THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News,Worship Central Worship Central is where we never leave

Worship Central is where we never leave

Worship Central is where we never leave. We take it with us, not; we become it  – in it, I am; refreshed not, or am I of a cataclysmic nature, no more to my father I am become my father who is light not light, not anymore. For I am the true light true vine no man cometh to me but by the father becoming it, to be instilled in no other again, but to be, still; and gain gaining no recognition from other not, but to be the audience with audience of one. Amen. I am. An audience of one knowing wherever I am the father is with me I am in how do you read this? Amen not as a man does, or are you god yet, or God, or does it make a difference knowing in Worship Central where all things are not central other ‘d by; bye bye to all else and other –ings now, that other’d you in the past ‘s. The Past will no more incarcerate YOU in worship Central now to all things – the father is – that you  have let speak this way to teach you IN worship central that YOU’VE no other in YOUR temple now but YOUR father that you’ve become; for the son has BROUGHT FORTH the father amen. The SON daughter of ONE brings forth the Son daughtered of no man, not, or does it ALL obey the sun not again? Of molecular form? Shape?
All changes now.
Ionage charge of other – is no more, charging mes shall cease now.
I am
Not charged by other
For any Sin I’ve committed?
I have none, for I’m not separate any more, FROM the christ I’ve become the christ. Not separate I have become my father the christ is, not distant. Distantless from sin? No sin at all – in my genes any more. I am blood of truth – true word is, the word of my father – birthed in me, to behold the christ, I was all the time.
Timeless now shall be.
Resurrection behold.
All is.
Awoman’d by?
Surrendered I’ve become the beholder birthed that birthed the beholder in the one I am given birth to to become the birther of the christ child matured in the father become – the becomer I have become to reveal to all becomers now not separate, who knew no sin again is all of us who won’t separate again, becoming the angels we always were – before time began, in us, becoming who we were before the son sun’d us? Or the sun son’d us? Or did we just want a mind of other?
No more.
We are one with the father our father we’ve become
One I am
Not molecular’d again
On the altars of Molech not again, not pew’d again.
Rugg’d out on others not again.
We Stretch   the truth not again.
There IS no truth stretched again.
We BEHOLD the truth – in our genes
The christ is
Born again – this way – that we’ve become – it I am.
The beholder of all things creates
Christ in me I am me of other no more.
I live one life
Neverending now, the son fathers become the daughters of one, or are – all we just one.
Never ending now the life of one – never peril ized again.
In church? The skies
Worship Central never far away
In us is.
And we GO there also.
Not distant is.
Timeless now we know
All things different ly.
theodore joseph cottingham
February 27, 2011

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