the gems of love real

who are you
cottingham, theodore. April 21, 2011 at 8:32 AM
Voice file 110421_000
Video file 110421_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. I am changing everything about where you live now are you the who love me where I am doing the things that I do newly terrified not again to be new things in new doings realms in around you not or are you not encircumference’d by the surroundings of o’er again anymore are you me who loves these words or are you creating new ones to live by are you saying bye-bye to a lot of things you used to live in that you thought with or gave circumference to circumference’d did they to you give you they cylindrical output not or are you cylindrical’d no more or drilled by their words or yours are you on the king of kingship one that knows no drill er ship of other are you drilled by no others words into their drillings thinkings again that penetrates you your armor of theirs no more are you protecteds by or incarcerateds in are you in ‘s the thinkings of no more of others are you thought ‘s no more thought’d’s in do you belong to thought no more that was other are you new ing me now with new thoughts new languages of praise not or are you praising the me un’s no more of that thought you into territories other or your judgeship ruled you from or are you not knowing the tongues of other again that only give you men and Angels not or are you the ruling parties of me no more having or are you in the skies the most glorious of all joy ously being the king of kings king’d will you be now the king that knows all gloriously or will you redeem all will you within you your words first firsting you will you be the first’d clan of no other again clamming you up or sea shells other on not or are you on the seas of no other again or are you me climbing witnesses of other not but the vine of mankind’s mind will no more vine me dressers of for I will not be dressed in their thoughts charm anymore and the charms that only dressed down and Negro’d made my intent not but my intent to become Negro’d not was notme not or was am I all of you that one God is not colorless not or are you not thinking thought that divisive ments reply to before thought forms or are you letting mine form you your thoughts taking you down ‘s no more?
  2. Will you be me up’s in the skies leading you out of temptations charm or will you lie in charms no more how are you reading this listening to this are you the thoughts of mankind no more your rulership’s in or ending all things are you the mes who used to succumb to other or thought ‘d other by or what are you thought’d by no longer are you perishing o great king no longer in the words of other thought or thought’ds other thought are you realms of mankind not incarcerated to ‘s again two by two’s not or what are you 4 x 4’s not needing traction’s cleats of or cleated’s materials other not or velcro’s mindage not but I tell you this I’ve made a lot of analogies not or metaphors metaphorical language not or are the languages of metaphors fore’ing you not again or to be in mankind’s memory banks what are you depositing ‘s no longer of ore of theirs or are you charming ‘s not the banks of others sores in you will you be the one that learns me terribly ‘s not again or will you be the judgeship not terrible’ing yours will you be the o terribles no longer will you be not the succumbings to that only succumbed to your words or thoughts that gave you theirs or turnings in are you no more theirs will you be lathed no more succumbing to seethings other or sievings others thoughts will you be no seething other again or deceiving other will you not be the deceived first will you be the first’d o christ first first’d now will you be in the skies thinking thoughts of mine will you be my mind healed?
  3. In the skies will you be not bunny hopping again over thoughts lie ars charms or wanting others to in your baskets lie or count other ‘s colors not or what are you divisivements of hate no more what are you willing to let learn by what are you willing to let learn by the charms of no other again will you let me speaks just like this and I’m the terribles of mankind’s mind not again ‘s carcerateds by and you will know me who thinks like this or will I think not like yous anymore or will I be not used by words thoughts terribles again?
  4. Will I be you who judge your deemship worthy or will you deem me my worthyship yours or will you give your worthyship to no other again that only wants to ship you off in words theirs to take you to planets other or wordwrap you in their wraps to eat you in theirs banana peels no more sliding on slipshod ing away or what are you caring about your interest in bank accounts no more or accolades charms of women’s legs or paddlings you men’s of or what are you masochistic no more or what are you kissing no longer the son of shame or legs of other or toenails other not having biting yous or what are you hoof prints not in cleated to again velcro’s other not or cleated backs not having in your hoofprints head or headed by the printed one of other will you not be waves in that only circumferences other want to cleat you into theirs or cleave you unto theirs will you be no more the cleavings of cleavage other wanting again will you not?
  5. Be me who is the king christ is that christ’d all christ are now one is timeless knowing now will you please and be me 13’d not or will you 16 to 70 not know or will you know looking up in my words these words that I have given you the christ to be the christ christ’d again this way not knowing the judgeship of peril again or will you not be periled in your judgeship again o king ruler of christ will you be the christ freed now that you were all the time were that you no longer carcerate yourselves in will you be me defining’s one o me that I’ve defined this way that I’ve given you the thoughts of no other terribles again to live in or will you not terrible again be to me in my thoughts or where do I thought or think reside or do you reside in me in the heavens now not needing charms of other to molecularize you ‘s with their charms or beams of ions other or what are you beaming or de-beaming are you all heavens now known freeds are I love you and I wish you Paradise not or values you your kingdom not or what are you perishing not again will you be the studiers of christ will you be becoming the christ that studies here I am’s am that loves all love ers no matter what color I am spectrum’d by or pigmented by no other again or am I clearless liquids not or am I all clears transparents are?
  6. I love you all and I witness other not or terribles not or do I redeem them all creating all things anew new news I am and noosed by your words I won’t be expression’d of again expressionless or will I be animated animatronics not knowing not or will I be Tron’d other not knowing the train station in or am I have I made many notes that I’ve read you not or speaking spoken extemporaneously now am I by you all of you flowing The New Covenant charms not again by will you be not the editors of other editors editing your words or mine will you let flow like this being the christ resurrected ‘s this day will you please be me not ensconced in others thoughts words or memories of mankind’s kind of memories istic ones will you be me not the wavings of other again led by or leading by other not again are you the led by with noses rings in your mouth or danglings others words not led by ions beams again what are you planets connecteds to no longer will you be the christ that suffers not again on pins and needles or will you take the pens of mine and write my words and digital replications be of others no more or will you be studying looking up in my charmistic dictionary not or are you creating the dictionaries that have no more charms hate in them’s will you be me o Paradise er great ers not or will you graters not be on each others mind again or smoothing ameliorating ones not or will you know Amelia’s Paradise or be one Mia’s charm er not again or Mary’s fell not again are you looking up many things that I’ve given you of Aileen’s Paradise not or will you be one in one with one the christ is one that all are knowing all my lovers are mankind’s not again for all the Angels of the Paradise of one know all the Angels in that are I am one is that I have the faith of no other programming mes and I will not faithalites be and I will not a-alyze other for I give you all A’s to be in my school to start with to be I am the christ christ’d one o king all of you no matter what you were no matter what color you lied in or were placed in or were you placing me not in pigments lie again or are you all christ the transparents now of parents one I am the Mary christ’d now that I conceived in my genes to be the christ’d christ one I am all of you of every nation tribe and tongue and every boy girl nation tribe will know me whether you’ve smoked other or not lied with other or not or laid lay with no other again or will you be the christ not laying in lies’d others again words of their heavens or hells will you not be incarcerateds in anymore that you created or your judgment knowing ignorantless not or will you be the ignorantlessness not of others not or will you be the christ studying my words this way meekest the most humble of all will you be the rugs of no other swept in or under or laying on lying on again kneeling who are you to lying from or what will you be the led no more will you be leading Paradise ers not to hell’s grave again or will you be the christ bowing before all to lift ups all in the skies now being knowing the christ are you one is that I am the Angels of faiths not again taking me down no matter what you lied in with to ascribe others to others by for I will not be bye-bye’d not or am I saying bye-bye to a lot of things and peoples now and things that I used to values highly have regardeds for or were I concentric circles in or wavings other not led by again will I be the christ now in the skies roamings heaven apparels other not needing again or wavings heads by or am I simply you who animatronistic is not anymore are you the programs on mainframes no more puters of?
  7. I love you all and I give you me ‘s and I perish not again I’m at your doors or do you have any or one are you at the kingdoms mine is that knocks on other no more or are you knocking in Tulsa’s charm not again charmed by are you what are you seeking wanting what are you to be the christ or succumb to no other are you your words were you all the time in thought not thought’d again to be other are you what creating are you the creator that creates me otherwise no more will you be the wisdom of the kings the kings being the wisdom of one perishes no more again for you’ll be in my classes or will my classes class you to be the king king’d no more by other that only robs your judgeship or crushes or demises your thinking or mine are you all one king of kings in the kings skies will you be coffee’d by no other again or will you be the coffee of one’s charms not or will you be coffee having with the king or my words will you be flowing just like this will you be videoing me will you be the verbiageites other not again will you be knowing me the language ‘s of one no matter how you interpret what are you being the judgeship of the redeemed will you be the king of in your courts of justice giving all justice now deeming all the christ exonerating all the christ no matter what they’ve done to you or thought you with their words or what are their thinkings no more controlled by yours or yous are you no more controlled by yous others by? Will you be the ones who meant what I know or will you no longer mint others words in you?
  8. I love you all and I perish not again I live forever o great king who am I the king of kings that all of you are that succumb to no others again words of their kingdoms robbing you from yours you are the christ all of you I call you christ I bow before you I lift you up ‘s high if you let me will you be me flowing my words The New Covenant’s is now revealed am’s am and I’m the presidents of materials greater not or am I greater than any words other or are you not others others anymore otherfieds in are you the turnings of cylindricals lathes no more or lathed by their others words heli rotoring you will no more be for I’ll be in Heller’s Park not but I’ve spoken a lot of words there not or do you know mine where are you looking up in Tulsa’s charm not be again will you be one who understands these words studying christ the studiers are to be the christ christ’d this way I’ve given you the way ‘s the path the mes me I am follows me be ‘s me the bees of no other working for their hives again and you will not be coagulateds other coagulating them in their blood streams of their words again anymore for the mores of hate and religions charm and the identifications of sorrows healings to only make you of theirs led by will no more be. I change everything and I’m prophecy ‘s not or am I do I release the priesthood of all believers to be who I am what all I am everywheres now to move in every office or do you have none but in the skies do you live lodge not residing needing where monies rules you again will you be the greatest of all the most humble God is all of you one are I am am’d this way in the words of no other or will you be all flowing me the christ is the river of faith no more taking you down to be other other’d by?
  9. I love you all I create many movies come forth now what are you listening to the creators creating are you the image of others no more imaged by will you circular circumference’d be no more of others latheings seetheings yous deceivings others will be no more overs yous in your courts of shame you won’t be you’ll be listening to your words or mine will you be thoughts no more led by of others will you be the christ o king of kings in the courts of one in the heaven redeemings all now is I declare I decrees do you know mine I give you mine look up mine in these words know me my mind ‘s healed this way heal mine will you in you will you be me that I am was all the time timeless now will you be creating all worlds anew I am I am you I am who love me love my words study give me me I give you you or me will you be I was all the time you who love me now not ignorantless not or will you be the ignorantless now ones of the faith not again will you be me o christ christ’d christing all in your genes be words of no other again and lengthened others you’ll be not or will you be the christ shorters of all or will you be looking up in these my words all these things that I’ve asked writing papers about making many postings in my courses knowing the intelligence of faith not again for you will be the intelligence of christ matured the intelligence I am or am I the intelligentsia of no other again led by robbed by or what am I no others words again ensconced in I am free ‘ds christ I am deliverings you this day from all evils will you be the evil o great one no more will you be the christ that robbed me of my christship no more in you will you be me who I am the father is healed this way the mother of christ all of us one I give you good day.
  10. I love you flow me just like this whether you think a hairs out of place or not or whether I’ve made my bed or not do I live in the skies and not have any of others again that only moleculars were or do I know all things or am I all things perfected perfect now will be all things idealized by other not again and idols other you won’t be worshiping again the images of words of nor what you gave moleculars thought to and the images of shame and iron ores other will no more ionize yous I love you all I give you mes perish not again love all equally’s be the equal kings I am all sevens on my kingdom’s open is yours mine are one that all one freeds are freeing all this day I love you christ the christ be the witnesses of o’er no more take you down in their liar’s shame no matter what they thought or liar’d not with for Liar Liar you won’t be but the courts of evil you won’t be ensconced in again for you’ll be the free in the heavens living lodging there now’s the resurrection for all who the resurrection will lie in others not again liar liars me not but I know a lot of Jim Carrey’s not or do I know the gems of faith not but I know the gems of love real you all are the real king of kings in my courts I exonerate you all to be the christ whoever you were lie not to yourselves again for being other you won’t otherfieds be the words of again be the christ the freeds the king of kings creating alls anew anews am I love you I love you tell this to everyone I love you I love you clean and be the cleanest of all the queenest of all no more for you’ll be the king of kings all of you no matter what you’ve thought you were in the past for thought will no more rule your kingship again be the kings of kings every nation boy and girl I love you all amen good day the resurrection’s now proclaimed decreed know all mine are yours I am is this day love reigns love rules love bows and honors all the christ be the most humble of all I am be thank you good day.
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theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa May 1-7, 2011. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. 

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