THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,News,video charting what are you a new course

charting what are you a new course

charting what are you a new course
will you be willing to be christ
that’s who what and where I have given you
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110613_000
Video file 110613_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 13, 2011 at 1:42 AM and I give you Steven Wayne Chambers or do you know me both are you now one in the skies living superfluous’d lives not again are you all me who knows Steven Wayne chambering not the pots of maids others again what are you makings of again electricals not circuits’d of again or nonelectricals are you consuming any are you not pots herded for or potsherd ‘s of other are you regarding me as no others Stephening or stoning not are you again the winsciples of me or are you the disciples insciples no more or are you di scipling a lot of things now that used to di sect yous or dissecteds were you used by that used by things were you that things were you used by that is no more?
  2. What are you knowing as I perish not again or am I but do I live one life of one all of you knowing all of us one now are in the skies that one is living the life of communal other not again what are you needing or wanting anything are you again of The First Degree are you that knows no shame again or are you but willing to be shameless will you be the honoreds perfect will you be the perfect idealized by no other again or giving ideals of no other again what mind is yours not again to have will you be divesteds of or will you bemoan me ‘s no more to the dead or dead will you be to all else and other if you be’christ me this way will you be’christ the christ be’christ ing the christ christ ing the be’christ’d christ will you be will you be willing to be christ ‘d christ are you willing to be perfect living in the skies are you willing to be speaking my words just like this willing are you to be willing others not again garners’d by what are you whistling Dixie no more again or but to others are you doing new things with singing new songs are you christ given laughter or developing it are you after mankind’s mind not again are you what are you fashioning other not again over you to be other’d ‘s by smother’s by smotherson other not but I’ll know a lot of Allen Sigmund Freud’s not but a lot of things change in my lives or have I only one do I give thee do I find one that is one all mine that is all of us are ours one that ours is to share completely personified in not other again what are we in now a new suit of clothes or hanging up other not again are we but hanging up a lot of things that we used to think was habitual habits were habitualiffied in other not again or what are we bitchified ‘s no longer again in habits of wantings or wantaffied with other?
  3. I be you christ who christ is be you I am am’s is and that’s one whose properties of no other I have or have I any or you do you need any or are you all territories lambs of not other again are you christing the christ me the christ are you christ are you willing to be perfect this day lambs of no choosing other again or choosing your kingdom open will you be will you be christ’d this way will you speak me whether you feel like it or not whether you energetic feel or not or will you have not the energy of momentum mankind’s of or what will you kindings of kinds of no more be kinds’d be of or will you be propertyless will you have no properties of a chart of other beginnings what are you all things new new moleculars not again are you the periodic chartable elements no more are you charting what are you a new course are you creating mes for new ones wine me without whinings again are you going through new things or developing new territories creating christ are you this way who will speak me be this way that I am the way the truth and life I have given you that you is me I am one I am the father and I are one that’s who I am that’s what I preach or do I teach or do I share the life of one that I am that passing me around with all other I’m else forgotten not or am I forgetting a lot of things now not again like I was or am I purpose’d on mind of other not again to be forgetful ‘s ness or am I one Alz heimering bunch not again or am I christ who forgets nothing of mankind’s mind will I not be again begottens ‘d by will you be christ?
  4. Will you get the christ or will you be the christ developed this way in whose atmosphere are you christ will you be without one that’s closed or open are you the gates of ions channels ‘d no more of or what channels are you crossing or having no more wireds hard of what hearts do you have not wired together or were you any that just thought thinks tanks of were you that coagulated collaborateds other not or but are you christ speaking the words of shames no more will you be me whether you’re blinking or blinked out or what’s blunking no more again blunkenheimen not or are you Germany’s victory no more to other or but are you going there soon in Bremen’s shame not again or but do you know me who’s been there am I going there with you I am ones I am you two will be one who’s me I am Christopher’s Paradise in or am I constructing Israel’s in the skies Christopher Columbus other not again or but am I opening new territories me what am I promising have I promised anything am I of the future or past not again am I passed up not again for other or am I queen for a day of no other or am I king’d the king all of you are king’d the king this way that who will king the king will be the king will you king other now not otherfieds again being otherfieds’d by begottens by no other will you begotten be the king who kings begotten’s this way that christ are that christ is one is the christ begotten this way is who speaks me I am is that this clear now?
  5. I love you all and I go tomorrows to not or but do I make all things now going to the past or present are you and future accounted for not again as other what are you accounting for not again as other will you gain me but lose the whole world or will you know me and have everything by becoming me who I am that I am you were all the time two or one not beastialized on purpose again will you be the beasts for no other again that you were designed of thought or what thought thought’d you up in its chambers no more pots herded to will you be will you be out of the pots making business or potted clays will you be no more stems stemmed in will you have no stems of brains other cell’d in you again sold on others will you be no more’s again or mores on purpose will you be mine Maury’s other not or who are you knowing what territories are now cleansed or corrupt not again are you the christ incorruptibles now crowned are all of you who I’ve named or have I named the nameless faceless or have I given you the face of christ all of you that you are are you the expression of kindness love and joy peace fullness fulfilled will you fulfill me my lair not of other again are you christ needing no lair of other again what are you Liardon’s mysteries not again or but are you christ ministries of other not again or but are you all The New Covenant me whose one is I am I give you christ and I feel like crap no more again for I’m not crapping in my pants or jeans or what are you pulling on no more a suit of christ-un again not at all are you all are you christ that begets me this way with smooth others not or rolling stones of other not hitting your foreheads and bouncing off or but what are you Allman Brothers (3.2.128) Gregg  dancing not again or but are you Jimmy’s Paradise or Hendricks not again waying knowing Wayne or Phyllis or do you all know me I am one’s one and I publish many books and I write much now now much will be known about me.
  6. Will you be me who writes this way will you speak me into existence will you card catalog not for other again or will you be the genes’d other not cataloging for open markets again are there will there be any of markets other or what marketeds are you not marketings for again I’m in Paradise’s Paradise and Paradise ‘s I am of one is I am I am’d this way that I have given you the colors purple (3.1.119) not again or but am I all of you of every nature tribe and tongue every nationality what nation are you from Israel in the skies and Israel’s I am across my forehead it says Israel and that’s who what and where I have given you these past months 9 mine I’m full-term birthed now I am one I am and I’m going to heavens award system not or but am I the MC’er of not again of hammers other hitting me my foreheads brow or my hands broken or swollen or shaking not again or but am I christ all of you will you be me with light bulbs exploding not again or will there be no currency’s available for exploding explosions mysteries not again are you mysteryfieds are you christ will you be me who speaks superfluously not again will you christ be the periphery’d no more will you be what is in your vision what is your vision consisting of what I am is being I am’d this way I give you christ be the glorifieds body of christ bodies of one are that one body is mine I love live new lives me I create alls anew I’ve said much I go now I’m done.
  7. I love you all new many things I do now with many all of you be me I am and know Steven Wayne who’s know me all I perish not again write your name here ____________________ will I be revealing you ‘s will you be used no more for others will you be rolling around no more on carts of mankind’s mind again or what explosions take you to new places or will you be opening the skies one will you be rocketman’s approach not or but will you be jettisoning in the heavens no more of other or Jetsons approval not wanting not or but are you Fred Flintstones no more wanting Flat Rocks brain nor card catalogs other al gorithming you will you grow out of pants under’d or will you be suiteds christ no more in bags of flesh bodies of thought wantings will you want no more thoughts of others will you be christ needing no sleeps at all rests where rest well I rest in the skies or do I give you all the rest of the heavens or are you all of them going to exploring and adventuring me Moodling not other again or but are you all on my christ learning system of sorrow no more christ education of the christ will you be the learn’ed ones o hand fulls on purpose not again will you be my benches supreme not on or but other will you not be again orbiting other or what are you sun shines now and moons other full turn to blood not or but are you turning to blood red words not again or but are you mine speaking mine this way the bodies of Paradise knowing fulfilling now my prophecies charms no more or but ARE MY LESSONS FULFILLED THAT I’VE GIVEN YOU TO LESSONATE LESSONIZE ME knowing me I’s who I’s you and I love you all of every nation tribe and tongue be no fool ‘s for again.
  8. I christ the will of man not or do I be’christ the christ without a will of sorrow anymore be’geneing yous gene me to no others again christ the christ be the willing be the christ be the fortifieds be the christ with no forts of other needing fied in yous again and in use again what will be the christ words of christ love of christ being christ’d this way I love you all I give you me I give you all I give you me what have I said?
  9. I’ve done all I’ve begun all beginning I am all over again the nuts me not or am I not nutaffied again or am I James Nutter not going to or but am I all fulfilleds and no liens on my homes house again mines in the skies and I’m repeateds Barbi’s not but I tell you this I make a lot of things free’s and clear for a lots of people ‘s I am all of yous who perish not again in the mucks rakings of other and rakeaffieds other you’ll not be rapeaffieds in the systems of others for you’ll not be the systems of mankind’s raped by again that only wants to give you charms of a minds other and the others that only wanted you to produce for them their wants in them their wants wantaffieds being will no longer quantify your charms or will you not quantum’d be for other again or will you be the quantum’d christ all knowing Paper Jesus (DB1.V6.L018 January 13, 2008) not again being or will you be no paper tigers again or will you be tigerfieds in the skies not again or will you be christ knowing no tigers paws again on you or will you be white lions shame not again or will you be christ crying shames no more words of other uncles other I’m not or Aunties other I’m not but I be christ all of you one family’s mine in the skies I be christ begets christ this way with alls who mes are I’ve given you many names for Paradise not or have I given you one Israel is your name here ____________________ be the christ ‘d christ this day this way I love you all I am you all you I all am that I am is all used this way by no other again defendeds other I’ll not be again nor defendants other or will I be christ representing you all or will you not be representing yourselves to be other again to other?
  10. Will you all be christ now one’s one in the skies Israel is christ is christ’d this way the father is begotten of all the love ly’s love that’s why I have given you satisfieds Paradise in be me I am one ‘d this way good day I make all things new do you make me I am one I surrender surrendered I became one that christ is become this way me who is the satisfieds now in heavens heaven bunch of seven not again but seven equals on all know me I am’s alls I am I’ve given you alls I am done good day my promises ring ring for me call me where am I inside you speaking just like this are you me hearing me will you be heard now throughout the nations the galactospheres the heavens altogether news will you be hearings me all I heard am now I ring the doorbells of southerners not or but do I change the poles or Poland’s not again going to or am I but Malgosia’s not few and Wojtek’s other not or what are you looking up knowing how to look up my systems of faith be no more be the educational standards of one in every country Israel is in the skies and I take over not or am I overs everything’s now because I loved enough I loved you enough to get up and arise to speak these words that I knew by heart not or did I extemporaneously speak X-ing out others not again what are you Y’s charm or why’s aren’t to hear be the wives for no other again that only wanted words other or husbands of shame that only wanted bacons appearing in their frying pans be the chops’d up lambs of no more again please be christ I beg you not again I did for many times I arose and begged you to be here for all be one my courses now not shamed again I be christ I ones am all be one ‘d I am I am Enter Me’s 101 know I’m 3 courses of love ones 70 week’d the 70 weeks the 70th week’s now here for me I am you all saying this who know me perish not again in eagles of shamery’s words of o’er I love you all.
  11. Christ be the witnesses of no other again be the christ fulfilling all prophecies all loves love prophecy of other no more toiletryizes me and the toiletries of other that only wanted to smell me ups like them will no more be’fake me out in their words that only gave me a lions share of shames for I christ the christ and I’m not bodies of flesh bags of wanting other again I christ the christ and how’s I sees I sees all as christ I lets all surrender to be the king of kings for all know now who I am you ‘s I am not used by any other again all ends now that notme started I christ the christ I’m wickeds no more again I’m beastualized no more again I’m Belials no more again however you spell it you’re right you’re wrong not again or are you perfects will you know me not idealized by other not idolized by other?
  12. Be the christ in new worlds shamed not again for you loved enough will you arise now and speak being me the voice of one all of you are redheadeds blueheadeds greens not again or but are you Mohawks Park in or what are you Bartlett Square knowing or looking up in these words the proclamations of Paradise I am in’s ones sevens I am all equals perfects am reveals this day I love go now to new Paradise’s create I loves am alls satisfieds are fulfilleds I am good day I go now done love me love you be the christ I am please and thank you amen make many movies enter my courses be the movie makers of christ the lovers of christ all movies moving or where am I moving to in the skies be done’s now with all — and other needings nothing of shames world again but redeeming it all ‘s I am good day see you I see you see me see me I see you I see one seven equals on let us be good day amen.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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5.1.040 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 040) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham March 8, 2012 . . .