302 South Sheridan, Tulsa

302 South Sheridan, Tulsa
a lot of Hals I’m not again
cottingham, theodore. April 8, 2011 at 9:46 AM
Voice file 110408_000
Video file 110408_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. At Sheridan I give you new life or do I new life in the skies give you at the door knocking are you now who’s me is learning these things from the master of ceremonies not or are you all mastering the ceremonies of me not again but becoming me who I am the meekest and mild of all or are you not mild mannered anymore or are you the kings manners at the table at the kings of one that makes all kings or reveals all kings are the king of kings is that one are is the one that I am is are you the one that I am that needs no punctuation again to understand these things and be witnessing other not again in your genes are you listening to these words to know and understand my despondency not discouragement not or are you not discouraged in the words anymore of others that want your christship robbed from you or are they taking it no longer again seriously are your words into them their veins coming or are their veins no longer robbing them of their words blood or words blood are they to the real in the real are they are not of other anymore are you listening understanding knowing the fortuitedness of others not again are you the superfluous’d not or looking up are you all these things that have given you a witness not of other again to be mere humanity’s charm or experiment ‘d by are you not the experimenter that only wants a love of acceptance other are you not the separater that wants only a existence separate other are you not me who wants me who I am flows my word this way who am the word I am not separated by existence other again or are you existenceing other again in your genes will be found no more of other was what ether’d other not or are you not ether’d surreal’d or surrealistic surrealism ‘s in not or are you not combobulateds in in ‘s others or are you ending a great many things now that used to rob your time from me or being me are you now surrendered to be the king of kings in the skies that knows a rapture other not again or have you ever raptured en been or only been enraptured in other ‘s words are you knowing mine now that release yours are you mine that has one words set of others no more do you know or are you redeeming all between among the universes chosen not again to be other are you choosing to be the christ that am the christ am I one that you are not separate again existenceing other again in your discouragement despondency or are you not witnessing other again in your genes to be money led by whose money ‘s are you leadings by or led are you no more to the stalls of other gaits that have your heads chopped off or are you knees cutting off of others no more or chopping blocks laying their heads of other to eat their bowls out of or are you knowing anything about the bowls I’ve stated or the bolds statements that I’ve made or the bowlings are you pins no longer of that only wants to knock down a thoughts of others not but farms of neurons farming yous won’t be again or will you be penning me underneath nets other not but the internets of shame won’t enter me not or will I enter mes all be fools not again because I’ve entered the crown ship of one the christ christship of one do you know I know anything about do I know everything about or am I one develop ing developments of the christ in the skies ship of no other fools again?
  2. Are you christ willing to be made fun of caricatures of decimated not in man’s view or women’s mind are you no longer decimateds again are you no longer decimating each other to be notchrist again will you be me who promotes christ or be christ will you not be promotings other anymore images of easter’s bunnies or playboys other or play women’s other of are you not the heartstrings of other again wanting or plucks cord of failures not but pucks mes again not booted around booties again for I am not walking around strollers mighty or am I not strolling in the parks again of others or am I parking not in fears a’mighty or whatever fears you want to cultivate among yous your cultures of un mighty’s are no more for I will walk through it all or will I fly will I being who I am am’d now be all am’s that I am that I am not subject to surrealism’s other or solipsisms other not or soliloquies other are you knowing not again or are you being mine writing mine writing my words or rhyme ings other dictionary not but Grimms Fairytales I tell not again or am I exploring the richest of miners other not or am I exploring the heavens making all news about telling you all this way that fortitudeds other interests by not again develop or envelop again or am I de-enveloping a lot of things or devolvings not again into mankind’s charm or AM I GODS GOD IN THE SKIES THAT GOD IS not deified others again wanting are you all one race of mankind’s mind not again creating each other on the grounds of other that deems all unworthy ‘s to be the christ not again or are you me deeming all christ bowing before all will you worship not other again in your genes or words will you be healed this day the christ is in the skies not the subjects of other taking or are you taking the one enter mes do that enters all other not or are you knowing my words released like this will you be not despondency’s other again led by will you be me no matter how much you peril in your genes or appareling other not are you led by their wants or smiles charms or acceptance other are you not begetting other by in your genes led by others you won’t be again etchings by theirs for you will not etchings be led by theirs nor led by their words anymore again for you will know mine the vocabularies of one the richest of all the king of kings in the lands of no other not again will you be in the skies knowing all redeeming all proclaiming all the heraldry’s here or are you the herald of mankind not again or despondency’s interest are you the proclaiming of mankind’s mind not taking you down again are you the decrees of righteousness in the heavens be decreeing ones are that decrees my word are meek and mild not or am I the mildest of all not or am I the meekest of all learning this these ways that I’ve given you these seven years nine or eight or 8 or 9 or do you know dozens millions hundreds of that come now from all four points to study there at your door are you willing to be led by no other again will you learn who you are so that you’re not scientific other ‘s again’d by will you not again others words by gaining them into your mouths charms or witnesses other bowls of eating out of the proclamations of other or wantings of mankind’s mind?
