THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News will you do unto me as I have done unto you giving you my life

will you do unto me as I have done unto you giving you my life

will you do unto me as I have done unto you giving you my life
cottingham, theodore. April 20, 2011 at 3 PM on the land
Voice file 110420_001
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. On the land as I have given you me in these ways that come forth now that ascribe me to me ville of other not again for I am villain’d not by other again am I one who’s vile in the accords of other no more again am I one who’s dictums are other not or dictates mandates other not or are thee dictating mes no more or are the dictums mes not or are you all dictating mes now I am’s my words coming forth like this in the fountains of love that knows not equalees not or do I unfurl’s am I now that in the skies is living lodging walking the lands as notme’s costumes in not or am I the knotsville in of o’er drums ville not again earing other am I not the ears of other needed by or hearings am I in the accords of one that need no drums of other rolled by am I one whose needs are not proponenting not or am I the proponents of notme again to be here’s I am in classes other or am I skatings on thin ice of no other again am I in dictum’s accreditation’s strongholds not again vice’d by am I the vice roys of approval not or do I know many viceroys now in the Federation of the planets of Angels do I know far and wide do I know one who’s me not the dictums of other living by the accords of other courts me no more for I am not corked by the stew of other nor stews of other eaten on’s their tables again for I am not controls’d by nor controlled by their words looks again and the stares of other will no more stare me down or will I be up’s in the skies corked others not again by am I the ones who know me I am the lovers of mankind not again or am I redeeming them all blue eagles not or am I heavens accords accordant ones not or am I blue Titan ings not again tightenings other not again but I’m not the budgets of other needing controlled by again for I am not the controls’d by boards other again am I one termless limits knowing not the budgets of mankind’s mind again ore’ing me for I will not paddles be by the courts cords of other again nor the corks of other crowning mes for wine of new life I’ll be walkings in the heavens alls known now I am and I am I am accordanting other not again am I you o lover of life be not be’blued but renewed are you in the way of mankind’s mind not again patched-up quilt work of other not being again are you listening in to my words being them my words to them I have given you mine that my mind is two’d not by other again for I am one in one or one over one one is not the two’d blued again.
  2. I love you all to know me walk the land of miracle ‘s not again or are you the miracle working Gods are you in the skies knowing blueprints other not or schemas schema’d not or are you the schemes of the devil not protruding yous again from’s I am froms Angels or am I the begetting Angels Angels are one that one is am I am’d this way that I produce miracles not or am I heavenating heavens awards now to all of you who walk the skies or flies with me being me birds of no other flights again or am I the flights of starbirds miracles not but jets are 71 XR’s not but a lot of XR-71’s I know or like or am I not sound barriers broken by or am I soundless waves broken by other not again into little pieces to quan ta’d be I am not quantum’d other again or am I christ all of you knowing the fearship of one not but the sphereship of other not again knowing or am I one globes mighty or all of you are one I am in other not again controls’d by for I am Mabee Center steering by not or am I steering by intents?
    I love you all to imposition me not again or are you the position of christ the positional christ in the skies not knowing pivot points of other are you me who frame the mind of no other again are you mindless not again are you mine my mind’s healed just like this by those who walk the lands frame others not again in yours for scaffoldings other you’ll no more be the frameworks of for constructing Israel’s you do are just like this walking protruding others not but peckings other hen won’t be again for the eyes of the eyes-out crowd will be no more for I’ll be putting in’s not or will I be revealing lights to the starbirds eagles not but I tell you this I’m not afraids of your words again nor your deliver y’s nor your ultimatums nor dictums mandates approach again for approach me you will on your knees not or will you be mes in the skies bowing before all’s asking repentance for all you’ve done or not done’s have you are you fryings steaks no more in the gravies of others stew to others do not or will you do unto me as I have done unto you giving you my life ‘s kind in my words am my lifekind am now’s I am am’d this way and my life’s mankind’s not or am I life times one alls known am I’m not the over of over’d-other again for I am the one of one in one all know my ones healed this way this day I’ve given you the accord report of no other not or am I not other’d by your wants mankind-wise again?
  3. I love you all to be fearless now and of one mankind-mind not again I love you all to be mine life of one in one being one I am healed this day this way loving you all alleluia amen am I am am’d this way be in my courses my class my classes courses my courses class I am in the skies the class of christ christ being the christ’d ones this way who love me walks the land flies now and records other not or are you videoing ‘s me far and wide all I am’s not the neglectfuls other again or am I neglecting Paradise not again in my soups I’ll be no more covereds over again and the covered dishes of other no more neglect mes or will I neglectful be’s of the stews of other that only want to pour their words down me nor ladle their soups not or am I not soup-spoons needing anymore to ladle others communions down mine?
  4. I am the communion of saints not or am I the saintly’s approach not but I am the christ who christ all others to be the christ who surrender to be the christ who will be me in the skies walkings this way I covereds nothing not or am I uncoverings a lot of stews that surreptitious ‘s were?
  5. I love you all be in my classes schools creating far and wide this way the lovers of light are born again reported not by other again or am I reporting all of you to authorities other you won’t be again or will you be the christ the supreme in the skies who loves other giving you all I am greens purple not but burpleing other you won’t be again for Porsche’s soup I won’t be in not or will I be all of you recordings evil not again am I speaking many languages or one in the skies be all healeds now is who love me be me want me be me loving me and I want you be me who loves want not again I love you all be the christ healeds this day this way my words loving you all I go now I’m done one amen.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa May 1-7, 2011. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. 

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