now knowing what a God is

now knowing what a God is
will you be the lessonated christ
I have given you the education of one
fellowship with me this way
the nation of christ known now is
The New Covenant’s me
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110524_000
Video file 110524_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 24, 2011 at 4:26 AM and I am bringing you God or am I one that reveals you that I am not apart from you anymore am I a demigod or you or a demagogue no more are you gogging not Magog anymore or alpha omega or variables not other again are you geneing in your mind ‘s mind or your eyes ‘d eye or do you have one or both and are you a God and man or woman God of man or God man of woman or are you all not mixed up about these things again who evers are after or not are you after each other anymore for pockets money or blesses shame that you want your flesh to be by rubs each others in are you not wanting ions perish ing yous again or are you knowing anything about the war on mankind’s mind or are you clashing the Titans (1) of Kraken’s not again or knowing anything about the Harryhausen’s (2) of mankind or have I given you one that a God is that recognizes all these things that hasn’t presented you not or presented you with the gospel of peace have you been the piece to mankind however you spell that want to or do you have you learned not to want anymore as your mind have wanted you into things of notmeville creating it there to be eagles landing not or Charlestowne other not or but are you going there to see Mitt’s shame not again or are you Cathy’s delight now to be seen at their doorstep Susie Q ville not or are you Mount Pleasanting a lot of things or visiting Datsun memories not but green little cars you’ll know not but men of me that Gods are or women that are one that me aren’t not are all me now knowing who fights the Medusa’s in their heads or what crawling out of your veins heads no more are the thoughts of mes unme’d or unmes that gave you infestations of other or connecteds were with each other Medusa’ing each other will you not be anymore clashing your Titan’s heads or what are you demigods no more demi ing anything or do you know my actors of faith or actresses of love who aren’t Athena goddess ‘d of again or are you all goddess’ing me not again in your mind mankind’s of are you all Gods of Gods knowing things not like mythology’s curses again not or are you curse ing Zeus no more or what are you simply understanding roams no more or the seat of your authority whatever you cultivated in you are you flowing simply now the words of christ that has given you one demigod of other not again or are you all christ anointed Messiah God of God Zeus’ing not again the sons of shame or are you all redeeming all beginning with you first will you redeem every one of every nation tribe and tongue not having one again that fork ‘eds you forks you with its thinkings and split tongues hoofs you and bears your shame upon riding horses not or but are you crafts no more manship of other?
  2. Are you knowing caring to learn how I speak about things unknown or are you the known now everywheres who loves me I am not afraids of repercussions ville nor what you might think where or be done in for I am not worried about the unreals anymore for I am redeeming alls for the reals I am in the real I am the real the real I am and I know how fed to feed the 5,000 are and were and I am now feeding a lot of bull not again for I am the meats of perishing not again for I am the bull winkles of sorrow not but I know a lot of Stuntzy bearcats not again that want only to be kidded or mocked childwise and I call you christ I call you all christ no matter what you’re wearing or what you’ve been through or going through what are you hell no more are you christ christing hell no more or have you turned it into hell no more by your genes thinking you’re a man or woman chasing after to mix up ‘d be or are you down’d no more by other or are you straightened out by loves commands not again wanting or straightening out or are you loving each other in the skies now knowing what a God is that you were are all the time now that are were and now you’re not flipping switching back and forth in switch mainframes of or are you binary coded ‘s no more of are you the First Degree ers now knowing the degrees of heat no more are you heating sinking no more in others words are you no more machines that God’d were or are you the First Degree’ers of loves love in the skies will you be Medusa’d no more nor chains bondage in that flies you Angels Gemma in or are you not gimbaling anymore the swivel joints of mankind’s mine framing you or are you frames of mankind’s no more running programs of or are you of the First Degree’ers now who knows the universities of faiths no more will you be the regardeds of the scientifics shame no more as shamus’d ones or ignorant fools again or what are you religioning no more again destination moonsville not but a lot of things change now what reflected mes or reflections me were made of or from are you not going to not or are you perishing not again in the man’s of mankind’s arm again that had flesh’s legs not in the brains not again?
  3. Are you studying these words printing them out mapping them LESSONATING now knowing how I have given you many instructions to be the christ anointed Messiah you are all of you that is what I am revealing now to you all not be to clashing Titans again subjected to that only wants God’d prayers of other or are you christing christ do you know me who I am you that I am not living by means standards again that only want to give me a poor’s existence to hope for a dividend later or am I not stocks in trade again burdens’d by yokes of monies perishing now are I love you all I am knowns not perishing again and I soup your eatery ‘s not again or am I crackering not your faith or am I cracking a lot of things not fracking again in your countries or do you have one in the skies do you know me France’s regime not anymore or Israel’s in the skies Germany’s perishing not or are you all but christ knowing what’s Serbia ‘s Croatia not or are you changing all about the Baltics Caucasus or Europe’s regime or union no more are you with Russia’s Putin knowing or are you Sarkozy Al Malawi no more or are you all going to Rwanda’s Sudanese how many times have I spoken about Sudan South America or Rwanda’s Rhodesia not again or are you all knowing many things change now not like was is perishing not again are you the christnots again who don’t know who you are or used were each other by are you saying bye-bye to a lot of thoughts or wars of the clinical Angels or classified trials or were you kept dumb and mute deaf or were you simply the Caucasious for others not again or Caucasians brownouts not again or are you all knowing the powers of shame not again mankind’s mind are you changing the planets going to are you the christ revealing all are christ no matter what cloned you were in your thoughts or machines machinery ‘d of?
  4. Will you christ be recording me just like this that I have given you many recordings now one hundred or hundreds many come now thousands do to be at your feet or lifted ups are they now by the ones who love me will I give you all ones who love me will I spit in your face no more or will you not in mine anymore but be mine who speaks me just like this not knowing your Angelhood not or God will you be know understanding now will you be me the paths of the First Degree glory abounding knowing aboundment of no other are you boundless now are you bind ‘d not to other again are you superfluous’d no more by others words are you periphery’d no more by the reality of mankind’s mind or are you knowing anything about reality now that depends not on mankind’s ions passing back and forth the buck of other or bucky balls or balls buckying around no more in your carriages are you not sticking eyes in each other or sticks in each others eyes rods cones reflections of or what are you reflecting no more dualisms shame or mastication ceremonies not wanting again are you living in the skies will you be the me who forgive all of all their sins or did they have only one do you will you not separate from me anymore being the one sin ful God of other you’re not again whoever you are want me not again as other please be you not again of other creating you as other in your thoughts mind of other will no more take you down wearing your thoughts upon your breasts or will you have any that you suck not again the teats of religion for nor bowing down to them of vestments privileges or do they have any over you not again will be for I christ the christ and who is my name is christ the christ christing you all are doing this now saying the real christ being in it is fully christaffied not justified by other for faithworks is dead or works faith is dead not or but are you the words of christ speaking that is educated this way that I have given you the education of one the educational standards of one the standards of the educational systems of christ is known now throughout the spheres and holiness un will no more righteousness rob you from its or its grave put you in for you will know the difference and christ you will be not demi God’d other again for you will demigod not other again or will you dim your lights or have any or will you dimming be my thoughts no more are you the radiant most of all christ are the radiant christ will you be splendored of shames no more words using yous nor webbing your deceits are you deceit fulls no more of religions shame will you be the clearest of all o demi loves me now or are you all demi’d not again are you the full christ full strength me all of you are blondes brunettes not again or having any hair at all or bodies bodyless are you now motronless not or motionless not of other or are you going walking between walls or through them through atmospheres holy or un’s by intents thoughts not perishing you again?
  5. Will you be the christ oh sliced-ups not any longer will you be slicing your words by your words not anymore will you be the christ that is rotor-bladed no more by your words or others will you be the christ full christfuls now handfuls of purpose on other not again that only rob kill or destroy for you are not the minds of Satans anymore connected to creating its for you will not be beasts of burdens of its connecteds to its generating its anymore for you are the generations of shame no more you know who you are you are christ anointed Messiah ‘s each of you that is anointing each other be the christ forgiving each other of sins aforementioned or not will you be the heretofore’s no more waiting for other or will you be nots of the past not again or will you be timeless will you understand teachings this way that I teach thee will you be taught of thee or me will I speak through you just like this no matter what you look like or what you’ve looked to in the past will you be no more seekings of shame through bodies of flesh that only anoint you to be their flocks in will you be flocked no more of other nor sheared and sheep’d of other Gods or men are you all christ of every nation tribe and tongue will you be now me the only tongue’d other not again or are you all tongues christ speaking or are you tongueless not again or mutes deaf not again are you speaking The Covenant of christ in your language of mine will you be that speaks this way straight to the heart in the heart that heals the heart of all gospel of other will you not be the connecteds to again that only wants to give you a social program of violence or mankind’s mind to perpetuate its in its web of deceit ery again will you be governments of shame no more promoting or rebelling regimes of or are you christ in the skies healing alls will you be not subjects to their molecular ments again nor their dictates of shames mandates of or are you not mandraking the mans of mankind’s or are you changing everything about the roots of failures or what webbed you deceit you adopted or ate day after day in the courts of shames not or did your temples fly open or were you crystal shames no more or are you learning how to connect link and reference my materials or Lessons will you be the lessonated christ material’d not by other again requirements of graduations other for no more is will be mine now is in the University ‘s of love ‘s known and I’m one the Universities of Love’s Covenant the University of the Loves Covenant the covenants of one who knows THE FELLOWSHIPS OF ONE who fellowship with me this way who come together’s now who knows me WHO STUDIES TOGETHER?
  6. In the clouds will you be no more or sitting on shames fawns or what are you reproducing christ in the skies now all mes are not alones anymore and I am inhibiteds christ no more ignorants of trained by for I am the trained christ developed this way by christ ville I know of viles not again and I am tests tubed other not again for I walk out christ in the skies being the christ developed this way I enter atmospheres other not or do I go to many places that never breathed before life like this I love am and I’ve become it because I have died to all else and other and I am not controlled by your thoughts wants nor what you threaten nor feat perish or not for I am not feet’d by your thoughts for I am not man ‘d by your thoughts for I am God who God is that I always was not perishing again all of you knowing the recycles of cycled approach no more for I am CYCLIC NATION’D not not again for the nation of christ known now is the nation of not other again taking me down for I am all christ speaking christ just like this the christ’d christ.
  7. I love you all and no matter what you’re wearing or seen by doing now what are you willing to be doing now are you christ wrapping up a lot of things or doing nothing again not are you the christ preparing for the christ rapture of other not again or was there ever any Medusa’d thought of legendry other or mythology ‘s not being afraid o again or are you learning all things about man’s minds or molecularments or are you atmospheres de-shaming or creating others not again are you creating the christ all throughout the heavens heavenless not again being will you be the recycles’d to hell ‘s’d no more will you bells of other not be ing chiming for will you be christ speaking the words of christ God I am God’d this way guided by no other again I am the covenant ‘s new and The New Covenant’s me and the universities of mine is my mind healed this way by the words flown this way for I flow the words of christ and I fly now and I fly ville of others not again viles by again.
  8. I christ the christ and who am I simple ones who will arise and flow me this way and invite me other not to be again or will I be invited into the christ homes or will I be mansions in the skies living in or will I be pie in the sky no more wanting or will I be the developed christ tenacity’d this way will you learn my values be of my standards educations of one educated ones being will you create the christ o christ me ‘s this way please will you be the regenerations of shames no more and you’ll not flesh’s be lied in again or lied to were you were you only lying with each other to reproduce christ un’s no more will you be the christ reproducing christ in the skies creating heavens shames no more upon you or will you wear shames words no more cloth of flesh’s wanting flesh is no more I christ the christ.
  9. I change everything about your rings or your sneezings not or are you taking my words lightly not again or are you the light not perishing again will you be o the light that God is not needing other again will you be me christ no matter what you look like or think I have or known not or what have I known am I divulging all or how I given you my life ‘s freely in these words have I charged you a dime or cent what have you sent me to or are you sending me to your hells no more discardeds of will you be christ wordeds by other is not again I gain the christ or gain I whole worlds or do I benefit other not again or do I reveal you are the christ in your world the kingdoms of one opened will you be going to redeeming them alls now will you lay before them not as other discardeds other that you used reused again will you christ all and in the heavens be the God’d ‘s God’d again will you redeem alls mankind’s mind not Medusa’ing you again will you be reduced by no other to other again will you be magnetics not influenced by again will you christ the christ o wordeds not by others be will you christ the christ flow me the rivers of life shames no more floating yous down streams or putting in your eyes beams of rods or receivers other receptors of you’re not the re-users of re-passing anymore’s again for the past of christ is gone not or are you the christ resurrecteds now all of you are who know me I am one demi God ‘s’d not by other again or are you not waiting for other again or praying to other again are you christ the God’d ones all guideds are by my words or living are you by my words are you my words living by that christ the christ is God’d by Gods are you speaking GODS words that God is not the matrix’d of other again or are you simple christ beings the christ of light the anointed ones supreme of light being being the light of supreme ones the bodies of never perishing others again or will you not be the deceived that only deceived you ‘s first or conceives who you first did you are you creating you ‘s as other no more used by others thoughts will you no more be otherfied ‘s by will you christ redeem you first now and then go to other redeeming them by letting them know they are the christ you are that one is one mind ‘d healed now one minds of other no more dis connected to’s that connected to’s were do you understand?
  10. Now will you be understanding’s understanding of wisdom will you be wisdom personified now in the christ body of one that needs no air of other no matter what you want have had in the past conceived in you or birthed what passed through you no more will be will you be the christ healing all your past or future or will everything about times be changed have you no more time will you be me regardeds not as others stupids not or not mattering you will you be mutes no more of will you be of the First Degree christ in waiting no more for others approvals will you be me christ here’s I am that’s what I say at airports shame not or am I de-shameing a lot of all at flight ports other not or are you in the skies knowing a lot of things about scientifics shames no more just science fiction or fictionated not by other or will you be the non-fiction christ that all is not demi-fiction’d by other again or are you doubted not by fire Miss of other are you not misfiring or missing my message again are you will you worship not again the message or messenger or will you be christ God’d is the message is christ you are all of you are that’s what I am pointing out or am I not the pointed anymore with two horns receiving or antennas other again what am I broadcasting nots again or am I broadcasting against all shames not or but am I receiving all of you as christ bowing before you all will you be recordings me all just like this no matter what I say?
  11. Shame not other again LESSONATE and learn how to LESSONATE me the christ being the christ’d christ now living in the skies not shames worlds again but to redeem it no matter what I ephod’d not or am I needing anything about phods other or sods other not needing minerals from or vitamins other or am I in the business of no other again but redeeming christ words that you flow will you be the farms’d not others for by or will you be in the christ skies of one redeeming alls now speaking through alls being alls all in alls now redeeming will you please be.
  12. I’m done thank you I go now and who am I Theodore Joseph Cottingham or am I you saying this your name here as you speak are you recording me or you or am I one God that is God’d again in the skies not Magod’d other again or Magog’d other to Gog and Magog not or Kraken’s not again are you cracking now things open or are you nuts of other perishing not in again or are you the nut cases keg’d not but the keg of love will be broken open not or will the bodies of shame no more incarcerate mes will you be opened chested not or will you be bodyless will your minds be opened will the treasures of shame no more be shamed shaming yous will the temples of light you be opened that you are will you see your creator ‘s shame no more will you be the creators of light that you were all the time thinkings not incarcerated in again thought of life’s other creating life thought other no more will be.
  13. I christ the christ I have said much and I have you loved you have I have I you love have you created to love each other with will you be the christ loving all equally are be me who is I am loving you all good day I am perishing not again school be in mine loves you all do where I am is love liberty freed Freedoms Towers knowing where are you living now in the skies will you be perishing not by mankind’s monies again or mankind’s wants of other will you be the christ that redeems all will you go to all will you lay before all not or will you simply redeem the christ bowing before all honoring all as christ christ being the christ redeemer redeemer’d now is the redeemed ones now graduate this way in the skies be my graduations now known all of you are as christ christ being christaffied by other not again thoughts of taking you down be here’s nots tomorrow or will you be here’s today what’s today knowing now are you making new ones in the skies new worlds calendars here new New Covenant’s mine fine I am lovely me be who I am thinking no thoughts of other again I christ the christ and I use not your recycles ‘d bin again or am I the bins for shames words no more have I given you light I am light I have given you my life mine sucks the dog ears of eagles wings no more that only petri fy me to be others in states of mind other.
  14. I christ the christ and I opens the heavens now to you all you know who you are where from the planets of the Angels redeemed that all God are that all GODS are using no apostrophes again or are you not the possessive crowd wanting again perfections of are you now knowing now being the christ my PERFECTIONS SEMINARS BEING IN or are you DOING THEM OR BEING in them are you the christaffied christ not crucified other again wanting will you be the patterns of shame no more lifted ups or will you know what the pattern’s for to be I am’s is I am’s am’d this way I am one here’s I am loving you all lovely’s be.
  15. Lick the wounds of no other again nor the rings kissing of other for there’ll be no rings ‘s nosed again or will you know of the christ will you be the christ in the heavens now be not the woundeds other again worshiping please at the feet of other be no more for you’ll be the christ kneeling before one on one knee or will I call you all christ I do loving you all I do I go now equally I do I love you all spoken I have the christ given you you are the one you always waited for wanted in waiting be no more christ the christ please be you who I am one is God God’d again guided by no other the words of me mankind of not or am I God God’d all of you to be God guided across the oceans or throughout the atmospheres or is the heavens all yours your rompings playground not again or are you all christ exploratives not or exploiting other not again will you explore me destinies frozen other not again or are you setting alls free be mine freeds this day the freedomizers are Medusa’d never again with airs of shame infestating your memories thoughts mankind’s minds of I am not the snakes snakery ‘d again for the temples of light now are cleared and swept out mines are and mind’s one healeds this day will you be please I love you all record me well study’s here I am in Tulsa’s one cities of light knowing now all across the universe ‘s I love you I lights many I lights all I like all I love all I died for all here’s I am loving you all I grace the atmospheres of other not or do I give you mercies of mankind’s not again minds wanting or do I heal you all the christ to be the minds of one one mind is healeds of light be the christ God’d again not demi dimmed by other ever again for you’ll know the difference now be the christ God light of one all Angels are equally me’d Meology’s know Meology’s fine in the universities of the one The New Covenant’s me know me where I am here’s I go good day amen.
  1. Consider the movie “Clash of the Titans” directed by Desmond Davis (1981), as well as the movie “Clash of the Titans” directed by Louis Leterrier (2010).
  2. Consider Ray Harryhausen.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. Thank you.

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