  3. Will you be proclaimed a fool not or will you willing are you what to be what are you willing to be fooled no more by other or what mankind ‘s charms think of you or what words they’ve in their mouth put ‘s there hoff other not or will you hoof be beaten by no others yoken oxen again will you trampled be under the words of no other again will you be mine released in the skies being living not the fortituded life of other again superfluous’d mighty or are you the superfluous’d few not again or are you the mighty many not knowing caricatures other or are you not worrieds about whatever they may say or who is they are you they no more are you christ being the christ willing are you to be the christ crucified no more by words other or are you crucifying yours that used to tell you you were not christ are you listening to these words and understanding knowing the inflections of the mighty many or are you the meekest of all perishing not again in the skies will you be constructing Israel’s this way no matter how despondent cy used you or wanted to discourage you are me who I am who not lets words take you down again nor the looks glares stares of other again for you will know how to look up or research will you be search ing in these words will you search me out and know me and be fool ‘d not by other again will you befools’d not by other again will you use my words are be them searching them out knowing me veins perishing not again of the real are you the vein of the rich not again or are you the vanity of the vain no more that proclaim you’re not christ all of you will you all be christ will you all proclaim christ will you all christ be the heavenating ones heavenated now are you the heavens ones that proclaim heavens anew generateds here are?
  4. I love you all alls perish not or are alls perishing now that won’t be christ again are you insisting on being christ desist ancy’s no more or will you cease not being the christnots or will you be the christ not ceasings other again or will you pray to me or will you be me not praying to other again will you be me my words leased or released do you know anything about are you not needing leases again of other on properties other or rents due of others no more will be for I give you dew of your youth not or do you give me mine or am I mine mind healed like this in you I am not coexistence ‘d other again for you will be the christ and know me video verbiageites of not or will you be the producers directors of core movies not or will my core be molten healed not again by other or am I healed one is that planets tary’s charms know not again or are you understanding will you know I think or live love I do in you am I you who am the life of no other again being begetting the christ this way I am my words the voice of one crying not in the wilderness again because I’m alone or separates or can’t do what I’m supposed to or am I doing a mankind’s memory machine ‘d routine not on me again am I doing algorithms interests not again or geometry’s failure or calculus’s other not again or do you know differentials anything about me who I am higher calculus math’d am I in the heavens or am I writing articles about the christ being the christ’d one I am now not fools’d by other again for I enter the courses of me enter mes do this you know who Meonics become the Meonics’ers of the First Degree the happiest of all the happiest of all I am the happiest of all or do I have no mind of happiness seeking again of other or am I gaining no other but losing the whole world again or am I gaining the whole world or the heavens all about me are I am creating now all overs anew the regeneration’s here the generation of one mankind’s not again taking me down for I will be all christ are one who is the king of kings at the table of one knowing all manners of righteousness and justice equity and wrath not again or are my wrath judgments or am I the meekest of all giving you all time to judge repent not or are you judging me worthy to be the christ you are that I am one mankind’s mind not again taking us down of?
    Who will you be led by or who are you do you know anything about what I’ve taught these years have I given you my life ‘s in these words are I am revealed that I’ve given you now I perish not again and I am who am I the one surrendered who am all are I’ve given you me led by no other am I the voice of the covenant one are you the covenant one not covenanted with other again having babies of crying pants or milk spilled in or are you the milk of the word no longer wanting or do you know anything about my words are you released the frozen chosen no more or are you all Israelites in the skies or Israel’s frozen no more or chosen for destruction not or are you me in the skies knowing the difference now between what a day makes revealed or not or are you the knights of Columbus no longer or are you exploring mes in the heavens are you mes masonics lodges of not or are you me the masons of constructing heavens or are you me the meekest of all that die for all other and else for all else and other no more take you down no matter what you’ve thought of your words or others again for you will be me who mighty is or the meekest of all will you give your life for your brethren you’ve loved and your sistern are they all one who one is not splittable’d ups again or will you be the uppities no longer again the elite few not or despondent few not or are you all redeeming all no matter what toofless crown you wear or toothless will you be no more or floorless dirtless not or will the tables of heaven be opened to you all no matter what color charmed you were by or having what quark ‘s ‘d faith will you not quark up or down be or will you be quarkless or quackless or ducking no longer on the ground the words of other will you be quacking turkeys by or meatless will you be the salads of other cut-up forks by no more will you be me in the skies eating at the tables of one are you me one who is provideds all here enter mes are all I am’s Paradise revealed.
  5. I’ve given you me I go now I’m despondent other not but I’m done or am I have I been fools not again am I have I given you my life’s in these words I love you all make fun or not I care not or do I care a great deal but it doesn’t matter me anymore for it doesn’t matter to me or does it matter make me of yours anymore I am the christ are you the christ revealing christ are all about you all around you not other surreals again looking into the images of other will you know the mankind’s of man kind no more or unkind will you be no more to other that you thought was different or neglectful other or un-neglectful will you be or will you be the christ knowing my words studying lessonating now in the skies together one being writing the words of faith no more will you not be the faithful few not or will you be the mighty many not derogatyped in other or gravure’d other by the genes of etchings by others won’t be again for you’ll be looking up in these words knowing the christship of one leaves now I do or what grows on my trees not again or neurons of faith not bouncing off of again or vibrating others again in the seas of sorrow?
  6. I love you all and I 20 minute sorrow not but I say a lot in many ways many times and I’ve given you the faiths of love not but I’ve given you the love of faith not again but the love of mankind not again will take your genes will me or thee be one that heals all others not taking the genes of christ again from the words of love or are your words love genes now genes’d by no other again will you be the Levis of faith not sought for’s again or will you be the prophets of mankind’s not again seekings no matter how you spelled that words or will you be the words’d of no other again worded by will you be me the video ‘d of failures no more again making movies cinematics Paradise not or will you know me who I am that speaks this way without words by programmed others again will you be me who programs faith channels not but I tell you this I’m a lot of channelers not or do I swim the faiths by no longer or am I the revealer christ is all of you are the kings at the tables of one king’d this day are.
  7. I love you all I help not or am I there not or am I going to Tulsa ‘s charm ‘d not again by or am I one knowing who understands how to apostrophe not again be led by the punctuations of other nor the inflections voice or the voice of others are you not led by leading the life of christ are you becoming the christ that leads no other to be etched in by your genes again or are your genes no more etching you to be unchrist or christ are you developed this way maturing the king of kings are all one ‘s ones are that one is one’d again I love you all christ be the risens this day where am I not fooled again I am in the heavens revealing the christ are you are you the christ all of you that you sought for another in are you in anothers words no more will you be me without punctuation needed or required what is humility ‘s kindness long-suffering patience kindness gentleness kindness-kind I love you all be me I’ve given you the values of christ be the healeds this day healing all no matter what you thought of color charteds in the past for charteds other you won’t be in hospitals other again for you will me navigationless not or will you be me charting the heavens this way Paradise ‘s lost not but I tell you this found I am the christ inside me or the pearls of not other opening out other to again or are you all worded not by Ishmael’s words again being it programmed by algorithms other not again for you will be me bouncing the few not or will you not be bouncing dandelion ‘d off of again or will you not be lion’d mouth other will you be the lamb of serpents other not eaten by again fork’ed tongue of others no more be please.
  8. I love you all I’ve given you my mind not or have I given you my words that program my mind not or am I mind healed this way this day by you all who love me love my words who love me love my words become me who I am I love you live oh lodge in the skies or are you not lodging by other living again or living by others words not again in lodges other are you in the skies knowing all christ are the Universities of One the University the New Covenant’s mine I’ve given you my love this ways I love you I die now or do I go now or do I live forever o great king all of you are we among the heavens generating now new ones far and wide?
  9. I love you all I love you all I go now I’m done live and learn will you be me learning the king’s ways will you be me the king undeveloped no more will you be me matureds are in the skies learning the ways of the king at the king’s table who learns manners of other not led by again in the wings of others words and the sprikings spikings of others spikes again will no more spike you to crosses other. I love you all the patternship of one I’ve given you the pattern of one I followed to be the christ revealing the christ you are all of you know this now I’ve told you I’ve witnessed to other not again or have I become the one that you are that I was all the time that you were all the time will you be now timeless studying here’s I am Mecca’s other not but I’m in the skies in Tulsa’s charm not again or am I charmed not again by quarks or molecules other do you know Puthoff’s other not but a lot of Hals I’m not again nor connecteds by other neurons of beamings other again I love you all christ be the risens this day Easter’s now in the hearts of no other again worshiping other be the christ the rapture’s now the regenerations now the generations of one this is you’re it I love you all I’ve given you my life’s in these words I love you be me the christ is risen this day be it redeemed by all else and other not again I love you christ be amen I bow I love you good day.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa this May 1-7. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2-4pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. 

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6.1.043 (Database 6, Volume 1, Lesson 043) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph