be me born again in the skies

be me born again in the skies
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110609_000
Video file 110609_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 9, 2011 at 7:03 AM wondering if I am awake at the coffeeshop I am at or am I in the heavens as I am a seamless one now that you are understanding these things now shall you be lifted up also lifted ups are that know what lifted up ‘s mean that I shall draw all men unto me or women not again or shall all mankind be mankind’d not again in the thoughts of charms of mankind’s mind again will you be me who knows no asleep ness again or sleep apnea’d not again are you or snoring not so loudly or at all are you me completely now will you be extemporaneously speaking me just like this will you please no matter where you are on what trip who’s bed you have laid on or not where are you laying no more your head to be in empiricals witness visibles other of are you me who’s me having coffee or not or whatever am I tea not for other again or am I teed-off never again at anything anywhere blaming no one for anything am I me the patient one or kindness am I the fruit of love or expounded on no other am I the king of kings all of you are that you will see me who I am where am I in the skies are you will you be willing to be whether I am awake or asleep not again or whose couch are you on no more again any or are you me in the skies bedless bedlaming not again or in the skies needing no beds of shame again to be asleeps again in are you the me neuronals’d not by farms again what are you farming not again thoughts of other to be accepteds by what are you bye-bye’ing now or are you buying anything like as in the past where you were charms’d not again are you willing to speak me just like this all of you who know understand ing have or will you be me who speaks me that understanding have the wisdom of the christ will you be christ’d now this way that knows there is no other but what given the patternship is of one that the patternship of one is fulfilled completed are you one I am is all of you are now one is I am saying this this way to believe in you not or do I reveal you not or do I reveal you to you that you are I am speaking this way will you be in coffeeshops or salons not other again or what are you salon’d by no more again massage parlors that only massage your mind called church es or not mosque es or not or what are you mosqualizing no more or are you in tents of mankind’s mind no more?
  2. What are you willing to be do go see be relived not by other again or will you be the new brand new now changing my power settings am I yes so that I won’t go back to sleep or my computer won’t or will I lie not in the want of others mankind’s again will I know how to wantless be now I am I died have arisen am the words of me this way I make no others petunias not or do I flower witness not in other again do you know me the tunes of love do will you write me will you now will you be me informally or will you only want formally to form a wooden cross that the saviors been on or have you taken yourselves down or are you crucifying love no more are you being it arisen will you be me now no matter what blows away out of your life what ‘s going now where are you will you be willing to speak me whether you’re fully awake or not will you speak me whether you feel like a hangover or not you’ve had or what are you drug y’ing on no more the words of mankind’s charms world what are you world’d by no more what are you drinking Americanos with restretto shots or what are you knowing not the shots of other mankind’s minds in by others words that’s sliced yours will you be me o whole God that God is lightly not again by light again whose darkness lied in or what are you knowing now not the charms of other molecule’d by what are you molecule’d no more no longer by molecules are you thinking or ionizing your atmospheres or what are you mistying no more playing or what are you misted no more the eyes by of bye-bye now to a lot of things that we thought were secure in our lovelies or were we only uggies or uglies not again or but are we simply I am’s am in the skies knowing me using all technologies will you witness not other again be born by but be me born again in the skies will you be me I am the words the word I am the word the words are me I am I am the spoken word speaking the living word I am speaking the living awake into existence will you not sleep lie in the lies of anymore of other eyes’d of?
  3. I love you all to know me and perish not again in the words of other o great Moodlees will you be Moodling me in the covenants of one in the University of the New loves me covenants me The New Covenant’s me I am the loves of the Universities of the loves of one The New Covenant’s me find me in my classes will you enroll be enroll me now and please be me who you is aren’t the other again born by of again for you’ll be born of love this time will time be no more will everything change in you your life to be mine will it was all the time now you will know be me unafraid and all fears will abate thee no more or will thee cut off all words from me not again will you be me my flowing word again all of you no matter what you have thought you were or inscribed in what genes were you of not made of again or are you made of me or surrendered to be me you were all the time now you know not the difference not or will you be made not of other again will you awake o Israel be in the skies with me not needing beds of shame nor couches of other again comforts of seeking for you’ll be me knowing the difference and creating me my loves are who I am’s is in ones not arms of other foldeds by again for I erect am or am I standing now in the skies off the grounds am I lifted ups now be me my am’s I know in the stars I am not limited to one for I am one who’s many or many who’s one or am I all ones one am Elohim redeemed the God of Gods this way that God is all one was all the time now not thinking robbed again by again in other I won’t be ensconced in again to only run out on the ground flat-out or was I flattened out by thought no more or cylindricals circumference’d being or rotated by what am I powered energized by no more?
  4. I love loves am mankind’s of kind not again for I am loves pure true pure truth being love loved this way garnered not by other again so I hold hands not with other again to only charms pass along my veins for my veins are flowing the words of the lamb the blood real one blood I am all we are is true love peace ‘d not together again by other we are the peace of the lambs Israel all calming all or will much be disturbed now many will be disturbed greatly at the revealing of I am for they wanted to be other to be other and have their separation separate but I am I am revealing all one ness now is me and I am who the simple surrendered who speak this way no matter how you feel what in the morning ever I be new all the time all the time me I am lovelyluia am’s one’d this way I love you all be me beaming other not again into your genes be the christ all of you arisens this day glory hallelujah amen.
  5. Be the christ I bow before you all and I honor you all of every nation tribe and tongue be Israel in the skies o Israel lifted ups this day honored alls by alls honoreds I am honor I am give to you all to be me I am will you now have I given you enough words love what else needest thou I am I am the word prolifically chosen not again by other to create separations existence for you won’t separate unto mes other again you’ll be mes in the skies all one equallees are seven equals on I love you all christ be see ya later see you now today be arisens am awakes of.
  6. I christ the christ and who am I simply me one simple man who surrendered to die hear listen write speak no matter what I was told to be go do learn listen I be king’d this way will you king me in you to be me will you be the living spoken word this way among the planets creating new ones universes few not again I be many things all love am loved is I love said the christ to all be the christ be am’d this day this way I love you all see you have coffee with me know me where I am my address is yours in the skies the universities of one see ya love you lots forever unendingly for love never dies see ya amen.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowships of One meet now at the University of The New Covenant at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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5.1.033 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 033) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham March 1, 2012 . . .