THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,a video,enroll,News,video study here’s at 302 I’ve given you my address – enroll this way I’ve given you

study here’s at 302 I’ve given you my address – enroll this way I’ve given you

study here’s at 302 I’ve given you my address
enroll this way I’ve given you
of The First Degree will you be studying here
are you of The First Degree now
become me who I am the pristine perfect
are you pristine perfect in the heavens
a race of christ
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110616_000
Video file 110616_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 16, 2011 at 2:18 AM giving you life I new me now knew a lot of things were wrong for many years that I studied as I studied as I sought and bought a lot of things that a lot of people used to tell me was right and wrong and I listened and learned and listened and learned a lot of things I did when I didn’t listen to people so much as I came unto the lord of host or did I become one who I am that not hosted by other I became a lord I am or am I a lord that became I am the listening that I am the ear eye or body of one who sainted not in other else again I just simply listened and became the word of I am that I am repeating recording speaking this way that I speak extemporaneously night after night or day after day month after month or year after year have I arisen spoken in the wee hours spoken in cabs or taxis the words of I am whenever when people would listen or would I I listened and I spoke speak many times I hear things I do not speak or do I know mountainous information not again am I mountains of information not again seeking to pile high on my head or display a knowledge of acceptance wanting am I quiet or shy not again or am I gregarious egregious not again or am I simply one who is calm who’s calm as sea the water from weed not again or but what am I eating no more or am I James town in going to a lot of places that I use to be at when I was in school or am I here in Tulsa ‘s charm not again in other are you of The First Degree now that knows my arms not again have you ever known mine rocker arms of other or have you pistonated were you only engines for others that drove you through their neurons giving you theirs ideas what are you knowing caring about speaking the words of the extemporaneous christ where you are ex’d out of no more again or are you X post facto or de facto standard no more are you for post normal relations or what are you relating to no more as cultural other or are you other cultural no more normed by or are you heavens in arms not again are you christ needing no rockers of failures or arms be’twined thee are you me I am one voice of one speaking extemporaneously just like this I have spoken many times in a van in the shade of a tree or bush or laid down to be out of sight or rest my back or back bone had I any or have I walked through oil settings or prick ly fields or have I words of no other that use to hurt me sore but I became not them or did I leave them alone or did I beset them no more with my quest or did I simply just follow the words of I am?
  2. Besetting no other am I christ are you who hear me are you christ hearing me are you hearing listening are you besetting no one or are you leaving the cultural norms of the christ other are you born no more again of that where you were wore their words or lamb blasted in were you by their looks swears or curses not again are you cursed by mankind’s mind no more overs you in you unders you what are you not wearing the words of a mankind’s pants or what are you pantings no more after panties or raids of other no more again what are you caring about bodies of flesh no more are you redeeming them do you care do you love enough to redeem all else and other that you were a race of christ are you now regarding others not as notchrist again will you be me seam christ as other no more will you seamless be in the heavens now will you seem to be in no worlds other again or will you be seamless seen now in all worlds will you be in one incarcerateds not in other will you be learning hearing listening are you the christ with the speaking ear or wagging tongue not of other again are you me quiet ones or calm ones are you knowing when to speak when to listen are you listening will you speaking be the hearing ear listening to christ being the christ taught this way will you care will you redeem me who first are you not first’d by other again are you christ who will look into the camera and speak me regardless of what you know what to say or not will you know what to say by other not again will you speak me extemporaneously will you let me teach you that I am talking to you will you be two’d you not again will you be singular duals on purpose not again or dualistic stylishtic not again are you lishticing other not again or Liechtenstein do you know or going to about now are you doing many new things with many new peoples passports not needed again shame of or are you through out the atmospheres of other are you smiling now as others not again are?
  3. Are you what are you not again are you christ not seamless not or are you seamless appearing as christ or are you me gently or cataclysmic to all things or their worlds who think you are such so benign or not crazy or not long haired or not having none not again or are you but me simply me whatever you look like what ever you’ve looked like what are you christ benign no more are you emasculateds no more castrating castrated by each other are you not clipping each others wings or vesicles viscerals other or what are you changing about capillaries pores or poors are you no more standards of I love you all I standardize Jesus not or but do I let you all become christ who you were are one race of mankind not again are you me of past standards not again adhering to what are you ing’ing of ing no more ringing in your ears or what hearing are you christ are you the words of faith no more are you listening hearing me will you speak being not afraid of cameras being not afraid of cameras what do you see or speak what are you caring about the missions of mankind’s mind not again are you crashing a lot of things disks affied not again or are you but circulars turning in the skies no more again of other or what are you fearless now who will be me will you go with me or be me skin discs flints of other no more again “10” ing me or are you Blake Edwards not again or but smiling are you at a lot of things you could enjoy can now superfluously not as others are you 10 ing slits shears not again or are you shearing a lot of things out of your lives now that used to value you so highly that used your thinkings mechanisms were you for them their forebrows did they forebrow you with did they acronyms acrimony not again wanting or what are you acronym’d no more again in faith’s or floodings around in others not again what are you muckraking no more in politics or are you the politicals crowd not again of other are you the leaders of mankind’s not again races of or are you all christ not racing for other are you raising no funds for other are you christ needing any funs us or are you the funnest of all or saddest of all no more will you raise christ will you be the resurrection power of Jesus all of you christ are who will be the R’d of not other again radium’s catapult not but I tell you this o great christ be all of you of every age nation tribe and tongue race of no other will again clock you or are you clockless time through time time without time are you now time machines no more for clocked by or what are you for bye-bye’ing now to a lot of things that used to use to?
  4. I change everything and I crowd the source control not but a lot of crowds will appear here I am teaching lining the walls of not other stomachs crowd for had I a lot of stomaching enough of other have I ulcers no more had I or only repulsive I became to them when I sought the God I thought I served that they taught about or did they not know christ I became christ that reveals them anti’s I am no more of for I am christ all revealing christ all of you are who will be the speaking christ hearing the listening ear will you write about seeing being the spoken eye or what eye ‘s are you of no more again are you eyeless not again blinds of needing none or will you be windows of shame no more on the open worlds markets of other needing or will you be christ needing no nose ‘s again tickles of or will you be me tickling me or do you know anything about the experiences I’ve had or where beam ‘s of light have come into me or exploded me over the worlds am I in unders no more pants’d of other am I not or gowns regalia am I in no more of other or am I white light or exploded not other again by ions other minds of other will no more take me ‘s down again for I speak me’ese not or do I but speak Christianese no more or but Allah’ese not again am I seeking or speaking again Islamic other or not or am I friends with all or am I all in all am I all of you giving you the real you are you christ the anointed Messiah being who redeems you first will you be the anointed Messiah of not other teaching about who will become will you come will you be listening the speaking ear or speaking christ will you being here listen ing be the speaking listening learning christ will you learn how to speak be maturity matureds not by other again will you listen o christ will you be taught this way all of you are by christ nots again will not take you down again and knock you to their death or earths no more what are you shaking the foundations of religion is no more what are you seeing shaking in your boots no more are you caring puss’n boots not or do you have no animals again of other are you not burdened beasts of for the fields of other are you fieldless or feel-less now are you Feeley’s no more going to or but are you hearing aids no more manufacturing of or what are you hearing oh Jim and James not again or are you but patent lawyers not again for needing or what are you for needing or for wanting not again fore warning am I you of a lot of things to come am I here I am here ‘s and I bring a lot of things to a close or do I bring new beginnings or do all things change do you am I witness to other not again what are you speaking of sitting allowed or standing in the heavens are you blameless seamless will anyone blame me again for not being christ no I christ the christ that they are them who seek me destroyed are destroying themselves for they are christ they were all the time who’s ignorant anti wanting to enclaim inflame and what results in their demise their re-cries or recrimination not again or are you but articulations shame no more of other will you be no more cast castes in other will you castes no crowd source control outsourcing not or will you not outsourced be anymore or need jobs at all will you christ the christ throughout the heavensphere galactospheres other not being controlled by?
  5. Controls’d by other will you not be recordings for making or what forebrows your brows purpose no more are you purposed other not in again know what I speak of no what I speak no to and yes what I speak yes to or will you be me programmed by no other will you be me culturally normed by no other will you be in the heavens christ will you be the most humble of all the secrant leader not again or sacred other wanting or what savant are you no more epistemologically speaking of not or are you but chronologically christ no more of other or what are you knowing now one unit of discrete variables not again all but many multiple mighty are you but benign no more are you the christ doing many miracles will you be the most honored of all the most honoreds of all will you be honoring alls as christ will you be not benigns cancerous again to other or cancerous only to christ were you who gave each others clippings of words or what sought ye no more to be other will you sought no more to sots be of others words scotch ing other not again or but Scotland am I going to imbibing much of their words not again or am I water on their rocks no more or what budgets are on shames balancing ‘s no more of their acts of ponious monious ness of other will you not be in shames again wanting politicals favor or IMF’s wantery will you be in world banks no more shame of or dominions settings that wants to set you dials’d in theirs they?
  6. I love you all and I christ the christ what do I do now I christ the christ superfluously not again will be any of you for I christ the christ and who do you say serve or be who do you spin around no more protons neutrons interest or mercies not again available or have you no mercy for other or are you the most merciful of all will you God God will you guide no more other to be other again will you guide the christ let ing the christ be the christ all of you will who underpants no more reside in brains other that only catch your drippings droppings of each others brainery ‘s mechanisms apparatus will you apparati technorati be no more or Maserati’s other or Ferrari’s other F5 again or what are you Brigham Young’d no more knowing or but are all of you knowing me whoever what you rode in a carriage not of other metal plates’d by are you me goldens shames no more that eats out of the carriages of other bowls of that you’ve carried around on your frames of glass or are you crystals shames no more are you benigns in the temples no more only emasculating other ‘s will you be no more will you be christ anointed Messiahs all redeeming yourselves first will you speak this way that I have given you these nine years what are you knowing now will you speak be the christ redeemed will you all anoint Messiah other not again to be other other’d by other is no more.
  7. I cataclysmic am to all your faith ‘s and all the faith isms and ologies of the past are no more covering mes fleshing mes out or upons not will be nots again or will I be not the christ again that was you with whip lashes of each others eyes will you not flood me with eyes apparel ‘s again will you apparel me with no eyes batting at mes again words of ions shame will you know me will you speak me purely pristine perfect conceptions of shames no more will you shame no other again no matter what they know or don’t or what they yes or no to or not say what are you saying caring no more about your lives of other or are you pristine perfect in the heavens not prissing around other Presley’s other not again worshiping or are you but me Darlene’s narrative not of other Dougies knowing or what are you Paradise’ing not again in words of mankind’s charms will you be celebrities no more purchasing power of powers other what are you purchasing no more on the open market buying words of other will be no more for you’ll be the speaking christ all of you who records me this way who knows Ubuntu’s charm not again or are you shames no more or are you all me Linux recording artists or are you all me knowing technologies machine dreams no more again of other are you gaining the christ or losing whole worlds or creating new ones are you the christ redeeming christ all brethrens are all sisterns are not the cisterns of failure drinking out of again?
  8. I christ the christ and who am I one simple Negro wooden not or am I all of you with slant eyes apparel not or brown skins red blue ‘s green or what am I Mohawks park no longer in or am I all of you swords drawn no more for other at other are you othering no more words or looks stares or glares again are you christ clipping wings no more words wise are you the wise will you be wisdom’s fools no more will you fools’d not be again anymore of The First Degree will you be studying here‘s I am in the schools of one the covenant’s of shames no more for shame will not be anymore around or will they come shameless not or will they come meek and humbles fly here railroad here write listen hear what are they writing your words knowing LESSONATING procedures techniques of other not again techniqueued of other not again or techni colored not again of other or are you techni all technologies savvy savvy’d in other not again savants for other not again epistemological other not again knowing the epistemology of or what are you thesauruses of or synonyms other alliteration of fools no more of other be regardeds other words for what are you wordeds no more other by?
  9. I christ the christ and I am who are you who love is who love me my words flow just like this whether I feel like crap when I awake or am I awake when I sleep no more do I what am I asking or seeping no more through other am I oils of lies no more seeping through cracks or crevices or what lies are you in no more seepings grounds weepings of are you christ the crystal clears about all this now I change many things I change everything and I am conditionals christ not again or am I the unconditional christ that’s unconditional surrendered ly became unconditionally mine that I was all the time the christ redeemed that First Estate’d now I am in my First Estate be perishing no more are you regardeds no more by others eagles as or down here on the ground looking up I christ the christ in the skies I am I live now I do the life of one God I am is repaired by no other again for I am the pairings of no other again and I’m pared back no more by other and I’m peeled by your words and diced by your looks stares and glares no more.
  10. I christ the christ singlees I am investigating other not again or but do I reveal a lot of loves now that love you I am coming here’s I am to study’s here listening wells I uncork a many loves I am and I love you all communes other not caring about or do I heal all of you in the skies where are you lodging living the christ life of one will you be God God’d by no other again to be other are you mankind’s charm of ways no more charming yourselves into will you be deceived ‘s no more by your deceivers deceived by you deceiving you will you not be in your courts of injustice again or what are you justicing the christ redeeming you all judging you worthy do I first did I become you or will you become me who I am the pristine perfect perfection conceptions not of other having being what are you the listening ear of fallacy’s words no more imperiled by what are you imperiled no more are you perilous times in or new beginnings are you in jeans changing everything I tired am I christ am I reveal christ you are who hear me be the christ speaking me this way the voice of one will you be crying in the wilderness no more for the cries are not heard not again for I christ the christ who cries after me or will you be me not crying again the happiest peoples in the world or will you be out of your minds no more will you be in the right minds of christ writing my words speaking being the listening ears of approvals not wanting again of other will you christ I give you A’s studies right here I paperize you Jesus not or but are all of you what he became or the resurrection’s now will you experience will you be the resurrected christ will you be to other not again as other will you all christ reveal in christ being the christ ‘d christ christing christ I am is that clear?
  11. This is clear I am gone now done I love you all and I am 43 not or 62 not but one 61 I’m not again as other I love you all I christ the christ I see you see me I love you all equallees be the christ in the heavens the king of kings almighty lovers of one that all are the christ revealed in you now be the lovers of all things not of the past for all things past are no more times over done’s now what new beginnings here’s I am folks study here’s at 302 I’ve given you my address in the heavens be the outospheres now the innerspheres of other no more incarcerateds to’s I love you all christ be the risens this day glory hallelujah amen.
  12. I rise the christ and who am I simple Negroes I was one I am one I came out of Africa did you or did we all come through the heavens are we all one race christ in the heavens Israel is that’s what I’m about I’m about to die not again so I see ages past or future or do I christ the christ timeless am I without the incarcerations methods of techniques worlds again techniqueue’ds of cues of other I take not again but I’m in lines for others rasters no more and I roster your classes not but you enroll this way I’ve given you mine the way you find my surrendered words (1) or will you be the surrendered christ will you find me find me other not again for I’m toll roads other not again into Tulsa or am I finding my way here no matter what the cost I cost free I free am I cost everything you’re delivereds not again into the hands of other to anti’s be and southern’s other you’ll be not again or northern’s shame not or will you but everything change in your lives mine will you be the christ glorifieds now in the bodies of shames not again ‘s over yous for overs and done with times is no more and I’m 70th weeks I’m the 70th week I’m the covenanted one to reveal to all of you you are who will hear listen be me speak the words of the speaking christ uncapped uncorked will you be the flowing founts of shames no more but pure loves light listening me glistening I love you crystals clear I’ve spoken I love you all I go now I’m done see you later in my coffeeshops?
  13. I witness to other not again I smile a lot now and I’m woodens not again but I seamless am and I reveal a lot of peoples christ are who christ is all equalees on the throne of one all ones being the thrown-away’s no more and discardeds other you’ll no more be in caskets other lying in again for lies of other you’ll not buy again in caskets cost the cost of other is too high or are you high in the skies now clouds of not other mists misty’ing yous will be again I christ the christ I go now done I am here’s I am will you listening be the christ speaking now record your words mine be of one mind I am good day all things new here’s folks I am at 302 be me love me love all equally I bow before all I honor you all as christ being christ you are the real you now you know who where what I am you are I am one be the risen one this day I love you good day amen share these words please and love me love you speak my words placard me well be in my classes enroll today I honor you all amen.
  1. To enroll in the University of The New Covenant is like no other enrollment. See the explanation and instructions on how to register at the University of The New Covenant website, clicking on “How To Enroll”. Thank you.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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5.1.024 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 024) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham February 6, 2012 . . .