I breathe into you now

I breathe into you now
the glorified christ the bodies of one know me
defining christ
my words create creators
the currency of christ
is that enough
the friend of the king
the education of one
I said map me well LESSONATE lessonating knowing I’ve given you
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110529_000
Video file 110529_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 29, 2011 at 2:15 AM giving you me I perish not again do I in any of these things of man immerse me not again or do I immerse not man in any of the things that I was used to so used to for a certain use of time used me or did I use time no more this way will you be me who does is perishing not again o great fools be not of another again for be the fools of mankind’s mind not again fooled by fools’d by will be no more for you’ll not be the fools of other fooling each other fooling wanting around each other robes of vestments other that foolery’d you and gave you authorities other is no more fooling foolering yous with for you are not with the foolery’s’d with ‘s anymore for you know the difference and you know a day makes a difference and very differences will be made now that great are vary great will be that will varied be greatly not or will veracity take its place not or will validity but take its place so that it is not verified by other again that wants to empirical seem or seam me into place by its thinkingness or will it intelligence of the christ not have anymore that only wants to make it anti will you be the christ the intelligence of that creates it that creates it first or me are you all the time first’d now first’d will you be of the First Degree that knows me I am this way who I am I know all things or am I connected to all peoples am I omnipotent omniscients knowing I am the omniscience of christ for omni science am I not or am I knowing a lot of scien tific things or scientific others not being incarcerated to limiteds to by their knowledge I won’t be tuded by them for I’ll be me one son of a bitch no more for validity takes its place and I am the christ all of you no matter how you were born by other or are you born again not by other are you in the skies christ are that one is that knowing am I now refused others not by or am I the friend of the king that becomes the king because the king king’d me with his speech its mind that mind’d me him it’s this way that I am that I am the king not bitched by other out on the street again or pitch forked other wanting for I am not the forks of other squinting by or wanting to see validity’s shame again or do I knowing the difference am I changed in the twinkling of an eye that sees now all seeing as christ are christ seeing all now things that are scien tific’d other not again tic’d by or are you not the ticked-off again at anything because you’re the calm christ or the cool collecteds no more are you in plates other or spinnings what are you now counting your shames no more or Shane’s no more or few not do you know many Jacqui’s come or queens kings are you all not queens of others words again but Bronx you go to or Astridings star not or do you know a lots of Astrids now shooting stars not of or but do you know many now that create them many are who create me who are limitless not or are they the queened no more by other thought that only takes them down as Ishmaels language of words other that only wants to language give them of a bitch mankind’s of mind forking mine?
  2. I shall be the fork’ed mind no more forked by others for fork’ed pitch tongue I won’t have again split hoofed of or eating for I know the difference will I be eating in the skies no longer split hoofed or fork’ed touch what touches me no more the minds of mankind’s mind or shall I be in compassion less not of others not or shall I be the compassion of christ that lets all heal themselves that gives them the kings words that they are the king that they will be the king of all kings one are all one one’s one no matter how you apostrophe that want to or not for I am not apostrophed again not or am I not limited to your thoughts about apostrophes or dictions grammar again or are you dictionating not again or dictionarying are you me now looking up a lot of things in these words first (1) will you be the first’d first christ will you be that first one is that one is all are equal are equalees are singlees are singly’s are whether you pronounce that with one “e” or two or has it no ease or what language are you speaking or two e’s or wise are you without wives of words other again wanting no other languages of faith that takes your christship from you what are you robbing no more the people behind you or beside you or what are you beside no more in front of all are you speaking like this the teaching of me that teaches all to teach me like this that frees me so I am that I am the river freed of faith no more stopping me up damned I shall be no more by your damming words that dams the christ that only wants other another shall be the christ no more again for you shall know the patternship of one the pattern of one I have become that I have given you all now me I am giving you me that I have scot-free and you know what I mean if you look up in these words will you be the looking up queen of no other will you all be me the king’s speech knowing tenacity procuring or developing will you the ease of christ no more be seeking a creed or doctrine to doctrinate you or creedate you what are you ate’ing no more or aching or abetting what are you betting no more on the gambling of others minds that went before you or are they all around you speaking or invisibles are you all now of the First Degree that know who what is real is not being in the unreals’d unreal anymore are you all christ not anti’d again?
  3. How are you reading this spoken are you the speaking christ that learn articulately to speak in the kings chambers will you be not needing maids of other again no matter how you spell that I am not black christ or am I all of you of every color nation tribe and tongue no matter what socio economic status you thought I was from shall I teach you how to read how to be licks’d no more by the kings other words that only wanted to give you a king of other or kingize your eyes to be in the unreals empirical visible’d by other you won’t be limiteds to again nor garnered by for you will know the difference and you will be the meticulous not or will you be meticulously groomed by other not again will you the siren call of other not wants you be be wanted by that leaves you in a condition of horror wanting only want to fill your genes with more want again will you be the christ that needs no more want again will you be wantless will you be christlist no more because you become the christ you’ve become the christ because you want to or do you surrender is it easy no is it hard not again to go back to your vomit or will you be refined by the christ to be the christ not sifteds by other again will you be what is your choice?
  4. Your choice what is it to be or not to be not or will you be the christ not sifted’s territories by again or what are you territorying now or territorial no more are you providing protections not by others again protecteds for croppings yous what are you croppings for no other again context of no other will you have or is my context begetting yous will you be my context queens of others no more or will you contextualizations be making that me are understanding the queen of other no more are you the king of kings all of you of every gender race and tongue tribe of no other excluding you will you be the christ that excludes no other again in your thinking or will you have any that thought you to be unchrist again will you christ your thinking will you christ be will you think no more like man kind or mankind’s charm ing ones will you be the christ that smiles at uglies not or will you no longer be uglies to each other will you be the christ minds all healed that all one minds are is one is one will you be enough will you have all of me all that I have all that I am my kingdom ‘s given to you all will you be is that enough that you create new worlds with new peoples going to doing new things with will you be where I am in Paradise creating it will you please and thank you amen.
  5. Be the course maker me please will you create my courses that create me will you create me this way this ways that I’ve given you that wastes you no more upon other will you wasteds be no more upon other that only times you as other or time’s over will times be over you no more or will you wish you had none again of other or are you creating all new things will you not be thing’d by again carrying around or luggageing around not in your minds what is again all cleaned out swept out’s clean perfect pristine pure will you be the christ speaking my words that cleans out others not again to be filled with other will you otherfieds be no more that only wants a others sets of words to word you in its sphere of otherage again will you not be the age of spheres other fears other pronging yous will you be the prawns not again of other eating or wanting stabs crabs not again crabbing or forking you what forking tongues are not crabbing yous again are you not crabby’s again nor grumpy’s again are you all christ smiling the face of me wearing the face of me with no flesh garnered again to you yours of that you thinks with or are you not the thinking christ again that only wants flesh are you fleshless fleshly will you be now not or will you be the fleshless or seamless christ will you be in the heavens not needing flesh of other again not eating flesh what are you eating with me at the tables of one the kings will you be the kingly refined the propers now that create christ all refining christ not be seived by other again will you deceived’s be no other again will you deceive not the christ to be other clipping their wings in want that only wants them to be close to you or protecteds controls’d by or what are you controls’d by no more are you controlling or freeing all that surround you and every one as christ will you see as now that as is is no more for the empirical visible is no longer fooling you and you will not be the fools’d ing around anymore for fooling around with fooling around you’re not anymore you know the difference and a day makes many not or am I a day perishing no more again or is everything different now that cataclysmic is to your faith have you any or are you surrendering to be the christ Surrenderology knowing will you course mine 101 will my 101 courses you know love surrender surrendering love all of me will you be surrendering to to be me the king king’d again will you be the king’d king will you know the speeches of that speak me extemporaneously to countries other not again or are you prepareds by others not again am I preparing you for christship yours to be used by none other again will you be nonaffed no longer nullified will you be no longer the null sets of others in or will you all be ones will you not be the trashed DNA of other will you not be cultivateds by will you bye-bye be saying to a lot of things or peoples or christship of other?
