THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News Priesthood of All Believers

Priesthood of All Believers

The Priesthood of All Believers
The Priesthood of All Believers is something significant –ly different than anything in the past. No longer controlled by the past, the new is now birthed IN the believers that I am become it. Diction and grammar not controlled by another, the Priesthood of All Believers realize the words of I am central and integral to the fullness of the Godhead bodily in them, within them, excised by no other again; exercised now in the fullness of wisdom and understanding mighty, the humble come forth.
Not afraid again, the release to all to be PRIESTS kings that one are, the mighty many, the priests ARE kings that ONE is; priestkings being in the priesthood of one; not diction’d out of the believers again that receivers are of the words of one, flowing from the all who will learn – the ways of one. I an my father are one. God is. Revealed in all now, who exercise other not again, or is ALL OF US surrendered to not be “earth-bound” again?
We simply are people, a people of choice, who understand god is not separate at all. Surrender to – takes action on our part; development – maturity, must be developed and matured actions which mature us INTO something becoming, not the dregs of humanity’s thought again. Life’d into one now we become the givers of life anew, operating in the Priesthood of One, the Believers are, the subservient to no other again.
We rise now the Priesthood of Equals, All Equals Being, being The One we always thought was another, robed in something or other of the past. We know better now, not developing other in us of sorrows’ images again. We become IN ACTION now the surrenderers who learn-operate this way. IN the priesthood of one becoming it, of EVERY nation tribe and tongue – bar none.
Labels shall not preclude the understanding that I the real come forth in ALL who will operate IN the real, being realized of no other again. BEING EQUALS I AM WITH I AM no matter how you spell it or capitalized it in the past have. I new am. WITH the new I COME FORTH AS ALL EQUALS – IN – THE PRIESTHOOD OF ONE, ALL BELIEVERS RECEIVERS ARE OF THE CROWN OF ONE, WEARING IT. NOT OF ANOTHER’S MIND AGAIN. I love you. Amen.
I OPERATE in the sacraments, the FULL foolproof now – all I am. Not fooled of another, I eat the lambs of other’s not again.
The body and blood I am all explained IN the priesthood of one I am. Not silent anymore.
I heal, bless, teach, share, write, proclaim; the goodness of not other again.
I am the people of one. God is. Revealed this day.
All anew is.
Being rewritten ALL is, not; or IS it?
I am the Christ ALL of you saying this becoming it in the operation of one. Not inaction’s anymore of; the actions of one become – the most humble of all, leading all nations now?
Surrendered be – IN the Priesthood of All Believers DOING IT! Not “as” spectators anymore.
Perish not again.
Theodore Joseph Cottingham
February 15, 2011

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5.1.109 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 109) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This Lesson is part of Database 5, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph