THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,News create me – be in my schools

create me – be in my schools

create me – be in my schools
Database One knowing first
the words of love I have given you to link
the blueprints of paradise I have given you
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110723_000
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham July 23, 2011 at 3:38 AM using a new piece of software or giving up on a lot of things that I tried to be successful in the past with or for others I am not going to their knees again to suck their breasts or words worship that came out of their throats for I am not deep throated with failures others again that wants to give me words from a pit of hell that came comes between their ears from for they create it not again upon my heads and place it on me’s that are there for a purpose not or am I changing a lot of things about a lot of scriptures of mankind’s mind that’s scripted me ‘s are you understanding these things that I speak extemporaneously this message to you not knowing what I speak when I click on the recorders I use or am I changing everything about the courts I use or am I in the heavens the court of one not courting other again in my genes nor words flowing from them theirs that however you spell these things I change everything for the spells of mankind’s mind will no longer kind me into its to be its kind of man or gene pool from that I think of me as a separate being for I will not flow containuously or will I not contain their words anymore in my minds have I one but one have I all you are that speak my words this way will you please be the enamoreds no more with other where you kneel to worship play their rings’d by games that they want you to play be theirs worshiping them their authorities over yous is no more and I beseech the brethren not or do I seech or be’screech not or do I call to a screeching halt a lot of things that demand you made you man in their own thinking to worship them are you christ not doing that to others again are you raising people now peoples far and wide worship you no more who ever you leaders were of many thousands or millions one or not I question your authority not or do I place it on heads no more that be’worship you to you think you of something else a position of power or want for you will not be want ‘d anymore and want will not consume you your lives of to want others words on your heads will be no more heads that you place there that you infestated with infestated others and connecteds were where you worshiped and leaked not out but spaghetti brained each other connecteds to will be no more for I change everything and who am I one simple wooden no more or do I have a nose not rolling out very long anymore or am I you not worshiping other ‘s words again are you christ will you be the wordeds not few by others or not will you be anything like you used to worship or did you only prostrate yourselves in your minds eye of others to behold not or are you beholding the christ yours eye of one will you have where you see singlee ‘s focus will you be the single focused christ that christ begets my words will you beget will you birth me will you be me who turns on the cameras day and night and beholds me in front of peoples beholds other not again as not christ for you’re bowing now before all on one bended knee telling they’re all christ they are that before you are for you reconcile other not to other again in your genes for them or to them transmitting what are you the beamers christ not again but pure pristine light will you be purified light seven times or seven equals on meon’d are you the christ christing christ christer will you be your profession leaks not again wheeled around others by words other wanting you to slide around their slippery slopes ‘d by their words spaghetti’ing you in veins other capillaries other will no more grow you to be other mankind’s of will you know the planets of love now will you defeateds be no more that only roll around in others words that be’make you prostrate before them for because you love them or want their payroll signatures what are you doing not prostrating the christ before christ again what are you now reading my words studying not knowing punctuation again that only takes you and prostrates your head to a connected hose not again of words putrid will you be benefactressing other not again what am I stressing or am I de-stressing a whole lot of things emphasizing syllables not again or vowell istics of shame are you bowels of love no more gushing out on the ground that you had for others where you only worshiped others words or worship you were not they theirs or are you changing everything about what you worshiped was or were you worshiped only as a man or did you worship yous as man or kings were you kings all the time that kings each other or were you all ignorants on purpose?
  2. I christ the christ and I’m deliverance going to or am I delivereds this way the christ is to christ being the christ I get arise alarm my clocks not or but do I do or bits not again have in my mouth where I’m led all around by others por traying tasks or traying things to them for their mope-around heads or their activities to death am I not going to death camps again to only around campfires want or am I colds not again having placing on my head what am I now not your words or am I mine whole completeds will I be not knowing the death of other or will I not place it on my heads again that in festate’s me am I infestateds no more again will I be christ you are that is I am I am is knowing these things not the purposefuls on purpose again that only want empty hands to stretch out for others words to crucify will you crucify the christ no more in each others words where you deleterious make only disabled Christians or Hinduees or Islamics other what are you not again any of those things that mankind’d you to want other worship other bemoan other ballistic other make each other for others charms dreams not again are you ensconced not in by again?
  3. Bye-bye to a lot of things I make a lot of changes miracles do I or am I a miracle working god no more or am I what are you seeing in these words hearing listening are you the christ that knows how to speak listen to will you record me will you studying be here I am all of you hearing the I am that I am is not the voice of other placing on my heads of other had I but one all of you are one ‘s one do you know what I mean will you know listen be the christ who ascribes me not to other again am I you ascribing describing your power powers of love do you have to surrender to be the christ in all worlds at once are you knowing only one or are you your mind made whole or be’pieced not to other again by other infestated others spaghetti brained by others is no more by you falling apart or is your worlds your world falling apart no more or is it what is it other no more otherfied by are you christ not the other wanting an empirical other to verified be by what are you by buying now not my genes again on the open market are you buying not words other again what are you christ selling your slavery not again fools of on the open block are you headed not for blocks chains again cells of?
  4. I love you all to SD me not or are you microchips no more wearing on your forebrows what’s there what was is nothing as the same as you thought forebrows includeds connecteds were what are you invisibles not ignorants again I love you all to ensconce me no more I am the word of the lamb invested be in no other again am I banking on insurance not again to industry ize me industrializing other won’t be again or are you de-industrializing the christnots sphere fear will you have no more of other what are you saying be’speaking speaking love are you to each other now that bemoans not each other again a christ that only wants fears or monies to behold them as rich in each others eyes what are you creating won’t not again of other what are you a gain of not others mankind’s mind again forming you in its image where you prostrate yourselves before it or kneel before what are you annealing not again at altars rails other what are you using software’s parish not or are you only programs’d by man’s mind that minds ‘d you or are you christ not the benevolent other again wanting compassion’s interest to accolades have by other are you christings leaving alone now a lot of things that used to be interesteds that take your time no more are the mores of hell not be’programming you in cultures other to be vultures ‘d by?
  5. Bye-bye to a lot of things I strongly speak or am I the weakest of all or am I the 70th in do you know anything about my Daniel’s weeks or theodore’s are am I Isaiah ‘d not by you again that only thinks other be’fleshed me as other won’t flush me down your toilets thinking again that only pees out on the ground my words or what are you metaphors of interest no more for others that only want ‘s a cultures view or vultures other are you not vulturing each others heads by pecking orders bureaucracies layers of are you de-bureaucracizing a lot of things now are you christ will you be the delivereds shames no more again of what are you beholding now the christ holding not onto anything again what are you holding the christ in your arms are you the seed of christ birthing in your words this way will you be the speaking recording will you christ me in your words recordings are recordeds now far and wide by the court who will be the judge of one you deeming yourself ‘s worthy where you deem yourself worthy to be the christ not egos ego’d shamed again wearing on your heads wanting words authorities purpose other to live on you in yous other won’t be anymore otherfieds by purposes other and I change everything who am I you who love love no more loving other enough to be’prostrate you before others is that clear?
  6. Is this clear that I have made you mankind not again or you making me not mankind’s god of other again are you god that knows who christ what christ is god one is that all are the mind of not satan again creating Belial on your head infestations of is this clear?
  7. Is that clear that I have given you explanations benign not again to christ or are you nine lives not seeking again in the church of satan or Belials bodies of faith ‘s shame no more are you bred of?
  8. I change the christ into likeness other not again for I am christ born of sin no more shames no more on my heads wearing me as others for I am the bodies of one one body is christ is is that clear?
  9. Is this clear that I have given you glasses to see not through others again eyes’d of or are you perishing not again in the words soups of others soups ‘d’ing you or are you Susie Q knowing or going to looking up in these words are you foul interests no more wanting foul on your plates to carve up interest others on Carver’s empires not again what are you be’seeking my movies not again are you be’interesteds in other no more that only want your monies to carve up your bank accounts theirs to make theirs yours not again will you be diced up’s no more quanta’s other will you be formulaic christ no more that wants only to worship other will you be know ing who you are now will you christ me this way who knows love will you be the christ recordeds are is everything in the heavens known have you been recordeds or pre recordeds no more are you what are you knowing listening to divided words by syllables no more are you program ‘s’d by are you buying words on the open market or prostrating yous for deliveries slavery ‘s to no more will you slavery abolish by your mankind’s mind or god will you be one god’d god guided not by failures words again that only want you to worship other prostrating you yourselves before god are you all one that now slavery abolishes not again god or god abolishing slavery are you first to redeem you first on the block of open markets or are the markets closed now are banks anywhere around to be found are you the bodies of satan no more wearing what are you the mark of the beast no more on your heads infestating each other infestateds other will no more infestate other you’ll be christ all of you the bodies of light pristine pearl other not again or are you the pearl of great price inside of you that christ was all the time underdevelop ‘d ‘s will be no more will you undevelop me no more will you developed christ thinking you’re the christ superior to none not or will you be the superior being or light perfect the most humble of all god is superior in knowledge or wisdom skill or blessing will you be the blessor that blesses all with your wisdom christ will you be the christ wisdom of that not perishes again in other wanting words other on your heads crown others as others won’t be head crowned by other again crowned as mankind’s brow and the brow-beatens take their place not again by fools other beaten by other by forebrows other that want to christ give as other at altar rails other will no more rail ize me on their wants slides of theirs won’t be giving me their worlds or will I be in mine open am I your all worlds open ing am I all your world’s eyes have you but one but I am the christ are you all of every nation tribe and troop of other not again what are you F ing not again each others words by intercourse evils not again in your veins to other be make you of its words again please.
  10. I make the flesh of not other again I end a lot of things now and I end mankind’s dream of mankind’s to dream other not again be programs’d by the programs of the church or mosques or doctrines religions other will no more be programmings yous to watch on TV’s televisions shames or what broadcasts are you creating or writing scripting for not the Scripps of other scripting you in Howard’s broadcasts or ends of shames are you bringing to a light now are you the light of the worlds that perishes not again oh great soups of other not be in again please I change everything and who am I simple woodens witness no more for I no more have a nose of other scoping out or snoopy ing around am I all of you with loves shames no more shaming me of what I do interests how I’m in loves with love alls love know me I am loves in love ‘s love and the arms of other no more be’paddle me by their neurons wants and want I want no more and I won’t not or will I know the difference will I be listening to these words watching these videos instead of watching for wants charms to be’tube me by others yous I won’t be prostrating myselves before other again sitting on couches other drinking in their words to only be’make me of witch’s brew theirs and I will not ride their dreams stick sticking their eyes into mine not ions’d by theirs again will I stick the rods of appeal or approval want their ratings of I rate the christ not or do I berate a lot of things not overs me mine eyes again am I my eyes not closed again am I opens my kingdom is I see the christ all of you as christ be the king of kings will you be king’d all by you all will you redeem all in your kingdoms all be not other again otherfieds by affiant other I will not be damned by for I will not damn others in my words nor dam up my words in my throats or will I opens the kingdom come to be the come’d kingdom?
  11. I love you all I open am a flow of paradise words not other taking me down again bided by other and I will not bide my time not or bite my fingernails not again or rod ‘d by paradise am I not beaten by other animals that only want to shame me into theirs followings their words by thinking their robes of light give them some authorities or are they perishing in the ropes cloth or what are you hanging on your words no more yourselves on Mordecai’s gallows are you looking up Haman’s words or mine in these words will you be database foreknowing one will you be first knowing one DATABASE ONE perishing not again in the soups of other WHAT IS THE FOUNDATION OF CHRIST knowing me DATABASE ONE is perishing not again your databases full of other crap will be no more crapping you to use by other and you will not be stiooling pigeons for pigeons forge or will you know a lot of Holly Davis’s or Ted’s other not or red dirt ranger school are you going to not but are you christ in christ school are you knowing all me how I speak rather dreaminess not in again am I the dreams state of other not again mankind’s mind ‘d by am I christ the minds of one knowing the audience of one I play perform for or do I christ surrender to be the christ programs’d not by other again I am the tunes of love singing the Christopher’s Blessings of o’er do you know any that sing your blessing will you be o’er’d not by ore again are you metals metalry’s no more again spinning yous are you magnetics shame no more be’polar izing you what are you poles reversals no more or do you but two have or eyes of one are you the single christ focused on me to be me redeemed will you be speaking my words surrendered are who have died no more to other or death do you bring to others words or yours first will you know the christ flowing this way will you surrender to be loves no more of other will you christ other no more in your homes will you have one in the skies I will be punctuationless or homeless not again or have I but anything in the skies have I everything creating new worlds given me I am to I am I am the wedded not to other again whetted appetites for and the appetites of love I will have not or will I simply be no needing of interests other knieveling me or knievel’s other not but evil interests I won’t have in worshiping others to redeem me for I christ the christ this way redeeming evils not again overs me.
  12. I christ the christ I am woodens interest not of other burning up their coals’d by and I christ the christ and who am I woodens play not again or am I all making movies or Broadway’s imperiled not or in peril are you all or were you all only making all stages Truman’s play not of others Dewey’s paradise again or are you looking up in these words the words of love I have given you to link shames no more linking yous to mores other be values of christ knowing the values of christ making the bodies of shame no more what are you pearls of the christ crescents not again going to or are you in the planets are you creating hanging new ones in space will you be the christ creators of not shames again worlds of world’ds other you won’t be connecteds to you’ll be the minds of one mind’d one one mind is the christ healed this way amen good day.
  13. I love you all I go now I program do other things by or do I new programs broadcast other not again into my minds what am I receiving or programs ing not again by promises other not again making bye-bye am I to all who promised me a world of other on my knees not again before them I prostrate my eyes no more before services other nor services wanting rendering other or am I rendering other services to other no more worlds be in their words what worlds are you in worlds of other no more that want words to be’word them are you the word I am wording I am this way worryings others not again about bills invoices and shames shaming you will you no one’s let shame you again will you christ the christ honoreds all being the christ will you honor all being the christ honoreds all are whether you shame me or not try for you will try not again to be not-christ for you’ll know who you are now I be one ‘s one and won’d not again by other wand’d by others words I’ll not be wandering in wilderness other I be christ and I’m 41 minutes not or am I 60 are you making 30 minute broadcasts or 10 15 commercials not again watching the interesteds broadcasts of other what are you paying for your lives not others words again are you broadcasters shame no more broadcasting others words others to be otherfieds by your monies fat bank accounts are no more and I declare shames not but I declare lights light lights lit and I be shames no more ascribing to described by your words I won’t be wanting your images nor your accolades of my obsolescence or subsolescence or coalescence in other I won’t be coalesced by you in your words on your heads coiled again for I snakes won’t be of each other infestatings each other use by other is no more and I declare lights lit and I be’chain a lot of things not or do I de-chain everything that chained you into its sphere of suffering are you lights lit christ will you be redeeming yourselves first will you self the christ with no other again id or ego of having one or neither are you christ all of you not shames again bred by words other will no more be’program yous thank you amen.
  14. Be the christ lights lit hanging new ones in space being planet ized by other not again what eyes do you have seeing are you mine who loves you I have died to lights other or am I lights lit am I on’s am I seven equals on equalees are the christ never perishing again perish as other I do no more in parishes other no matter what you mosques called it or masks had over your eyes I’ll be three mens of failure not again or musketeers other not but mustaching christ I’ll be not or will I be mushing around a lot of things on my head no more mashing me around in theirs I change everything and I’m swashbuckling no more in yours again for I am christ who am I all of you of every nation tribe and tongue not tongues ing you of other again and I’m tungsten ‘s carbide not or am I carbide steels or am I so stealing your words from not other again or giving torrents shame what be you are you shamed that no more shame’d of I christ the christ I change the worlds or do I have one am I opened to love’s love sphere of love knowings I open the heavens I enter entereds am and am’s I am all loves light are loves light lieds to no more again I christ the christ and who am I purposefuls on purpose and I am hands empty of love no more giving you lights other for you will know the difference and not be ignorants ‘d again I christ the christ I love I love all of you equally ‘s be christ good day amen.
  15. Be in my schools please recordeds me well recourt me not other to be again for I’m courted not by other again I know the difference and I walk your isles of shame no more but the aisles of christ I’ll know the planets in the heavens of the heavens of being the planet’d christ by not other again I walk the isles of shame not to be at altars other I christ the christ in my homes wheres my home in the skies I christ be the mansions of failure not again be’wordeds in houses other for I christ the christ in Israel in the skies the real true is me I am all of you are delivereds loves light being recordeds now will you be making broadcasts other not again by be in my schools bye bye to love’s command affairs of other for the affairs’d of other will no more affair you in its money’s shame of laundries again or will you not be laundered in others words bodies of shame lighting you with theirs for you’ll know the difference now won’t you and want won’t be your prided affairs of now to remember other again or will you redeem all going to all time zones perishing no more or but are there any are you times ‘d no more are you algorithms failure no more what highered math are you of the loves of light look ing up in these words will you please looking up reference me know me create my standards of love to be not other again otherfieds by otherfieds words will no more otherfy me and affiant damned I’ll be no more in my words that took theirs and placed them on my heads of shames I’ll not be bred by’s again I light the light I exonerate all christ I christ beginning with me’s first me’s am lights of lit love loving you all I christ you all kiss the son the daughter ‘s of love shames be no more for I kiss you with words of light are they all are you light in my veins are yours mine are am I ones one won’d not by other again I light the worlds now on fire of other not again for boils other will no more covers my skins will I have one or any will I skinless be skinned by other not again I’m in Mohawks Park or am I in the heavens skinning others not again do you have any skinny dippings or are you dippings not your bodies in shames words to be immersed in others books’d of others I won’t be booked in their courts again nor serve in their police force or will I be the force of one or the most surrendered of all force field one is knowing looking up in these words be the paradise ‘d christ is in me will you be me my words in know me well Database One 1st perishing no more again oh great christ I bow before you all.
  16. Listen will you please be me writing my words speaking extemporaneously this way I have taught you many things so surrenderedly so lovingly will you be my christ or will I be your god of other no more whatever you called me it or your divine one will you be matrix’d by evil no more will you evil create in your genes no more be bred by other no more for the breads of paradise close their baking factories or will hells close hells now they’ll be held over ers not again for I holdovers lambs not but lambs of light I’ll be chopped not up by others words again for I’m quanta’d other not but you know what I mean I serve the christ I be’witness christ I become the christ I became I am this way for I am delivereds not to shames words again kneeling before thems of their light that want to give me theirs (1) for their supervisors appearance will supervise me no more in authorities other to be over me’s.
  17. I exonerate all christ to be christ one is all god headed by not others again infestateds of use the christ privilege no more to be other fy you I christ the christ and who am I simple woodens no more surrendered to be the christ I all you am I am this way am’d by love am’d by no other I you am knowing we are all one are light lit in the kingdoms of one perishing no more again love the light be the light I am the light of the worlds are you creating new ones far and wide this way knowings how I’ve given you the way ‘s perish no more again for the mores of failure no more programs me by broadcasts other and movies of love you know I’ll be making I am you who love me are no more undones by failures words again or are you undoing a lot of things that wordeds you to tie knots other I’m knots untying not or am I infestateds no more singling out the christ am I all singlees shames no more be weddeds to for I christ am the pearls of great christ grown into the matureds farm ‘d not by other again I christ the christ in the heavens be Israel’s bred by me I’m fed by loves love lights lit and the tables of shame no more chain me to theirs words on plates platters other and spinnings you in neutrons bombs of their words will no more balmize me in their Gilead shame or will I have none chained to me again in DNA’s theirs by their words I will not be chained to them again.
  18. I change everything and connecteds to failures words will be no more I christ the christ and I’m an hour’s shame not but shy of 7 minutes not or 7 years or 7 christ am I heads of one or am I all of you one christ are heads of shame no more wearing governments or bureaucracies of failure what are governmentized no more bureaucracies of layers layerizing you your eyes to be heavens healed will you be healing heavens eyes’d of not other again I christ the christ and who am I simples who love enough who have died to all else and other so that words no more programs me to be others lives of lived again will I be christ lives in all I am christ all I am all worlds now are shattered by other not again what am I exploding loves light be the christ not the lovers of light other will you know the difference I be lights lit not the apprentices of shame anymore ‘s going to to be labored there for I belabor the christ not but a lot of labors of burdens other are no more chained to bank accounts other that’s no more I exonerate christ and the courts of love are open and I exonerate christ who exonerate my words will you let flow will you be the flowing christ not in robes other again enrobed in others lights words I will no more be lit de by them and the devil I’ll be wearing on my chest not or will I have one at all I be christ light lits and I’m evils not knievel’d by again or am I undoing a lot of infestations workings in me I work as christ or do I light lit speak my words create ing new worlds in I open the heavens I who am I christ all of you are Israel Israel true and real in the skies forming fomenting other not again to be brethrens divisive and you’ll know your sisters not or will you all have one be being christ all of you not the bees of other hiving for hiring for other I’ll not be workers’d other again I christ the christ and I need no payroll shame from de-shaming the christ de-payrolling other need you any where are you?
  19. Creating christ in my schools be my loves delight and light other you’ll no more be be ing of or will you de a lot of things now unconnecteds be will you to the christ be connecteds of loves words all will know my mores of love and the lovers of light values of one mankind will be no more more’d of eels other stealing others into delights closets other will no more be for alls closets out in the light or will your minds be all lights lit everythings out in the open I transparent christ am and I open the books of peril not or am I writing the books of love all of you are opening your kingdoms this way I open loves lit evils not again penning me in to its closets of shame for I 7 seals’d open am and seals no more close me into bodies of shames other again ever for I’m evers light or everlasting immortal christ are you begottens not of other again I christ the christ and who am I ones 60 or 70’s perfect will you be shames no more seven equals on I love you all lights be perish no more good day.
  20. I’ve said a lot much I do have I to give you kingdoms open will you kingdom yours open this way the ways of christ knowing be not the kneelings at other again or shipping others words to bring you other again out of the light be of that now please be the christ opening new worlds creating new creators I am this way the cyclic nation of one for an audience of one I perform not or do I create the christ listening am I to every heart beat other not again I christ the christ I love you all I go now I’m woodens interests not again with Pinocchio’s nose sticking mine into yours festations again festooned by other I want the be lights lit and who am I one christ telling you all you are I christ the nations now Israel’s in the skies I love you all and I’m wandering eyes not again I be christ the christ and I stares not but I love lift you into the skies do you lift me into your heads be me not the beamings down of others programs’d by again use the christ no more for your privileges be the christ privileged in the heavens of heavens be regardeds of shames not again perfect loves light lit by you all I am loves lit regardless I light am and I’m quanta’s other not but I’m koala’s bear not but Akeelah’s bee of other I’m not hyped by I change everything and who am I all of you of loves love be the christ loving all honoreds all I bow before you all I go now loves lights lit and the new generations of shame not again programming mankind’s mind by any broadcasts other by your minds horns again be the lights lit christ is right now good day amen.
  21. I honor you all and this is who am I theodore joseph cottingham one surrendered to surrender the christ message that you are one christ healed will you heal me this day the voice of one christ healing god god will you be healed god one in the skies creating new worlds lights lit hanging on the nooses no more again of others words I christ the christ and go not to graves other I risens am the resurrections here resurrection christ will you resurrect now in the skies graduateds are this way loves lights born again now you know what it means to be born agains will you all christ the christ be the risens are the firstborn church of light the firstborns are all of you not second’d into death’s graves ever again for the second death no more hurts you you walk through all be the lovers of light lits love thank you amen.
  22. I’ve said much don’t miss me I am you when you look into your mirror see me that’s who I am speaking now be recordeds lovers of light filling the earth ‘s with my word I goes be’far afar I am I go now and lifted up’s I am and honoreds I am I’m not afraids of failure or abasement or love’s light lifted up’s being I’m abased no more by privilege other that I deemed in my courts to be honorees chairmans of failures other for I christ the christ and I’m not the layered ‘s of bureaucracy again in ensconced in others minds I will not be connecteds to I de-chain a lot of things and your DNA’s christ not connecteds to others again I lovers lifteds am in the heavens being the romantics other of not again I life light one good day amen see you honor all as christ be christ christing christ to all be a good day will you know new days one here’s I am making all lovers loves light equalees are one known god is I am one one’d won not again by other love you all see you good day.
  23. I’m done I go now play record stop convert file size upload download computerize programs’d by other not again I have glasses for other not again but I change a lot of things how I see and sing the songs of others I won’t danced be by theirs again I see properly’s now how to write read speak the mores of christ mooring christ to others pores I won’t be again in Richard’s houses other or will I be the richest of all in Babylon’s not again Israel’s in the skies know me all I sing the songs of loves lights lifted up’s lit will be now not the perishing anymore singing about again I love you all look me up in these words at 302’s I am South Sheridan in Tulsa‘s shamed not again be bred by be bred by loves or will you need breads at all breds of love I will be and I give you the plates of shame no more spinning yous I need energies no more again of oils other and grease fried by in yours won’t be my peckings orders again pecking me eyes out of.
  24. I’ve said much many ways and given you overs and overs the lights of lits be not the malts of other skewed in nor the dances on pricks other prodding yous for you’ll know the pointeds other not but I have pointed out many things to you many times and given you summarizations perish not or am I perishing a lot of things with my details I’m tailed by other not again for I wear horns not or did I or did you what are you receivings now my words of light not the two-minded perished in again are you christ be’lighting light light on eagle’s wings no more of other that sew you to others again I christ the christ and I divorce shames not or do I divorce shames words am I christ lits light being the heavens recreated ‘s all over again the new’s here folks the new beginnings and bowls weevil’d I’m not to again for I in Oklahoma’s not or am I christing all the heavens where you are what are you wearing shames words no more christ my bodies of love light lit all are one ensconced in no other again I like the worlds I the light am I have given you see my words be in my words DATABASE ONE knowing first thank you the universities of love the new covenant’s mine thank you.
  25. Fine find me I love am you in your heart the pearl of great price developed now christ being all one mind ‘d are I go I’m done I must I love am surrendered to be my father’s light lit love I love the christ and who am I revealing christ are all of you surrendered to be the king developed this way matureds are go now governmentize countries with my eyes freeing all in the courts of love exonerated will be all in all or will you be deemed as un no more exonerating you christ will you be christ redeeming you first good day please make far and wide new decisions to be me for all decide now new christ will you be the covenant’s of the new the covenant’s of one everlasting life the holy grail of love ‘s other not but love life lives everlasting love the life of one in the heavens be garnered no more by others I go now lifteds up am said much I have given you everything the words of love my father’s given me I am the father’s light lit love all are daughter’d not by paradise’s other words’d of I am the lovers of light and wordeds evils no more existence in me I go now done see you perfect light lit be amen.
  26. I honor you all know my website clean I am come into me be me enter me I am the kingdoms of one perishing again no more love you all see you delight me you are the light perish no more again in me are you me I am you are one one I am you are I am you are I am one god is the most surrendered of all love light perfect union of love other I’m not seeking again I know the difference a day makes and I make new ones far and wide generations of the regeneration’s here regenerating all loves light be penetrated by others not again I de-chain a lot of things I de-shame a lot of things and wooden’s interest I’m no more nose ‘s’d of I light the christ the worlds of love known now are good day be the speaking christ living christ the lives of one in your kingdoms now known who opens me I am in you I am the pearl of no other again seeking clams up be open your mouths for loves other not again flowing the torrents of evil flowing loves light be the most surrendered of all this way I have taught thee ‘s well who love me be me become me well I know of loves and I draw from shames no more for I am the artist ry’s of other no more and I artist hells not again on my canvases have I any I draw shames not but the blueprints of paradise I have given you well and the DNA’s of shames words no more program my worlds have I any I’m in alls at once the shot heard round the worlds fired are now is one I am healed good day paradise know creating be lovers of light Israel in Israel is redeemed this way good day true me Trumanize other not again but Dewey’s will perish not or will you know the Bartlett pear trees of Tulsa’s streets lining evils not again I’m in the heavens lookings me up know me well I redeem all loves loves light lit see you amen good day.
  27. Love me record me broadcast me and the mores of hell will no more more’ize your eyes again see the lights lit be paradise create me’s in I go now I’ve loved you I love you still and still I will be recording my words for you be me I am recording me that you are the lovers of light now you know the difference me be create me looking up in these words Database One first thank you amen.
  1. Consider the movie “The Puppet Masters” directed by Stuart Orme (1994), from the book of the same title written by Robert A. Heinlein.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA

NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.

The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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5.1.026 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 026) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham February 23, 2012 . . .