knowing learning developing christ this way

knowing learning developing christ this way
the new generation of christ creating all news
the originators of the christ creating christ will you be the creators thereof
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110623_000
Video file 110623_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 23, 2011 at 1:48 AM giving you new life I bring you me or do I bring you me with new life now bringing you me with new life am I the new life that new me is that I am giving thee scot-free that thou wilt be all that thou hast in me or will ‘t thou be lackluster no more or what lustre are you having or what shining thou aren’t anymore in the things of unme’d s’ville what are you carcerating no more or Carson New Jersey or seeing many there are you in Carson many places at once carcenating not others again carcinogenating others what are you not or what are you not ing again not or will you be the knocked-up no more not again in other will you be knocked-up in knockings other for you will not be o’er’d of mankind’s mind that only wants a paddles ‘d brain of perceptions existence in others you’ll be satisfieds no more with or with me you will be me or will you be me tattling no more along or tailing no more along tattling on anything or will everything be opened among the heavenspheres that will be known now that all is open and above board not or is there no board in the skies where you lodge here lives will you be in me me being will you be being the superfluous’d no more will you superfluousize your words no more in your vocabularies to only be separate a king or will you not be a separate a’king or be a separate king that’s abdicated its kingdom is open now you will be will you be open to new things that will open your kingdom will you in the skies be the operators of me or me be me being me will you be now not the bees of other hived for hived in hiving around hiring things to work a certain way and be plundered interests of other only giving their ions ‘d approach to others to sue them in their bees or what bee aren’t you suing anti again or are you not suing anything ‘s again or Aunties soup of other not but bees Paradise of goofy’s will be no more and you’ll not be Uncle Chesterlegs nor dragging around Gunsmoke’s smoke again and you’ll not be smokings Paradise in for you won’t care to light yourselves on fire again will you smoke no more in Paradises mountains mountainous region or will you be above the heights below the depths of me notme not again carcerated to what will you incarcerateds be in no more will you be out-of-the-box Jack and Jill or having no hills are you in your roller coaster ride anymore in life’s other will you not be incarcerateds to will you be loves love o lover will you all my words be with my words loving my words who originate my words will originate me who will be me who will originate love in the skies again with all being one ones are is that clear?
  2. Is this clear that I have given you a new way of life or to life way will you be not weighed in other and found wanton wanting will you be the christ revealed reviled by no other or will it matter you no more will you learn how to speak will you be the ingested other not again by bye-bye to a lot of things and o’er over me won’t be again and unders will be no more for I’ll be throughout the earths or will I be overs and done with will I be everywheres now will I be making movies of faith not again will I be mission impossible ‘s not again or have I given you the role and task of the possibles or im are you no longer of are you M of Paradise or are you not lettering me as was in the past or am I not on teams foreign or what foreignating am I no more the foreign service of other or what foreignations am I no longer of the nations of am I in Israel’s in Israel Israel in me I am that I am that’s what my name is across my forehead what is love is birthed here I birth love in the skies I seamless am with all eyes who love me what do they see what do I see that one love is one one’d again I speak the words of the lamb of christ that’s become the christ that’s matured into becoming one I am that I am is not the clones’d of other again and what am I floatings on no more rafts of others words will you not be enwrath’d in other nor rathskellers wanting or not going to not again or but are you everywhere making movies about my mythstakes not again or am I making any mistakes again or have I no steaks on my platters plates again am I meatless now in Paradise am I lovers light incarcerating no incarcinogens again or am I smokeless or lifeless not again am I the life of christ birthed this way speaking will I shall I be?
