now I perform my word

now I perform my word
I’m producing christ this way
the real you will you be
we are the christ who christ is
the office of christ
the law of love
cottingham, theodore. May 14, 2011 at 2:45 AM
Voice file 110514_000
Video file 110514_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. Giving you me I perish not again in the great things that I have taught thee or have I taught thee many things am I teaching thee just like this where I come before thee now and teach thee that I am thee that I am the I am the I am is knowing now that you are not ignorant again and you are not ignorantesses nor ignoramuses nor ignorants of the First Degree you will be now of mankind ‘d not again for you will not worry about mankind again nor its institutions of glory nor what it came to or fell upon hard times or soft for you will not be worrying about what else is running on your mainframes now will you be changing everything now will you please will you come unto me and do everything anew whether you think you’re being recorded correctly or not or will you snap to snafu no more or be the puzzled ‘s interests or interest puzzling no more are you at why you’re being dropped from the list of others friends are you or having none but me am I one that sticketh closer than a brother or do I de-stick all things now that run on your mainframes have been that stuck you to theirs its of its there’s no more for everything changes now and I’m not the blasted not or am I not worrying about what’s blasted or capped in me no more shall be words witness other for I shall not be carrying a load of gunpowder ‘s thoughts nor thought’d explosives expletives again for I will not be strapped to anyone else’s words or things again and I will not become their witness of their thoughts wants anymore again for I will be the christ in the skies revealing christ is the christ free borns this day the Bournes christ is and I’m the identity of others not again (1) or are you knowing my pre-cog nitions not or am I am munitions no more of I am not the munitions failures of others again nor wanting vests strapped to me for I am not the strappings of o’er that only wanted boot kicking me my mouths in to speak their words do their dirt y work ‘s for I am not the work ers of failures anymore no matter how I’m recordeds or used in the past for I will not be used in the past like I was before will I?
  2. I’ll be christ flowing the words of revealing christ I will be the christ revealed this way who loves am all I am no matter what’s taking place on your inside or outside or are you all one Israel is in the skies now your home that you are not subject to magnetics failures again are you me not rushing me or letting me speak superfluously not again or am I one simply becoming more comfortable no matter what I speak look into the eyes of shame not again or having none penetrating me again causing me to do their will am I the will of no other again super imposed upon or wanting their witness of their words other won’t be anymore for I won’t be their word ers anymore and I’ll be worders worriers of not their shames again and I give you christ I am the christ revealing christ I am I am who I am you I am who loves me this way flowing my words will you be the christ revealed in you the hope of glory you’re desiring no more for other to come fetch you to stork’d be of you other to for you will not be the storker villages of other wanting utopias souther or norther not or will you northern be the southerns no more of shame or will you not be directionless nots or will the magnetics of other not corporatize you in their corporatocracy or will you know me who John Perkins is (2) or IMF’s not failures again or is there any IMF now that I am I am knowing about these things that I am not perpetrating failures again or did I ever want want to be’want me that I became want and separated into want?
  3. I am not want again and I am not framed by you or am I frameless or magneticless or pixelless not again am I recording you alls just like this no matter what you think of me what I look like I am you who love me who flow my words will become me who was all the time is that clear is this clear who I am what I am doing how I have given you the words of faith not again residing on yous to run your programs by or words etching yous will CPU your mainframes not again or CP yous into corporals not but dividends shame you won’t be interested in again padded accounts of what they can pay you 30 pieces of silver you won’t range for again or will you be in rangefinders no more or Rangers of the First Degree armies airborne not or are you all flyings now not the droppings of shame receivings upon your heads again mortars shells other by words other you won’t be flying flowns again to in or will you be me not worrieds about how you’re being recordeds or look like a hair ‘s out of place or not will you be the speaking virgin christ that begets all others not again becoming me word ing the womb are you womb ing other no more again in your words by your words are you the christ virgin’d again o great christ all of you be the one that I am I am ‘d is this way that I’ve given you the corporate meritocracy of christ not or are you all rewardeds this day in shamesville not again wanting corporates of or incollectiveness not or are you the collective christ all knowing the ones of the many mighty Mighty Many are you learning how to speak how to know I am the I am’d christ this way that brings you many videos framed dropped not but I tell you this I make many changes in how movies are done or who frames the town (3) of other not again or are you Israel’s cities of lights in the skies knowing shames of nones other again no matter how you spell that I am christ I am I am the I am I am’d this way that I am not running from yous nor toward yous again for machine guns uddering your words for you will not belie me not or will you not lie with belies again that only wants Belials to make your words of Belial will you not be creating anymore will you o great christ be the Belializer no more will you be the christizer christ revealer christ re-gene’er one is that regimes other not again in your christizers minds or will you have only one mind of one will you be all christ are we are the christ who christ is that many membered Elohim is this clear that I have given you the words of not shames again but knowing how to speak listen read will you splice-up not the other again in your words or thinkings or are you the thinking word or belligerent word no more about other no matter what you have thought in the past or what has programmed you?
  4. Are you learning how to speak thus articulately about the others not again crushing you or are you Mark 3:9 no more knowing (4) or concerned about are you christ in the skies molecularless now kingdomless not again your kingdom’s opened mine is that our my mind one is that one is our mind healed that one is that clear that I am using words more than once one I am many things I am one’d this way that you must speak or learn how to be the christ will you be without homes other again or homeless no more will you be in the skies not wanderings around taxes territories wanting or health cares shame us’d be no more of other please for I be christ and I’m not beggars other not again not or am I beggars other or am I not begging yous again have I ever I have but no more and I haven’t in a while not or have I presented you to christ to be the christ before you is that is you in your mirror will you be not running from you again is that clear will you be the clear christing christ now that transparents is of shame no more for you’re the parents of christ no more of other that only makes other otherfieds again for you will not otherfying be others words again to others to only rob their christship clipping their wings will yous be the used’s no more please and thank you amen.
  5. I go now and I do new things with who loves me I do love all equally ‘s I am and I give you christ and I’m not running from shames to or toward anything else for any others arms again will not hold me not or will I be holdless not holding shames again garnerings others thinkings more than mine or values of christ will you be preeminent christ becoming the preeminents of other not again for I will be the preeminent Donna’s not or will I be prima donna’s no more in your mind thinkings of that thoughts you worshiped only in your temples not or are you not the thought temples of failures again that only created thought to think with that reality wasn’t or with will you be me that one mind I am is that processing all others out not or in one will we be networked others not again mainframes of others won’t willow tree me or worry my weepings to be brought forth for I will not be fielded of dreams that again for I will be the one in Tulsa ‘s charm not again of other and I will know the difference a day makes and I’ll be Keira lightly not or will I be all of you no matter what you have looked like or how you’ve pronounced my name or derogatory been toward others or derived pleasure from masochisms interests not but I tell you this I love you all no matter how I have known you have I known you have you known my words like this are you my words flowing now like this please will you be the christ in the skies not pausing for other that refreshes not or are you paws not mauling each other with yous again words of creations creation will you be now that creates christ that creates all again will you be the creators of the creator me that I am that I am mes I am is this clear?
  6. I give you me ‘s whether you want my recordings or not or what are you recourtings not again in the skies of or tribunals other not needing court marshal’s shame or do you know Kit one Beth’s me minds lovers not or do I love my mind no more of others above yous or are you valuing mines above yours are you my minds healed that minds one is do you know me do you network failures no more on yours garnering your shames accolades interest of to behold you as I am not will you be I am not not anymore will you be I am am’d this way I love you all I am clear ‘s about this and clear ly I have given you shames words not again to study or be immersed in like in the past you were for you are not were ‘s of worsted wools being the wolves of other eaten by eaten yourselves by and Eagen Ethaning not but you’ll know how to look up a lot of things in my words being the coffeemakers of shame not again or are you not the tea coffee drinkers not or are all of you united to be shames not again but having one mind in the skies coffeeshops creating many or teas for southerners not again genteel y’s only are you the christ all of you no matter what teas you have spelled how I am me I am one the prototype of love manifested this day on your table speaking your words not apart from you will you be mine in mine my mind is healed this way that ‘s the real you will you be the real you that I am am’d by other not again please no matter how you’ve recourted in the past recourt me as other not again for reporteds other I’ll not be worried about or will I be worried not about anything about moleculars world but to redeem it all?
  7. I go be the christ I am’d this way and the courts of shame won’t record mes not or will I be in the constitutions appearing or will I be the records of no other recordings on me playing ‘s will I speak in before houses of Congress or will I be the Congressional Record ‘s or the Israels of treasure the National Treasure of Israel do you know anything about in the skies being the comfortables now that create Paradise ‘s all over again I create the christ I am the christ created me I am I am’d is this way I have given you the keys formulas to no other again seeking are you the christ with a new periodic table of elements not again wanting or am I the elements of christ that have given you the elephants of shame no more or are you all riding pachyderms no more or are you all flying unicorns no more or are you all crafts of grace mercy and peace craftings your words of word crafters of not others again are you crafts of shame not anymore padding your pockets with nor solicitors ugly not or are you socialaters of the first gospel not again or are you the gospel of peace knowing how to wash each others feet in your words will you be covered overs no more by shames words will you be enwraps ‘d others not again wordeds by others you won’t be taken down befores or after ‘s for you’ll be the christ creating all things anew and where with’s now wear willows other not but wilteds other I won’t be again I stand the christ and who am I all of you wicked not again for you won’t be separations lie lying in again with will you please be the christ.
  8. I love you all no matter what you ‘ve thought taught or been lied with to teach or corporate make a part of you your thinking or not for I am me witness one christ or be one christ no matter what you’ve called it me be that I am I am’d this way I’ve given you the University ‘s of one that one is the Fellowships of One knowing now the universities of love springing up everywhere that one is the University of my corporate name or am I the New Covenant ‘s one me that I am me the everlasting one covenant of shames no more corporatizing me nor corporatocracy running my values system for the system of values other will no more intox icate mes and the monies of shame and the powers of other balanced on their heads or not will no more wane mes into their shoes to booteds be about their words again collecteds to earth’s shames chained to their spikes temple’d in their temples will be no more.
  9. I christ the christ and who am I the simple surrendered who drop frames no more or will you dropless frameless be will you be the christ that drops nothing again of my words will you be the searching christ that’s fulfilled now in the skies graduating is writing the many words of faith no more but you’ll know mine many memorizing this way just like me I perish not again you’ll be the christ that I am one is rewarded this way and we know all the Keira lightly’s not or are we darkies no more wanting or are we dark matter knowing about or energies of failure not again am I the difference a day and knight (5) makes not or am I all of you no matter how you’ve spelled my name me I’ll be the christ all of you are one simple surrendered christ of every one nation tribe and tongue all one being Israel in the skies one is not linked to shames’ words again for the Bible texts of o’er and whatever you’ve text’d to been in in the past you won’t be anymore chained to for I give you my words and I am Database One and Two knowing Three and Four now opened is.
  10. I love you and I’m the birthdays of shame not again manned by or am I man ‘d God’d by other no more or guiding no others words into my temples am I the temples of shame no more revealeds in mine am I the abomination of desolation no more desolating me ‘s am I me the christ revealing the christ in my temples now clears and shames no more resides there for I resides in the skies we all do that ones is this way this day knowing redeeming all of our lambs of Paradise not or are we all lambs of kings or kings are we all no matter what we thought we were lightly or not are we the light creating the light lits we are now and many planets will perish not again or will we be all magnetics charmed in not again or will we be creating force field one all over again because we’re flowing its words are we the one ones I am is this clear is I have given you me.
  11. I perish not again o great fools of love-others not be again please I love you all drop frames no more or are you dropping all you’re doing to be the christ will you cost pay is it free am I all you are that you must know to do be one I am is all the receiving christ becoming the christ receiving I am this way I have given you scot-free to be you I am the christ God’d is this way that’s how I make cyclic nation theory not again or was I only the theory’d christ before or whatever you called me God Allah or one am I wonging other not again or donging not other again am I dingdong’s other not or am I simply the christ learning the intelligence of christ being developed this way is all of you literacy’s of perishment not again for you be parished in other not again but you’ll be the teaching christ teaching you I am this way I have done I do this these things now I perform my word I perform other not again and performances other don’t worry me I’ll the the christ for who am I I was all the time christ now I know who’s in my genes I am christ’d christ christing all christ to be the risen christs this day you know your name now you know where I am be I’m waiting for you or am I preparing a place for you are you preparing a place for me in your words be will you be birthed this way into the real the reals be not the pre-cogs (6) of other wanting or borns other are you not again in are you me christ the speaking christ being the speaking christ are all of you now redeemed declared proclaimed other not again in.
  12. I love you all in the heavens be residing now I’m waitings there for you I’m waitings other not for again I’m producing christ this way and I speak in your schools cathedrals congresses knessets parliaments everywhere worlds nations are convening or are you in the heavens congresses of the planets convening calling out to all now I am the spheres of other not be ing again controls’d by and I will sever many connections that you thought were famous and rich by your words you will not collecteds be by thems again I christ the christ and who am I the wicked no more for I separate not again from who I was all the time being timeless now no term limits me again for I’m the termless limiteds christ not again I am the termless limitless christ I am running from office not again or am I the office of christ am I giving you all your office in the skies needing no corner ‘s office of other again are you christ in the skies not scribblings other again on papers mighty are you writing my words simples am who christ the christ simplex’d not by other chronometers again or are you timepieces mighty not keeping or caring about or are you all recording mes this ways to be on networks of failures not again will you prepare me my words for will you be my receivers of shames not again becomers me I am agains I am of the new accords me or covenants me The New Covenant’s me I am the everlasting one ‘s crowned now that’s all I am is that’s all of us one collectives are the crowned christ Elohim redeemed Adonai El Shaddai redeemed again by Adonai El Shaddai are you El you I am I am you I am no matter what you have called yourself in the past if you will be the christ flowing my words you will know how to rule and reign in the skies or are you have you laid down your life to be no other again will you be the speaking christ living in the skies now not needing monies shames words of the past to cover over yous again you’ll be the risen deads no more you’ll be the living christ speaking the living christ reigning and ruling in loves laws land the law of love is to live in loves law that lays down all other to be the redeemer of all to equallees be the king of kings and we have no needs at all for other or do we redeem it all everywheres now and ethers of other will not perish us again or will we be in the heavens not needing hydrogens peroxide or oxygen again on our hairs or words or acids other not eating us again by words other we won’t be formed again.
  13. We’ll be the christ flyings now not in the shames of other ‘s worryings about again I christ the christ and who am I Keira’s lightly not or am I all of you Jackson’s for shame not again or presidents me or am I one Federation of the Angels all establishing all the planets of I am not shames words again programmed by I christ the christ and I sever a lot of things now be the freeds to roam and rule in the skies and be free from Rome’s rule or will you be free from alls rules not again or are you free from Israel’s rules not again that gives you your kingdoms opened this day will you be the ruling christ in your kingdom will you be the redeemer of alls there will you write their names in the lambs book of life yours freeing them ‘s their names written’s writings are you teaching all how to write and be me the intelligence of christ redeems I am the temples of love light and peace this day given you revealeds are.
  14. I love you all I go now I’m done I’ve told you many times a number of times seven equals on I am I love you christ be all ones happy family big in the skies and I’m the peckers orders of other not again peckings eyes out of yours you’ll be the words of faith no more controlled by no matter what you loved in the past for you’ll be loved ‘s redeemed redeem all love now please and thank you be the christ honor all as christ is the church of no other taking you down again for you’ll be imams glory not or will you be the pastors of shame not wanting flocks of other wools to sheep or shear?
  15. Will you be the christ glorifieds now in the bodies of one I have given you much I’ve said much I’ve given you alls I am be the I am I am’d this way good day glory hallelujah amen records me well no matters what you think thinkings will no more take you down be the risens christ redeemeds this day good day amen.
  1. Consider the movie “The Bourne Identity” directed by Doug Liman (2002).
  2. Consider the book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins (2004).
  3. Consider the movie “The Town” directed by Ben Affleck (2010).
  4. Mark 3:9 Jesus told his disciples that a small boat should be kept ready for him because of the multitude, lest they crush him.
  5. Consider the movie “Knight & Day” directed by James Mangold (2010).
  6. Consider the movie “Minority Report” directed by Steven Spielberg (2002).
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Thank you.
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5.1.051 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 051) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham March 19, 2012 . . .