THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News I have explained Meology’s purpose

I have explained Meology’s purpose

Meology explained
know Meonics
the School of Meonics in
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110711_000
Video file 110711_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham July 11, 2011 at 2:20 AM bringing you paradise giving you me or am I you that I am is now I am’ing all my race of mankind or are you not mankind ‘s race of mankind’s anymore that wants only to want a higher calling or do you know mine to be the christ will you be the christ in the skies higher calling delivering all the redeemers now will you be please me that is the thing that I am doing or am I being the one that I am called I am called being be I am the christ I always was that now I am not committed to other to bringing forth a theories’d other calling of and the calling of me goes out Gideon’s reckoning not or are you all Gideon’s breaking the trumpet not again are you me in paradise calling paradise constructing it are you will you be me who speaks just like this breaking the vial of the glass or the glass of the clay pots do you know anything about that now filled with wine are that are me wedded to no other again are you me choosing now who you wed where where will you be wedded now in the skies not appetites whetted to other again please and thank you be the one christ all are we are that is one that one is now understanding these things will you be me who do this now who know a higher calling calling higher am I to you to be the christ me me the christ am I you one one you that is the christ do you know is that clear?
  2. Is this clearer that I have given you the christ this day to see be impregnated by other not again what are you pregnant with the christ seed of Abraham or Ur not again going to or Mecca’s charm what are you knowing now Charleston’s other not or but Tulsa’s lovely me one am the cities of light knowing where incarcerating not again in your genes will you be me the christ born this way born forth now will you be the christ not delivereds un’s again will you be the hon’s of no other again doing lists only other will you activities be not incarcerated in robbing your time taking yous from me or will you be mes in paradise studying mes with mes this way will you be me o happies joyous joyous happies to be me Christopher’s home or are all of you home in the skies that I love I love you all equally equalees be equalees are equal being being equal is that clear?
  3. Is this clear that I love you that I have given you my life that happy I am joyous that I have died and risen and arisen I am and arising I am arisables I am that’s who I am what I am doing where I am where I am is and I am everywheres and I am not incarcerateds in your thoughts again nor your wants memories nor mankind’s charm of charmery that snakes your snakery to snake around each other and want looks and accolades other and I christ you behold paradise or will you christ me beholding paradise not other again wanting after you die or will you go to now where you are within me I am that I am paradise holding or birthing it am I one that is now seeks not other again to be hold wed thee of other and whet of other appetites Rhett Butler of and Scarlett’s other will no more be impregnating me with their charms or anger and their town’s burning not or will Atlanta’s know me will you be not the southern’s segregation again or will you know me integrateds christ be all of you one colors mine all colors are that’s every spectrum is that is every spectrum of mankind knowing me throughout the atmos spheres or galactic spheres will you know me will you be me will you beam not other again in your minds genes will you have one me in the skies will you be me all me have all me me have all me I am that I am is is this clear that I have given you all I am and I am I am I am I am no matter how you say that rapidly alacrity with purpose or not to feel me be other not again will I for I will the will of Allah not again or will I the will of god be Allah’ing other not again or are you all Mecca’ing paradise not again in your genes or are you all christ the anointed messiah saving you first will you be the blood of the lamb healed is this clear?
  4. Is this clear I am giving you paradise revealed in your genes will you be it constructing it not constructing other again in your genes what are you man kinding no more of women or paradise of one man race are you or god are you of all genders now one throughout the heavensphere I love you all to know me extemporaneously speak me I am this way that I am is healed this day this way I waited for this moment I knew would come I knew it would come I know you who you are where and I speak right into your heart straight and I love you and I break off arrows not again or have I sent any or love messages of mankind or god ‘s god that you are guided by these LESSONS or RELEASED TO BE THE CHRIST ARE YOU ALL WILL YOU BE PLEASE IN THESE LESSONS LESSONATING THEM TO KNOW ME WILL YOU PLEASE and BE THE CHRIST that you are all the time were knowing existentialism not or will you be the enigmatic’d christ no more or the enema’d christ no more of unwords or will you not unworded be from the christ words vocabulary of one will you know the systems of education one mine is my mind healed is this day that this way is I have given you that flows the fount of paradise in birthing me I will I am you in you I am doing this that I am is that you’re not pregnated with other again are you my word bringing forth my word this way speaking video mighty miracles now will you be the mighty miracle worker or releaser will you be releasing your brethren to be christ?
  5. Will you christ the christ christer be christing all christ will you be the christer released releasing all your brethren and sistern and to be the christ in the heavens will you be performing mass miracles not again of other only wanting to worship a god of other Allah or not will you be all one mankind not again without a god will you be god Allah is or god is you worshiped your name here _______________ or were you worshiping you when you worshiped Allah or else or other or wanted Jesus or carcerations in other?
  6. Will you be christ will you be set free this day will you are you willing to be set free are you willing to know the truth have it birth it will you birther be all of the truth will you birth it have it inside of you no more that you take to a grave will you graven images be no more graved by gravured by engraved by what will your caskets be say no more over your graves lying empty or will you come out of the graves of mankind’s mind before you die will you be the walking dead no more will you be christ before you die will you be christ anointed messiah anointing will you be anointing all brethren sistern of every race culture and mankind’s mind not performing on again that only wants it accoladed by other to other be existence in existential’d other or enigmatic’d other not again are you christ will you be healed this day will you perform many miracles or be a miracle working god will you be in the heavens that benigns other not again be’knows me will you know me knows me all of me will you know all of me love me will you love all of me will you please and thank you equally all I am equally ‘s is equallees are the christ that’s the father one mankind of not again mankinding mankind to be its sorrow full state in and the state of sorrow will no more exist in Israel for Israel will be known in the skies be being me I am from and to I go now.
  7. I love you all I go now I am done and Christopher’s paradise I am in not or am I in all of yous or yous in mine or are you all mine or yours or are you my mind healed or yours not other set apart for other what are you setting apart me my mind for other not again are you speaking my words being my words healed birthed will you be the christ birthed this way this day will you be the healeds now will you heal all others will you set them free will you love them no matter what they were did to you were doing wanted to do as you were unchrist to them will you christ them with your love will you die before them before you die no matter what they think of your christ ship your christship now is healed will you be the healer thereof that heals all around you will you healing be the christ will you christ be healed will you heal all christ everywhere of every nature tribe and tongue every nation tribe and tongue everywhere throughout galactospheres will you universes lie in no more that only wants to incarcerate yous will you burst forth break forth the new heavens will you be in will you create me I love you I love you me ME ON BE MEON’D ARE MEONICS IS ALL ABOUT THIS IS THIS DEFINED WELL ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BE ME STUDYING HERE’S NOW will you be incarcerated other not again in your religion yours of other no matter what Allah you wanted or god other called christ Jesus or Jesus christ or you christ will you be healing other not again that only takes them down and clips your wings in the process that kills each other or deaths take hold of and wrench from you life will you be the incarcerateds no more wanting a preacher imam of gospel other or gospel books other not throwing away not or are you throwing away a lot of things that’s stuffed your closets or your shames or your bodies or your pantries or your bullocks or your thighlocks or what are warlocks no more warlords around or are there any around anywhere are you lording not over anything again your authority ‘s purpose have you any to be the christ to be the christ will you please all of you in one mind be that christ is all everywheres now healed will you be the healer ‘s thereof will you heal me please and thank you amen.
  8. I go now to a new place and I do new things with the surrendered who love me will be me and I test you other not or will you test me out as other not again or will you test my words or be my words will you testing me be or be in my words to test me testily testifully not again testamenting other will you know mine Testament of One theodore’s one one testament of grace love and peace will you know all of us are one peace full now will you be the race of peace christ are christ is one christing all christ this way will you know Meonics free now will you be Meology’s lovers of mankind’s not again that only want to weds bliss that never comes or wants that invade pervade and mistress other again will you not be the mistresses of other again that only misters crowns and monies crowns wants?
  9. I love you all to know me witness other not again born into your genes again for I be christ I born birth christ I born birth christ I do this you know will you know me be know me will you will you know me be me be me christ beam not other again into your genes or from to the christ will you be now go going now will you be where in the skies with me being me not formed other again Meology’s on purpose fulls is on purpose christ I christ the christ to be you are that I am is revealing you are christ’d this day the christer being will you all one race be of christ all everywheres of one nation Israel in the skies not worrying about Abraham’s other or will you Ishmael language be no more of language other that Ishmael’d you or Ur’s paradise will you be knowing or will you be knowing mine Tulsa’s charm not again ensconced in are you christ in the skies the cities of light knowing the Tulsa’s mine will you know my mind healed is here this day I am giving you just like this day by day or is day one here perishing not again are you christ using Windows 7 to transcribe me or Ubuntu’s shame no more be in will you all be set free Africans Catholics imams generals or cross cultural committees no more are you me forming other are you me all of you all of you me all of you are you listening to these words to know and understand understanding be coming forth extemporaneously me are am I one all of you are that one is now not minded by other again mind the christ of one be that healed is this day this way I have given you the way of life the ways of life I have revealed in the values of one mankind not again of or are you kinding other not again to be man’s other or women’s mistress or are you all christ of every nation tribe and tongue not tonguing other again in your body’s minds or bowls other what are you bowls’d over no more again pins wanting or bowling league alleys not or are you alleys no more knowing or are you Steve and Gwen’s righteousness of one are you knowing all of me who lovely are you the loveliest of all all of you are of every one nation tribe and tongue be ing Israel will you be perished not again oh great skies ‘d-less not again?
  10. Will you in the skies be living now performing many miracles healing the christ of all every nations now perish on the earth or do does everything perish that notme started will you not notme again knock me up with other no more for I be free’s christ and I be free’s all of you and all of you free’s are me I am ‘s one is is this clear Meology’s about that’s what this is about you me being one in the heavens christ heavenators are I love you all constructing Israel being the immortals o great kings of king ‘s one one king one life altogether never ending immortal great crowned eternal lover of life one being it originating not other again is this clear Meology’s on purpose purposefuls you are on my mind being in my mind ‘s healed this day this way I have given you to be in courses of the mighty the mighty many performing many miracles or will you all be the priesthood of not believers again that others want you to believe in them that god they serve is the right one will you write me will you be me my speaking word coming forth in videos just like this will you be movies makers movies making producers knowing will you all be afraids not again of paradise will you paradise me in it be being it will you ensconced be no more in ensconcedville creating it there in your earths or heavens sphere of evil again are you redeeming all will you redeemers be will you all the redeemers be redeeming all the redeemers now I am I go now done I am times over I lifted up’s am I am all of you who love is redeeming all will you be laying your life ‘s on the line will you have no life of other no wants?
  11. Other not again shall reign in your life other shall not again rule in your life other shall not life have anymore again will you it be of other no more that you started or began or creator all were you it of or that you created you it and wanted other it in it or will you be it of other no more in the play of other or are you play acting no more again in mankind’s mind stage or stage of mankind’s mind what in are you not anymore unchrist will you christ be the holiest of all the holy of holies knowing will you enter speaking me ‘s just like this will you please be in the temples of not other again or are you redeeming christ in the skies will you be not the disguiseds again will you christ the christ o christ be the free’s this day all of you of every nation tribe and tongue and every color and every spectrum of christ you’ll see being one the colorfuls now full of christ joyous fulls of christ being not the empties again the turbinators other ‘s no more I christ the christ and who is this my name my name is christ all of you christer am I love you all I go now I love you I speak this way in your temples your mosques your imams your popes of joy or Ken’s do you know not pizzas again stuffing you or will you be christ in the heavens Popejoy’s other not or will you know all of us one are that one is the supreme beings of light will you supreme me not other again as other wanting to belated other be or will you be lated not again will you on time christ be arriving now September’s 1st will you know me in Tulsa’s charmed not again by other I christ the christ and when I start I never end I never fool other again in my genes or will I be that which I started began the christ perfect perfectly I am perfected this way perfect is seven equals on Meology’s fine will you know me the School of Meonics in will you be me one I am studying this way this day knows me I am here’s I am hears me well do you?
  12. I course the christ I have given you evils not again to be in your genes geneing christ will you be all genies drown out not but I tell you this I set all you free and I dream of other not again to be else anywhere for I be christ in the skies alls given to alls terribles not again suffering at the hands of mortality’s other and tables other you’ll array not or will you be the arraigned christ not again in courts other or will you be the christ no matter what shames you’re sentencing will you sentence you to be the christ forming mine this way coming through your mouths lips will you lip not other again tongues of or will you tongue the christ no more with lips other smacking or grease oils other having not again what are you greaseless oilless need you anything or are your lamps burning not again or candles empty wicked not but are you christ will you be the burning no more for other but bright lights cities of Mecca’s charm not again or were you any in the skies knowing freedoms free that costs you everything but costs you everything is the name that freedom’s free freedom is that thought you liars of or are you not liaring christ again lairing other not again in mosques temples imams hearts or spiritual pastors or guides are you christ performing rights of sacred theologies not again but christ right minds that ones are that one is the christ healed the father is the mother of christ this day will you be the one is birthing the word you are will you be the healeds this day is this clear?
  13. Will you be the clearest of all about these things in fact never seen again not or will you be the seamless christ will you be in the heavens two at once or will you be all at once two not again in double mindedness double minds having or are you not unstable again or are you the stabilizers christ not again to make others or are you the simple christ minded fullness of other not again will you be the christ full of love redeeming all speaking my words this way freedom reigns in being me will you the redeemers be perishing not again o christ be fools not of other again I christ the christ and who am I all of the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue and Israel’s in the skies and I am one across my forehead yours are all our minds linked or one are we all healed healing each other we healeds are I love you all good day.
  14. I have said much don’t miss me I am here you I am I am you healed here I am healed will you be healing my words birthed forth birthing forth will you be now writing mine first-person words like this will you be studying here’s at not the cross of other at again bearing other for I bear precious seed not or am I the seed bearing precious soil not again in of other or are you clay pots breaking now bursting forth the rivers of shame not again incarcerating in are you the rivers of life pouring forth my words pouring forth my words my words pouring forth my words pouring forth my words throughout the nations will you be the kings of kings all kings are kings’d one is and I’m in Kingston’s other not or Jamaica’s other will I be or will I be all of you you UK’s paradise in or Africa’s euthanasia not or Eurasia will you know Balkans density or have none will you all be christ in the skies rivers of shames no more be’Puritaning you for whatever you were wanted in your religion ‘s will be no more for I christ the christ and I reals am and I reel in other not again into yous who wanted others to be others
  15. in otherfieds other will no more boils’d be and you’ll be in your mother’s milk not or will you be christ the words of shames no more be’fracturing you or will you fissured not be fissioned mind or will you be fissured all over about not or will you be radiums no more or chromiums other or will you be the table of elements periodic no more or will you be the periodic christ no more thinking about other or will you be my mind healed constantly on ‘s my minds on on’s I am mes is Meology’s about Meonics is the school of loves one the school of Meonics know in the school of loves love and lovers be all lovers are lovers love loving all arms of not other being in again.
  16. I christ the christ and who am I one woodens no more and I’m Pinocchio’s charm not again in noses other rolling out for you or am I christ telling you truth or giving it birthing it are you will you be the birthers thereof here here I am’s hereof I speak that proclaims this day the healers thereof are me christ all of you are one nation ‘s charmed not again by other I am Israel’s in the skies Israel being not the disguised other again all be christ healeds this day I love you all I go now it’s 3:00 AM two or more are you bringing or coming simple simply I am one I am all of you are standing before me will you be me who I am simple surrendered simply surrendered surrenderedly will you be the surrendered christ to be the king of kings starting all things over again creation being originated again the regeneration’s here will you be christ Meology’s fine and know me you will refined be the lovers of life that created it to begin with will you be here’s now starting all things anew this day ‘s new one new day one one day ‘s here I am and that days here now folks here’s I am I love you all and I speak just like this at my noon meetings when I teach preach not other again I christ the christ that’s what you speak all everywheres now in your pulpits will you have any the fellowships of mine know far and wide be the Fellowships of One in the mighty many in every nation tribe and tongue of other won’t wag you around its again and Waggy’s free looking up will you know me Lulu’s paradise not or Waggy’s generals not or are you all Generals of the First Degree christ is all the father ‘s healed I am the mothers the words not or am I wording you or wordeds by no other again are we christ ing christ I christer am the fools of not other again taking me down I windows to the world not or Ubuntu’s shame not or have I no shame am I you all of you will you shame me not again your brother your sister one christ are all of you of every nation color and tribe of Israel won’t be dismissed again nor diswritten about my books or will you be the dismissed disrobed no more or will you be christ in the heavens nakedless not or will you be the robeless nots again will you be the Robles of Pam not or will you know how to write me love Kathaleen’s genes not or will you be the christ doctoring leadership not again to be other will you know all of me will you love me be me will you please and thank you amen.
  17. I have explained Meology’s purpose on mind fullness not or are you the mind of christ healed will you be not be dismissed again the disuseful again or will you use christ no more to be religions other or in Mecca’s charm be Allah ‘s wanting I christ you christ all the christ be ones of all all be in one’s one christ is the anointed messiah you healing all is that clear is this clears will you be clear throughs testimonies of other not again looking up all in my words these things writing papers about my courses begin September 1 being here will you September 15 start classes March 1 nowing March 1 being in my leadership committees of other not destroying again will you be me in the skies one christ is not the committees of other committing other acts of violence again against my christ I christ all I am’s I am all of you of every nature nation tribe and tongue I am all of you of every color spectrum I am all of you of all the galactospheres of all the heavens I am fearless now and not sphereless again or was I ever or am I christ all in the heavens now knowing all I am I am ‘s I am I love you all that’s who you are where and what you’re learning about in Meology.
  18. Charmed not again by other be the christ that’s delivered now by your words will you be mine mind mine healed will you be knowing the vocabularies of christ one healed is this day this way given to you all I died arose arise now I do I am one one ing you all to be the christ one the king of kings you always wanted or thought was other where will you live in the heavens be the christ healeds this day this way I love you all I’m done Meology’s explained I’ve given you the schools of one lovers of the universities of the new man’s mind not a gain of other but the new christ are me that all of you are the patternship of one fulfilled the patternship of christ fulfilled in me I am’s am that’s you all of you saying this I am the priesthood of all believers not other in again immersed in of I be the christ all of you are one fulfilling all shames not again incarceraters of I love you all free the christ be you the birthers thereof not languages other taking you down again be the christ be the christ the most joyfuls of all in the heavens limitless measureless I give you all things unto your hand to create all worlds anew be the christ is I love you all and newby’s I’m other not or am I developed christ this way maturity’s of you must be tenacity’d the focused christ learn me how this ways write my words I have given you the system of education ‘s one the schools of joy now proclaim I love am freed this way this day love me be you I am freed freeds be freeing all I love you good day and who am I theodore joseph cottingham one simple christ I am revealing you all are me one be christ in the heavens redeemed no matter what your political party will you have one will you be one mine’s in Israel in the skies the party ‘s of love and the parties of love I have now and you will know me and I party much now or do I love or is love parting with other not again or am I but christ leaving simply’s other not or am I christ singlees each one I am is.
  19. I love you all me one am the christ reigns again in love that love is born again in the skies that’s explained well you think don’t you will you be the christ redeeming you first be the lovers of joy second not or will you be the most joyful of all alls given unto your hand to create again cyclic nation o me be renewed not in other again rejuvenated not in other again the old man patched up not again I love you christ Stephen be P Monty not but L Monty knows me well I love you all I redeem him first or you Christopher or are all of you the tunes of love knowing my Barbi’s shamed not or are all of you unshamed now are all of you wearing not the cloth of mankind’s mind again are you christ in the heavens disrobed now not in other are you the naked christ not again but wearing my words are you the king robes in the sandals of joy or heavens knowing everything’s provided here in the skies I love you all much I’ve said much I’ve given I’ve died I’ve arisen here’s I am that’s all of you saying this these things I’ve given you this day to memorize placard me well I’ve summarized not or have I given you my courses to know me be the tenacity’d christ the tenacity of one the diligence of one scholastics of christ the educations of one the systems of love know me well I love the christ you the christ be that loves me well to be you one am this day one is I love you all.
  20. Meology’s know Meology is one the christ healed that’s all of you forming a new class forming a new me that all of you are one I am is the mind of one healed this day the father is the mother of christ all being be the healeds of all beginning with you first the new beginnings making the New Beginnings knowing my Series booklets me new series christ know me well I have said much I never stop or do I end not again or but do I in the heavens live now being seamless are I christ yes I am amen that’s you saying this knowing this being this the fulfilled the prophecies of Mecca not or are all of you the fulfilled prophesies of one that you’ve given through your words that you first-person words of christ bring forth this way be the delivereds christ I love you all I’ve said much and ever ending not again or never ending the immortal christ be seamless in the heavens now crowned good day your kingdom’s opened will you be I’ve summarized evils not again but I have given you new words of christ be in Database One first and Two know Three and Four opened now is all the heavens are to you who will be me I love you all I’ve given you me all be me all and alls healed this day the regeneration’s here cyclic nation of one never perishes again I give you me arms of paradise in not or are you but me the king of kings ruling in christ are you the most humble of all and the tenacity’d other of tyranny’s urgent other will no more be activities ing you I give you christ be the real you thank you amen.
  21. I go now I’m done I honor you all I bow before all what do you do before all be the christ I am one Meology ‘s know on purpose be mine in the graduaters of this day thank you populateds heaven heavens populated with christ all gods are god is one healed this day that’s what we are where why and on purpose now you know mine yours is that yours is mine or are we ones minded again one minded healed is good day thank you Meology ‘s on purpose know me mine love love me love you love one all equally good day I honor the moment I honor you all moments no more time’s over done see you see me I’ll see you I’ll be you I always was I love you amen I go now done.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant

302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA

NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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