  3. Arise in the wee hours shall I be I I am I am now am’d by no other I christ the christ and that’s what willing is me now it takes mission impossible not again or am I the possible ‘d apostles waiting for not again or studying or but are all of you apostles of the First Degree or simply surrendered to be the de-postles of no other what are you de-
  4. postle waiting no more or postlelating other not but I tell you christ are you one I am is that I am is speaking just like this whether you arise in the wee hours or not or make movies or not or will you be making movies who most of all love me will you love me all most of all being the all in all whether you drop frames per second or not or what are you dropping not again the ball on the field of horrors or sorrows are you not playing ball with again anymore are you more’d by mores of sorrow not again will you be again’d by not the whole world of sorrow and lose your own soul have you none now that you know better will you be the christ redeeming christ in you first will you be the first you will be redeemed I am who I am is I am knowing I am all things redeemed or am I superfluous not to other or am I wheating the goats and sheep not again or but am I doing everything about separations lie annihilating or am I revealing christ?
  5. What are you doing asking a lot of questions answering are you the christ have I that I am birthed birthing now am I the christ mother of without virgin sin again or am I the virgin sin no longer saying no will I birth the christ will I virgin ate christ now virginating other not again or am I all christ in the heavens bearing christ are we christ’d now the christ father of the mother of no other again we sorrow nate other not again natals of and the neo’d other we won’t be but neonatal’d we’ll no more be sacs in waiting for a seed to sperm us or will we seed the christ or speak the christ to seed us into no other will we be seated now in the heavens or standing christ in the skies will we be the christ’d skies skies’d christ’d will we be the elements of no other carcerated to’s will we be smokings not in mists other granted unto to others we won’t be granteds to’d to be waiting for theirs and we will not accolades interest be wantings of sorrow again anymore for we will be the christ that we were that always is that now is that always were and time shall be no more for we shall heal all things not or shall we who one is I am the healer what are you what are you doing with your healing message have you one have you healed one have you birthed what are you speaking saying spoken in these words are you speaking seeing spoken to are you speaking the word of I see I love I love see and see I you in love do I see you as love loved now will you be seeing carcerating my words no more will you be the speakers of christ christ being the originators of the christ creating christ will you be the creators thereof?
  6. Hereof I speak I have spoken I go now I’ve done new things and have I stretched many times as I’ve out on a limb walked not or have I branched not into heavens sphere or have I created the christ by thinkings differently and a mind have of one will you create me o christ being the christ’d christ sphere of no other carcerated to will you smokings mist and mirrors be no more in carcerated to other minds you won’t be locked in nor locking doors other nor will you have any or will you be the unlocked christ speaking my words undammed will you be un-damning all others will you see all as christ no matter toothless homeless or not will you be open doors’d christ or will you heavens be open receiving your manners of a king will you know how to receive christ will you bow before christ to honor christ to all come into your kingdom will you invite will you have died to all else and other so you’re not mattering want again in your kingdom?
  7. I love you all I shall not want and want shall not control me nor birth me in its othersphere again and the othersphere of other will no more otherize mes and I speak you christ to be thee ‘s now and the worker bees of other change no more force mine for I will be the force of elbows not but pure love light lits I be shall be now lits all shall who surrender to be the king of kings worshiping the king of kings of no other again for all mighty shall you be the most surrendered of all the humble most of all God is the mores of the king knowing learning developing christ this way I shall be bodyless no more or was I ever or did you have mine were you mind’d by your mind were you mind’d by want what mind did you have one of two equal one or were you dualized stylized in shames want will you have no more birthing you will you suicide other not again in your veins into love will you be suave’d other not again or will you be debonered no more or de boner’d debonair’d or will you know the difference will you be speaking my love words will you be not carcerated others into again that like be not or love thee not or disdain won’t or will I love you all and I beseech thee christ to be christ or do I exhort thee to be no other or do I love thee more than ever do I love thee love never dies for I have said that over and over before I ever heard anyone else say or exclaim or decry me not again will you cry no more in your soup ‘s bowls will you bowl the bowls of sorrow no more will you pins on needles be no more or will you be christ not being on pins and needles ever again as you meet crowds of southerners not or royalty in the heavens will you be creating all as christ will you bow before all christ will you create christ heavens in the new generation’s here are you all the new generation of christ creating all news are you will you be the news now is me who does this I am not afraid of the cameras of the world nor creations testimony of other for creatings other won’t be testimony’d by other for there will be was no other and was won’t be again future’d testimony or was it ever or are you all lying not in forces other again?
  8. Are you the force of one love are you radiated radiant by other not again are you the force of ions propel propellant not again ‘d of are you christ will you be the mind of one healed this day the father mother is of christ being the delivered one this day all of you are read by all will you be implanted by others not again I christ the christ and who am I one simple surrendered that makes many movies and many little videos will you watch mine be mine (1) or will you create yours are mine yours or are my mind being expanded this way or renewed or birthed again into the brand new will you be branded new by others not again will you be me new christ I am holy unafraid of all else and southerners other or northerner’s shame shall be no more for I shall walk or fly through it all or where will I be in the skies not subject to your shames words again for shaming I won’t do use you or not for I be’christ the christ I am all of you being knowing this do what now record me well make many movies do new things creatively will you be the creators that create me this way being unafraid of the stares glares of marvelers not who want to marvel at other or what are ye seek ye this day whom shall ye serve or whom shall you serve are you serving you on the bench of no other or are you bodyless no more or are you the christ not seamless not are you the seamless christ seen now seenless not again in the heavens?
  9. I christ the seamless am I love you all be the perishing no more I love you all christ me well be in my courses my coming soon I come now here’s I am doing many new things in vans witness not or am I moving here without a thing attached to am I not again to other any or am I any other not hauling around a bunch of stuff again am I needing other any other again of anything that I used to love or think was so imperishing or important or was I just perishing myself in a bunch of stuff of others thoughts that thought’d me down and weighed me to theirs?
  10. Waited by others I won’t be again for christ other no matter what you called him it or she divine matrix’d by one other I won’t be incarcerateds to for I’m out the train station or am I Neo’s Paradise not wanting again or am I everywheres in a phone booth not again or am I Clark Kent changing clothes or am I flying Superman’s cape not again in or but am I single one christ who is loving you all I beseech other not to clothe other as other again for I are christ all of you one are who love is beseech me other not again to be for I be christ all one all be one is now proclaimed denounced by no other or will it matter not to be caring not or I care but it doesn’t matter me again to be other I force the christ not but I love love and love shall surrender or shall surrender be loved I love all perfect love dies no more did it ever I live forever o great king without fear for I fear new things not but I face new things all the time with your face are you mine facing new things will you come East or West North or South or in to dimensions new will you be dimensionless now inner beings of others not again will you Enter Me 101 knowing writing my courses loving my shames no more for shames you won’t be filled with anymore again words of nor images of sorrow being walking around thinking you’re in the real for the real you will be in who love me in the skies raptured now creating testimonies no more to other be the seamless christ one in the skies born again is.
  11. I have defined many things for you these days weeks and years I sorrow not again my times up or is time no more I’ve fleshed out not again or have I flushed your royal testimony not again to be other or am I doing all things new with the vocabularies of shames not again I loves am love you all be the christ fearing nothings I go now I’m done creating new ‘s testimonies lovers life I document everything in my movies I’m afraid of nothings I love wished you life I wish nothing else but I give you life who love is who be in the real now just this way speak my words flow the river of life tainteds no more by others be the christ pristine perfect pure love light lit your kingdom’s open mine is one mind’d this day love you all fear nothing or anything whatsoever be the reasons for life be the life of one created this day perfect pure thank you good day all love be incarcerated never again two loves one love is all of us in loves arms of other not again be the christ singlees please pure and perfect all one are good day amen I love you love me I love you anyway the way I have given you to be perfect please and pure perfect now pristine perfect crystal clear thanks amen good day I bow I honor you all I surrendered to be the christ who I am will you now be the christ you are I give you one who do I give you you the real you be in the heavens now seamless are loves you all amen write me love me thank you all good day perish never again see you.
  1. Okay – “many little videos” speaks to the issue of me recording all facets of life – of one. I am preparing to begin a new video blog site, site of blogs with many videos of mostly short shorts shot in extemporaneously situations of life daily, with the one that I am expressing I am, no other again. I be me. One. Thank you. Amen. I shall post on the site and the University of The New Covenant website the new “little videos” site soon.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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