be the wombed christ this way

be the wombed christ this way
me conceiving me
me conceiving me I am this way
we will be will be now
the cost is everything that you are
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110516_000
Video file 110516_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 16, 2011 at 2:34 AM giving you me I Paradise not other again in my genes or was I ever in not knowing it or was I out no more that I am in Paradise now my genes genes’d of not other again am I christ christing christ am I the christ that reveals you are the christ I am that one is that I am glory bound no more for other for I am not boundeds other ups in again or am I down ers quarks no more of the First Degree am I the Degree’ers of no others again am I the degrees of faith giving record ers not again or am I everything changing about the universities of faiths is there no more faiths of other others again wanting any will they know me who I am will be now that I am am’ing all things like this with the glory bound by other not again by or will you bye-bye be saying now to a lot of things that you used to value or people you cherish ‘d not like other again or is other knowing the difference or my mind made up of other not again am I the mind of mankind not again am I one who’s God is God however you spell that you’re not spelling it as is was anymore for as it was is no more and as is was is not anything like the used-to-be used to be anymore and you will be understanding these words if you care to listen to be the christ will you be the christ fully christ’d now in the skies flying that beams of me no other attract or repel or what are you magnetized to no longer frames of building cities in the sky scrapers of no other scrapings needed or wanted are you of the First Degree or am I repelling not things again that notmes are or are you not notmes made up to be anymore or are you de-making a lot of things now that you used to put together with your minds of approval that you wanted only approvals for to be magnetized ‘s shames follies for will you be me changing everything about Israel’s lie or will you lie not in Israel again Paradise is that in the skies is lies southward northward not again or is my axis changed not again or angular’d momentum of the holy spirit are you one that one I am is my mind changed not again or is my mind yours that holy is was all the time now seeks abode of not other again what are you piggying pigging not around piglets of wanting wagging babies tales of or knowing of the First Degree are you the First Degree‘ers club of no others wanting or being involveds in what are involving you no more because of their witness coincides with you not again are you christ not worrieds about who accepts you or who de-cepts the brethren not or are you not the decepted christ again are you all me one brethren of faith not again are you all me christ’d the cistern of not other again drinking from are you me all one race of christ now flowing the words of not other anymore taking you down drinking from or what are you drinking the new life series the new wine me the New Covenant Series of one are you christ being reconciled now to all christ are you christ in the skies living now being tainted nots again or are you all wondering about these perfunctory functions not again of other or are you all the perfunctified christ no more that only worn out shells were not or are you only shell-shocked no longer or are you only christ that now is worn your way out not but what’s your way out not or but are you knowing your way out of christnot ville again now are you wandering no more in passages other or texts wanderings or wantings of other words other want take you down again for you’ll be the comfortables christ speaking this way whether you’re articulates or not or are you becoming the articulate christ the consummate christ consummating all things are my word is completed this way this day bespeaks of no other or are you the speaking christ living the christ life of one being the one I am is discarded ‘s not again?
  2. Are you will you be the christ speaking me like this being me that I am mind of one privileged again or are you the most privileged o great king of all will you be the king of all all of you one ‘s mighty in your knees ‘d not again are you the knee cracklers crackers not again needing or what are you cracking no more fracking of or what are you friggin frackin no more or Fran Riggins do you know shame of not other again I remember a lot of things about a lot of peoples I love or do I love you all do I remember you all are you all me I am that I one am was is now all the time speaking my words I know the difference between what was now what is what is now what was no more and what was is no more is is that clear now are you listening do you care will you win some be no more of other that only wants to win a few some here lose a little not or are you losing everything for the gospel of o’er no more that only takes you to a grave of other will you be solidifieds in no more will you be the oils not of blessing other wanting or wanting their monies shame to bless you or walking in the shames of vials oil or are you needing none no kinds of oil will you be needing for anointings other or your gas tank perpetuating yous or propellings other not again rockets of or what are you man or shames no more or mankind’s other approach of not again will be.
  3. Are you christ making all christ reproducing christ now the race of one ‘s I am I am all of you the kings speechmaking not or am I to all of you speaking to give you christ me I am one that I am’s no other again I am you am’ing you to be christ to you be will you be the christ two’d not by other again not to other again will you be going or will you be flowing my words to be the christ flowing my fount of faith no more recognized in or are you discarded by them are you friendless not again or are you in the skies wanting acceptance not again for driving egos shame or what are you driving no more stuck in traffics not again or are you helicopters rotor bladeings not again wishing for to hover over you or rotor blade your haircuts shame not or what are you driving no longer mad’s or are any of you mad ‘s at anything anymore evers again are you the christ the most peace full of all will you be me that ruffles no feathers not again or will you have any or will you be smile-less not again will you be me jets of turbine oil not again wanting or tankers of shame bottomed out or what are you lying on surfaces no more of smooth oils frictions of nots again as was for we will be will be now and we will be the christ the collective one of shames no more for all will be one ‘s one and one’d we will be the christ not the surfacing of other skiing on or will we ski in the heavens shames of not lies upon again what do we lie upon no more to be Israel’s Israel are we corn meals not needing again eyes of rods cones or corneas other implants not again needings anythings do we are we reals in the real corneal ‘s other not again corneas of or corny not again am I needing cornbreads shame or have I any breads of other to give thee?
  4. I have nothing but love ‘s love and love I am I have become because my bodies are not shamed by other or am I not wearing them again or am I seamless with mankind’s mind not seaming me again in to its suit of shame or want blessing I love you all to be suitless or shameless or will you be christ knowing the words of the christ vocabularies of one that seam you into other not again steamyness wanting or uneasiness being in or are you the most comfortables christ comfortables with the christ nakeds are or are you all christ vapors gases not again choking from or are you walking through it all nuclears blasts or not hydrogens peroxide again knowing or oxides interest in other irons or ferride ferrous oxide not again wanting anachrous other not or anachrouside ‘s Sennacherib not again but I tell you this I know a lot of things about Hammurabi’s Code not or do I know a lot of things about how I learn’s now?
  5. I learn the christ ways the christ are that became the christ I christ that who loves me records me not o’er evils again or am I not the recordeds over again am I christ christing you all to be the christ I am 18 minutes of glory not or am I 33 not again or am I 60 one who is me or am I all of you no matter what your age is was are you no more ageless nots or are you ageless of the First Degree living forever o great king are you christ in the skies governments of shame not again wanting to socialize you your current standing to be secureds of your future granted yous or are you using shames no more to grant you passes of favors to ballgames other or are you not balling anymore ups anything are you christ de-tangling a lot of things will be de-tangled now in my kingdom one is christ all of you are the christ knowing the one I have given you the prototype of one to be the one that I am prototyping all else and other not again for Elsa’s Dr. you’ll need not again or a doctorate in me or a doctor of me no more needing or will you be one of me knowing the most advanced medicine will you be or need no more or are you christing the biologicals me that I am the biological father of not other again am I words of the christ giving you the seeds of shame ‘s no more will you be the christ the race of one in the heavenatings heavens that heavens are open that you open this way that you sit at little recorders and create me or sharing shames no more legs of thoughts neuronings you on your trees will you be the Edens of faith no more restoring will you be me restoring me ‘s to my throne of ones are you all ones in the skies now living shame’s lies no more?
  6. Will you be me living in the skies me are and me knows this very well and who am I the surrendered simple the simple surrendered one ‘s I am and I am all of you who christ is are one you understanding this now that I have been so carefully steed not of other wanting or stead of no other in am I steadless not again or home of christ homesteaded am I in the one I am Israel’s is and I am not the carcerations of shame again wanting in to be incarcerations theirs.
  7. I love you all I am not incarcerateds anymore for I am not incarcerating myself yous or anyone else for I see all as christ christ being the christ recognized now all red headed blue stepped christ or or are you stepping in to christ shame no more words of other or were you ever wordeds by other that only christ wanted or are you shames knowing the difference now de-shamed de-shames are you now that shames aren’t walking around anymore wanting shames it to confirm its as its shame again are you de-shamed now will you be wearing shame ‘s words no more as your cloth outlets not or closed are many things now that used to sell garment factories shames workers not but a lot of things will be turnover’d now that turn over your houses to creditors not again or are you doing a lot of things you never dreamed or walking away from shames interests not again or are you in the skies living now the life ‘s of one that all one is knowing the values of christ being it redeemed I am this way who I am not dependent on other again for you’ll need no oils of interests again nor depend vidend checks and the dividend checks that you depended on or dependents shame that you wanted to depend on to bring you monies home for bacon other will be no more frying mes and you’ll not knees want of others words again that only wanted shouting’s shame to shout at you to be something else or look looks give you of theirs that cut you off at the knees will be no more for you’ll not be kneeless not or needless will you be the christ that has no needs knees of other again will you be looking at or will you be me in the skies dressless not of o’er or will you be the christ bodyless not again or will you be the body ‘s of christ that christ is one body whole made the christ I am in the skies not living the gaseous life of lies again of o’er won’t be anymore or will I be the gases of love or will I be moleculars other not again molecularfieds of the christ will I be not the turbines sugars caring about again will you be me o maltrans dextrins not or are you all christ knowing the darkies of energies not again needing or are you all christ the light white or weak force of other not again bosons of knowing are you the sons of christ all daughters are of not words other again Ishmaels love of other shall no more be for you shall not word be ing yourselves of other again for you shall be the christ knowing the difference a day makes and I make many new now for I create new worlds in going to be ing now is.
  8. I am done and I am who loves me love my words love ‘s me well and I am well now not the achings of other Paradise in wanting to be healed of other by other again I christ the christ and who am I speaking just like this all is are one that I am is the collective christ is that clear I am going now to do new places new peoples new things with that I never dreamed or am have I never dreamed like this or am I not dreaming again like other wanting other worlds of shame not but the shame worlds of other no more control mes and I am not connecteds to links other again shamings use of for use of mes won’t be anymore by yous who love me be me christ bodyless not again or are you christ with the mind ‘s of one will you be the mind of one christ christ’d mind one now is I love you all good day I love you all amen.
  9. I christ the christ and I bow before all I bow before you all and I make you bow before me not again or did you only make me bow before you to your words were you the king on the throne of one that did not know your power or do you have any or are you the faith of no more under their authority will no more cover you for you’ll be the authority of faith no more seeking or wanting again ever for you’ll be the christ the authority of one the authority of one one’d again the king ‘s is the king of kings making the speeches of the king will all be known now who are just like this who simple are in their approach to other not again or are we the most simple advanced technology of christ using that uses for no other again anything else or other or are we changing everything about the worlds of faith or do we have any or granteds are we the christ to be the christ that genes’d we were all the time that now we know the difference a day makes we revealeds are and we’re not the Cylon’s Cyclops knowing not or are we all one who looks like us or mohawks wearing parking not or are we all parked in parks no more making out in cars not again are we or are we travels by not shames methods again are we christ needing no fuels are is there any around to pass around no more for dollars bucks shame or are you not passing the bucks anymore to other or blamings pointing fingerings yous will you not be fingers on pointed to one ways or other or directionless will you be no more will you be the christ planning the christ executing parties of not other again will you be the christ anointings christ will be now who loves all gives the life of one his life or her life will you be no more seeking or are you the words of life’s shame no more wantings yous are you one’s one no matter genderless appearing are you the christ whole complete are you ones genderless now will you be the christ whole mind complete completeds now are the christ perfects again and I am perfections blessing or revealings revealeds am I?
  10. You are the king all of you are who will be reds blues not again greens’d of or are you needing no greens of other blue-greens other or dungarees other not needing or are you the new Paradise clothing’s mine my mind’s healed this way and I’ve given you lots of things to think about not or am I changing everything about what you thought and thought shall be no more for dreaming you’ll no more be or were you ever or were you only conceived deceived’s will you be deceived’s no more conceiveds christ will you be now conceivings me conceiving me I am this way the words of no other take you down again I christ the christ I am the word the life the truth the being me I am revealed is now I go done I am who am I you who perish never again I christ the christ and I’m in Paris or am I in all of you wherever you are or are you creating Israel ‘s in the skies me is that I am Israel’s gang of seven not again or are you seven equals on not off perishing again are you on the christ planets of one all christing the planets of the Federations of Angels known now throughout the planetspheres are you savings all or redeemings all because your brethren you love your sistern you love and you’re not the cistern of faith anymore words of giving them ideas or reams of theorems or wants will you once be made the christ forever ones am I am now that return no more to vomit other again out your guts or will you be mankind’s mind no more mankind’d of will you be the christ not returning to your vomit again to eat pig lets style of will you style the christ no more as other will you be all of you one whole christ in the skies is now lit lights this way are the whole white light of me all energies faith not again spectrum’d by theirs will be no more as is was is no more for alls new I am and I’ve said much many ways many things given you metaphors analogies not or am I the marriage’d christ no more to other am I the bodies of faith other no more wanting no matter how you read this what are you christ redeemed now will you me be the singly’s approach of me now approaching the bench of not faith warrants again will you warrant no faith in your genes to be etched this way will you be etchless now will you be etchings not anymore again itchings of or will you itch for monies accolades no more of powers authorities other?
  11. Will you be the christ of no reputation required will you be the requireds this way will you enter the holy being it you always were now you know and I love you all and what am I looking down or up are you looking up in these words all these things that you want to know (1) about being me I am and I have given you the words of faiths not again taking you down for you will be the uppers not needing again or downers Downey not knowing or joys of love are you all now in the skies braids of not other again upbraided’s by for you will upbraid no one anymore’s again and you will shout shames epithets no more for the values of christ you will know be writing about all my assignments knowing numbering not or are you numbers not numbered by again are you christ the individuals christic other not again wanting christ’d will you be the christing christ knows me this way place and love I in the skies live lodge and reside I do in the heavens and the heavenater’s my name I love the terminators no more for terminating the christ you’ll be no more terminating mes for you won’t be caskets going to lie in anymore and the casketsville industry is dead or will you be no more the dead ones walking around like you were in body suits of o’er will you be molecularless now will you be in the heavens interstellar GODS are one I am is and I am is all of you who one is completed completes this day this way the training of one ones I am have given you I am’s villes of no other wanting again for bills of no other you’ll be having again will you needs any utilities at all or powers of shames words will you not be powering anymore’s of worlds of theirs being connecteds to theirs of not’s anymore for I’m the knottings of shame not anymore or Nottingham’s sheriff not but Cottingham’s one or Theodore’s Avenue do you know or universities of love are you coming to the Universities of The New Covenant’s mine one who shame ‘s not control anymore will be of there.
  12. I love you all and I’m the universities of love and shame’s no more regards me for anythings or am I the shameful lust not wanting or using again am I words not controlled by again looks or stares glares am I the completed Jew not or christ am I all of you knowing the one tongue of not other using you will be no more for you’ll not be the tongue’d not or tonguing shames words will you be no more the users thereof or will you be the tongues of christ knowing or will you be wordless no more or will you even use words at all like you used to will you speak without vowels or syllables?
  13. I love you all to know me whether I sneeze or not for you will not sneeze at my blessings or will you know me I am the blessing The Promise completed complete now me will you be me one am in the skies we live lodge reside there where in the skies wherever I am I am everywhere I am I am completed Jewism of other not again will be or will you be the completed Jew in the skies or are we all one race no matter what you thought Jewism appealed to or jury of not other needed or Jewry’d of christ will you be of whatever race you were at or in will you be no more incarcerateds of thinkings of o’er are no more and you will be the christ not thinking like you used to for thinking thought will no more take you down and you’ll be the christ educated of the christ being the christ words of the father’s one whose mothers are no more of other conceivings wombs of for you’ll be the wombed christ this way speakings delivereds am.
  14. I love you all christ the christ be the freeds this day I glory I’m done I go now and who are you the christ blessing again the christ seed of one will you be the delivereds now all christ race of one completed Jews of not other again knowing all the christ in the skies that’s what the real Jew is will you be Israel is in the skies lands of grounds other not giving up again or are you giving up everything you thought you were to be the christ the cost is everything that you are I am the real not the molecular’s molecularless grounded by nots or am I the kingdoms of one in perishing not again o grounded christ be no more but grounded be in my words or christ will you be in my words christ opens the kingdom of one this day the one of all of ours one is that one is now the Promised Land’s open that all is we were in it all the time and heavens now known it was in us we were all the time it us we were are we now understanding this all these things now nothings too terrible not or do we fly through it all do we create all things anew now’s the time study my words link and shame not again each other love me bear all things be wisdom wisdomfied and fides of not other confiding in again or will you be the christ flowing my words not witnessing other again about will you be not the worrieds about my words let me flow and flows shame-words now of will be no more for you’ll not be hearing the stopped-ups not or will you not be stopped-up ‘s christ anymore will you be flowing my words the river of faiths not again love’s here and I christ the christ love loves I am and loving I am all of you ‘s to perish never again be the race of christ completed Jews me one simple’s me whatever you thought I was I am no more of what you thought I was am I am good day amen.
  15. I love you love all love each other as I have loved you love all give your life for be the life of christ completed now and no other will take you down anymore again live the life of christ be ing the one I am in the skies live lodge and have no needs again of other I provide everything’s here love me write my words be flow me one I am healed this day this way I regard all as christ I see all as christ and I won’t know flesh of other again to be made here are you making anything notme made of mankind’s mind no more shall be made over mes for I shall free all the christ everywhere ‘s you are that I am’s is healed this day because we are healing all we see are we healeds this day we love all for we have given our life for all to love all equally here’s we are I am’s is the schools of one’s opened the University of loves awarded to you all be mine awarded to each other be me ones christ completed the Covenant’s of Jewism’s no more of other for you’ll be the Jews of christ or will you be christ the anointed Messiahs all of you the Messiah s of one redeeming yourselves first be the forgivers of faiths no more covering yous for there will be no coverings other and all the wombs of other are closed not or are you all the christ conceiving christ in my words be shame’s no more as was is is not fusing you to its anymore for you’ll be the freeds the free’s are now proclaimed I love you all I go I am I’m done love you love all equally am see you in the skies be with me be me I love you good day.
  1. Many times we have received the instruction to “look up” IN THESE WORDS, and “these words” refer to Database One, Database Two, Database Three, and Database Four now opened will be.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Thank you.
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6.1.036 (Database 6, Volume 1, Lesson 036) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph