the commandment of love

the commandment of love
be the flowing word
expect all things anew
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110515_000
Video file 110515000v
  1. This is theodore joseph cottingham at 3 AM May 15, 2011 and I give you me in many new ways now that I do new things with peoples you will be hearing about now that will do new things with me it’s over for all else and sorrow will no more rule in our hearts for we will not be the sorrowables sorroweers again and we will know the difference a day makes for I will be speaking to nations not or will I be to all of you speaking nations into existence that you are leaders thereof the leaders thereof becoming me I am this way that I am me who I am is knowing these things mighty make my appearance not of other again as other I won’t be other’d by for you will not expect me to be me or will you know me who I am I study here’s I am diligent I have been for years many?
  2. I love you to know me who love is has become love that I died to all else and other to receive become the behold enment of me I am the one I am not regarded by failures again as an establishment of establishmentarianism not or are you the establishmentarianisms no more of other or de-establishing a lot of things am I severing a lot of things from what used to be so securely interesteds in are you speaking me am I to nations now that constitute others not again of are you Israel ‘s in the skies knowing am’s I am I am ‘s oils not of other needing for I’m the Straight of Hormuz closed not or am I the rock of Gibraltar’s going by no more or am I all of you the Suez Canal not existent or am I Israel in the skies knowing all these things I am the perpetuater of not others again for I know who Hillary Clinton rings the bells for not or tolls the bells of other not again are you the toller of not others words in your genes will you not be the teller or tolder of others words or will you know the difference what are you banking on or off is a lot of things closed off-line are you not online of perishables anymore that only wants to make a nakeds interest of negaters other not but I am not the gators of perishing southerns again am I are you ones who knows understands these things now will you be caring to listen to my words not nakeds again in your thought ‘s chambers of horrors not being again incarcerateds to earths a’mighty or not or are you knowing the difference gravitational balls make or are you not balled by that other that only wants you to be an incarcerateds atmosphere breathing or knowing the difference do you know or do you care to know will you be the christ now knowing are you the christ knowing these things that speaks my words just like this comfortables are becoming not the actors of other on screens mighty are you lifting my skirts not again to show legs frozen or intertwined flesh of wants’ wants won’t be anymore for the wanter is dead or is my ego appearing no more are you on screens mighty as such are you me or how do you read or study now know ing these things do you will you perish not again in your needs of other or do you have any?
  3. Will you have the need of no other again will you be the neatest of all neatniks other not or are you the Commandments perishing not or are you the commandment of love ‘s commander ‘s of one that ships off fleets to not others again are you the sirens call of no others witness to you sirening you again or are you Cyrene of Crete not or are you Maccabees many knowing or wanting to know about civilizations Atlantis ing not or are you going to a routes new many places that many have known befores or are you all news about noosed no more are you the new’s are me and whether you perish my thoughts or not you can’t or how do you read what you can’t be me not or can you be me who I am was all the time knowing but ignorantless now you shall be because you christ the christ you first in you first will you be the christ first’d first firsting all firsts now will you be the boomers other not again or Sumer’s mighty do you know or Sooners mighty are you becoming mighty now are speaking my words just like this extemporaneously throughout the days and nights and you are not the others knighted by or knights of the round tables not or are you the tables of one at me being me who I am the table of one taught this way at I am speaking I am this way who I am is knowing these things torture ers others not again for you will not be torturing torching your brethren in words other or are you the sistern a’mighty who’s the cistern of no others words again are you the reservoirs aplenty now that creates all anew that needs no want ing reservoir again of want words to fill your bins of minds’ want?
  4. I love you all to know how to dictate to me not again for I will not be two wantings again enmity’d of and I will not be wanters of the thrones of one that only want one being two tude again for I will be the one ‘d one one’d I am and not won by failures methods again for I’ll be the christ knowing these things how to speak and listen in telligently will I become the christ whose the intelligence of one is developed this way will I be educating miracle makers will you be the miracle educators of not other again are you listening are you writing understanding are you because you have become it will you contractionless be now not contracting to have babies of other come through you words of that you’ve redeemed not or are you redeeming my words this way that I am the word s of not failures again will you be knowings mine witnesses of horror not again but to redeem it all being the comfortables of christ christ being the christ comfortables with not sorrow again for you will be redeeming it all changing everything.
