be the glorifieds now

be the glorifieds now
will you stream me
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110712_000
Video file 110712_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham July 12, 2011 at 8:13 AM giving you paradise or do I move about it me that I am revealing you that I am you in me you are I am that is one one is is that clear that I have stated so many things for thee this day or these months appearing in or have I come to you in videos many perishing not again am I the lamb of light that reveals yours that you are the lamb of light not in empty of it again are you a gainer of others words not again but having mine flowing the fount of christ are you the fount of no other again are you fount’d by other no more are you christ will you be christ will you be in your genes what are you reproducing now your words not of other again on websites many or perishing not videos again of notme not or are you me in videos many perishing not again are you christ flowing the lamb of many words mine is that I am I am perishing not again have I ever or were you perished me perishing me will you not do use anymore words that only take you down and clip your wings have you any have you grown them have you learned to speak will you speak this way where you have punctuation coming out of your ears or what are you earmuffs’d no more on or muffing ears no more are you of others that want to hear god so distinctly discussedly not or are you discussing me my terms or have I any am I the surrendered of all have I surrendered to you to be your words am I have I your words or you mine are mine you that mine are mine me that me mine are mind one healed are you my mine mind healed however you spell that I am right or am I wrong no more or does it matter me no more as other am I christ you are revealing revealer you are I am that you is listening to these words whoever you are Conrad Hilton not or Kat ing know more about other are you strutting no more other places that you used to or are you in the heavens all of you knowing how to speak making many videos perishing not again the directors of few pew or what are you knowing trust of not other again or are you all me who is one armored not in cars other wanting what their contents may be or think are you me christ will you be the anointed messiah confessing yourselves first or are you not yourselves first anymore to yourselves firstings first that you thought was number one in your lives what temples lie no more to you or to you are no more in temples lying are you south or west or north east or what are you lying no more in directions charm magnetics of what will you lie in no more peace ville other?
  2. I love you all to piecemeal me no more as other but speak my words extemporaneously will you be the christ at all times will you learn how to speak be doing not other again strutting other places about their words wanting their money’s accolades interests others what are you placations placationers no more vacationing about or are you in the heavens working the bodies bodices of approval no more or had you any have you any now are you new glorifieds are in my words speaking will you be the renewed not again in other will you gain the whole worlds or will you be them creations again creators of will you know me will you love me will you be me speaking my words itching ears not again for others words or accolades interest or power what power do you have what do you care about what will you punctuate how speaking my words vowelistic or not being vowelistic again or bauled not up again are you in the bawl of twines bawlings or brawls or brawlings other not but I tell you this I draw out a lot of things not or am I making chaotic chaos not again out of other or but am I straightening out all things about the spaghetti brains or brain’d not again by any ENIAC’s other are you ANIAC’d not other by analysis other that wants only to edit and make sense of others words so that they can make sense of yours will you be mine speaking this way will you please extemporaneously be the christ in videos many making will you know me in many places all places galactic galactospheres knowing will you transcribe my words yours to be one will we be married not again to other will we be married at all to any others words or bodies bodices of appearing not or what are you girdling no more my mouths placing bras over me eyes many will see me not or hear being me will you be hearing me will you speak the words of christ this way with minds other not incarcerating you again in its linkage other won’t be anymore for you will be speaking my words knowing how to lessonate king the king the courses of one king the king the king kings the king and the king’d will be now for the king struts about other not again for who loves me becomes me and I am one ‘s one this way and I am not incarcerateds few not or am I many mighty being released now in the words of I am I am you whole healed and well will you be the healer thereof me will you be healing me or you healing you will you heal me or be one and the same am I you am I perishing not again or me are you not perishing you again do you know the difference will you be deference’d by not other again will you other fieds be not in otherfieds soup again glorifieds are will you be the soup mixture of others no more that only wants to strut about and stream others words?
  3. What are you streaming now the jet strails of other not again or Australia’s charm not in again where are you going or knowing not few from there or to going now are you many countries in streaming not words other but mine being christ O Conrad not or are you all but Timothy Hager’s not or are you but all me in the skies will you be meetings many charms at not again that take you but few to theirs places or will you be musics in the heaven knowing streaming screaming my ears off not again or what are you hearing properly’s now perfect words perfect being being the perfect will you ears me hears me or am I hearless not again am I hearing the words or being them informed in me am I the one in the educational system of one I’ve spoken about I have spoken given you all to know me of every nature tribe and tongue or is there but one that nation is approved unto god or god are you is there but one Allah is or me are you or are you one me Allah’ing not again or god other Jesus christ other or are you all christing other no more again are you all christ Jesusing not other again are you all christ will you be the anointed messiah speaking your way into heaven will you be surrendered surrenderedly first knowing my surrendered words are in Database One of your approval not again seeking in your temples what are you surrendered to be paradise in constructing it will you be in the heavens o saints not of other again will you sing me be me properly’s constructing me will you please be in many movies or making them will you stream me to others now speaking paradise ‘s words will you love me will you be me will you not need monies other again needing anythings again will you be christ matrix’d no more will you be the delivereds now who deliver redeemers glorifieds are bodies in the heavens supreme beings of light will you know be doing my words hearing speaking the living christ life of one all of you are linked not to shames words again that only takes you down and wants other and takes you to graves purified not again seven times no more shall be for I shall be or will I be the will of Allah no more wanting or god other what ever your name here were you wanting or were you in separations existence lying in state no more of will you be Israel other or will you be Israel in the skies true Israel will you be Israel’d now by Israel my words streaming to you in you are my words my words are streaming to you in you are you the my word I am?
  4. I am my the word I am that my word is I am thee that I am the I am I am however you spell that know me please I love you all and I bow before you all and I honor you all as christ no matter what you think of me want of me or won’t I love you all and I do ditty things not or biddies make not but I’m not marriageables paradise in again that wants to other only make beautifuls charm of for I am not the reproducings me of other again for I am christ reproducing christ I am me’s all born agains in the skies now’s one and I’m tell tattletale’ing others not but the Williams tell of me not or am I shooting arrows no more off my eyes wants or beams other again ions’d of am I christ you are you are christ you are if you will be are you christ whether you know it or not or are you just lying to yourselves no more making incarcerations lie dream yours there where are you where will you be moving to a new state of Israel in Israel in the skies will you be galactospheres not afraid of now making new universes will you be god o god god’d not by others words again to only take you down and give you a dream of other ensconcement in other will you be no more please will you be the free ‘s now free ‘sing other will you sing me my songs I have written many in these words that give you lessons of shame not again studying will you study mine o lessonaters of evil not being again will you christ the christ the purifieds are glorifieds are now will you be all one’s ones in the skies enjoying each others charms not again but loves pure light exchanging loves of other not again be the christ please in my courses one’s one the systems of the education ‘s of one the education of love knowing now bearing it up in your arms or reproducing it in on many websites will you be speaking my words just like this creating paradise charms not again in throughout what are you throughout are you atmospheres aplenty or without atmospheres of other or are you atmos fied not again or atlas Charles not again going to or are you but the strengthiest of me or knowing my words strengthened of me are you?
  5. Be the christ to be no more is as was is no more and Fawas is perfect not or are you knowing a lot of Iranians or Iraqis few not but many of every Eurasian’s dream or are you Eurasia’s no more ‘s paradise of or simple seas seven not but seas I do seven equal on and I seas paradise not or but do I ski without ropes shames no more will I be in looking up in these words I will know all of them I will be all of them I will know be doing now lessonating the plan the plans of me will be known far and wide for I will be the leaders of shames no more I love you all and who am I the surrendered all of the surrendered are me who will stream my words not to other or no matter will it be to you or will you matter me not as Jesus other or Allah other or god of the pantheon other I won’t be again worshiping in Parthenons or were I ever did I you make or did you me of gods other did you want something else when all I had were you god I was I was all of you or am I still all of you still hearing my words are you will you be the most creative of all the creator of all again over all or creating the most humble of all are you god will be one all of you are who one is the christ redeeming yourself first I love you all forgive all sins beginning with the first you first will you be in the heavens now all of you one not seconded any more by other ever again.
  6. I love you christ be I go now done I am fools’d not by other again the musics of heavens mine and tunes of love you’ll know far and wide singing my songs be glorifieds now Jesus other not again waiting for you’ll all be the rapture or raptureds not again wanting or will you be living in the skies not needing Verizon’s shame or voice again what voice will you speak with over what wires or wireless be or what will wavings be no more magnetics charm in poles reversal what are you where why ing not again simply resign ing not again am I one am I resigned to be christ or am I all of you surrendered simply to be the one I am all of you speaking the words of shame no more I lift you up ‘s you lift me up’s am I all uppity-ups no more that want a christ other or benigns flesh or will you be cancerous to the christ no more will you be christ growing wings or placing them there pinning others not or penning my words will you speaking my words this way making many videos christ be be the christ o glorifieds this day hallelujah amen.
  7. I’m one you are I am be the glorified christ this day who bodies other not again in your words of other for you won’t be otherfieds in others again I christ the christ release christ you for to be the day is now I love you all be searching for other no more but searching the light for my words in my words searching for the light be the glorifieds now the cities of light knowing in be Tulsa’s love of one I love you all and where am I the surrendered lie in magnetics charm no more I christ the christ and who am I simply the surrendered the simple the simplified christ simplex’d no more by other algorithms’d other by I love you all christ be the look up christ knowing here’s I am here I am all of you saying being doing what I am being new worlds creating the regeneration’s here I love you all I’m done I go Christopher’s love knowing tunes of love singing my our songs everywhere for we will christ all be christ everywheres the glorifieds are.
  8. Time’s no more time’s done over ‘s I am everything I christ have been given everything or have you are you not making separations existence in yours anymore what worlds are you creating knowing why how doing what are you needing Verizon’s voice no more am I loving you all I christ the christ and I’m Hager’s slacks not wearing or am I all of you the bodies of the glorifieds now needing no words of other clothings me closings me other not but I close a lot of things that used to be paradise’s important to or were I important just to others that wanted money’s dreams no more will be I change everything and the stock exchange is different or are their stocks no more there burdening me am I yoked no more by others words I yoke no more by others words matter ‘d or not for I christ the christ and your matter will not matter ‘s me anymore for I smatters lightly not but I smithers smithereens not but look-ups in these words I do frequently altogether’s one I love you all christ be the risens this day glory hallelujah glorifieds are worshiping other not again I christ the christ in glorifieds shame no more course we well course me do course me be creating courses in the courses I am coarsed not of evil again I love you all be enroll me 101 Enter Me honor all as christ being the real in the real the real creating foaming at other not again fomentings at and the tormentors words will no more torment you that you created let be in your temples for your temples mosques will no more be mosque’ing masquerading as other no matter what you wanted who what you called why where for I change everything will I be the changer agent not or will I be the revealer christ Timothy’s Hager not or Hague ery not of other are you christ in the heavens exonerating all searching no more for others I love you all I christ died for other not or did I all of you for other no more will you die no more will you be in the heavens dying for words other not again.
  9. I christ the christ paradise is here upon your heads will you be the head of christ will you reveal reproduce loves love ‘s this way I paradise course is one I have given you my love ‘s this way know me well I bow I go honored all I am I am honored all I honor you all to be the christ reveal now not in your genes reproducing others again thank you be the most joyful of all I love you pleasure to meet you know you will you introduce me to you or will you be me or will you speak christ be me introducing me to you are I one you all are one christ be the magnified glorifamous of other not again and glory I seek of another not but famous christ I’ll be not or will I be all of you simple in not other again I christ the christ develop maturity in the interest of all what interest will you have now being in my courses speaking this way making ways out of chaos not or are you chaotics words no more will you be christ I love you all christ be risens this day alleluia all of you amen.
  10. See you now now’s the time videos me be me I’ve instructeds many instructions in these lessons are given you all to be one nation under Israel Israel be in the skies magnetics other not by again I love you all change everything I do love you all and I wed you bliss not or do I wed no others words again I christ the christ release all yours stream me well record be the recordings lovely I am ‘s am good day amen fools’d no more by other I christ the christ what’s your name I Kat kit Conrad not but a lot of Kit’s know me not or do I marry Beth’s not again or do I marry not at all any others words or charms by live I go to deaths grave not again I live a life of one the kings king ‘d again be the king of kings this day in the glorifieds bodies of love knowing the supreme light beings of the bodies of no other again.
  11. I have said much many ways superfluous ‘d not by other again be the christ o shamers no more I love you all love me be me stream my words just this way I have given you the christ to be is now the day is one create me all overs again be the creators christ the christ creators of one the one are is one thank you let me be let me see let me speak be me the Educational System of One the system of one the standards of the scholastics christ knowing love me all this way be the developed matured in the king of kings seat robed and crowned operating in the heavens throughout the galactospheres universes new making I have said much and given you all unto my hand yours be the glorifieds this day thank you see you pleasure amen satisfieds love lovers be all ‘s one thank you amen.
  12. Share these words please and thank you lifted-up’s be this day needings nothing of others worlds again make new ones far and wide reproduce me’s thank you see you see me see you I am one good day perish no more again love you all equally equalees be I’m done.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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5.1.083 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 083) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This recording, not yet transcribed; Theodore Joseph Cottingham April 20, 2012.