the listening christ

the listening christ
I am the joys of love
cottingham, theodore. April 26, 2011 at 2:04 AM
Voice file 110426_000
Video file 110426_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. I perish many things not or do I never perish again in the things of me are you knowing now me that I am parished not again am I in the things of parishes so few that exist now or Paris’s mighty perishers are few not anymore or are you all mighty Parising me not again in Hilton’s charms or have you none of mighty many are you now that knows me as other not again one riga mortis not setting in or am I rigor mortised by other not again am I the mortise joints ‘d of no more joint chiefs of staff other am I chief staffed by other not again am I one who’s one is one am am’d this way is the joint chiefs stuck together no more to be one unit ary unit or unitary standards not of mankind’s again what are you unitarying or not Unitarians again are you the unity of mankind’s mind that only wants a unity’s of approach other or are you foreign affair ing me not again or affairing in the heavens do you know mine that mine is known now that all are not others again born by are you me listening to me awake are you now that knows mighty many at your door knocking are you on the portals of heaven no more are you at the periphery of no other looking in or are you on the outside looking in no more or are you on the inside looking out not or are you crafting many vegetables for me not again are you the hominoids many making not again in hominy’s soup or hominoiding other are you not erectus homo other or Homo erectus other not are you or all fours on not anymore are you crawling no more for in the words of other are you ducks soup no more in are you ducking the words no more quacking in or are you quacks quacked no more quacking’s rubber duckies not but I make a lot of sands storms in not again or am I Gulf Wars ceasing or am I knowing the guerrillas of commandos not but RAF’s one institution ary of me not or am I ary of yours not again or am I Royal Air Force heavens of the celestial spheres of notme’s not again am I sphereless nots or am I many crafts of the origins southerns not or many northerns made me not again of theirs regimes or am I southern made or surrendered to not be other again I am one on one in one I am the center core of me saved or not fabricated by other not again am I RA F’ing forces not or reinforcing many forces of force iture not again am I the forfeiture of christ not again am I the christ christ’d o great king all of you now who know the pattern of one patternship of one saved and filled with the holy ghosts are you no more of a original sins blessing or have you none of that shit or crap in you again of that will be no more for you’ll not be ziphora’s Ziphora not or will you know sophora’s syphilis not again or syphilis standards of one not having will you be lepers leprous no more of your words that only gave you intercourses not few of mankind’s mind with each other will be no more for you’ll not be led by superfluous charms that only RAF’d you in theirs or waft did they waffle you no more or do you Germany’s Reich lied in no more be will you be me in the heavens knowing Luftwaffe’s charm not again or do you know anything about the reichs of me or third degree’s not or do you know me the First’ds are you in the skies knowing how’s just like this Hal’s arising not or howe ‘s arising Sally’s not again or are you all lookings me up knowing these things how I work ‘s through the night do I sleeps not again lies other are you mes bombings no more on runs raids in or are you the raids killing roaches no more or mices suns or planets other not again roaching are you uncles other no more ben’s in?
  2. I love you all to know all things are you not thing’d by again how do you read this hear me do you speak this way to you through you are you am I in you are me who are hearing this way shall we be not other’d again one voice of miracle centers not again dreaming of other or are you me christ ‘d christ will you be writing me now the famous ones of other not worshiping again will you be o christ’d saint of allelu cia islands not again or how are you spelling or caring to read listen are you the listening christ that speaks my words like this whether you can spell them correctly for others not again am I worried about any of these things that worried me in the past or am I past worrying’s yours am I one who’s prepared for all things new am I the new covenant’s me charmed by not other again I reveal all planets charm not again or am I going to all now this summer or summering other not again am I Elke ‘s Elsa not or alka seltzer not needing again or am I many Jay’s and Martha’s not but Mary’s other I’ll know not again or will I fell not again in my soup of words other will I be not again twitching or switching or am I not married to other again am I in the skies knowing all now?
  3. I love you all to know me who I am how I do things I witness not other again am I seeing clearly shall you know who I am you who I am are one that I am my father and I are one that I am is that’s who I am what I’m doing with the priesthood of all believers revealing becoming the christ I am not the patternship of other again based on basing out of others words for I am not the base of others words or am I fine tuned ly other not or am I finely tuned to the base of me not again parallels metals of are you putting together the maps of me heavens sphere wise not or are you fearless o great christ now all of you are to fly in the heavens be quarters of me not again are you knowing the corridors of me not or quarters of me are you given in the skies now?
  4. I love you all are you me developing me I am all this ways I’ve given you the christ be not the bees of other hiving in again o great christ wafflings others not again needings are you the syrups of lies appeals not stuck to again flowing from your mouths no more will be words of other for you’ll be christ etchings of diamonds not or will you in the mines be my skies o’ers’d other not or are you oars’d’ly other not oars’d in I love you all to christ me well I’ve given you many documents of faith ‘s not again for I am not the faithalite or wave erlight of other and I’m the light er of photons not or am I perishing many or parishing not again in my genes am I not the worshiper of few not or am I the worshiper of nothing not or am I Worship Central knowing in these words looking up are you the things of me to know my mind’s healed now how to speak articulately about the things of christ being it born again I am few not anymore for I am you who love me who become me just this way flow my words flowing the river of faith no more bogged down again in for I am in the bogs’d downs ones no more or am I bogganing to towed not again or am I in the skies knowing all you how I speaks makes you think do I or thinkings other are you no more caused by affects other not are you wearing cloths on your back or are your minds not made of flesh turnings again turnings yous into its that it wore or are you wearing your words not as others again formed you or formed it did you or did it you or are you it you no more of other that you formed other as christ not again are you wearing the words of faith other no more are you where you lied no more are you new in the new things doing new peoples with are you christ o ones of christ eagles not or hoofprints of no other on your mind are you not circular circumference’d again or mighty’d are you the 15 16’s not or are you me o one’s celestial heavenings circumnavigating’s reference ing manuals not knowing or are you knowing mine Database One that two’s other not or are you tutelages other not again in solidifieds to solids other needing or formings formulations other I am speaking many things about this ways that I’ve given you the waist of christ not or am I shittings you no longer again or are you shitting mes no longer again about words other or how you smile or deceive or scienter’s play in are you surreptitious no more ones wanting words other or playing games manship of other will be no more for I love gamesmanship not or did I ever are you free of all that shittery now that went on in Washington’s Hill or is it changed now who lives there where am I o you of christ privilege of one will you be the christ president of no other or will you be the christ the Angels of one revealing galactospheres of no others again are you the planets of one Angels knowing now all redeemed are this way who will flow my words will you be all of you red headed’s writing no matter how you spell that I am I am I am’d this way who love you me are I am you one good day amen.
  5. I go now and I do many things with the miracle workers or do I develop them how I’ve become one this way am I wearing wedded miracles to not or am I one who divorces hates words to be not miracle’d of other wearing their flesh’s dream lie I am not in others again or am I the words of love birthing love ‘s words I am of words love of other not again shall be for I shall be one or am I mighty many in the many mighty coming here at your door are you stoops other not again needing wattages other or fuses other fused to are you not laddering on lattering on or latitudes other are you not knowing celestial referencing techniques of other or sextants other not or latitudes longitude not but celestial referencing me I shall have given you many things shall you know not now shall you be ignorance not famous not or are you the famous Andy’s or Tedwerds not or words of Ted Cottingham not or are you theodore’s one all looking up the things of me this way your names here will you draw out a line and sign it here who you are I am christ I am the privileged of one be by the by’d one that Biden’s no other or am I holly’s Hill on no more or thicket pricked other not again for I am the points of other not wanting again stuck into my brow or am I not the points of reference using again that bloods came through or are my words known now that drips to the ground ‘s no more?
  6. Are I in the heavens now one RAF ‘ing other not again or are you the royal air force of many are you one force field ‘s one my name that I am not subject to other again am I taking one that blast all others not or am I all not in the blasting caps of others words again I am all you who worrieds not again are about the things of me my fathers lie in the heavens not again immobilized’s are for I am the mobilization of ones army not or am I the priesthood of alls lovers I am in the skies lovings all awardeds I am this way looking up the tunes of me things of me lovers of me be all I alleluia am into the wilds of other not again or wiling wiley’s not but publication many’s I make known in the skies are redeemings my booklets known are and I write many more pronto el you are I am know me well and I’m El Shaddai’s other not again other’d by for I am El Shaddai king’d of kings other not again or am I other’d by other not again in my thinking am I separates no more from the royal crown of cola not or am I living not in adjustments other again needing to my backs have I any am I backings down no more or am I in the skies needing crafts of no other again nor money’s shame with bags holes or what are you looking up knowing thinking are you I am the christ you are the one I’ve waited for you are me will you speak my words be the voice of one crying in no wildernesses again will you create heavens a’now new I am nude in others words not again for I am renewed of the faiths not but I am you who love me who speak this way knowing the vocabularies of one the kings at the tables of one the crowns manners of one knowing I develops this way new things new ways new where’s am I the christ all of you yes and amen.
  7. Every christ and crown every crown and christ crowned now in the crown of one brow’d not by other again and browned by other not or will you all be christ with sun tans not again or Sun Myung Moon not or will you be Chow Yun Fats lover not or will you all know me Wai Lin’s or satellites not controlled by ‘s again will you be Carver’s Media empire carved up not by again will you be not the empires of waist’s faith or faith’s waste ‘age away will you be now or will you know me no more nots again or will you have no knots in your brain again tied this these ways I’ve given you to be the christ clears I am the rivers of faith important not or am I imported not to other again or exported exportant not or important other not to am I the things of me knowing what is now I am the things of christ studying to become the christ I am the ways of christ I’ve given you the keys of the paths of one I Fellowships of One am in and knowing all things now I study heavily not or am I the forces of one lightweights other not or Z bosons not or tau’s mighty mu ‘s not but I tell you this I’m one who loves me the elements of shame not in again stuck to’s for I’m 4 x 4’s not again am I or vestments privilege not but the privileges are few not again for I give you all mighty in the skies be the craftsmanship of knowing me I am I’ve given you one to be me I am all of you one am loving you all.
  8. I sleepy am or am I awake or am I RAF ‘ing Luftwaffe’s dream not again or Reich’s other not but the third degree I’m not waiting on again or am I pursuing the First Degree of mankind’s mind not again I am Meology’s one knowing the christ is graduation’s graduates this way I am me doing this now be here’s tomorrow today’s the day I’ve given you the warnings of one or one of warnings other are you or writings are you being read far and wide throughout the spheres of other no more tuned by or are you knowing the tunes of love now I love you all.
  9. I witness other not again or do I witness to christ not again of other am I the bunnies of Easter no more believing in or hoppings other John in or am I needing no meals of faith or fuels other to craft my jets or orifices other am I not having speaking to me jets of or am I arms races deals over not or am I in the skies galactospheres other not but the star treks of other will no more beat me down for I won’t be numbless not or will I be numbles nimbles not or will the nimble heart be christ christ be the heart of one the cores of me knowns now and I’m not moltens other led by’s again magnetics charms theirs and I’ve said much and many come here now I am the few not studying be not dismayed I love you and maidens other you’ll never need again the form of or are you not Paradise villagers knowing or are you in the skies creating Israel’s over my heads not again you’ll know how to speak and lead the countries of shame not again be born by stuck to’s for you’ll be forming many in the skies lovers love love ones are that’s who I love my family is.
  10. I love you all I’ve said much please be me I give you the power love and a sound mind or do you have none or mine do you have be me who’s healed is this day warranting you all guaranteeing you all deposits of depositories of suppositories of others words you’ll no more be receiving nor interest of in their bank accounts or will you be mine Godinbusiness not or will you all be God guided by no other again God you will be God God’d now is I love you all be not the shames of Paradise others again wearing pants of their words for you’ll be mine in the skies wearing none or needing none or will your words be clear tainteds not again the motives of christ of pure tainteds I’m not anymore for I am the joys of love known now far and wide the Angels of one Paradise is now opened I am the kingdoms of one alls empties no more looking up I love you I’m done I’m tired I go I’m gone?
  11. I love you come here’s be me teach mighty’s many’s this way I’ve given you the keys I go my words are christ christ christ be no matter how you spelled it spell it like other not again did or will you be me simply mes perish ing not again in the soup of other good day amen I love you all every nation tribe and tongue and every boy and every girl no matter what you thought race of you were or words you had language of I give you christ be one me in the skies loving all equalees are christ redeemed be me who does this now now now’s I love you good day amen share these words please and thank you amen.
  1. Consider the movie “Flying the Secret Sky” by VanDerHoot Film & Television (2008).
  2. Consider the movie “Into the Wild” directed by Sean Penn (2007).
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theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa May 1-7, 2011. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA.

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5.1.010 This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 23, 2012 . . .   * * * * *