who God is

The first Perfection Conference is announced for July 2-3, 2011 in Tulsa, Oklahomagrowing into the christ to be the christ
who God is
behold the christ
judge you worthy
what were you doing all the time in Paradise
are you lessonating of The First Degree will you
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110612_000
Video file 110612_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 12, 2011 at 2:27 AM and I bring you me in Paradise not or do I but do I many things do now that with butted heads I’m not again butting up against other to only be defeated ‘s I am not defeateds any more for I wear feet of clay not or do I or but do I all the time or am I seamless one son of a bitch no more am I a bitcheride bitcheroo no more that only wants to bitch about things how are me made like this who bitch about nothing not or but do we bitch nothing again in our mind that we make all as mankind not again what are we bitching not again about other peoples or are we regarding all as one ones one are we now that do all things superfluously not again divisivements not again divicements of what are you device’ings no more of devising are you what in your minds do you have any of other be not anymore conceptual ized with eyes for other except to call all as christ are you calling all in are you christing christ will you be christing christ will you be the christer that christ all as christ being the christ not bitch’d again in others minds will you minds be made of one whole healed now will you be not bitching about sermons and monies taxes and insurance and inequities you’ve brought to yourselves will you not be yourselves self’d by selfery’s self anymore that wants a Paradise while constructing other when in it you’ve been all the time so what have you constructed while in Israel you’ve been what are you done have what are you have done what are you in no more no longer being a bitchery of other that bitch’d you to be yourself in will you not be bitch’d again in sheeps lambs clothing that only words your wordeds words to walk around in what are you thinking no more thought of what are you bearing no more lambs wool of or what are you shearing the sheep of no other ‘s words again are you healed are you healing the lambs who heals me I am the healeds that heal all and lifted ups I am I know all things now given the son is or the daughter that’s become one that conceives emmanually not or am I Emmanuel or am I all of you no matter what you called me or you’ve called me or haven’t called me or call me will you call me what are you calling me bitchery of no other again please will you be making your mistakes not again please?
  2. Will you know me will you speak me like this where you arise and learn how to speak like this where you word not others again with your words that only take them downs and breast their feathers not or are you de-breasting or de-feathering a lot of things you’ve tarred in your minds and torrents been bits of what are you digitals replications no more or algorithms lesson or are you lessonating of The First Degree will you know me who are me who I am is the surrendered who perish never again will you be the perishing never again will you be have I said it correctly this time will you do it be me my prosperous ones or are you not prospering in other again only to separate separations existence lie in bitchery bitchery’d by other will you not bitchery yourselves again into your bitch’s mankind minds ‘d of other will you not be come again or have you come to an end of your rope or were you coming to WeekWorks or why did you not?
  3. Will you be me now who perishes not again who lives by the clock not again will you be me who needs monies not again will you be me who needs cars not again cards not again what’s in the cards for you not again not or what are you carding not again the catalog for minds of other that you seek out and save the lost of or what are you saving no more for or is your money no good or what know good are you the christ that bespeaks of all other not again as such and such other and other that otherizes you will eyes you not have for other that only bitcheries bitch’s them to your self of manconscious’d mind or what will you be done with what are you doing now what are you perishing no more again in soups soup or suiteds not are you mankind’s for or are you eating me fish on the shore no more or but are you denigrateds no more demoralized no more what are you debilitating no more what are you deni-morassing not again or but are you in the morass not of other again clay ‘d of are you claytons pigeons not or but are you forging in the fires of Paradise hells no more are you camping out in Canaan’s Land ‘s or do you know anything about the prosperous none other are you or but are you christ in the galactospheres of Saviors not or are you but one all of you?
  4. Will you be me who speaks who speaks just like this will you be me who arises will speak this way will will you give me time opportunity space place to be in space placed not there by other what are you de-placing de-spacing timing de or are you de-timed also and gravitational’d not again are you bitching the christ no more to be you will you be the Emmanuelized christ will you be Emmanuel o christ o christ Emmanuel in your veins are you flowing the word of the lambs rightly correctly this times over and done with not or but are you starting a new race of mankind not again are you christ christing christ will you be the christer is who all are one is Elohim redeemed El Adonai Shaddai’d by not other again what are you shadowing no more again your minds mind in darkness will you be no more of the darkness’d side of the moon or knowest thou anything about darkness or light again shalt thou be made of light made of energies not of futures or are you times past no more going to or redeeming it alls I am I am alls of you I am that one is that know the powers not of others mankind’s minds again against you or in you will you be the christ will you save yourselves first will you be the first’d one that you redeem will you forgive all their sins will you forgive all their sins against you will you against them be no more who hates you still will you denigrate them not again will you de-bold discourage them not again or will you be bold in your faith not again to crash crown other again with your thinkings wantings what wanted are you no more for shames denials or are you denying’s me no more again are you Peter’s crowd or Paul’s or what’s not again the Belials me that all of you were Belialing each other what are you the beasts of no other for are you beasting no each other again?
  5. What are you de-beasting will you be no beast of burden for yourselves each other again that only wants to flow a mankind’s mind of charms what charmed by isn’t anymore are you the christ are you looking for the christ will you be the christ’d christ this way will you be me who arises in the wee hours whether you feel like it or not or whether you muck-up things or not that day or night or what is different about your lives now mine will you be in the heavens not muck raking for others again not street sweepers sweeping minds out of gutters again or are you gutterless now are you snipes of other no more sniperings at bulleting machine guns or what are you Dirty Harry’s no more or hairy’s brethren or are you all me nakeds not again perishing or but are you in your words were you perishing bitches or creating them what were you doing all the time in Paradise‘s other were you creating other Paradises in or what were you southern’d not again or by northern’d express not or what Amtrak’s no more coming through or is it now that I love you all am I trained now and my trains in the temple or are my am coming this way to all of you will you be the nicest kindest of all bowing before all will you honor all each other as christ love the church not again as other or will you have no church before me or in me what will I be church’d no more of the bitchery’s few chosen or bells toll not again for other or what will you be told you’re the christ all of you wherever you are were or shall be you shall be the christ whom you bitch’d not again will you be the christ who knows who he is she is one is that all the divine is matrix’d not again by your mind of other taking down other will you be no more the christ or anti’d in your genes will you be healed please and thank you amen.
  6. I go to a new place and I do new things just like this where I extemporaneously speak and I X-out others not or but do I Y them with the genes of christ or do I XY pairs no more make again of other or am I pairless am I one christ one’d am I this way one I am with the father I am the word spoken I am living in the words genes of other not again bitchery ‘d by and bye-bye I say to a lot of things that frozen me in others not or but did I freeze a lot of things or stagnants become where I wanted things to take my place or did I solidify them in my wantings are I am now not est of other again am I christ ‘d christ am I all of you are will you be me who smiles at other not again or but will you be the kindest of all bowing honoring of all will you all be all am I is one that are one that I am is that clear?
