did you call me

did you call me
cottingham, theodore. April 10, 2011 at 2:50 AM
Voice file 110410_000
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. Giving you me now in new ways I do to the rich and famous or are you looking up in these words the rich and famous the ways that I’ve given you to know me by being paupers no more are you the richest in Babylon not again or are you in the skies knowing me all as Lord Jesus not again or are you all seeking a sought-for stance of other not again askewed askance or stance’d are you not in the genes of others spanse again or spans of time wanting or are you spans spanses no longer spanning time zones or witnesses other being to of other not being again for I am not two of one or am I one two’d not again I love you all to know these things and witness many miracles or will you know my transcriptions hang in the balance not but hanging my words up on you won’t be again or will you be phoning mes interests not but I’ll make a lot of recordings not recordeds like in the past that phones were taped or not or are the conversations not taped that all everyone makes or are everyone hearing my words all throughout times are yours recordeds just like this are if you knew that where I am ye may be also looking up will you come be me where comity’s civility’s not or are the civilities of mankind no longer comedy’s comedics or are were you ever the comedics of mankind’s mind that only wanted a comedy of errors not again will you be ensconced’s in will you be the errors eras of mankind’s ears not again wanting or civility’s interest that gives you a judgments due or what are you willing to be protrudeds no more of extrudeds aluminums foils or are you changing everything about the way you talk speak or witness many miracles shall you in your speech knowing my words giving you a set of words superfluous not again or vocabularies exercise speech of due to others or are you not practicing due your speech or are your speech patterns changing your mind or mine is becoming the one that one is are you knowing listening looking at these words on paper on screens on projections mighty not being again cast by or castes are you not in again or casteless societyless are you civility’s interest judge ments not again making or are you all deeming christ worthless no more are you the worthy christ that all are whether you “s” me or not or put an s’ or ‘s not or are you all going to new places doing new things learning new words new ways with new people ‘s creating them far and wide because you’re the creator I am’s is doing this you know and I’m a Smiley smiler not or do I know Kit and Beth Becker not or am I begging not again no matter what you say about my interests words do you know not worrying about yours again that had yous by the throat that used you in theirs or do you know anything about the free’s and clears’ interest of mes will you be the ones that are me know all things now given granted I sneezed not or are I sneezing not at your words or do I know a significant tense of other not again am I the tensity’d or comity’d or civility’d not again in your worships due interest or are you interested in due yours not again or the dew of your youth know you anything about that I’ve studied or memorized have I given you many requests to do so in Psalm 110 knowing mine the dew of your youth mine am I your mind made whole in or are you mine that mine was all the time that dad was or God was or you were me all the time that one we were not knowing the sonship of christ or developed were we never the mind ing of one that because two we were taught to be or tri bunals interests not again or trivialities’ charm not again or bi cycling skis not but a lot of lakes I know perish not again not or am are I not perishing again because I’m dry thirsty land or Nile’s rivers dammed up not but I make a lot of changes in a lot of places where I sages interests interest me not again or am I covering a lot of things or uncovering a lot of things that have been hiddens’ interests tapes recordeds not or have I bellowing out another not am I again because I produce evidence evidentiary’s not or am I the evidentiary’s appeal not again worrying about judges summary interests other not again am I subject to or pleadings other not am I legalers beaglers in the courts of sorrow or am I the tribunals of heaven meeting or am I trying not again as mankind to please mankind?
  2. Mind of other I won’t have two ing me again nor chewing me in chewbaccy’s charm or am I not furry’d animals or furrowed anymore my back to yours or am I backing yours no more with gluons’ interests or quarks quacked or quackings ‘d am I no longer in your words diced soup of other needing no other charms I connect a lot of things in these words that I’ve given you a set of me I am the genes of me that I have etchings not other again etchings me of for I’m the purpose on kind not or am I mankind or God kind of one that’s given you your God ship of one knowing now how ever you wish interpret not or are you the wishful thinking hopin’ no more or are you the matured christ this way that will speak me not worrying about a stray syllable or hair of sorrow messing up your portrait again or do you have any non molecular or non sequitur again or segues parish not but the perishings of me will know the halls of Congress or will you know me in the skies Parliament’s interest not Knesset’s sorrow or are you all of ruling bodies in the skies that separates out me not again to be Israel’s interest other am I in the skies now that knows the interest not of mankind’s time gravity’s space again am I the GSK’s not or Gestapo’s other not but the KGB’s of the skies are no more hiba’g’ing me for I am the Seabee’s other not but the seals of other not have been broken not or are all the seals of the seven stars in my hand or the 12 or 13 not again am I or am I in the heavens 7 degrees or equal ones am I on ‘s alls I am owns all I am’s do that am’s all equals are do I am saying many things this way that be’witness miracles other not again or am I the miracle working God or letting you become me I am giving you the genes of christ this way that I’ve become be come this way coming comity or what are you civility’ing parish not again perishing are you or will you be christ no matter what you think of my sentences sentence structure of evil will you not be locked up in grasps to again?
  3. Will you be me that changes everything now that you’re frames per second not or are you framed no longer in your words by your attitudes actions or actionating what are you the actionating plan of Satan no more creating in your genes by your words you want be the anti’d other again you won’t be softened to toward or will you be me transcriptions interest whether by neurosurgeon or what are you neuro ing no more are you neurons’ interest no longer in locked to gluon’d by glued by other you I won’t be again two of each or one of one will we be that no needs other have I love you all to know me I give you a set of words that never perishes again the mighty many for you will be me who locks unlocks yours or mine will you locked be no more pick ing up my words will you all the time now print ing them out and locking up others not or will you not have others around in your mind or will you be me soliciting other not or solemnity’ing other not or solenoids other will you not have governors governesses of that concubines look like or not secretarial legs have or not in brains other or will you not have labels other again that you forfeit or cult eyes worship in celebrities status of politicians shame or monies makers or politicians halls will you brush up no more against or will you be cleaning out a lot of things now among the heavens that stars witness other not again speeches by?
  4. Will you be me who understands these words forescythe’ing other not or foresighting other are you or are you me foresighting with me the sight of God is the sight of one that all sees knows all knowing is the one ‘s I am one’d I am is that I am father of christ God is all of you conceiving the christ the mother of one being the Pearl of no other again will you please know me and seek other not again or sheik other will you be close to or knowing mighty many of every cult-label not or are you cult-labels no more interested in but deeming all christ in your courts of heaven are you one ones redeeming your brethrens all bowing before all are you now witnessing other miracles not again or are you all miracle working Gods seeking not again of other Gods developing Gods are you with no apostrophes or “s es” other or are you God s God whether you s that me or not I’ll be me who I am not subject to time ‘s space again or will I be walking your halls of Congress or Knesset’s charm not but I’ll be in the heavens and I’ll be Knesset Parliament’d not or will I be democracy’s capitalism not or will I be benevolent dictators not again no matter what you called me or did you call me I gave you my number or phone did you have or will you call right or be in Tulsa ‘s charmed not again by other will you change the christ not into untied again or will you untie me in your mind to be not the knotted-ups again will you be me o christ privileged one in the skies all of you are cultless labelless now not knowing the christ-other not or are you all christs freeing christs other to be other’d by no more are you listening to these words wanting no others again shall you want not again 20 minutes charm or will you give me 30 or 10 or 20 will you be dozenating dozens now across the lands times zones impending not or restrictions significancing not again are you without any that knows you’re not christ now that you are christ all will know and bow before you or will my brethren bring their gifts not again or will they bow and repent not or will they come and be the christ I am because you lift them up because you’ve forgiven them all are you Joseph or king of Arimathea not again of graves seeking are you the white washers of tombs no more are you the cleansed in the temples of mankind’s mind not again are you seeking are you in the skies christ o christ ing be christ will you please now writing my papers all of you knowing my miracles courses being in registering now fools’d not of another again be the words of mankind or God s God will you be developed this way matureds queens of no other words of set others again in cast stones will be for you will not be castes of others in again nor stones of others throws in words of your bowls glass will break no more or will you need no more glass spheres or invisibles other or will you know all of us one are that molecules other not again are we all one universe of phlogiston other not but the Philistines of other are no more or are we all Jews in the skies or are we labelless cultless no more again or are we all Kurds Shiite Muslim Sunnis or Christians witness or are we all Germany’s Americas not or are we all Hitler’s regime not again hitting each other with words or looks or blares glares stares for we are not the trumpetings of other again no matter what robes you wore nor wantings made you of your lives for you are mine o great king or am I yours not enclosed in you wrappings in again will you be christ who’s Israel is in the skies not subject to time space and gravity’s wants demands again are you demandings not making again upon timespace’s machines are you machines’d not again are you christ o christ will you be?
  5. Have I said blunt ly these things Paradise other not again I’ve given you time to repent space to be king of kings developed altered not again will you be in the parishes of no other again or will you be in the skies developing christ at the schools of one the covenants of one knowing the one of covenant other not again will you be all Ishmaels christ or Abrahams sorrow not again or no matter what you called which one are you christ all of you the christ anointed Messiah in the skies redeeming all lands far and wide planets charms not again in ensconced by will you be in universes multiple or many mighty perishing not again because you love them?
  6. Singsong other not but yin yang other’d be I won’t be by again for bye-bye to all else and sorrow and I lift my head or do you lift yours against me no more who I was christ all the time in you were you you or thinking you were separate existence will you be no more ensconced in creating christ other you won’t be again for you’ll be christ no matter what your name was for you’ll be christ I am I am’d this way and I love you all speak the christ truth of one being it this way video verbiage’d ite ‘d not by other again for the ites of mites other you won’t be interested in or littles grasshoppers not but a lot of Littles you’ll know not or Biggs big will you not be Mouzon’d in or will you know a lot of Methodists champs clamps not but I tell you this the methods of the king are knowns to me that I’ve given you in these words a special set of instructions not or gnosis Gnostics not or Essenes Gospels not or have I you are knowing all these things whether you witness other or not do you know or care will you be the christ that suffers all not again to parish in your genes are connecteds by?
  7. Bye-bye to else and all sorrows’ sorrow and I say goodbye I go I do now many things with new peoples far and wide I create and do I come again or am I you developed now by your words you knowing mine do you mine mine to know yours not separate again will you be the miner of no other ‘s words again will you be christ knowing the set of special instructions not or are you all the christ doing my assignments knowing my papers writings my projections not or are you not projections of mankind’s mind again beatings over the head of Angels saints or saints Angels are you or are the king of kings all you are that has everything given to you must you develop mature will you be the timids parish no more again or are you understanding will you understand the meant or mint will you be minted no more in your minds of others words or will you be the parished not by the words of other perish not again in your souls do you have one connecteds you won’t be again to’s for you’ll be ones of ones parished not again and perish in no soups of other will you please?
  8. I love you all christ be the witnesses this day freed the freedomers are who free my words know mine and mine mine mind will be healed this way I love you all the Fellowships of One knowing being in the schools of one parished not again I’ll be in the skies knowing Tulsa’s charm not or residency not or will I know the residencies of christ in Tulsa’s skies here I comes here’s I am free’s I am I free’s all and who am I the freedomers allowed invited who surrenderers are surrenders all to be all given to to create alls anew again I love you all parish not again in the foolship of christ-other for the christship of one ‘s alls known now here’s I am arise now here’s I go I’m done amen.
  9. Warrant other not again in your genes for I’ll be the tri bunals of christ not or the trials of christ not suffering again have I finished mine or resurrecting now am I the christ in you to be the hope of glory of no others again for you’ll be me now the glorified christ all of you are me who I am know my words knowing my words lifted-ups be not subject to times other space gravity’s again I love you be me matrix’d by other not again love the christ be the christ honor the christ all of you every nation tribe and tongue be the one I am one’d I am good day this way I’ve given you be me thank you for leading ruling in the clouds the skies everywheres I am I speaks this way I teach I go I’m done I bow I love you I love you all equallees be thank you good day amen.
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theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa this May 1-7. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2-4pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA.

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