my mind heals

my mind heals
the writing christ writing
mind one is
cottingham, theodore. April 27, 2011 at 1:38 AM
Voice file 110427_000
Video file 110427_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. I love give you me bringing you me new now many ways in have I given you the one ways of mankind not again am I the christ christing christ this way that I have given you the myriad of one not or myriad center centering me not again or am I myriads across the waves not again am I Atlantics Pacifics going to or crossings in an instant ‘s now that the instants me is that I’m instanting on other not again am I writtens words others that begots others in others no more’s again for I am the mores of hollowness not or am I the movies directors of producers many am I raising the mighty many am I mighty many raising me ‘s now is ones who are the UK’s arenas not or am I in many’s now across the nations and around the worlds Arabians not or am I freeing the stallions looking up are you in these words the Arabian stallions not or am I Arabs worlds progressing in not or am I changing everything about the Arabian Peninsulas or Gulf Wars that have broken out me not or have I me changing am I everything now that me am I am a robed one not again in man’s mind or am I changing everything about the dress of mankind’s mind the dressing windows ‘d of of mankind’s shenaniganery will be no more again for I’ll be again’d in it not again or was I ever or only paupers dream review or am I christ review now that reviews all your words are in my words that my words are flowing my words through writing writing mes I am writing mes I am now writing I am mes I am is that clear that I am the writing christ writing the words of writing I am clears about this writing clears words transparents am is this clears again I am asking you all about these things to write me now things over I’m done and things things done and not shall be over me no more driven I’ll be by its charm no more again for I’ll arise just like this in the wee hours and wear draperies minds not again on mine or will I drape eries be no more needing or browns clue or glue others not to my minds again of their words wantings mes will be for mes will be clears glass about these things lightning in sands not or am I knowing sweets home Alabama not but a lot of ala bamaing other I won’t be doing again in phoenix cities charms or will you know me be studying this way looking up knowing how I speak and perish not again will you be speaking the speaking christ will you be the speaking christ speaking christ all of you will you be me now is that clear in arenas not few will you be now all of you listening to other not again listening what are you to listening of me will you be me listening to yourselves self not again self’d by words of other that gave you only vocabularies other will be no more move ie’ing you for you will movie Paradise not or will you move ing being now into Paradise earth’s charms not again wanting what are you listening to dictating no more on the terms of mankind’s mind will you be looking into mirrors not or corridors other not or hall ways of mankind not but Tom’s one who’s me that I listened to many albums or one many times am I the one lookings up now all of yous are will you be me who draws out a pencil line or lines penciled not or thins other not approaching or Thin Red Line are you watching or knowing a lot of war movies or strategies stratagems on purpose not but the gems of minds other I’m not again led by nor stuffed in again for I am not stuffery’s nuts nuttery’d by and I know what I mean where I witness to other not again am I the ones who arise in the wee hours not being wee wee’d anymore are you of only turbine izers sugar or weeds of other ‘s euphorics wanting will you not weeds weedings be or will you weed-out a whole lot of things you don’t need any more will you be moving ‘s now in the skies movers other not needing again or will you be moving out herding out other not or will you herded-out be no more of other in stalls of other will you be no more installs of?
  2. I love you all to arise and be the priest hood of all believers knowing or wearing not again what are you in mankind’s mind not wearings of again are you the priests of God that God is that priest other not again in the councils of man or counsel of man are you no longer needing or are you christ biding other not or are you in the skies all talking christ are this way with the ones who will hear me we speak and we others not again are led by for we are taught of this like this who christ christ directly in our genes are the christ’d christ begetting christ this way we teach the covenant of one I am we are that christ is the father healed the son daughter of no other again for we are the mother of christ in our genes begetting christ in our genes begetting the word we are we were all the time begetting what we want ‘d or are we not wantings want anymore driving us enslaving us will you be the healeds now will you be the healers o mankind’s mind of will you be the christ healing all God is that know the planets of one know me are you that I am is healed this way I’ve given you the way word s and perish not again o great worders of christ be the christ not worrieds of other again and no matter what you see you’ll go through it or will you fly over it will you be the discardeds-other no more again will you be discarding a great words set of vocabularies of that nomads made you not or namaste other not or are you mas tications no more wanting mechanisms of in your brains what are you propellings by propellants other not again needing turbines sugars of I’m maltro dextrans not but a lot of dexron oils I need no more again or am I 5 speeded mixtures not but I tell you this I smile a lot now and I’m not liars liars again but watching I am producing many things of Andy Tennant’s not or am I many misty ‘s miracles not but one laws scot’s not but I know a lot of misty law makers who’s cried in their milk or will cry a lot now in the skies will you be not cryings lot again or cryogenic’d other will you know about or be not by cry o genic’d other will you not be again will you be the genes of christ gene’d now I am this way that I’ve given you the ways perish not again o great christ all of you no matter what colors you thought you were or else’s were or else’s pantheon not but roams me or Rome’s ground ‘d not or am I changing a lot of things siftings by the records me that I know all things about all words motives by thereby ‘d I am me revealing a lot of things know a lot of things change now who am I the christ you are if you’ll be the christ healed will you be the healer of yourselves therefore first who did you conceive first other not again other of will you want no more of other will you be redeemer all redeemers of the redeemers christ is transparents am.
  3. I love you all not needing futures charms or will I have no past singsong or will I be yin-yang’d no more or will I be changing a lot of things that used to scratch or itch me or will I not be worried about a stray hair out of place or if my teeth are brushed for my movie or what are you wearing or having are you any of the past that thought you were moleculars crowd or crew are you not crewing again the grounds of me or grooving other again or what are you engrooved in no more the liars charm other not but the truths me I’ll one know who was I died for I died to be that one I am that I am revealing all you are that I am is healed this day this way I go now and I’m other not again enamored by I love you all bye-bye to all else and sorrow I’ve sorrowed enough I sorry am for many things or have I sorrowed many times am I elemental-other not but I know a lot of elements or shame or have I come through them all or am I walking miracle centered not or am I one who’s trudged through a lot or tredging are you dredging not up things of old to past go through again walking what are you flying now to Tulsa ‘s charm not be in again of other will you be me o charmed one not again of snakes other in your mind will you have one that only man designed or will you be mine in mind one is perished not again.
  4. I love you all soups needing or needing nothing of this worlds again but redeeming it all I am going to the galactospheres now and universes new universities making far and wide of the ones covenant ‘s mine I love you my mind heals the name of this one who lies to no other again will you be christ I call you all christ I call you all christ to be the christ’d christ now I am doing new things with the delivereds who’ll deliver me this ways I am the word words of no other take me down I give you christ to be me who is healed this way makes many movies I’ve given you many names o perish not again the soups of other in for will you be christ in hydrogens other not or periodic table of elements not again other being or will you be healing it all now moleculars not other again or changing everything about Paradise starting it new now again I am that I am that you’re not messing with up again or will you be uppers crew not again or lowers downers not but one Joy Downing I’ll know the voice of me healed all are who’s Marni ‘s Nixon not but I tell you this a lot of Aubrey’s or Audrey’s do I know hepburning other or harrowing other not again am I Maureen’s O’dowd not or O’hara’s many or am I all of you your name here no matter what you thought you were or looked like to other or in your mirrors are you me now christ ‘d christ are you now healing christ that you were all the time that you know now are how made you were in your own image were you imaged by that gave you another not or were you not anothering again yourselves to be the christ will you be healed this way I’ve given you the vocabularies of one o healed be this day christ please all of you are one who’ll be the king of kings were all the time healeds be healing all no matter what you looked like thought were or was that healed you not again or will you be the healing christ all of you wherever you go wherevers you lie not again lies’d in will you be the realized christ now recognized by others not again or will you be all christ recognizing all as christ bowing before all I recognize give you me christ I do bows this day before you all and I recognize you all as christ I am the all of you healed be the christ king of kings the father mothered by no other again I love you all good day amen.
  5. Know me well be me who art thou the christ thank you amen all of you are saying this being this writing about writing now my charms of other no more will take you down or did you ever have mine or did you have moleculars from planets other or do you know anythings about ions charms or ionic miracles not again wanting are you walking all through flying now are you the crafts manship of other not again knowing I am am’d this way I heal all new day ‘s one’s here good day alls forfeited not again be the christ new worlds in creating I give you me ‘s at your door the door’s me I’ve given you the words ways now I’m ones I love you and I rush not or Russians not or am I going to Russians place not or am I in the Federations of Angels all of us are knowing our place christ are the place of ones ones are no matter what you thought you wanted or being called were I call you christ and be christ being will you now the supreme beings of light in at the tables of one the christ is healed this way by all of you me we are we by no other again weak-knees of.
  6. I christ the christ flies now christ be the risens this day hallelujah amen sweet peas Alabama I love you all study prepareds be I’m calling you Marni’s Nixon not but a lot will know my voice and I make many speeches not or am I Churchill’s miracles not but the centers of me will be in arenas many or coffeeshops innumerable are you am I in the skies all discussing these things writing the papers about me I am mes I am is this clear I am good day the christ be all of you healeds this day I’ve given you the ways keys I am to be I am be the supreme beings of light limitations none create the christ this way in your genes be the healed first the first ing first first’d are redeem yourselves forgive yourselves heal the christ first to be the first’d first the transparents are graduations now the graduated’s here are come here now be me in the skies beamings other not allowed or will you hear no others again or be the hearts beating for no other again be the christ singles approach of others not needing again be the christ my words are healed this day the word is me flow this way I’ve given you.
  7. I bow I’m done I make no amends not or bridges not or am I bridging Paradise to be out not again or am I blowing up a lot of things not again or am I simply leaving not needing the things I used to want so much care about I care about christ redeeming christ I redeem you all who all redeems me I am you who redeems me I am the christ conceived this way I’ve given you the words way and perish not the christ again please be the redeemers all the redeemeds be in the skies living now lodgings here frees and paid for with my bloods yours all ones are ones we are the greatest of all the simplest the surrendereds.
  8. I love you all directly teaching christ christ is christ revealing christ teaching this way the priesthood of alls known now who love is loves this way alls we are the equals being the supreme light of lights good day I’m gone done here’s I am revealing yous to yous good day amen miracle centers me I am revealeds this day howevers you want me be me listening to me be me writing me love me all I’m all of you of every nation tribe and tongue have the no other again that took you down as fork’eds other good day christ be supremes being of light is this clear I love you I love you all good day I call you christ amen make my movies be in them be them revealing me write all I am that you are let’s learn this way together in the skies be developed the christ develops me this way new worlds creating I am good day let’s go right now thank you amen.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa May 1-7, 2011. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA.

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