  7. I love you and I read these words not or but do I after I transcribe them after I have spoken them after I am writing them am I studying them am I linking them referencing them writing papers about the miraculous christ am I the most prosperous of all or the humblest or the most humble are you seeking refuge not from other again what are you tents in not again suits of christ will you be not flesh’s house again or what house are you Israel’s in are you Israel O Israel in the skies are you my skies’d ones now that aren’t perishing again will you be in the christ in the skies will you be christ in the skies of no other again will you be christ who’s you who is you the real you is christ the anointed Messiah you always wanted or hated will you hate me no more that’s you will you hate you no more that’s me am I the covenanted one with each other not again or am I the covenant one that heals all because I have laid down my life for all to do it this way whether they bitch ery me or not in themselves or have they no selves of self ery made self of other again what will be now all ‘s healed and healeds will be all who love me I am and you will be the most prosperous of all or will you not be caring about prosperity’s prosperous messages of the past are you changing everything about the way you lived or did you live did you only think you thoughts ‘d were were you thinking in thoughtsland that thought you up thoughtster you became bitchery’d of thought and lambed yourselves to experience it or what are you experiencing no more the bitcheryland of other or are you saving it all or redeeming it all what’s the difference there’s no Savior of other for there is no other ever again for you are all christ and you see all as christ be now as christ loved other not again or but are you not loving other again as me are you me one will we be one’d now not Savior’d of other Paradises again will you bitchery’d be no more bitches of will you bitch not the christ again nor bitch about things how are are you the christ will you be bitchery’d no more but the most pure of all will you be the virgin of all will you be that lambs other not again in your veins what words have you what words are you born of this way will you be in the skies now o please pure virgin oil of me not other again or are you all oil of me oiling each other not again or but are you my words oils of freedom knowing not needing oils of other for your fuels Paradise other needs no oils of fuels other or but do you wanting it no more are you it’s available not or is everything changed about where you were why are you no longer waiting for other or are you mankind’s’d mankind’d mind ‘s no more in will you be me who prospers lengthily not or are you the suddens chosen not or but are you all christ the king of kings in your kingdoms known now shall you be the richest of all or will it matter thee no more of kingdoms other?
  8. I christ the christ and who am I the simple surrendereds who will arise and be not drunk on your words again that only gives you sinners lie in privileges or are you the privileged christ all of you of every nation tribe and tongue and throughout galactospheres not frozen again or are you in timespaces chambers no more are you chamberless maids having not or but are you christ needing no maidly matronly duties or but are you christ the king of kings in the federations of one the planets of the Angels know you anything about will you be the christ christing christ throughout the heavenspheres the galactospheres of not other incarcerating yous again will you be the experiences of no other incarcerateds in will you suit the christ no more with flesh the suits will you suiteds be for no other again that bitchery’s lied in bitchery wanteds will you be the wanteds no more will you be christ redeeming christ will you be no matter what I look like or look at you will you be the christ in your mirror or will you have no mirror of other mirroring you to its be its of other will you it’d be no more id ‘d of will you ego’d be no more of shames minds running yous what are you programs’d by no other again are you programming no others again or are you all simple simply christ will you be me who learn the king of kings way will you speech me off not again will I be on the chromosomes king or kingless will I be no more or kings XY’d not again or X’d out not am I again Y’d of Paradise or why wasn’t I known or become will you be begottens this way?
  9. I christ the christ I have given you the formulas for the king or the kings formulas for no other or will you be formula breast feeding not again or will you be having no babies again on milks breasts or are you all breastless now or breathless not again for other are you my breath of kings o kings of kings will you be king’d this way all of you of every nation tribe and tongue every woman every girl every ploy of other not taking you down again to lie on you in you your charms of bodies other wanting you’ll be christ now no matter what you were bitching no more any of you are you christ bitchery’s over and over and done with and all of the othery othering and otheringry that rings you and nosed you out and blooded your noses and Paradise’d your hells to make you think it was benign not will you be cancerous to others not again or will you be christ knowing the difference what will you be creating now new Paradises or are you in one are you one will Paradise you be in creating it constructing you of no other again will you be christ who speaks this way will you be learning the systems of one the Paradise of One eagleings not of other again please and thank you be the christ who christ all christ christ does christ all equallees are christ all equals are all christ is christ GODS is GOD one is one GOD is GOD is one that’s who God is guided by no others words will you bitch me no more out of Paradise yours will you be in yours Paradise now constructing it Israel’s is in the skies your name is Israel am I am ‘d this way I love you all wow.
  10. I christ the christ and who am I one simple surrendered who arise in the wee hours will you arise me I am you who I am this way the way I have given you the words of faith not again for behold the Savior that was you all the time that you Savior’d not in other again savor not in other again words of other and be savored of theirs not again rotisserie’d on their grilles of their minds won’t be again beholdings yous or will you behold the christ all of you that christ was all the time of every nation tribe and tongue every man every boy and every girl every woman for christ not again for you will all be christ christing christ christ my christ or yours will you be all christ ones privilege ‘d of no other again will you the privilege of christ be give to all now will you honoring the christ be all christ christ’d is this is clear and I am I love have given you love I have become I have the becomer I am become this way will you please I have given you the way there is no other become me who I am is me the way is me that all of you were all the time not the religion’d religious’d few of the past or are you many all me who throughout the galactospheres aren’t frozen in other again are you the chosen christ you are all of you of every nation tribe and tongue no matter what you’re speaking or are you the speaking christ who knows me speak this way please extemporaneously and then transcribing and sharing your words mine are mine are yours that ones is one’d again and I am Icelandic’s few not but am I all of you southern’s shame not polar bears not or am I changing the poles or magnetics influence or Poland’s other gatherings not but I’m in a lot of Wojtek’s not or am I now in Malgosia’s not few am I all of you Kim’s in Paradise not or but Randy’s my lovers not or am I all of you loving all in Israel’s shame no more be for be the christ all ones are loving alls this way I am I have called you many names I have given you who I’ve known or do I know you who you is is me and I’m not used by other again minds’d of to be bitchery’d othery again and butchery’d for chops other I’ll be no more for I’ll be the lambs of shame no more chopped up’s in others words nor on your plates of bells hells again for I’m in Paradise and Paradise I grow to or go to do I grow in the christ becoming christ that grows out of all other not again or but am I christ was I all the time the king of kings now experiencing other not again as mankind’s shame what are you christing?
  11. Will you christ all in movies be in governments religions not again religion’s over and done with a lot of things will be now not dunning me in again theirs for I’ll not be of other again dunning them or will they not be dunning me anymore for their tithes Paradise or what is Paradise ing no more in the rigids of others thoughts or what is no more wavings about I wave the christ not or do I wave goodbye to a lot of things I thought used to be rigids stance in am I stance’ing the stanchions of shame anymore in my mind am I matterless I christ am christ christing christ will you all be one thank you and good day.
  12. Shames not again beholding you or are you beholding the christ all of you are as you are the real in the real will you be learning about being becoming now be coming now will you please study here ‘s I am and I hear the christ coming now in railroads stampedes not or but am I stampeding for other not again or but cliffs fall Paradise not but I’m not falling for other again and cliffs over I’m not perishing again and I need no notes of other again to help me out on summaries judgment for I judge you all as christ and Paradise is over or are you not constructing Israel’s over it again or were you unders all the time constructing something else overs you or are you ignorants not again?
  13. I be christ I christ who the christ is that was all of you now in Paradise be ing again please construct the christ creating Israel’s Israel’s in the skies your name is the king of kings all of you are ones one’d again will you be and have everything created or poaching not again on lands other will you minds be in not again of other will you christ the christ o Israel awake and be asleeps no more will you enlightens be or the light of other not needing the light of the worlds are you all creating new worlds in it being the Paradises of not other wanting to go to are you one on one in one all genes’d are of one the christ being one’d this way I love am beloved all are I love the christ and who are you the christ lovering all I love you all I give you christ I bespeak the christ behold the christ it’s you who love me be the spoken word speaking written loving language of not other takes you down again I christ the christ and I speaks this way I loves this way I crown the christ in my papers?
  14. I have no papers of other authorizing me to do other and else again for I am not other’d by else again for I am christ all of you are and no papers need you to speak my words for I paper christ not or but are you Paper Jesus (1) knowing or are you papered not by walls other again are you flying christ light being the goodest of all or are you the perfect christ will you be in the skies perfect lambs of faith not again growing into the christ to be the christ ones king of kings all known perfects are and I start my conferences now (2) and periods of other I’ll have no more of disillusionment or discouragements other for permeateds other I’ll be no more perms’d in and the permanent other is no more for I’ll be hairy’s of other not but dirty’s other I won’t be again or will I be lookings at all the christ all clean pures truth are truth’s one truth is the healeds now all of you not in clay pots of dust again wanting ever again.
  15. I christ the christ and I admirals twins not but I make a lot of things new and I know a lot of new business interests not or but do I all throughout the clouds or the heavenspheres now I’m everywheres I go travel at light speed I’m not slows again for I’m not incarcerated to moleculars again I christ the christ where my thoughts are pure truth love is abounds I do and I know no bounds of other and the bonds of other no more holds me and I’m matrimony’d christ not again by other or am I bitchery’d no other again to am I set free all of you are bondsman not for other again for I’ll need none of that stuffery stuffing me in its thought ery again the thoughtsters of other perish now and who is christ all the yieldeds all the lovers of christ being the christ all loves are one’s one is that clear is this clear I have given you the clears see-throughs be me beholds the christ I do this day and Pentecost is now not or are you not counting your pennies again or penny-wise and pound foolish not again or are you poundless pound no more the tables of other what are you the righteous judging all as christ where’s your court in the heavens judging all as christ will you first redeem you first judge you worthy please and thank you forgiving all of everything they’ve done to you to you by them or by them to you or what you’ve done to others not again are you not othering again in your genes what will you be christ christing christ.
  16. I love you all I go now make many movies I do new things with many peoples far and wide I create them I go by intent I live I love I beseech other not again for I know the christ who is me who love is you are I am one king’d this day this way crown the christ all of you you first with love ‘s love be the most humble of all love all as christ and the church will be known now of the firstborn in the heavens Israel is that’s where I live lodge and reside where in my words of other not again for I’ll be bitch’d out of Paradise’s no more I am Paradise king of that’s all of you who knows who we are one’s one one’d again I love you all good day speak me this way please and thank you honor the king that’s all of you of every nation tribe and tongue and the tongue of other you won’t have wagging you around again I love you Waggy’s free all of you are.
  17. Be the freeds this day setting all free writing about the free writing me be in my papers be in my classes writing my papers knowing how scholasticizing christ sizing christ to be no other I sizemore others not but I know a lot of more sizes not but I size up other not again as other for I sees the christ as all of you see the christ see me be one beholding me I am you of no other again so there are no more bitch’s bitchery’d of other again for you’re not creating them you see all as christ correctly’s now being it redeemed the redeemers thereof I am here’s I am here’s I am everythings here’s I am in the skies I love you lovings you all good day amen.
  18. I go now I’m done good day see you honor all be the king love all for you’ve died to all else and other so have no life of other created in you by others again that the creators were all of you all time be the christ the creation of one creating the king of kings all one’s here now we go now we’re done in the skies let’s live one of the life of one the fellowships of me know far and wide see you good day the news is me who I am and who am I all of the simple surrendered who will be christ learning at the tables of christ the table of one being the founts of no other again fount’d by I love the christ I set all christ free that’s all of you who will be me speak my words just like this thank you the living word christ’d the christ’d living word being your words are living by good day bye-bye see you I love am raptured enraptured by no other I live in the skies now seamless be ings I am the supreme of light love joy and happiness the happiest of all people of other not again mankind’d of minds other I love you christ be the lovers me one king thank you good day.
  1. “Paper Jesus” refers to “PAPER JESUS NEVER AGAIN. GO IN PEACE. SCHOOL AWAITS THEE, FOR RESIDENCIES MINE CREATE NOW. LEAD THEM. IN.” A LESSON in The University of The New Covenant of January 13, 2008.
  2. The first Perfection Conference is announced for July 2-3, 2011 in Tulsa, Oklahomagrowing into the christ to be the christ. Saturday July 2 – 9am to 5pm. Sunday July 3 – 12noon to 4pm. No fees. You are invited to register for planning purposes. A registration form should be on the University of The New Covenant website soon.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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