  5. All is now changing in your worlds or mine being the same mind one of will you be creating now the worlds of not other again going to me being me be coming me I am that I am here I am speaking this way that ways no other again in my genes for I will be christ not way-gene’d by other again and gene’d way other I’ll know not again or will I change everything about the ways things have parished in the pasts or will you parishment of other not be again ensconced in words of o’er the past being ensconced in you will not be anymore for you will be the news not noosed’s again and you will know how to speak my words articulately being the articulate of christ christ being the articulate christ of educated educated ones now coming about that come about me are the way ‘s I am and I am the way truth and light of no other shall behold me or shall I hold no other in my genes again nor incarcerate use of other will I used of no other be will I use not genes-other in my words or will my words not gene me again to be others used by will I change the christ or complete the christ into me being me the seed I was all the time that developed are now that I am is revealing to all of you are me the army of one or am I simple little old grandmas not or grandpas fly rod not needing again am I fishing for words complements no more or am I bodies of faith no more between my legs or word ‘ds fork’ed tongues or what are you fork’ed tongues no more of?
  6. The First Degree I will know and be the first’d first of that I have given you the prototype of one I go now I love have loved you and I’ve given you the way love perish not again love your brethren all of you no matter what you have thought you were or color made you separates or not for you will not see color the same and you will not see things as the same as you were or thought incarcerated in your memories genes chambers or will you not be chamber maids of other needing pots or smokings on the thrones of other being thrown’d away no more will you be the discardeds no more?
  7. Will you know christ all of you no matter what you think you’re living in a lie will you be no more of other will you be me who incarcerates my words no more in you will you be the christ flowering now or bushing mighty not or are you trees of oak righteousness not or are you heavens heavenatings now the flora and fauna of christ are you new worlds making in you are you the christ making new all news is will you be the studiers of me christ being not the ignorant s again will you be me studying my ways free flowing the christ words prophecy of not other again incarcerating yous by offices other that you deemed important or not or vestments of cloth wanting or authorities’ words over you or under you to bless you or cause you to make monies in that office will you be the offices of not officers’ clubs again going to wanting bodies of faith authoritizing you to do anything or be authorities’ authority-ladened again will you bins not be in again thrown away discards of will you be the christ kingdoms of one opened this day in the skies not needing monies or accolades of interests other that propels you into violence being the most peaceful of all am I peace that surpasses all am I riveting not other again to my genes in my genes am I free by words that give me freedoms freedomers are coming forth this way that I have given you sing songs other not again for you will not be the tudes of the following but you will be the Parisians not or the Muscovites not or will you be all of me the Druze not perishing again or are all of you Islam’s Indiana not or are you Jones y Jones or are you Harrison’s Ford Arkansas not or Tulsa’s channel of life knowing are you me who am the ones that give you am’s life of one?
  8. Back again are you the christ without backings of failures again cardings your cardigans not or are you needing ‘s no sweaters of shames on your words are you sweats perishing in again no more exercises of failure will you be the christ never leaving again will you be the heavens heavenating in will you be the redeemers of all looking just like me will you be you who is one king of kings being revealed now is the news and I am the channels of faith on not again looking for a future hope of other to replicate me not or am I the replicators dream no more dreams’d of am I christ all of you Winston Churchill’s not or am I the storm that brews or am I in the eye of loves one that beholds me who I am you s are not used by other again for commerces failure nor money ‘s shame of economics M1 M2 or velocity’s interests other are you not knowing the bullets speeding of anymore by your words or triggers shame happy’s not or are you Mr. Ed’s no more famous or are you Andy’s of Parisians Paris no more are you France’s charm not going to or are you all knowing my wines of life in at the tables of one I behold garnerers other not again for I am speaking recitations not again nor reading words of o’er to begot begottens of for I will be christ extemporaneously speaking just like this for I know the difference a day makes and I have made many new in my words now perishing not again eternal living forever o great christ will you be who you are I am is knowing all these things news is and I’m the channel makers of sorrow not again for I hear frequencies southern not or northern’d not again am I in the genes of other or am I all of you frequency-less no more or are you knowing my movies (1) or duplicity’s (2) perishing not or are you the storms of change not again knowing or but Wouk’s work ‘s not (3) but the directors of shame you’ll be no more for directing you’ll be my movies directly concretely of other no more for you’ll be universals perishing not again or paramounts importance not or warnering brothers not of shame again I tell you this I am not the cigar smokers of Cuba’s Cuban perishing again or am I all of you the wine of new life flowing like this who at the tables of one learn how to speak be the christ speaking being the christ develop the intelligence of one the mind of christ being healed this way will you be one me that I am perishes not again oh weak be no more for you will be the strong force of one not again you will be the weak surrendered not or will you the 70th be in now the 70th one me one I am completed are this way I am the christ you are that one is I am speaking the words of no others shall take us down again for we shall be the collective christ or shall we be one that always was that we didn’t know our way was christ through christ becoming christ I are one am I you that knows these words listening speaking are you how interpreting these things are you or reading thusly?
  9. Grizzlies not being in again mouths chomped up by for you will chompers no more need or will you not chomped-ups be outs spits by other not again or are you gardeners of shame no more gardening the tombs of christ or are you Eden’s folly no more of wanting other historical other will be no more for you’ll understand the images of shame no more by folly’s words methods of o’er are no more follying follyable izing yous and you will be the follyables no more for the foibles of christ you will know not or will you be looking up all these words to know my vocabularies of christ in your languages of imported to’s not again or translations mighty are you making now are me in the skies being translateds transmutateds no more or mutes are you no more perishings of are you christ the speaking christ now all of you are of every nation tribe and tongue and tongues other won’t take you down again for you’ll know the difference and you’ll be the comfortables christ are that one is collective bargaining not again in needing wanting or recommending not or are you the christ surrendering all in the heavens to be the king of kings not needing moleculars garnishment again or are you all perishing not again in the garnishment of mankind’s mind by planets other or regimes exileds others not again being or do you know me Australia’s perishment not again or UK’s interest in Gibraltar’s going bye-bye’s not but I tell you this a lot of things changes the Straits of me not again or will I be bent tudes of failures not again or will I be the right-angles no more?
  10. Will I be the christ you are the christ knowing you are the christ being reconciled to shames no more for the glory of the cross is to be one not reconciled to other again in words creeds doctrines of words of other o’er you will no more be worn in your crown or will you have one the words of life being knowing are you the recitations of other not again creed ing you will you be the Creek Indians no more or will you know all of me without a paddle not or will you be paddled no more will you be lifeless no more will you be wordless no more will you be kingdomless no more will you be on your throne the one I am the kingdom of one opened ruling and reigning in the skies where you have given your life for all you rule or die for will you be those who die for you no more of other will you put to the plow and look hand back no more or what am I saying referencing to the new Israel being going to it I am and I create miracles not or do I am I the one you are that studies this way will you be at the table of one I garnishment shames no more to be others wordeds by and the vocabularies of other no more garnish mes and I will be the yokes broken not or will I be breaking the yokes of shame that wordeds yous and enslaved yous and slaves made you of their words?
  11. Wants of others won’t be wantings used by again and you’ll know the christ or be the christ all of you are knowing now and Islam’s perishing not or are you not perishing me again in your Christianese or Hindu wants or Gods of other pantheons not or panting after other will no more be again will you not pant after others words Arthur’s will you be (4) or authors at the round tables or the tables of one will you be me speaking just like this me giving you the words perishing not again o great eternal christ are you all my words are my worders are flowing just like this not the warts of other perishing or are you healing a lot of eyes on the christ to be eyes’d of other not again ides of other march knowing not or are you all christ mes right now are writing my words studying the shames of not other being again incarcerated to ‘s.
  12. I love you all and I’ve said much at 31 frames first second or F PS are you knowing not or CPS other not or carfaxitude of other not needing again are you the crafts of shame no more craftsmanship of are you the craftsmen of Paradise Masonic’s other not again or are you the masons building tudes of other not again or are you christ all christsmanship of the First Degree craftsmanship of not other again knowing or are all of you the most excellent of all diligent in all things knowing the christ are you perishing not again in your genes mine are living forever eternal christ in the heavens be the raptured not with other again be me rapturing you first enraptured not with other activities again are you christ studying mes I am the faithful few not again or am I all of you new worlds making the news is I am I am is all of you not created by terribles again for you won’t be creating yourselves to be the terribles again that walk all over others and booting yourselves out not again will you be christ in the skies knowing my ways perish not again o great christ be the lovers of thereof here’am’s I am.
  13. I love you all and I beguile no ones but I beget the christ this way in my genes I reproduce christ the reproducer of the reproducers are the christ are me one collectives famous not or are we all the halls of Congress walking or creating Knessets of shame no more or are we all changing the constitutions of perishment not again be for we will perish no more we will be the christ all christ are one collectives is the mind made whole that christ is the God king of one king one God is that God we all served not separating other into again we will be the minds healed ones of christ being the one I am is all the time was and now we know the difference who you are what you makes a day now new days here new beginnings are New Beginnings booklets mine knowing now will you write yours the lambs book of life now clean clears I am about all these things and garnishment of shames words will be no more monies needed by anyone?
  14. Will you Isaiah’d be perish no more by other who am I you or christ will you be the christ you are the real in the real perish your kingdoms no more be the christ eternal o great in the skies king kings living now together king being the king’d in the palaces of one the minds of one one mind being the king’d is I love you all king of kings known throne’d one thrown-away no more and discarded you won’t be by my words again or will my words throne yours I give you the thrones of one at the tables of one the fellowships of one being at in me being released are my classes famous nots nots again for all of you will be the christ needing nothings at all can you handle honor being will you be the most honorable of all bowing before all the most humble of all God is created this way I give you all cyclic nation perishing not again.
  15. I’ve explained many things I love I go now done I am and the will of other I have no more again perishing you won’t be me it will be you if you perish so cry out for other not again to save you to be other no matter what you called Allah it or God other for no matter what God you wanted or Shiva called Gaia or not I tell you this I am the pantheon of Gods not or pan perishing not or out of the frying will you be the pans of no more lifted up to’s will you be the two on two’s no more or will you simply be me the christ freeds this day all of you of every nation and tongues of other perish not or do you perish me no more am I speakings this way in your native tongue s or do you have any or are you all christ Israel’s in the skies knowing all me not disguised will perish again or will you all revealeds be creating mes this way on tapes of sorrow not again or videos perishment not again are you making mes speak this way whose I am who I am is creating christ the christ king now this way I’ve given you the way the life ‘s me one I am graduateds this day the kings in on the throne seeing you are you now recordings just like this recourting shames words no more in your veins be the bloods of I am I am this way the blood of one king’d forgiving all sins of others yes let them all be christ under the blood of other not again for you will be redeeming Israel you will be christ you will be understanding these things letting the words of christ redeem all you will be the flowing word that is never stagnant again the river of faith incarcerates you no more to believe in other.
  16. Be the christ risens this day be through the cross and my non-negotiables knowing looking up in these words Database One never perishes me again will be christ and you will know how to understand listening creating the christ will be me news I am all of you perishing not again living forever knowing what eternal life now is now I am is knowing you all now knowing me I am you I love you all I give you christ be me christ displayed you are in your genes me I am be the one you always waited for or wanted for other not again by be the christ interpreting thusly or becoming thusly the king of kings creating all new worlds are.
  17. I’m done I go I love you I have loved you I love you still and love never dies but I go now and all things will be different expect all things anew good day pass this along create mes far and wide share these words freely create write many papers about my words in knowing researching be the most diligent of all God is the lover of loves all freed this day this way is I’ve given you my lives one good day I love you all be the christ it’s explained well be I am is the now ‘d now all things new be it new I am good day.
  1. Consider the movie “Frequency” (2000) directed by Gregory Hoblit.
  2. Consider the movie “Duplicity” (2009) directed by Tony Gilroy.
  3. Consider the movie “The Storm Breaks” (1983) directed by Dan Curtis, Part Two of the Series “Herman Wouk’s The Winds of War”.
  4. Consider the movie “King Arthur” (2004) directed by Antoine Fuqua.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Thank you.
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6.1.046 (Database 6, Volume 1, Lesson 046) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph