will you give me life

will you give me life
I have made the way clear and plain
love frees all and never dies
the law of love
the speaking living christ I develop
teaching now all to be kings
are you the christ that becomes first the christ inside
how it all works
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110530_000
Video file 110530_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 30, 2011 at 12:36 AM and I am returning home from whence I came and whence I came where you came from did I come from to hear you or are you hearing me like this thusly that we are the same one from the same planet Mars not or are we Martians to others not anymore how are you hearing or understanding these things this that I have brought you tonight or this morning new am I you are I am all of you are not planets of the Angels not understanding not again not or are you knotted stomachs no more having or knotted ties in your brain or ties are you not having tithed anymore bound to or what are you tithing not again to bound-to’s are you freeing all the bound-to’s anymore so that you’re not twos of servitudes anymore to each other are you freeing all will you free all no matter how much you have loved or be’setted or be’gifted or have you gifted anything of only carcerations value that in’d you to out ville not or what are you ending bookends no more or are you opening cracking a lot of books or mine are you shipping off others not again or are you delineating what’s mine and yours not again or needing are you in the skies anything anything of each others again or are you separating mes from notme’s parts not again not or am I parted not from the waters again that where whence I came from I am going to not again not or do you care not for the nots again or knockings are you of the First Degree or knocking are you not your heads against the walls of frames of mankind’s mind ‘s again that only wants to incarcerate yous to its villes of vials’d soda bars or what bars’d are you not h’d in hells or bells of other are you not slamming around in each other using will you be me who bells hells no more or belling tolls for others are you not for whom it does are you never dying again will you never die again to be dyed upon no other again are you dyes of no other using on your hairs have you any do you care to wear me long or short what are you how dressing me are you that I am is you I am not apart from you legged by other not again stuck to grounds cement concrete I flies now and I fly equals equalees ees are me who I am and I’m not the ease of other seeking again for I have come through the Rangers program not or SEALs’d am I no more to other be seven equals on tromped again or trampled in by others thoughts am I freed ‘s now I am freeds who know me my Rangers program not or am I SEALs not again up upon mankind’s mind am I humanity’s frozen no more or stuck-to’s no more am I in the covenants of shame woe full others not again being afraid of or witnessed to what are you witnessing other not again powers of are you the powers ‘d of no others again caring for or worrieds about what are you freeing now what are you willing to do to be or say I do no more will you isled not be again on Patmos not or are you John’s revelating me your names here ____________________ what have I mentioned before or after are you evers present with me or me being now that you know I am ones I am however you represent me not or can you not divorce me not again not or are you divorcing a lot of things that used to use your time frame and energies and frame you in theirs or their values imposed or posing for you nuded or naked not again are you any of you or are you showering in the heavens or bringing reigns to a close are you famines no more destitute for or foods establishment other going to or knowing bacterias shame not again or are you virus’s viruses no more or steerings of the First Degree are you hoof in mouth disease no more of the disease that only want to give you theirs are you weirdeds by no other again steereds by that only want to longhorns steer your memories by not or bye-bye to a lot of things that you held deer and sacred not or are all the sacreditity’s that you sacristees sacristy’s wanted sacred to be kept of your sacred mosques sacred temples are not sacred any more because you know you are the most sacred not a temple of other mortars and books bricks again are you bricked not by mortars books again or bricks mortar books or books’d by not other again what are you mortared not again shells by are you shelled not again what are you peas and corn not knowing again or needing anything that’s rowed you what has rode you no more will it will you ride in jets cars or planes will you need any will you be me who gets to place to place not placing other places in their memories or will you recordeds be no more of others programming’s you with their words witness or proponents of promulgations of lobbyists of are they outlawed not or are they outlaws of the First Degree or law operating outside of not again what is the law of love operates here and I am the planet of the Angels and I am bicameral not in natures again nor moleculars other scientifics of I am the fichologies of other not again psyching around with and psyches other I need not protections from or am I the protection of the almighty or am I almightying not almighty other again to be afraids of or scareds of or mighty am I of the First Degree knowing my might power and shame not again am I of genes’d other I am not pro forming again and I know what pro forma’ing is used for and I project shames not again out of my minds for I am minds’d of one who loves me is me that I’ve become just this way and I green my mirrors not or do I dream of Jeannies no more or have I any of Smith’s shame relational ‘s not again being or societies am I Smith’d not to agents of other or am I not dualisms dualistics or natures that were sewn into me what am I sowing now not gardens of shame other am I Edens apparels appearings in not by the bells other hells’d of or helling am I not others future tense or past am I all yous now now’d?
