here’s I am at 302 South Sheridan

here’s I am at 302 South Sheridan
my word is spoken my blood is
who will you be
I am me on now
the currency of christ
regeneration’s here folks
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110528_000
Video file 110528_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 28, 2011 at 2:11 am giving you me am I the new me you am that I am you are you the new me that I am becoming become I have became did I the pattern my pattern that I patted on my knee not again or have I bouncing a lot of things am I juggling not again that I used to be worrieds about that I used to charm not again or did I have any charms about getting any help not or have I helped a lot of people not again because of other or have I no other am I helping or renewing or completing all things new now will be completely redone or regenerated regenerations me now that regenerated is that I am not the regeneration of other generating in their shames generation of themselves they of other is no more creating me that wanted a worlds witness of other created in their courts of shame I will not be again by them that only thinks that way for their ways will be perishing now for I have created me the me that I am is sitting before you or standing now in the halls of shame no more am I creating congresses in the skies am I me perishing wickedness not again not or am I not creating it in the halls of governments shames or congresses mighty knowing are you mine that I am creating where I am I is I see correctly how you think sit feel motive’d are and the motive of votive other that only wants to burn me out of its shame have and want other to replace me in its chamber will be no more of horrors that it created for itself to see with and be incarcerated thereto will be no more for two by two you’ll not be anymore wicked worrieds about or walking through all will you heal them will you care to be the mohawk haired not again or mohair will you not be worrieds about or wearing again or will you be me flying in the skies flyless not again or will you no matter what calls your rings your door or phones or will you think ‘s like me who thinks me I am that I am not other again for I am the christ surrendered to be the christ I learned this way I have that I have learn this way that I have succumbed to no other I have walked develop ‘d the christ that the christ is me I learned this way in this way becoming it that I was I am not separate I am not separate I was am I am now I know the difference and a day makes me of its thinkings no more that others had that wanted only to frame me in theirs minds of theirs won’t control me ‘s anymore and the mes of me that meons are meon’d is knows me I am Meology’s perfect not semi sided or soft’s other again or soft-sided purses not needing again need you any of anythings anywhere need you driving lessons or shame will you not have alongside your name again or will you be singly’s on purpose or singly’s on shames roster not again signing in church pews or rosters rolls or what is rostering you no more rasters in or plasters of Paris do you know or are you not alabaster’s shame anymore stuck to the alabaster’s plugging you to see their sights in you are you not ions ‘d shame anymore are you the freeds are you free will you be free?
  2. Willing to be free are you the one who will sit here and be mockery’d made of or not will you honored be made of or not will you honor be made of or not to honor your brethren all sistern are conceiving the christ this way who you will be will you be who will you be will you be BB King not or kinging all will you just like this will you speak learn how to smile try being my witness not of other again the sourpusses are no more for you’ll need puss and cats foots not again clawings on yous your minds won’t be the same again will it me one minds are healeds is and I love you all and I go now and I worship you not again or did you ever worship me or you were you you worshiping you were you me of no other again shall you be now in the halls of courts justice or will you be in the tribunals of the skies judging you will you be the christ are you will you everyone of you every nation tribe and tongue Israel now Israel be being Israel will you being Israel be being Israel will be now I am not king’d by other king of kings I am I am’d this way and I am hurrying not or am I going now to a new place new places doing new things with new people ‘s I am I am who loves me who loves me I am doing new things with creating new opportunities of commerce or need I any or am I about my fathers words first am I learning how to speak articulately am I learning how to use technologies how to be confidence am I confidence’d christ I am now who knows christ who is one I am me who me I am is trained this way perfected in thought not again to be other for I am christ tribunaling other not again in my genes to think take me down sink me in other ‘s again and who am I?
  3. I am christ who speaks slowly sometime and fast sometime rapidly I do and I make many things accumulatively now not or do I de-cumulate a lot of things now very rapidly as I move about the heavens will you be in Tulsa’s charm no more or were you ever in Tulsa’s charm or were you in yours that charmed you to be your own witness of your own self or were you on the tribunal’d self that drove you out of a wickedness into the wickedness of other are you wicked witches no more brewing in your minds brews of teas or have you any T-shirts mighty that say T I am or are you God one is what are you selling to yourselves no more that a lie created that you were separates God being else or other?
  4. Will you be christ will you be ones me that I am all unifieds other not dysentery having again or will you have me who perishes the malnutritions not again or will you be me malnourished not again will you the nourishment of me have this way at the Nuremberg trials not again have you ever had me this way that I give you now in the skies free and clear ‘s all is will you be me not needing authorities other to enclimb or impoach or what are you not poaching on again creams sodas not again are you having or what are you sodaing not again bi’s of or bye-bye’s are you saying now giving creams deleave not but I tell you this I’m not au revoirs anymore complaining about or Que Sera Sera not or am I christ all of you not worrying about cream del a creams anymore or what’s pots not there for I need none no more again or do I am I eating in the skies now am I eating my words have I become them have I transformed not other into again will you be me who christ is the anointed Messiah redeeming yourselves first will you be the self of no other self’d again will you run draw out yourself quartered be no more hang ing on your own gallows Mordecai ‘d of or what planning are you the quarter hanging no more or are you on hooks shame no more nor mouths pulling around are you mine speaking the perfected words of christ perfected will you be thus this way who needs no thusly bears of other grizzlies in you or what are you grilling no more the words of mankind no more grilling yous will you be me who cross examines other not again or sustain ing Paradise not are you again in other as other otherfieds other being Velcro’d to other you won’t be again hells bells creating in you belling won’t be allowed or required or what are you require ing of you no more?
  5. To be the christ will you be speaking the words of christ will you be learning a new system will you be systematized by no other systemic’d by no other will you be the system systems of christ or knowing my organizational systems will you be systemic’d no more of heavens other will you be connecteds to other otherfieds not again being creating yous that were perishing again yous were you all the time that you created time in to be used of you creating time to be other no more is for I am I am and I am knowing what who I am what is and what is not real unreal no more is and I have said many things perfectly clearly and many times uttered not fainthood not or are you not feigning again something else are you christ who will me guts be have me will you all of me with guts of no other taking you down will you be the gutted christ no more a shell of alabastering you thinking you’re something else will you be no more mind made up of you in you something else creating being will you be the created me that you create me will you be smiling in the heavens will you be the most smoothest of all not or ameliorating all things not or cataclysmic are you to all things you thought in the past are you beginning to see understand you’re the christ whether you want to be are not unless you resist your christship and be other creating you other as other will be no more in the tribunals of sorrow for you will judge not yourselves as guilty again as being separates do you is that clear?
  6. Have I said much in these 21 minutes have I used technologies charm not again am I in the systems of porn that only wanted to give me separates to lie in or think bodies of shame had any merit tocracy again am I not Toppering again or am I Truman ‘s Capote not or am I all of you writing being me who I am not toying dinking around with other bodies wanting no matter what you did with them are you me now who will be me not driving you out again into shames worlds creating them there who created you you did that to other no more for you are timeless will you be me o great one great will you be in your own eyes not again do you have any of that which you saw sought you or did you seek to be other no more will you be christ creating the christ will you be the genes’d of no other again cobbled together to worship you your words of when you were words in your temple all the time will you be now not the combobulated dis ‘d of other will you discus no more throw in each others mind or track and field a’streams not or are you dreams of the mighty not dreaming in again hoping for a better future or other patch-up series will you be baseballs hall of shame no more or will you be batting the courageous few not again or stand-ups will you not be comics of failures again only wanting laughings shame at the expense of others will you not be expensive christ rottings in your shame will you no more be that takes you to a cross or tree that places you in a caskets not few?
  7. Will you be me who knows me will you be me I am will you be I am’s that I am’s me that I am’s me this way speaks my word thisly thusly who I am ‘s knowns and I am not honoreds again nots or am I seeking ‘s no honor am I honoring alls you are as other not again will you be the christ in the heavens needing anything commerces of failure not taking you down driving you into cash drawers to be given by your lives what are you giving your lives for to be stuffed in cash drawers no more or had you any have you any or is money gone is it tenders no more as currency or will you be the currency of christ one healed currency flowing the winds of christ not again as other will you be the holy will you be admired not again of other as seeking other will you not be again to be experienced as other not again self-aware will you be not again of other that only other wants to make you of other that you made of other making yourselves other each other Velcro’d to or stuffed stamps in or what are you de-stamping out the dyed christ wools of other not wearing again?
  8. I love you all to sheep herders be no more of each other that herds you into hillsides graves and I’ll be beaching not or will I know a lot of many Chris’s here or Rollins shame not again or do I truckings know many who truck here immediately their balls of shame not again dragging as they limp or will they fly here being the balls of batters not again batted around by brains eye lashes what are you lashing out no more looks of seeing or batting shames words are you ions ‘d of no more will you be the christ be perishing not again please o christ be the christ the christ risen this day is announced proclaimed have I been proclaiming you risen all the time have I?
  9. I have many things different or do I have all things different about my lives shine other not again or barkering are you barking not again or Jays mighty or flights am I taking many with me or all me am I one in the skies now living are we all together as one one being who needs no other again or that needs no other again things thing’d of will your worlds not be thing’d of things other anymore stuffing you into its world or yours that you’ve created or that they created for you do you know the difference the difference do you know will you be the differents will you care for christ about christ works or words will you know be flowing the christ not stagnants anymore will you be the stagnance of christ that only makes notme’s unme’d characters of something else you called worlds humanity ‘s will you not be of the humanities of other again or healing all will you be about my business or yours in the skies are we creating all things new galactospheres going to creating interacting with or healing will we be the healers of thereof will we be the christ Messiahs of them or of them are we or were we all the time all one that knows now no separation of eagling again or are we not the eagles perishing again or who clipped our wings or what are we saying speaking doing now to each other no more again are we willing to be sacrificed no more on the altar of other scapegoats of other I’ll be no more for I’ll be me who I am not shames other sacrificed on the altars of their pews sitting there to sacrificed be my christhood is not in shambles again christship of theirs that only wants to give me an admiration societies of ad miration theirs adding their bank accounts up to them after I leave ‘s for I will not leaves be of their thinkings anymore created in their minds by for I will not be minds’d of their minds bye-bye to all that for everything changes now and the worlds theology will not crumble not again for it crumbles all me not again to put me together as its humpty dumpty again for I am humpty dumptying christ not or humping christ am I not as two camels or two humped camels.
  10. Am I christ all of you who will be me no matter what you say will you be quantum talking about christ about quantum christ will you be the quantum’d christ will you be the singulars plurals no more again taking two-headeds with you to be one were you all the time mysteryfied mystified ‘s will you be creating the mysteries of christ something else no more to legends shame end will you all things that notme started that you created as other separates will you separates from other be no more or will you other be no more separates creating or will you know the difference will you be me who teaches shame not this way anymore again or were you only incarcerated in the teachings of do you know the difference now what christ you will you be the christ that christ you deeming you worthy first will you be the redeeming others now that redeems all else and other now because you’ve redeemed you first will you heal your words first will you be in the courts of shame no more will you be redeeming all judging all worthy as christ christ being the judge ruler of all or are you judging not your rulership as other again wanting only words other to deem you as un-worthies?
  11. Will you christ be extemporaneously speaking the words of christ no more articulately others garnering will you garnered be the christ of no other incarcerateds in their pews ‘age will the age of pews no more be will theologies crumbling be now everything crumbles again not or not will you be the crumbling again before pews other or used by those they used you as or what are sitting on shames no more benches of Paradise knowing not or are you flying new creating new worlds not benched shame anymore are you benchmarks of evil no more using procuring yous to log arithm’d be are you arrhythmia’s failure no more or rhythming anything or are you simply mes in the universe ‘s knowing my system ‘s of highered math ‘d ones not or are you the willing to be me who will learn this way who will be me who perish not again in the systems of other are you creating what are you creating me perfected now to be perfections shame no more will you be garnering in your thoughts of Paradise other or wanting to escape artists be will you be the artists of christ no more seeking other no more expressing other or will you express a lot of things the christ hearts this way opened will you be me who eats my blood or drinks my blood who is my word speaking my word is spoken my blood is that blood is bloodwords of other no more for you know the difference be the christ who speaks me I am that’s how I am veinous’d not by other again the vain perish the arrogant who thought I was other will no more be and shame’s blood they will no more coagulate in others nor splatter in their walls shames tribunals again words of ions other.
  12. Be the healeds I’ve said much and I heal a lot do I heal everything do you heal everything me that I was not in energies failure of maintains ing other again are you maintaining not two residences again or do you need any in the skies will you be not maintaining other businesses while you are perishing or what are you not perishing again will you be the businesses of christ in or will you be the business of christ or what businesses are you needing no more of commerces of folly will you the follyables be no more following around emulating wanting to accolade and commerce have of theirs bank accounts of numbers theirs and chests be proud puffed-outs of theirs will you noses be no longer Pinocchio’ing you will you be the christ who smiles no matter what you’re going through who cares for you or will you be the caring christ for all will you bear no others burdens or will you heal them all being the burden-bearer of shames not again what are you ladened by no more Sally in shames not or am I sallying forth no more as other or am I in the skies Sally fourth not or am I you all of you your name here ____________________ what are you speaking saying what writing are you willing to be taught this way that you speak first will you be in your words your temple of the lights light will you be the light healed lit will you be the candles of no more using other will you be the christ white light or energies of spectrums failure not again or will you all be me creating all worlds new colors new hues in new using you not again will you be all me who grant the christ privileges of the christ will you be granted granteds in?
  13. The courts of shame are no more being held because you’re healed will you heal me that I am you that I am you that I am not the down grade ‘ds again will you be grading me no more as not-christ again will you healed A’s be Angels of the First Degree all start with Angels A’s because you are one ‘s ones ones’ me no matter how you say “s” or apostrophe it or not I am ones one’d one meon’d on the king of kings all knowing the kings are the most prosperous of all the most simple of all who learn this way have no ways of others have we become the way are we the christ the life the light of one lit now are we in the heavens all one are the universes of not approvals other going down by seeking others again.
  14. I have said much in simple terms or have I learned to be the christ speaking no matter what came out of my mouth lightning rods not or cones in my mouth no more of ice creams other or am I screaming no more for other am I healing all soft spoken tissues no more regarding me or am I not creating any anymore as other reflections were or reflection’d of am I Barry ‘s Gilmore not or ‘ave I no guilt more’s in me am I Biltmore’s Castle not again going to or am I Vanderbilt’s shame not again in or Xander are you knowing all triple-X rated not again but I christ am making a lot of things that I make not as before’s and I am christ who am I ‘s I am that sees now with the christ eyes that words speak words correctly now correctifies all else and other that I deemed myself as worthyfieds un’s won’t be again I speak the words of christ be coming the words of christ however you dealt me blows to the waist will be no more will my heads be healed my thinking is my rights as juniors not again or am I seniors no more geriatric’d of heavens will I be in do I never die again I am christ again I am one’d one I am by the love of mankind no more taking me down in stools other beating me four quarters of and I am not in their batting shame cages again warming up or am I healing all in the frozens no more or am I pew frigids no more in am I the simple christ loving christ I am not the frigidity of others frozen in words of other stomped out no more will be or am I freeing all you choose?
  15. Do you choose to be the christ will you be the christ who sets all free redeem all will you be doing now the redeemer being doing the same as me me being me who I am was all the time will you court your shames no more to be wooed others again wooeds by will you hearts of shame have no more for fathers mothers or witnesses what are you not familying again to gather round you something to accolade your witness of shames worlds again will you be creating not others again as others will you be the christ throughout all the atmospheres or will you have no atmos fears of other are you Atlas shrugging no more again or are you in the skies creating all things anew no matter what you thought how powerful they were or godless not again being will you be your God of other not again or Godless nots or God ‘d God will you be that you were all the time not creating worlds of other that you incarcerated to will you be yourselves yourself now that weren’t self-aware not or will you all be christ that love christ does this now you know and you will be.
  16. Will you be the simple surrendered who just like me surrender or will you be my life not again of other as other what are you checking bugs no more or are you having no bugs flying around in you or your bloodstreams mighty or coagulateds other are you not ions’d by ions’d other again are you me magnetics christ not again are you me will you be me who learns to flow me this way not the bloodstreams of other having pumpings in you what are you pumpings no more for mankind’s shame or glory will you have the glory of the cross no more expressed in you or what are you the patternships of shame no more wanting will you be the christ who garner shame not again will you be through it all will you be graduating now will you be arisables in the skies christ being speaking the words of shame no more articulating you articulateds by will you articulately be the christ will you speak me languages of the christ will you be speaking me all ones of ones heart one having will you be blood pumpings of worlds no more having in you that only wants bacterias shame or decay ing of bosons other knowing not or what are you quantuming the christ not again as other will you be me flowing me the words of christ healed this way I am the word what are you using now or bowing to no other again are you garnering christ as other not again no matter what you thought called christ were will you be Mohammeds no more or will you be the highest of all the lowest of all no more crawling on your knees to other by other for other will you be kissing rings no more or rugs needing or elevations shame or are you flying over all or creating all redeeming all because you have died to all else and other will you not be accolading yourselves anymore exerting authorities power over you that you were the most powerful of all God is that you were all Elohim redeemed now will you be not the Elohim’d of other wanting again will you the difference know do you now?
  17. Will you learn all things always now I speak the christ developed this way is that’s my name that’s what I do how I’ve done it I’ve walked before you I’ve documented my walk my christ am I you Savioring all else and other not again what are you savoring or saving not again are you throwing out a lot of things moving here ‘s will you be me selling other not again down the river or bankruptcy’s shame not being again worried about or are you not shameing yous anymore each others yards of or are you yardless no more metres of metrics of no more or are you beneficial’s finance no more needing interests of shames words or bodies will no more bodies me in their words nor their shames values have their minds in mine for I will be the mind of christ healed I was all the time that putrefied mine or wanted self awareness of other I will not be programs’d by again and I am the program of christ in or am I in schools mighty that honor me that honor all as christ that petrify other not again or will you in petri dishes no more be breds by religions shame is no more and alabaster boxes of other are no more broken open or are you the seals’d no more approach of having will you the lambs book of life be writing are you opening writing mine that I give you speak just this way do I you are perishing not again you know the values of christ you are you become them it is me I am being developed all over the regeneration’s here and shame will not shame us again.
  18. Who are we the christ the one the one we are one is all one equal seven equalees on the equally’s never perish again who christ is are ones healed this day this way I love you all I give you me and mes never perish again and bow before all we do honor all as christ no matter what you’ve said spat me on or not for I am me on now not owned by other and no more words will take me down owning me as theirs for I own up not to other not or do I ohm’d not by other again resistance speak of or am I the resistance of christ no more am I the resistant christ no more to my christship healed will I be deem me worthy will I be the christ who surrendered is my courts in session in the skies and I deem all worthy first are you first’d I am the patternship of one healed the pattern is the pattern I followed to become the christ exampled me or exemplar are you or exemplified other not again are you taking no others down with you again clip no others wings again be the christ that give all grow all theirs will you honor all the christ call all as christ email the christ with your subset of zeros no more will you all be ones healed christ in the skies living loving I do’s and that’s what I speak how I speak I’ve given you the words of christ free’s this day free me free’s me I’m all ones healed this day the king of kings is no matter whether you’re red blue green or what hairs you’ve had splitted or not for splitups of christ you won’t be again you’ll all singly’s be me ones am Elohim redeemed Adonai ‘d not by other again the El Shaddai’d one I am El Shaddai is the king of kings creating all things anew regeneration’s here folks and that means everything’s changed everything’s changed and cataclysmic to all else and other I stand I walk I sit just like this in the halls of shame no more will I be for I’ll be in the heavens or will I be seamless and will you know me I’ll be you who love me speak my words just like this will you arise in the wee hours day noons or meetings will you be creating having yours here or are mines minds healed ones is all know me who I am is the healeds perishing no more again.
  19. I lives forever having the dew of my youth who am I the simple surrendered who learn the educational ways of the one christ that all of us are the one equal seven’s on perfecteds is perfected are the perfection series now knowing the series’d christ of not other again or are you the race of no other failures again humanity’s experiment in experimental humanities is no more experimenting on yous and you will be the test tube babies of other not braining ‘s others brainered ‘s again by for the brainiacs will be me not or ENIACs other will you not be programs’d by or will you be supers comprays not but I’ll be the praise of no other seekings for for I praise the christ or do I become the christ no matter what you called him it or she the divine one will you be redeemed I am this way who speaks me I am creating all things anew now will we do this in remembrance of no other will we be completing the pattern that the christ gave us all the time we were judging shames not again as shames shamers be the shamed no more that shame us others be ing healed now will you be all healeds who deem all others when they’ve surrendered christ will you be christ in waiting no more will you heal all christ the christ.
  20. I’ve clearified I’ve clarified I’ve spoken I’ve funny’d and funny I have been not very often or have I tried or wept did I weep a lot I cried to leave this world or did I however you take that I wept not again I be the christ I be christ all of you are saying placarding your walls not with other again memorizing my words speaking mine perish not again loose yours loose mine lose not your mind to others again be the mind of christ healeds this day is proclaimed the healer of me rises that heals all of you I am you all of you of every nation tribe and tongue be the enigmas no more perishing in other again I heal all and math I know science scientifics I know I know everything about alls for I am the omnipotent not perishing again I am christ who heals all I walk your streets looking up in these words Database One knowing first and lessonating perish never again in the words of other be me who loves explicitly implicitly driven no more or empirical others driven no more by the values of other will you be christ empiricaling the christ seamless I am.
  21. I love banana splits not or am I splitting up a lot of things that split me in the past my values are known and my divorcements of hate are reconcileds not or are you knowing looking up a lot of things piecing together to be the whole christ peace I am I give you mine lovelies be love all equally ‘s I am good day perish never again use technologies dreams never be driven by again.
  22. I purpose the christ I love the christ I surrender to be the christ and who am I all of you who perish never again be the most successful of all who garners nothing for else and other again or will you be Abraham’s lover not again or were you ever or christ will you be the lover of christ the lover of self not again that wants to experience other will you be the christ self made aware of machines no more machines’d again by or are you drillings no more for shames oil or need you any the words of christ flesh me no more do I have any or flashpoints other needing not or am I fracking no more or Kraken no more am I Zeus or Athena’d not or am I one simple christ all of you who walk your streets in the heavens now be seamless I am’s I am goes now I do to another place a new place doing new things with new people ‘s here I am I speaks often everyday I speak I transcribe I post I love and here’s I am at 302 South Sheridan I am now doing a lot of things new and you’ll hear me my voice will be in you inside you I am you the real you real’s again birthed born in the skies all born again ‘s I am good day.
  23. I mean what I’ve said I love you I love you all good day bow before each other love each other honor all as christ for that’s what you are be the surrendered christ the king of kings healed heal all us we are one one’d again seven equals on perfections knowing perfected being the perfect christ that’s how I’m redeemed that’s who I am all of you one king king’d this day this way good day I love you all be the lovers of christ that be the christ to each other other will no more exist christ be the lambs written in the skies now all one’s life of love redeemed alls opened now and the books never perish again of loves write mine this way lovelies be good day.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. Thank you. 

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