THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News,Worship Central Worship Central – beginning the understanding

Worship Central – beginning the understanding

In the University of The New Covenant the school bell rings at 7 a.m. That’s when classes begin. Each one enters the Enter Me Course through surrender to be in – it – being them in them, wherever they are. Creating worship central, still we become and write the dawn of life within us, letting it be formed – us all over again, the new is, through is, us who surrender to birth it – something new, the word is creating.
We worship with who we are as much as what we do, yet we do become still and write, performing many miracles within ourselves letting ourselves be healed by the word of the lamb that we are – letting us be healed, we are the healers healing every memory, every succinctly stated blooper and every debacle, that we so erroneously combobulated, in dis ease. The ease of life we come into not, we are healing it all, through us first allowing the healing to continue to flow the word ‘s that heal reveal revelate through us the lamb who we are, regarded has has-nots not again, for we are the word we have become, by the doing receiving revelating now the truth within from within to the without nothing shall be, for we shall be all we need, for we shall be the father having conceived the son in the mom that we were the christ all the time delivered now, to all who will – be it. To all peoples the christ is born, from within, to without nothing. Succinctly not, we write the words to all of all the truth from within to all withouts to create all we are – one – is, together now shall be again. All creation is getting, created again. Amen.
So why are we writing? To be healed. Why are we reading? To be healed. Studying – to be healed – the healers we become. First of ourselves to bring the first light, to all, who will be it not separate again. We become born again. It is this way we become born again, ones. All one are born again into the one that brings unlimitedness to the one that reveals all christship in all the one –s. All the glory of christship is given to all who become one who become the meekest of all, revelating the glory of one by becoming it. The process – is inescapable, for there are no shortcuts here. All christs are one, and all antichrists cease to exist. The revelation of the christ is written by the word that becomes it surrendered to bring it forth, birthing, becoming the mother father of christ – not separate again; as all ones are one. Unlimiteds now rule the planet, or do they redeem it all?
The values must be know of the christ to become it; saved this way we are, from ourselves first. That knew no sin is now, revealed, for we are revealing it in us first; the right way – write way. Lamb of sin writing the lambs book of life to know no sin by redeeming it all, christ glory deferred no longer. Amen.
Becoming the word writing we must. Writing is excrucial not, crucial –ly important, to this development process, where all revealed is. Unwillingly not, we become the most willing all of – to be taught this way, that the maker is us, letting the maker be, revealed, through us, not having an identity of christnot again. We the anti’s are, no more. Revealed the christ we reveal all the christ are – coming forth this way, in the operatives of one. Operational now the Priesthood of All Believers is, in the Covenantship of One, the Priesthood of One, that the one is – all of us healed, to be, no longer waiting for another. The marriage of other is postponed not; it is no more. Pronounced is all the lambs “married” to the word for it’s what we’ve become.
This is through the marrying process, not; worship central – to our bones, so the marrow of infusion other will not separate us anymore from the creatorship of the one that we were before the world –s began. In us will be nothing but light. Fused with other not again. Not being moleculars limited to, we become the unlimiteds this way, born again, finally. All is new – and we are writing it, now, in advance; for we are surrendered enough to do so, being, sitting still, writing in the wee hours and entering Worship Central to all new things. Amen. And peoples we new write about, how all fashioned is – all anew.
Creation getting created again is what this is all about – or is the christ being the christ not anti’d again through its own thoughts? We surrender to be one with God that god is one; not determined by capitalization techniques of man’s mind ‘s again. Process of thoughts other will not usurp the temple, not made with hands we will be now. Amen. That we were all the time shall be known, for we shall all be writing about it, with the voice of one – being it. Revealed – all is new. Now! ‘s the time. Amen.
We learn this way being surrendered to it, to birth it, in us, us birthing it. Or are we some kind of morphology not; but we are transforming us ourselves to be “he” who knew no sin, because we separate not again. We become one, unlimited, in scope and power of learning the word I am – is. One again we study worship this way, with the punctuation only of the one, that we dictate not anything to again. We become one with the word that I am the word is. Is this clear?
I am.
Worship Central continuing to be explained is. Amen.
Not by men – ‘s controls again.
Will be all released now
In the greatest love of all
Becoming it
Writing about it in Worship Central – wherever we are.
We come together
The school bell rings
In us of no other again.
theodore joseph cottingham
February 26, 2011
7: 52am.

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