no more that separates you as christ un’s or religions shame divisivements of other will no more be precluding thee ‘s or are you thee ‘s of Paradise no more that wants un’s to be mores ‘d of will you be raised more of other no more will you raise the christ starting with you first will you be the christaffied now however you spell that is fine for my genes will be found no more by others or shipped off to open markets shame ‘s for the words of the highest bidder again or the highest bidders words no more do I judge thee exonerateds will you be exonerate the christ will you judge me worthy to be you will you have my words ensconced in you in no others is or will you be the ensconcer de de-ensconcing a whole lot of things will you heal people will you lie not again will you ethics be of the king studying mine will you be integrity of the christ knowing being mine will you be the integrated not other again will you be me all christ are who beam other not diversifications into their minds or yours will you all be diversified not be flat-out flatlined by other knocked out by punches other words’d of incarcerations other is no more religioning you nor will you be religion’d by religions governments again for I be exonerate love and love you will know be become becoming it you are I am that privileges beneath you have no more incarcerating you in others by for bye-bye to a lot of things that used to use you and you will not be using others again as others used you will you please exonerate all will you christ the christ will you be become the christ becoming the christ in my school teaches you this way I do who speaks I do love you all equallees in the skies I am privileged by not the terribles un again for I am un terrible’d not or am I genes one seven on seven equals one lamb healed that heals all lambs christ will you be the kings of that king all of you equalees will you be driven dregs no more in are you lambs of christ no more slaughtered for slaughtereds for other will no more be for my genes will be healed and I am seven equals on Meon’d are Meology’s fine will you find me in the loves clouds of not other taking you down what are you knowing now you are the christ will you christ the christ that one is all of you are one one are knowing this will you be the unintelligible ‘s no more will you be the terrible ‘s no more will you be the terrified ‘s no more will you be the lame no more walkings in the skies or piloting B-52s not again or are you (1) but watching my movies knowing I put in Paradise pilots now of The First Degree who will pilot me not as other washing your hands to dirty work do.
I christ the christ and I perform miracles not or do I create loves love atmospheres of exonerating all environments of cleanliness not again of other am I christ the christing christ am I christ christing you are you christing me am I one’s one who knows alibis of love ‘s un’s no more that only want to wash their hands and walk away from the christ privileges of one will you deny yourself no more the privilege to be christ are you christ were you all the time adoptions not again sons as other plugging you into theories’d others ‘d by will you regulate shames no more that only shames you as posturous preposterous others will you ludicrous be no more the ludicrites or what are you criting no more in your hypocriticals stance of loves shame that un you make of others stripping them of their powers love or love powers all will now will you love enough to be the christ will you exonerate all and have governments not few or will you have the government of one will you love one what one is partying not in shames again what will you have no isles divisive ments again will you cross the isle of other no more will you have one to even cross or will you have crosses no more bearing upon you your backs stuck in each other are you bodyless now will you be thoughtless not again or thoughtables other or are you changing everything about the thoughts christ once had or are you not separations lying again in christing other are you changing everything will you change the christ no more into other wants you had?
I love you all I give you me’s perish not again oh love ers of christ I christ the christ and who am I one simple theodore joseph my name or am I Josephing all of you to pilot shame no more being in what are you vegetables veggiefied no more or are you plugged out or plugged into my words or are you simply my words setting free in you to speak this way these ways of christ I have given you nine years or eight or seven are you me equals on I am seven’d I am lovers of Paradise being the Paradise’d few not again in or will I be the multiple many mini fied by not other again I am christ christ all of you opening your eyes mine are will you be mine needing only one will you be one affied by not other again wanting empirical verified evidence by others that to acclaim you as others dirigibles no more or diligent are you blimps no more or are you submersible pumps no more dirigibles of or oilfields do you know anything about drying up are you the words of mankind are you changing everything about what’s pumped where what are you pumping words into no others veins again that blood them as bloodlines christ they were are you the blood of Paradise equals on seven are you sevening will you be the sevenaters now club of not other again clubbings you heads of other you’ll no more wear for you will be two not again and I will be two’d not again for I will be one you are that you are one I am is that clear?
I have given you terribles Paradise not again or did you take Paradise and turn it into terribles are you Satans Belials no more creating yourselves in Molech’s charm offering you to each other to altars go to graves endureds by other won’t graven be anymore for Ì grave the grave not again or did you only grave me putting me in you will you be put in graves no more will you live forever oh great king the holy grail of righteousness not again seeking or are you the holy grail’d not by other or are you the holy simply you toofless homeless no more again will you be in the skies Israel living in the true real will you be not magnetics shame again ions’d of will you know anything about protons neutrons shame love fear hate what are you loving fearing no more hating no more are you the love of mankind’s no more loving all as other to be other you’re not otherfied anymore for you will know the difference how to love interpret love be personified not by other again I christ the christ and who am I one simple love arising in the wee hours to speak my love this way to be my love this way to become my love this way am I love loved again will you be the christ again’d by no other I have set you free have you set me free in you to be me you are the king of kings riding high on others love not again you will know the difference ions’d be clinging to no more others again I christ the christ and who am I loves love I bow before you all good day amen.
I go now and I am not afraid of other not afraid of you no matter what you think of me what I have done or not I love Lucho not or do I love you all am I meeting all of you in Paradise tonight today one’s one will you be one how much time do you have will you have everything won’d not again by other I christ the christ and I love you and I speak love ‘s here and loves sphere of other will be no more you will know how to read you will be the literacy’s Paradise perishing no more or are you the unintelligibles no more will you be the intelligibles the intelligence of christ will you have developed in you are you were you it all the time the mind of one were you all the mind of one were you all one that I am is I am I am’d not by terribles again split-aparts for I am marriageables families not again in seeking or am I seeking everything to destroy not again and tear up paradises am I quanta’s unlove no more in am I changing everything about what rotor bladed me am I christ christ I am all of you are christ I am that is your name are you Israel’s Israel will you treat all fairly or integrity’d’ly not again of other or are you the integrated christ of not other again are you all me simply all me will you be me no matter what color I am or what planet I came from are you coming now to others are you will you be others here will you be afraids no more of galactics studying here in my schools will you school be schoolaffied by no other again will you be me who ‘s fearless will you sphereless be no more or spearless will you be not spearing each other as mankind’s eyes with words other will you treat all the christ equally who come here all of you are now knowing all of you are christ will you be me not me’affied by other again Meon’d of other is no more terribles imposters are no more for imposters christ you’ll no more be seeking or will you be the patterns of shame no more wanting will you be the patterns pattern that equalaffied are all equal are the patterns of love given you Jesus I am or you are you the christ will you be Jesus’s shame not again stuck in at the foots cross of other will you be foot’affied no more or verified by other not again to unkind man be will you be man’s kindest of all or will you be gods god gods god is all what will you say to the potter that only wants to make potters will you be the clays making clays splitting apart breaking clays glasses no more vases of or will you be the crystal clears now that see throughs all clearly now the wavelengths of terror not again stuck in or what are you changing about magnetics Paradise do you have one are you in one creating one will you be the creators of loves light pure purified seven times not or are you changing everything about what you were in hells bells not collecting in you again what are you changing your loves life or your life’s love or what are you loving not again sphereaffied of other fear affied of other you’ll no more be fear ensconced in for I change all the loves of mankind’s mind or will you have one of mankind’s no more will you simply be loves light operating by the one I am in the skies?
I have said much I go now my courses are complete or am I completing I complete I am’s am completeds I am now and I am changing everything still working on my courses in my courses will you be I am completing completeds are I in the skies rise now I live forever not the holy grails of other seeking again I’m the holy fied christ not or Holyoke’s oldfields other not but Massachusetts I’ll know not or will I know all of your isles of shame no more will I be on the planets in the planets love of loves will you be galactospheres not afraid of galactites or stagtites not of other again I am stagging no other stagnance into you or will you know the categories of one no more of other will you look up in these words let me define everything have I or am I giving you no shames of other have I given you all loves light will you be in these words studying Database One first will you know me search me online will you be me studying hearing these words studying how to extemporaneously compose the christ no more castigateds of will you castrate the christ no more in you first will you free the christ oh christ in you first will you first be the christ that redeems you first will you forgive you of all that you have done and undone or left undone or not done rightly or wrongly will you not be interpreted again or will it matter will you christ the christ and change everything about the worlds you were in or are you in one of other not again are you christing all the galactospheres not afraid of other again be fearless now love loves love fearing all not again I cast out the words of shame for no more grows in my trees of light have I any had I any I gardens of shame no more gardener others for for I christ the light the trees of life being it gardeneraffied by other not again I christ the light ‘s of one.
I go now redeemed I am the redeemers I am the redeemer I am that redeems you first that redeems me first in you to be the firsting christ The First Degrees of is this clear The First Degree of christ is issued by Meology’s shame not again be ensconced in please redeem the christ that’s you that you are will you be in Meology’s love will you love Meology surrendered be Surrenderology will you know being in writing my 101 courses will you be I have loves curriculum affied by no other will you be verified in there intelligibles evidence evidentiary systems of other will no more be I change everything and who am I simple enough to walk through walls fly through Paradise create new ones far and wide will you be all ones one ‘d ladened not with others again I christ the christ burdens no more burden me down for I change everything about the clocks I change everything about everything and times no more for under my feet will be everything not or will I be yours or will you have none of other will you be the seamless christ operating in all villages not of other again needing seeing or what are you seething not by writhings again I am writings of love now that’s known far and wide I am’s you that perishes not again oh christ be not the soups’d of the terribles again in snow me no more or love me in Paradise not or will you all be in hells no more what ever temperatureistics you thought you were changing all things about mankind’s mind am I?
Am I christ not christing christ as un’s again are you will you be me who studies this word these words that I have given you for nine years eight or seven am I equals on are you christ the christ Meon’d are and Meology’s terrible not again or was it ever that you only terrified yourselves in giving you each others words and minds became or became minds did you that gave you languages to communicate with each other chopping yourselves apart or me I am loves love personified not by other ‘s images again I am imaged of love not or am I all of you not walking around in images of other again seeking only wants of flesh are you fleshaffied no longer again are you again’d no more by others longers or shorters I am love’s love seven equals on and I need eardrums not again or am I drumming the beat of not others again or am I drumming for loves un no more I am christ christ and I have not the beat of NICs other for the Nicolaitans I am not again study me’s my words I have given you loves light will you be in my words loves light being the pristine pure perfect perfecteds now are will you be in my seminars conferences of love and loves light knowing WeekWorks perishes not again for I WeekWorks loves not or are you coming into loves sphere WeekWorkables will you be are me mine now my army of love or do I have any or are you the singularfied christ no more or are you the singlees now with a single focus the eyes of one knowing the me’s are I love you all the most humble of all god is who knows not the purpose of other again purposefying other to purposefuls be on treads other again for retreads you won’t be the retreadeds by and clones other you won’t be terribles’d by cloneaffied by clarified by have I everything given you the clearified christ will you be clarified by other not entangled to again.
I love the christ I have said much many ways and I kiss you not or do I give you the words of light to kiss other not again lying in with the beds of shame no more will you need any shame yourselves not again unchrist be no more again christ the christ please that’s all of you christing christ this will be now and you will see shame me not again for I will be you who sees thought not as other ‘s thought’d flesh ‘s again I christ the christ I world the lights of love now will be lit with loves light I christ the christ and I everywheres I go now done ‘s am see you know my investigations not or will you investigate love will you be pro-creations of unloves no more procreateds will be no more of unloves love you will be pro creating love will you be me timids no more in Paradise will you Timothy’s me not or Paul’s not or terribles not again will you be theodore’s love knowing or will you be your ‘s love knowing will you Paradise evils no more again in your veins vainous will you christ the christ the most humble be will you humbleaffied pie eat no more of others will you kneel before the christ or will you be christaffied where the christ bows before you and lifts you into the skies will you the most humble be doing that for others will you clarified verify their ‘s they’re the christ will you christ all christ throughout the galactospheres universes will you create alls anew changing everythings createds all new again I am the new creations here the regeneration’s of one the lovers of light the revolution of one the revelation of one the crystal light of one I’m’s here folks and here I am speaking from 302 ‘s South Sheridan in Tulsa’s love will you know now personified not in other again will you personify the christ persona of christ have the fragrance of christ be the christ againaffy other not again in your veins be the bloodless now or have I given you my words to blood of christ be gene affy ing other not again your veins please be christ I love you all of every nation tribe and tongue and tonguing others you won’t be inserting rods of other again lightnings of for you will not be taking others down and clipping their wings for you will be honoring all as christ who christ are christ is christ again christaffied in loves love will be now born again in the skies all we are king of kings known far and wide who are one’s one all light ‘s loves lit good day amen.
I see you all I love you all I am you all who love me will love me create me wells I do see me I love you all good day amen search me on my website know my schools clean will you enroll will you do the things necessary to perish not again will you be the tenacity’s tenacity’d christ will you be christ all who set all christ free christing all free be freebies be or does it cost everything all that you are were are you no more thoughts ‘d in I change all the worlds of mankind’s mind I’ve said much good day enough love me LESSONATE know how lessonizing lessonating these words please be the sharers of christ all taking one body and not pulling it apart again being the one I am pulled together not or are you all compromisers not again on words other I change the christ not or am I the canons of shame no more ensconced in am I the canons of light not going of bombing other again in your minds am I lights light not needing fortresses of other are you the B-52 flying or are you the SR-71s of light are you lights crafts of other not needing moleculars other molecularment of other is no more I change everything are you your thoughts flying in or are minds mind one I love you all I am the fathers light the mothers of love all creates anew alls I am that ones is this way we alls are and we are not the pitted branches of other nor the Bradleys of love or am I all the Crouch’s of love knowing Christy or loves tune Carolina’s other not or Christopher’s Blessing are you Barbi’s or Barbie dolls not needing again no matter what you call them in your cultures lie no more with mores other I change everything about the lives of christ for I call you christ all of you and I bow before you all on one knee and I say I love you christ the christ and love all equally bowing before all I do go now done see you as light white with love darkies other not or will you all be one loves light not divisives other again integrated christ integrity of christ ethics of christ will you be the christ extemporaneously speaking christ words this way just like I do have I given you you will you be you the real in the real now constructing it Israel in the skies is that clear?
Is this clear please be clarifieds now all see-throughs perishables not again in other I need no vegetables of other I need no man kinds of mankind’s mind again to kindaffy me in its evidentiary evidence again for I court the shameables not but I tell you this I exonerate the christ who all of you are now you know who you are will you be THE FIRST ESTATE’D once again in heaven’s heaven heavenaters are creating all things anew good day loves love be see you I am write me love me call me phone me be here walk in knock at my door you know THE FELLOWSHIPS OF ONE equal on’s are that’s what I teach how I teach the words of lessonating all the lover ‘s life of one to be alls anew borns again in the skies lovelyluias lovelyables are see you good day make new ones far and wide new worlds in creating all things anew good day alleluia one.
Consider the movie: “12 O’Clock High” (1949), directed by Henry King.
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the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.