  2. Used by other not again am I simply reading nothing or am I extemporaneously speaking the words of christ that I have taught this way been through these words of christ that I have listened to heard and become not hurt again am I herded not again into stalls other to sit in pews and only ramrodded be listeners of the First Degree will I be in the heavens now roaming heavenlies properties of no other will I be the freeds not covenants ‘d with other will I be the covenants of one renouncing all others are you are you the freeds performed by no other performs’d on what are you humping no more for a paycheck or having a big bank accounts delivery or shames delivereds no more to you what are you bi cycling no more or are you bye’ing a lot of things saying to that used to bicycle pedal you or what are you motors for no more or needing you any of bicycles shame or what are you peddling not the rockets of hardware’s other not or terrorisms other not again going to what are you peddling no more the bicycles of other brains other peddaling yous no more again used for the open markets or what are you opens marketings not again used by will you used by others to use you by others not again be used by will you using buy others products no more or will you need any toothpaste or shames grinnings not again at or will you be toothless not again or the king will you be smiling at all of you no matter how you looked in a mirror in the past?
  3. Will the future be no more as the past was or is the past no more futuring the future ‘d are you the futured no more by the past programming yous will you no more be incremental backups needing or are you backs no longer reclining into pains joints system of electrics diaphragms or not having what are you programs’d bone of marrows other?
  4. What are you smiling caring for or what are you benigns no more to the kingdoms of God or know you one will you know one open will you be one that one opens now because you know how to gnosis be not other again gnostic’d other not or are you enigmatic’d not by failure again are you willing to try to be me or will you wish you had not remained in other again will there be no other again will there be christ only christ christing christ will you be the christ heal ‘d revealed am I revealing the healeds now are you will you be the healer who heals all because you’ve not a life of other you’ve protected or want to heal so you can be discrete about your wants or what you’ve thought about or wanted you what has into its wantsville what are you from who are you programming used by who’s using you for what purposes no more again do you know how it all works is being revealed to you all that I have given you these seven years 8 or 9 dozens or few not have you any left that come here or has there been only one or I am ‘sville ‘s open now to you all I am here’s I am making the Clarion Call ‘s known I am and I am ones one all of you are inviteds will you look me up sometime or will you be here’s tomorrow or availeth others not again to your soul do you have one will you be the writtens no more riddens of others or writs of other not ridings you again or are you the riding horses no more again or writtens in the sky are my writs coming forth this way that I Ritz Carlton am not or am I knowing a lot of DeWayne’s Sheltons not or am I all of you not shaming shames again no matter what I was in or who I paralleled or what ‘s not southern’d again or laddering other into parallel straights or verticals other not again George of what am I straightening out or what not am I from anymore or am I from the pearls of the kingdom are you known s now that swine aren’t anymore eating of the First Degree are you my plates having or plateless are you no more or having plates Georges queen of no more or are you Prince Charles in charming no more or are you all me in waiting not again are you me all me am the heads of state all UK’s charm not but Russia’s waiting not or who invades who not again will you be invading charms not again by each others brain yard again will you be the junk yard dogs no more again junking out other DNAs or trashing minds will you be of the First Degree that knows honors all will you honor all knowing all are christ as christ will you be as christ loved the church or did you love anything or do you ever redeem all that cursed you or ranted after you or raved after you not again will you be the ravers of that raven’d fairchild not or are you knowing no fairchilds of other fair childs’d wanting or will you be the most matureds of all?