  6. Will you be the christ now that knows his christship or your christship her christship or one christship that makes no difference or distinction between sex or gender or are you christless no more that knows either or both and the same are you one sex of christ not having sex of other or sects that divisiveness only want to make and tear apart are you christless not again are you priceless not again or the Pearl of Great Price you were all the time that is in you the seed were of christ being the wombed christ will you be now the delivereds are wombed this way delivered christ are the ways of christ given you I am’s am and I proclaim the christ delivered here’s I am folks are you proclaiming me or you are the christ of all other not again are we one’s ones in the skies living now the christ life of one the Messiah’d agent of no other are we agent ‘d no more of other are we agent Johnson not or matrix’d not again by Harrison’s other or what are you fording or going across now to the other side the other continents the other worlds other universes are you creating will you be willing to are you learn how ‘s just like this for you forsake me not again who am I the voice of one in you I am was I all the time speaking to you were you me all the time that you thought was something else someone else are you no more the mixed-up that only wanted someone else somewhere else are you christ christing christ now the christ’d christ will you be the anointed Messiah Messiahing you first will you be the redeemer of you first will you be the anointed Messiah no one else wants not or will you cry after other no more or are all crying after you for you to come redeem them so that they will know they are the christ that you reveal to them that they are equal are christ are in the skies living now not dependent on money shame or will you have none or need none or are you creating all things new the currency of christ will you be in the heavens creating my commerces now the heavens of christ knowing the benefits of christ or benefiting not other again protecteds by trying to keep down here’s in your thinkings?
  7. As was is is no more controls’d by other is no more controls’d by and the controlling others that wanted only to use you and have your monies and be benefiteds by others are no more and wanting yous shall be no more used by the used for you won’t using be by people of other or will you creating be all new will you not be worrieds other again worrieds about will you christ be the words of shame no more taking you down will you clip your wings no more again nor let others clip yours for you or will you clippings be made no more of others or are you clipping out territories not again or protecteds other turfs by or what are you Turks no more Turkmenistan of or Tajikistan knowing not or Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan Belarus or Ukraine are you knowing the Baltics no more or but are you going all new places now the Mediterranean’s me the United States have you never been or the United Angels are perishing never again are you going to them all throughout the galactospheres now because all are your brother or your sister or names do you not call them again not or are all christ that you see no matter what they have been made like by their words were or are they wordings words no more wordeds by the vocabularies of one will you teach them will you release in them the christ that they are were all the time created by the voices of other not succumbing to again will you be bred by no others again breadeds by gravies surfacing you or stick-to yous your ribs again will you need no steaks of perishing again staking your temples no matter how you spell that want to will you not want again?
  8. To be the kings will you give up a lot of things or will you be creating all things new with the posture of the christ will you have any know the erection of not other again or will you be bent over stoopeds not again or will you stupefied not be in your slender again or will you be fats no more tissues of that only feeds your fatty tissues or what are you molecularifying no more or electrifying other not but Elektra’s (2) shame I’ll know no more or Dr. Elsa’s will you be no more electrified attending to other physicians not or are you the physicianal christ or positional christ no more millennials worried about or are you all christ millennium’d other not again is your thousand-year ruling beginning or is there no thousand year period again is times over are there no christ not again coming back for you’re all here or will you be creating other not again that only creates anti will you be all molecularfieds not again will you be christ the glorified bodies no shame taking you down again enigmatic’d other not again will you be the christ all colors of all spectrums equal or knowing frequencies of terror not again what are you tunings into dials other not again will you be the christ that goes out of the mind of other or will you no more be incarcerated in the minds of other wombing other in you to be only other used by will you be the mind of christ seed o great pearl not dug under other again and buried will you bury the christ no more in caskets ville will you vialed be no more test tube babies of your words collectings garnering shame not again or velcro’d other not again are you stuck-by’s to others again that only word your words to wordeds that’s collected you will you not be friendless’s not or will you be the friendless christ or will you create friends everywhere or will you heal them will you be me regardless or irrespective nots or are you respecting all as christ bowing before all no matter what they have done to you will you spit on others no more will you hurt heal no more or will you heal all the hurts of all no matter how they have hurt you will you hurt no other first will you heal yourself be healing yourself first in the words that I am that you speak this way because you are surrendered to be the christ will you christ yourself be that you’re not self’d by other again thinking you’re egos of shames again will you be multiples of not other personality disordering you again in its order of chaos arrayed in you will arraignments not be of arrays other or arrays of lights other or were you only darkies or blacked out or are you all christ white lights shining in white armor not again or are you having anything of the past createds in you or are you all new christ creating the honoreds are.
  9. I honor you all I do honors you to be the christ will you be the christ’d honoring all now honoring alls will you not needing anythings of shames worlds again will you create all new the generation’s here the regeneration’s here are you the generation that will be christ you are I see I see the light you are getting it now will you be the gottenfuls of other no more will you need anything of full tummies or stomachs again will you be the emaciated christ no more will you flow me will you river me to me being me the kings king king’d’affied kingdomfied will you fy no other again or affiant be or affied ones of affidavits other trying to fool you not again will you be the fooleds no more again in the affidavits of other that only want to try to give you empirical’s ink or will you not be ink’d by other again no matter what marriage contracts are offered or what are you offering am I to be the christ are you are you offered to no other again on sacrifices other being altars peril’d in are you the appearances of christ in me being me all are who love me wear my words this way that’s what I am my words create creators are creating this way and I am the christ who look into little cameras this way that speak me christ and share christ collecting christ to no other again be christ’d of anti’s words or thoughts will you be christ that set all free collecting shames not again will you be making many movies many courses christ in my schools will you be christ collecting not others again around you antennas will you need no more or will you be using yours or need you any horns of the future or past to be collected by no others again will you be shaving your heads not again or growing hairs other not or will you simply be christ who knows my words will you be those who know my words will you be speaking my words that release yours will you be the christ’d christ the kings speech knowing the speechmaking equipment not of others bearing wearing or what are you bearing wearing creating now are you the wombed christ delivered will you be the kings king’d speechmaking now in halls of Congress or writing tombs of other not walking in will you tome affied be no more again Tomahawks wearing again not or are you the crucified christ no more of others flesh wanting an imaged visualizations of?
  10. What are you creating no more the distant futures or past or are you going to all have I answered am I your questions asking or answering are you the crucified christ no more caring about or are you all christ Mohammad’s Allahville not or are you all christ no matter what you’ve studied been immersed in are you no more the thinkings of other will you be the crucified no more in the thoughts of other that want to crucify you to be theirs will they birth their thoughts in you no more again?
  11. Will you developed be the christ that kings the christ in all races christ will you be not racing around each other erasing their genes or clipping their wings will you christ let fly now will you be the flyers thereof of the christ will you be begetting christ in the skies this way that speaks me imperiled not by other again or are you peril not other appearanceing yourselves in or are you christ not velcro’ing yourselves others to will you crowing be about Sheryl’s no more or will you Krakow be going to to know Malgosia not or will you know all that love me I love all and I love all equally and I know what that means for I have given my life to be love ‘d am I loved now am I honored am I honoring you to call you christ will you be those that honor all will you give your life before all not worrying about your reputation or monies dollars yen or yuan?
  12. Will you be me no matter how I pronounce things yea or con not or will you not con each other again conning towers of or are you Paradise’s in now will you hear me speaking this way not wearing horns of altars shame again that want to run their hands over you and anoint you to be theirs listening to frequencies other not again will you be the extemporaneously speaking christ that frees all christ will you be the refined developed christ this way who gives the education of one not robbing other again will you be the o free’s christ will you christ not be in frigids other again or frigid waters turpening you or turpentine other not being in again ensconced in others words what will you need no energies of failures rocket fuel of or will you be in the heavens not molecularfieds at all?
  13. Will you be the christ my words are free ‘s and free ‘s my are mine are free I am and I give you all of me my kingdoms opened this day and open yours will you be mine am I yours freeing yours new territories going to will you be the fearless now sphereless not again or are you going to many or all are you creating new universes will you be terrifieds not again territories equal all loving the planets of the Angels knowing terrified others not terrified at will you be at their mercy no more or will you be granting mine the king to be the kings king’d king’d all will be the king all knowing the king I am I was all the time now you’re not the ignorants in Paradise again creating something else as hells was that you created no more shall be as hells bells belling you about and propelings others you won’t be again the wordeds of.
  14. I christ the christ and who am I the simple surrendered who smile who make movies who produce christ who yield christ words who heal christ words are you the healed christ healing yours will you be movies makers speaking into little cameras or having entourages not again or but are you in the heavens doing all things differently now are you the news will you the news casters of others not be again on lakes of breads water or are you needing no breads or water or are you all christ providing malnourishments of other not again meals of I am the christ and I feeds all bull not again for I am not anti’d of myself for myself is christ and I am not my self self’d of other again I know the difference and I know what who you are all of you listening shall be or shall you be self’d not by your selfery ‘d other puffed-up by again arrogants of will you be the christ the most humble of all will you have died for all will you strip your flesh off not again or but will you be the molecularfieds no more what are you affying or the defiant christ will you no more be defied or defined other by or am I defining christ that christ you will you be that christ all others equally will you be the christ setting all christ free will you be the race of christ christing christ all races of the genes’d of not other again will you be me who knows what the law was or meant did I ever have the law but of love will you love all equallees write mine speaking mine this way will you every night everyday arise and speak me freely please be the enamoreds with not other again.
  15. I christ the christ and celebrity’s over or have I mentioned many or few are you in governments shames no more controlling yous for you will be the presidents of shames no more or new territories or the planets of the Angels or the Federations of one are you knowing now are you the presidents of many things at the roundtables of christ are you rounding many corners not again are you but the maps of no other making or are you mapaffied christ or maps making of my words have I given you many in my lessons of christ being will you be the mapaffied no more electrifieds of electric al circuits other what are you typified no more of Tipperary’s other not but I’m not the lakeaffied other again stagnants of and I’m not Walden’s other not or am I ponds of not shame stagnancy’s breeding again am I christ breathing christ into christ the breath of christ I am I speaks this way and who am I christaffied christ breathing breathaffied of christ I breathe into you now I blow the words of shame not out of my esophagus again I speak the christ in my motives intents and words spoken and written and memorized will be placarding yours no more will be against me for I am not agains the christ of other not or am I simply revealing you are the christ that real is in the real will you be terrified not of other again will you be the christ developed christ o yield christ o healed christ will you be healing all christ will you be the king of kings that all was before the estate of one took over or are we not taken over again or territorializing other again in our genes are we not the X’d out or Y’d out not again or white-out not knowing again are we all christ no matter what color we thought our eyes were seeing or perceptual differences making or empirical’d christ are we the seamless christ in the skies now are we living lying not in other shames again?
  16. Are we the lied-to christ not again are we lying where we were no more are we lying it all or are we flying to Tulsa shame not again or road trips making or are we roadies no more of the First Degree are we making many new things inroads to others not or are we new christ creating new Oregon Trails not again or are we into the stars knowing galactospheres other not again afraid of are we creating new ones are we the revealed christ there ‘s will we be the revealed christ going to other countries other galactospheres will you be creating using new equipments not the dials’d other again departmentalized or compartmentalized other again by compartments charm not again will you be the directaffied christ not of other again directed to be other will you be the freed christ will you christ create in your genes that genes were given you of the christ that you were all the time had will you be had by no other again will you be hanged by no other again will you hang up on no others words again or will you need no others words or listening what are you to?
  17. Will you be one of one now that one is all one christ is christing christ all equallees be the glorified christ the bodies of one know me what I’ve said I give you me ‘s perish never again o great christ be the refined the lovely all you are were christ all the time Elohim redeemed now be the king of kings knowing your territories opened the kingdoms mine that yours is one mind is glorifieds now shall be the time’s now the day’s now arrived is I glorify you glorify me what one are we the ones one one’d again christ is that’s what the anointed Messiah is those that glorify you are me who glorify me are you who one is because we are the king king’d again in the gloryof one not glorifying other again are we glorying in no other again the cross of no other are we stuck to again for we are glorified christ in the bodies of love personified now and seamless empirical are we the glorified christ know what who is arrives where I am arrived here’s I am who am I the simple surrendered who speak my words this way learn how course the christ be in my universities of love perfected will you be the perfected saints of no other or sainthood’d other not again vestments of no other procuring are you the simplified christ or simplex’d not again what are you chronometer’d no more of are you the synchronicity’s other not again caring about but I love you christ be that’s all of you I’m talking to with will you be me who does the same I have laid my life down for you all be me who does this in remembrance of no other time’s over.
  18. Be the glorified christ all of you the tables of one not remembering other stuck to again for you will understand times now and time will no more be your burden of shame or were you constructing constructs of other not again will you be the logarithm’d christ no more with logs in your eyes beams of other no more take you down in ions’d other you’ll be the glorified christ if you surrender to be the king’s king that kings all equally equallees are where we live what we do all spoken about I have clarified all for those who care care about me will you all equally will you equalize the other not again in shames world or will you be creating all new the regeneration’s here times over times new I am the times and I time not other by times other again alls new I glorifieds am that’s who I am how I am doing things I’ve explained to you over and over day after day now days gone I am ones new the news is new and noosed not by other again I’ll be the free and who am I the simple surrendered who speak this way arise in the wee hours record me well make many movies write many papers and tomes of christ will you be the articles of christ divesting articles other I articleize the christ or do I authoritize the christ I give you my authority’s mine or are you needing none I simply free ‘s you all you are the free the declarations of christ made that free’s all I proclaim your liberty your freedom be the freedomizers here that freedomizes all the freedom ‘s that proclaims the christ all freedomize each other freedom heals libertyizes and the bondages of shame no more ball and chain you to others.
  19. Be the freeds christ free christ in you that you were all the time birth others no more and their words will no more take you down clipping your wings for you shall not do that to others being that way that weighed you down again be the christ all in the heavens that’s where we live how I’ve told you explained many things over these months these years I love you I go now create the crucified christ no more create ers be create the christ me I am the real voice of one in the real empirical’d other not again limiteds to I am the christ empirical real seamless am that’s my name force field one force me not into other again for I will force you not to be the christ or will you force not to being your empirical visualization of one no matter what you called him it or she the divine one your thought of that you made your thought that you capitalized your thought upon and worshiped it will you not be the worshipers of other again in the pews views of other you will not visualize other again nor create that which you were for I be your christ not again or will you be mine not again or but are we all christ now refusing to be anti’d anti’s no more and we break the ties that bind that have bound us in protons neutrons are all we electrifieds no more or but are we the energies of one shames no more be’using us we be free’s and we’re the shells ‘d of others not again ensconced in we’re all free’s bosons other not or whistling Dixie’s not or but are we christ the confederations of shame not again for the Federations of One the loves of one that all one are equallees are I’m the presidents of creating all us are ones I love you all be the ones this day the glorifieds christ king of kings all kings are kinging all mercenaries not of other again for you’ll need no dollars paying you for any labors of other again I christ the christ I provides all here the king of kings provides all for all subjects are you studying here now not the subjected to’s other again.
  20. I christ the christ what are you answering or asking what’s more important what’s the direction will you be directionless christ no more will you be out of this worlds atmosphere altogether will you be the magnetics no more creating or subject to’s will you all be free’s will you create courses of christ that create christ the voice of one freed will you be me the father is the mother of christ that the mother is conceiving the word birthing the word will you be the delivered christ this way not the tools of other made by dials’d other into other again be the wizards of no other again barking at you but I pull back many curtains not or do I reveal a lot of things theology wished were overcome by other not again or by a motion not or will you cover up shames words no more or be living by or what were you or what am I saying surreptitiously not again or but am I describing christ who knows how to learn this way what am I saying what have I said map me well LESSONATE lessonating knowing I’ve given you the ways of christ be developed this way the kings in the kingdoms of the christ are known glorifieds be this day glory hallelujah I’m done I go I worship you not again did you worship me or are we not worshiping other again as was everything’s new alls done anew the regeneration’s now I love you all love each other love all equally equalees be love all I bow I go I’m done good day see you.
  1. “in these words” refers to the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant that contains Database One, Database Two, Database Three, and soon to include Database Four. See www.unc.bz
  2. Consider the movie “The World Is Not Enough” directed by Michael Apted (1999).
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. Thank you. 

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6.1.028 (Database 6, Volume 1, Lesson 028) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph


5.1.101 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 101) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This Lesson is part of Database 5, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph