are you writing me at 302 Sheridan

are you writing me at 302 Sheridan
I am school
cottingham, theodore. April 9, 2011 at 8:15 AM
Voice file 110409_000
Video file 110409_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. And I change everything now that I live in a new place or do I live in a new place with new words coming to me am I writing them in Tulsa’s miracle charm not or am I charmed not by miracles other again that I thought was thought was giving me not or was thought giving me a lot of pile shit no longer in my heads of wants or wants was what of shit was or am I not shitting words again out of my mouths or splitting atoms or am I not Adaming things again as I was in the Garden of Eden or am I not holy individualistic not or am I the individualism’s one not again wanting an individualistic invisibleistic cannibalistic not or am I not changing trading the words again for others that eat out of bowls of my head to only have waste products of theirs am I not belligerents not again or am I changing everything about the belligerent arrogant who thought they knew me or wanted to know me in their own rite or right then were they or are they now writing me otherwise or are you writing me at 302 Sheridan (1) or do you know anything about where I live in the skies or Tulsa’s charm are you not in again as a city of lights or are you changing everything about where you live so you do writing of me now so that you are first-person’d not of other again that you are the first person of me being me bringing me about this way are you now not worried about my words other are you Hal put off’d not or are you Hal’ing not yourselves again in howlings memories of wolves other or are you not eatings each others words again off plates of gold ‘n memories or are you not changing everything or are you becoming me who I am wear I am where I am wearing I am this way are you me who uses the video verbiageites not or are you videoing verbiageites or are you not the verbiageites of old videoing but me who’s me now are in the skies is me one writing the words of the temple of mankind’s mind not again for the temple of one’s I know what is where and I am wearing not the words of another in my mind again or on my mind what will be now the words of christ becoming it christ I am that christ I am it that I sought in another or was I only Allah’s wanting or goodness other or goodness of other am I not seeking humanitarians efforts in or am I revealing the christ in all of you to be the christ not needing monies other or sheaths words or words of chief tain Indians not or are you the chief of words no more tains mounting yous?
  2. I love you all to know me who scales you not again or are you scalar peaks mounting or are you scalar’d vectored no more in the minds of other beams ion’d of or do you know anything about the molecular itus’d ones or tachyon ‘s’d other not but I tell you this I’m not fast slowed not or am I not slowed again because fast I am in the faster lane of mankind’s mind not again am I taking time to be still listen and write the words of I am that know I am become I am this way that I am in Tulsa’s charm not again or was I ever or am I in Tulsa’s peace of peace I am the peace maker I am for I reveal peace in you all to be the peacemaker I am Joseph Cottingham or of Arimathea was I or am I you christ was Jesus all the time I John or you Isaiah’d not again by other are you the words of no other studying or Korans Koranic other not or are you Buddhaistic Vedantant other not or Vedic’d other not are you Upanishads are what are you studying or knowing the writings of me that transcend Buddhas or all the moleculars are now Upanisharded not or are you not shard ‘d with metals other or charted other are you in the heavens now charting all else and other to be not other’d and else ‘d again are you me who’s worried not about mankind’s mind or looks again will you be me just like this who arise in the wee hours or Saturday mornings or weekends going to Tulsa are now all of you going to move new things doing new things with new peoples this way writings the words of the lamb I am that I am lambed this way by no other again for I am not blasted others by for I am the christ revealing the christ in my genes being it etched this way or am I de-etching all things other that else’d to me to be others in?
  3. I am ending many things because beginnings new beginnings I am and this is day one folks and altogethers change lovely or is all changed lovely not but all lovely I am and I am changing many things where I live wear what I words must or words must change or wear I do new things where I am christ is revealed and I reveal all christ to everyone’s now in my writings and who am I the surrendered who christ reveal this way christ being the christ’d ones christing all christ I bow before all and I reveal you all to you all everywheres now changes and all the words of mankind changes me not again into its image ery again I love you all christ be Hal ‘d not by another and you will be 2001 not or will you be my movies makers not or will you not be precarious overload ‘d’s by or will you not overload yourselves with your mind again or will you have none in the skies but mine so that you will have not floatings of other again ion beamed by or receivers receptors other will you not be again will you be me who needs no notes or will you notings be lessonating my words drawing paragraphs out not or connecting all my linkings and ramifications knowing searchings out referencing systems known and writing about creating websites of horrors not again for you will not be Horowitz survivor not or will you know Auschwitz’s charm not again in your mind that only bakes your ovens memories not but I’ve said a lot of things a lot of ways that I contract Jewisms no more or am I in the skies jewelries other not needing or Jewisms hates not but Jewry’s no more of what it was or am I in the skies all Israel’s known now that Angels are of the First Degree that not subject to time and space are anymores everywheres I do all things differently for I am christ revealing christ’s words this way that christ I am not the fools ‘d of other again and I love you all and I witness terror not again in my genes for I will be no terroristic ones terrorizing each other again that I loved or thought below me or above me were or not or are I changing everything that collective memory is no more bombarding me with or am I everything bombardments other not or am I one planning central or planning one central am I in the heavens that knows planning what is strategic interests not of another and I know strategy sucks the dogs ears of hate’s teat not again for I will not be interested in others passing through me for I will not pass their mankind’s mind through me on to others and I will not transmitings beams be and I will not beamed be controls’d by and I’ve said much.
  4. I love you all and I go now to a new place I move in Tulsa’s charm not but I move to a place where I wear the words of christ where I become the words of christ not subject to yours where I become me who I was all the time I am now I am doing new things with the surrendereds who love honor and obey not the christ not or do we obey our memories istic of others no more or are we sticks of memories no more being boned up in or are we christ in the skies not subject to bodies other molecular ‘s or nots or are we knot’d the christ no more are we freeing all who we see and wear where we go now what are the words we wear or are our flesh’s mind no more minding us with the words of other are we not subject to the minds of other again we wear christ words we are that christ reveal where we are christ we reveal are all christ around us or are we all relieving others not or are we in the heavens now not subject to time space gravities other born again we are the ones we are the christ we were all the time that made this world not livable again or are we livables in the skies now not subject to times sensitive other or are we sensitive’s nons or non sequiturs not or are we looking up in these words knowing Database One first and foremost what are you the brows of no other beaten by the transmitters of me will codecs me again not or will you be the transmissions other not again controlled by will you be what are you wearing inside you the words of no other outside you or in no others brains or minds are you forecombobulated other or are you forking tongue no more to eat the words of other in your bowls minds or minds bowls of other are you not eating out of the ions of other no more perpetuate mes for I am mes one sons of interest not or am I in the heavens sons of God or God creating am I the creator of that makes new worlds not interested in others again or am I creating alls anew or redeeming alls I did starting with me first that I did do now all of you do this way that I did do I new things do with new peoples new places speaking the word ‘s of I am the lambs writing the papers out writing the papers about knowing my assignments will you please and Moodling other not do I go to Oklahoma City or Oklahoma do you know USA or in the heavens are you all in Mecca’s charm not again or are you all on ruggerages lie not lying again or are you all me Buddha pesting Hungary not but are you hungry for the word of I am the lamb that flows this way the fount of other no more bled by dry?
  5. Are you me the fount of no perishing now are you the fount of me that perishes not the mind of me again are you the fount of no blood flowing out on the ground again are your words me mine now that wears others not again or wearing thin not are you or thinistic ballistic not or are you the words of the simple most minded meek no more or but are you the meekest of all God is that all God are Angels are the christ is father redeemed this way the crown of no other wearing on you in you are you the conceiver of christ the mother of God that God is one I am are we all are this way created creating all new things wear we are where we are?
  6. We are all new in new places doing new things who will be the explorers of the heavens in the heavens not afraid at alls anymore for we are the Muchafraids no more controlled by Notafraids not or are we not afraid to learn where we are who we are all new things doing this way and I study hard or do I soft touch not but touch you with others words I won’t again or did I ever were I you who robbed you of you or were you the robbers of me that I gave you my mind whole healed that you went and coexistence’d other in were you me all the time that wanted a scientific other or a memoryistic other sticking you in your eyes or bowls chains not again will you be not the DNAs of Paradise other in again wanting or will you be DNA’d by christ of christ christ words knowing this way revealing christ are all new generations now the regeneration’s now of star trucks not or star tricks not but you know a lot of what I’ve said if you’ve studied well and written my papers about becoming the christ I am revealed this way all of you are and I’m a red headed stepbitch not or am I the memories of other not again controlling ‘s’d by or am I one simply who sticks no stones in my eyes again or yours am I simply one christ revealing you are doing that to others no more or are you the me who heals all Meonics knowing Meology’s first graduates are in the skies that’s how you graduate here and I’m not the mankind’s of memoryistics again nor the memories istics of others controls by and I’m perpetuateds other not but ballistics other not but a lot of ballistics no more touch mes and the shields of other magnetics charms and all the things that you thought were so powerful perpetuateds by are no more controlling mes and I am who am I ‘s the ones who loves love and loves this way enough to rule my words with no other again will you be my words ruling my kingdoms or my kingdoms open are yours that all ones are we are ones ones in the heavens not subject to graces time space’s other or are we the graces of the king knowing all grace perpetuated now love and kindness memoryistics of other not taking us down again for we will not wallow in memories other nor what words gave us of mankind’s mind to live in its past again.
  7. I love you all new creations I am revealing the Moodling others not or am I one googling Paradise not but all will know me and my words will be searched far and wide and know me everywheres I am all of you will know me be me please Paradise in knowing me where I start I start in Tulsa’s charm school not again or did I ever but am I knowing who I am now starting with the wieldeds Paradise not but I tell you this simple men and women I am or am I all of you men and children not or am I all of you who simple are going to the words of I am school christ school in the heavens I am beginning with Tulsa’s charmed one not be again of other please be me in the skies knowing real estate’s charm not again nor mortgages interest nor due things other the do-list of others won’t honey bee yous again for you’ll be mes in the skies not needing charms of other flesh’s again.
  8. I love you all and I’ve said much many ways and ferret me out not or will you ferret me in not again of other or will you be me riveted other not to by the words of other charms you won’t be in again for you’ll be in Tulsa’s memoryistic ones not but you’ll know me who I am where 302’s South my beginning not but Sheridan’s I’ve been at or am I in the skies revealing all now I am everywheres I am and my words love you or do I love you do you let me flow through you to you to you to be the king I am the king you are I am one that we all are not ignorants again.
  9. I love you all I’ve said much and many ways I cross your legs not but tieds in your brains won’t be again for I christ the christ and I’m not nailed to others again I love you all I gluon’d reproach not but all the others that gluon’d me to their glue’s words will no more touch mes I love you all write my papers about pure loves love lifted ups now all will be who love me the raptures now regeneration’s now raptures you are you the rapturer will you be the raptured you rapturing you first will you be the christ that saves you first in your words or mine will you be one that christ is all of you the patternship of one following or knowing or being becoming wearing the words of no other again where are you in my lifted-ups school leadership school all revealeds school in the heavens are I change everything and who am I the changed not again by other I love you all clone Paradise not again in your wants memories will be no more I love you all clone mine not but I tell you this I’m the creators I am of all I am’s is and I’m not the divisive divisivements of others again.
  10. I love you christ the words the words christ me be me I’ve given you all in these words of Database One Two and Three be me here’s I am love you honor all I go I bow before you all and I lift you high or do you lift me high or each other are you honoring all as christ christ all I are I am no matter what I sounded like to you or began or did in the past or what you’ve thought of me or ever have you thought of me will you again be me who I am all of you no matter what you’ve looked like in the past or wear worn-out be no more be christ me in the skies all of you are one God I am healed this way thank you be me Paradise opened is I love you where am I in your words genes or genes words I love you lifted-ups be the now’s now good day amen first light pure light be thank you good day I love you all of you I love you I died for you I come I go I am you I study I lifted ups am I write papers I rule I bow I honor all equallees am in the skies good day lovelyluia be Paradiselyluia lifelyluia pure life new be thank you good day honor all thank you me be.
  1. University of The New Covenant, 302 South Sheridan, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa this May 1-7. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2-4pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. 

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