  5. Christ will you be simple minds ‘d no more of other will you christ me for sake other not again or will you forsakens be no more again who forsake your First Degree will you know now all of me not be waiting on other again singlees will you be on purpose who purpose for mankind’s mind not to be controlled by for again will you be the fourths quartered and half’d not again or half of your mind not man minded by again will you kind’d be not by other again or will the kind of christ that you are know where I’m from are you from other sided villes or are the universes of not parallels frozen not again or seeing are you into parallel dimensions or faith not again ‘s blinding you what are you blinded not again by religions shame or vestments of other cloaking you stalking yous no more will be and you’ll not be the stalkers of mankind’s mind to only implant yours in them for you’ll know the difference and you’ll not be of mankind’s race again that only wanted to race against a clock or make monies for deposits other into others bank accounts for other or what are you othering no more the interests of bank accounts shame is there any or are there no depositors other for waiting in lines other as they crash the banks are there any that otherwise you no more or are you the wisdom of perishing no more are you the protectors of shames no more are you witnessing the ethics of mankind framing yous no more crumbling are a lot of things are you crumbling the ethics of mankind’s mind or is it crashing you no more upon its cragged rocks of appeal no more will you be on the rocks of shame craggy’s of or crabbies other not but looking up a lot of things I continue continuations shame not again but I make many words apparent not or are you appearing in the christ are you christ appearing in me in the heavens are you me I am I am’s am and am I am Sam not again or Harris do you know Goulet’s of other not but Marcia’s mine or all are mine are mine not few again am I lovelies all perishing not again Sam’s Harris of Harriston not or are you Mike ‘s runners me do I know a lot of mics that I speak just this way through that I have little earpieces on not or do I using am I of the First Degree knowing how to record mes faithfullees not others again used of?
  6. Will I be breaking through breaking out’s a lot of things that broke me in the past using technologies monies not again or am I using the christ villes of other not ville’d by again where am I from where was I going to am I awake now what are enlighten ‘d ment no more meaning of or am I the light of the worlds creating them believing in perishing not again will I christ the christ oh you will I be you o christ were you all the time now you’re not ignorant again and you know who christ is not waiting on another for you christ all about you or are you the christ that becomes first the christ inside externally no more seeking grantings other accolades of will you christ the christ the ethics of the king grow inside you what is the viruses of not other again nor bacterias shame or what are you programs genes’d by no more again running on you values of the king or are you king’d by the king that has no virus of other or words other programming yous to used protocols be of theirs will you king the righteous or king the king will you the righteous king be who righteous kings all others to be the king righteously will you be the just that adjust me no more to be other will you be all of you are me all of you of me all of you are or are you making a race no more of mankind’s mind what are you mankind’d no more of God were you all the time you were not of this race again will you be the christ that begins all things anew begets all christ will you be genes’d not by others again I have given you mine this ways of christ the christ’d way perishes not again.
  7. O great fools not be of another fooled this time will you be the christ regeneration’s now everything’s here are you will you be here hearing me are you hearing me will you write me read me genes’d other not be again by bye-bye’ing to a lot of else and other what are you buying no more are you needing anything of shames pharmaceuticals or what are you suitacles not anymore cuticleing of or what are you nails not perishing again claws of other or are you not clauses of other protocol’ing by or wearing rouges lipstick or carest thou for my soul or yours do you have any will you soul’d not be on the open market again that sells your souls for del a rouge lipstick not but the lips of other I no more kiss or do I kiss you all with the word of the lambs not anymore ensconced in others wanting wools dyed for your mink stoles?
  8. What have you stole un’s no more of what are you robbing the christ no more are you robbing mankind’s mind no more or are you stablishing something else there no more of mankind’s mind will you be mind one perishing not again in the fields of clovered grovered not or what are you growing no more the neurons of croppings yous or what are you used by no more clauses of laws of failures not again are you stablishing Paradise in or what are you stablished no more of are you kings in the kings piracies no more of Caribbean’s other not or are a lot of things flooded or what are you flooding to my souls not again have you any covereds over or are you mankind’s charm not made of again in again what are you the knowings me perish not again will you know me will you be me where you’re from will you be me in Paradise creating it over again as not other this time will you be me who is the perishing not again I live forever who am I o great king who lives for all eternaling all giving all the kings kingship of one will you know that never dies again be the christ that ball and chains no other to thoughts other will you thinkings be the christ christ’d not thinkings again tied to will you divorcements of hate no more conjure up to be only minds of mankind’s mind will you mankind’d be no more man’s kind of women seeking or vice versa antithesis’d not or what are you antithesis of me not again anti ing other not or are you the anti ‘d christ no more are you christ all willing to be I anoint you all will you anoint me perish not again my altar have I any am I not altered again?
  9. Will you alter me not again as to prototype your image for you to be me or what are you now where you’re from knowing are you christville creating Paradise in constructing Israel’s Israel in the skies is me who is doing these things knowing being the christ christ’d now again in the universities of love ‘s one and ones love is known far and wide now and not afraids is known and I love you all and who am I the simple surrendered who speak like this who arise not afraid to arise will you be arisables now the arisens will you be the resurrecteds now who resurrect others not again to be others otherfieds by will you fie the christ no more in affiance others damns’d by others will you not dam others in your damnings will you curse no more rantings of?
  10. The First Degree will change everything will you be the first Degree’ers of loves minds of one all one made one will you be the surrendered to that makes you no others what are you made of who’s making you or mating to no other again are you genes’d by no other again collectings yous to perish again planets of what are you matings magneticings of or what are you magnet’d to no more schools of other I christ the christ and I am not the wavings of mankind’s mind anymore snaking me in theirs serpents of shames infestating and granting yous degrees of other will no more be and the bees of other that only wanted to arrive hives of to socialites be socialized of to collect shames others and colart you into collars other will no more be and colors other I’ll be using not or will spectrums aplenty be theirs no more or will you be of the First Degree knowing all things creating new worlds will you be of the First Degree ers of not Ur’s again or are you coming out of a lot a things that you used to be ensconced in learning other will no more take you down for me you’ll be all on ‘d seven equals on meon’d is and Meology’s knowing all you are will you know all me all will you have me not wrapped up in boxes other or are a lot of boxes you packing not again have you any to carry with you on a long trip or there are you by incident not again or are you there by design who’s design are you designing what are you designings new are you the designers of new worlds have I given you to reign rule in draw design me not other as again?
  11. What am I as’ing not again or asking again am I you to come here be me in the skies will you be drawings me not other but mappings me out will mappers you make being the mappers make me of others not again will you cover my heavens not with atmospheres other or that which begets you or are you not chronologies interests again chronologicals of or birthing logicals no more what are you rational’s logic no more programmed by or what are you mirrors’d no more by equalees are you of the First Degree all christ Gods are that Gods is God is God’d guided by no others words what are you gotten by no more educations other collars’ing you is no more and you’ll be the blues and whites greens and reds not or will you be all spectrums mine knowing the ears of man not again placed to will you be hearing mine inside your heart where’s your head is mine is not placing yours there above mine again what am I or where is you one mankind’d not of other again will you bear me be me pair me not with other again for genes pairings others I’ll not be helio X’d out of or will I not be dualizing other things again repairings or preparings for other not again or am I preparing the christ for all of you are repairings other not again what am I news news noosed not again by others words appearings what am I in the skies the christ is here’s where I study here’s what I do I have prepareds you a way are you palaces away no more from or are you me knowing shames no more or are you stripping your flesh for others no more again or have you laying your life down for you are you all prepareds now to be the ruling kings that demises other not again for you give them your life for you have none of other again are you christing all the christ in your kingdoms are your christ kingdoms all one are you God’d God who makes the king or reveals the king is all of your subjects that you’re teaching now all to be kings will you be the anointed Messiahs is that all are Thomas More’s reproach not or are you approaching the bench of not other or are you divorcing hates words will you be divorcing a lot of things that you held sacred or dear what are you dears not to again words of that sacred’d your temples not again or what are you sacristy’s of no more or Christy’s other not but Christi’s loves ones mine and I know a lot of smiles love and sincerity’s other not again coming through for I will know the difference.
  12. What are you thinking or are you thinking no more man’s kind of guttersnipes or snips you or what are you snipping no more the umbilical cords of other having babies not again are you of words other or what are you semens shame no more spelling on the grounds or in the heavens are you all christ not having bodies of other wanting wantings yous what are you used no more again for the grips of mankind or velcro’s other not charmings again you will you be ions’d not other by again what are you buying or selling not again on the open market or is there no open market or are you open all the kingdoms of one in the skies is freeds are are you revealings now by your statements of fact now that you are the facts of other not illusory’d by are you buying me mine now the truth that’s free are you freeds by the truth that I have given you this way these seven years 8 or 9 or dozens coming millions will you be Abraham’s other not Ur’d by again or heard are you by the herders no more will you hurters of each other be no more will you hurt not each other again will you be christ no matter what that takes what it takes will you take no other will you or can you was you ever what were you knowing or being the born again refined are you now refined in the refiners fire of other not again making you other as otherfieds were that wanted another.
  13. What have I said shame not again your bench or have you any in the skies sleeping quarters or are you sleeping no more again on benches other while your kingdom burns or what are you burning no more the smokes of other oils on or oceans clean not again or are you oceaning not the perils again charms of or what are you cleaning up oil spills not again or are you in the skies needing no oils’d of ions other to anoint you as shames prophets what are you profiting again or losing the whole world not again or your kingdoms what are your kingdoms doing without you or are you waiting for them no more or are you knowledgeless not again are you Gnostics gnosis not or are you prognosis ‘d not by mankind’s mind masticating on yous again what have I said what have I forecasted prognosticated not or are you the prognosis of failures no more what gnosis gnosis’d you or what are you nosey’s no more are you of the First Degree knowing how to make things are you making them now repaired not by other programming what are you or are you programmed not by others mankind’s mind by controllings yous what are you buying no more need?
  14. Needest thou anything needest thou to buy est anything art thou bye-bye’d now or going to perishing not again where you from to the other side going to now or what are you quantum’d christ no more of other seeking or are you christ the quantum’d christ are you quantum being or being the light of not other needing what are you darkies knowing the difference or pure light white with shame no more or are you knowing the difference between white light and not or what are energies failures no more or placing the race of mankind not on yours what are you above not or below nots again are you all in the skies treating all as christ because you are one is that all are equalees are you understanding this are you be made fools not again fools’d of and minds’d other won’t velcro yous to its again for you’ll not be the stuck-to’s other thoughts again thinkings of and worlds other will not perish you or will you not perish other worlds again for you’re not seeking other again to be christ the redeemer will you redeem christ first that you are will you christ be the refined christ king of one one king of christ that you are refined will you be in the heavens teaching all refinement of others not again will you be the values of christ that king all to go all throughout the galactospheres and other universes creating all new races are we not of others mankind’s ‘d of will we be the man kind of love no more after nor women’s legs of shame will we not have born in our minds or brains again leaves of or trees what other are we leaving or are we leaving a lot of things behind of shame no more are we the closets full no more are we giving a lot of things away selling not again our souls for what we bought purchased or thought were valuable?
  15. Were thoughts valuable that trained us to do its will that we fell into a trap of mankind’s mind feeling feeble not but very powerful mighty and two-edged sword are we not speaking with again swords of tongues of what’s tonguing you no more fork’ed edges to be are you edge’d swords no more hacking each other with to death are you christ in the skies living forever will you be the christ praises me or you or raising other not again hells will you be in no more will you christ be raising constructing Israel ‘s in the skies the benefactors of no other wanting benefactressing nor benefits other what are you clashing no more the Titans of or Kraken’s being no more are you to each other are you sea monsters other not fabricating or what brains have you lied in oceans of floors no more eatings off of prawns other not but prongings other won’t be in your backs from each other again.
  16. I love the christ and who are you christ christing revealing christ are you all who are you all revealing all is that your name what you’re doing where you’re from revealing who are you going to where you’re from are all christ now revealing all the generations of shame pervasive ‘s not again will you snot’d be by no others again will you sniffling running be of others not again runnings from shames will you be no more bred by oceans of other not elevens not but I tell you this I’m seven equals on and I’m christ I am I am christ I am that’s you who perish not again in the words of other shame won’t bend you around its little finger again for you’ll be christ with no fingers of shame again leaves of in your brains for brains will be mine not or mind one will you be that all christ the christ with have I given you my words of love’s love loving all love loves will you be loved of love being left behind’s no more of other for you will besiege other not to be other again for you will love redeems all will you have given your life for alls all in your kingdoms will you love all write the lambs book of life now include alls will you write their names will you be the given risen will you give me life?
  17. Who am I all of you who perish not again I live forever o great king who are you I am you who one is Dr. I and my father are one looking up will you be I my father’d am the one conceivings me I am the ones my mother was was me all the time inside me I am the pearl of great price delivered the christ is the christ words by that I’ve given thee this way lambs of no other be frieds in grease again or open flames for you’ll not flame others each others again by and eatings of words shames and shames word that’s worded you into kingdoms other will no more abort yours for babies other you’ll be no more hitting floors or walls fists or heads against bangings shames for use of others will no more be and you’ll be mes knowing the difference I kingdoms one perish never again did I ever or were I you all the time that perished me will you be the ignorants no more will you be christ will you be the king of king glory bound for no other again bound to no other again you are the free’s free and you free all?
  18. Will you free all it’s required what’s required love is and love frees all and never dies again I am christ who am I the simple surrendered who learn this way what way the way that perishes never again have the knowledge of christ I have given you in these words (1) seven years 8 or 9 will you be mine 10 millions will you be afraid no more of honoreds will you honor be the honoreds of will you be christ that honor you all that honoreds all will you be the risens christ are resurrecteds now the resurrection’s now I have one I am one I’m telling you you all are waiting on me no more I am you telling you how to be the risen christ resurrected now’s the day now’s the time and I have given you the instructions perish not again make me of mankind’s mind no more again for I am the risens christ and I’ve instructeds you mighty to be the mighty who never perish again in Kraken’s other thoughts again for you’ll be crackin’ whips by not again for you’ll be crackin’ whippin’ nothing not or will you simply be the most surrendered of all who christ the christ no matter how they whip ‘d you or will you whipping boys posts be no more or will you post me my words of each day will you speak me just like this ribbons of knowing not or what are you cuttings no more of or preparing for shames words no more will you be the christ the speeches of one knowing the kings friends will you be the king ‘s king’d will you king all others now will there be no others sold on the open market to?
  19. Will you be christ redeeming them all will you be christ redeeming all you are now knowing a lot of things and I go across towns mighty or to worlds other am I two’d no more am I one one’d I am won by the hearts of no other but loves I’m surrendered to to make the kings known I build platforms or do I reveal loves or do I crash the walls of no other again or are there any I reveal love’s love on the stages of life no more be the staged of’s for you will not be the Truman’s Capote not or the movies will you know perishing not stages again or will you be of life’s life accorded others not by again will you be the real ‘s real and reels of other no more take you down be the christ producing movies in the halls of Congress shames no more uniting mes for I am mes united not or am I the planets of the Angels knowing the Federations of love ‘s love am I the Federations of the planets of the Angels reveals me I do this way I have given yous loves love perish no more again you know more than I did or did you I am make no way of other again?
  20. I have made the way clear and plain do I need any planes or railroads other not again or am I everything commerces of failures not again need I no dollars or need I anything need I you I am you who perish never again live in the skies galactospheres over not or are you all not incarcerateds to atmospheres other again I christ the christ the universes free are me who I am the energies of faiths not again be ladened by I am the free’s free and ball and chained by other not again to I am the free ers free and free I all of you make free or do I let you be christ who you are all the time were now christ the christ the estate of one the First Estate ‘d be who you were I am is I am that clear clears I am and the testimonies of other that only want to beset you and set you into their frames of other thinking will no more take you down and bind you to theirs ever again.
  21. I christ the christ many papers I write will you I be me one I am writing many papers presentations making to Congress Knesset ‘s parliaments and governments of shame won’t bicameral me anymore for I’ll be the mores of christ and I know what ones is and ones love all unifies are the unity ‘s of one I perish not again I know how to government ize make eyes not of holies un’s again and holy wars I make not again but I reveals a lot of motives I make pure not or do I let you be the pure are you were you me all the time not tainteds by others again I christ the christ the rivers of love free and clear knowns are be the christ risens this day the resurrection’s now pronounced is and the pronouncements of other have no more effects on yous ever again and chains’d you to others you’ll no more be for the balls of other no more chain you to theirs.
  22. Be the frees reproducing christ in the heavens the christ perfect clears are perfections now knowns are the christ mind minds of one be the delivereds this day born agains are is I am I love you all christ the christ be and the busyness of others no more takes you down activityings you to death.
  23. Be the christ the free reads me becomes me this way writes your words mines are mine my mind will you mine this Database Database One Two and Three Four’s open now thousands come line Tulsa’s walls or roads or airports closed no more shall be or shall yours be in the skies will you open new thinkings thoughts or what are you the knowledge of christ having knowing developing maturing be me God is I am one’d one I love you all I perish churches not or do I perish anything or everything that notme started?
  24. I christ the christ the Fellowship of One knowing far and wide the Fellowships of One are me developing me in I christ the christ words to free yours that I am is that’s how I develop new worlds in creating I go to I love you all is that clear I’ve spoken I speak this way the speaking living christ I develop that’s my plan my mortar shells not using again or have I any do I walk through or am I not affected by nuclear blasts are there any Iran’s not but Israel’s in the skies and I’m not affected by failures again no matter who eyes’d my eyes with theirs for I am the eyes of christ revealing opening all as christ are christ borns again this way and I’m the Bourne Identity (2) of others not losing again or am I amnesiac’d no more of others am I christ bodies of faith ‘s no more I am the bodies of love loving the bodies of other no more but redeems the reals I do the reals I am in the kingdom’s open the kingdom of heavens one I am good day I love you all I’ve said much I love you I bow I go loving you all bow to each other for each other love each other honor the christ as I have loved you I have given you these words my life’s for to give you these words have I given you my life is my life in these words my life is these words born birthed in you who birth all things anew the regeneration’s now all things are made new again heaven in earths all new that all one is and we go everywheres now by thoughts intents love’s never incarcerations again I love you all christ be the resurrection’s now resurrection’s proclaimed resurrecteds are by me I free’s am love you all I loving am love am is good day see you here’s I am.
  1. “These words” refers to the words of the Lessons of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant that contains Database One, Database Two, Database Three, and soon to include Database Four. See www.unc.bz
  2. Consider the movie “The Bourne Identity” directed by Doug Liman (2002).
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theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. Thank you.

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5.1.007 This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bzvideo file This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 20, 2012 . . .   * * * *