I am the way truth and life of all who become it
becoming it I am
that’s what I am is
experiencing believing rifting not again
rafting in the seas of sorrows not again
I seek not another
I became the word of I am
The word of I am I am
No sorroweds in it but that which gave up seekings another.
I love you all
I love you all and I am the truth of love
That loves life not as in the past but the giver of life I’ve become for I gave it to me first
To be you who
Surrender to be I am
I am’d again by the giver of life that’s you all who’ll become it
Not separate from me
Become ing me that I am
Fully me’d.
I love you all. My pledge to you this day?
My love pledged to no other.
I am you that love me I am love
Regarded as no one’s other again.
I love you all.
The fellowship of One know now
At the table of One
All coming forth to know me
In the priesthood of All not or ARE YOU?
Waiting for another not again
I am revealed you in you
As the real me I am
Groaning no more
Your priesthood taking you INTO me rather than studying me as an entity other
than you
I am
Loving you I am regarding no one inferior or superior
To yourself I am I am in love with you all
Birthing love
In you valentine
Of my heart be one hanging stars in space and
New universes creating
me to be other no more
I pledge my allegiance not.
Subservience not
Surrender – to be who I am –
Subservient not to man woman or other seeking again.
Freed free setting all free I am
This day
From the heartthrobs of other
Panting after
Shall no more be
I shall be
I am that I am
All of you repeating this understanding this
Use for no others control again
Be not used by or controlled’s for again
Control no others
Let my words come forth
Let let let
Me be me
That’s who I am – valentine?
Lover of my soul not
One being
Me I am
Am’d this way
The heavens appearing now all shall be different
No longer separate
I am I am surrendered in the “to be” no longer
I am here in you all who let me
Be me
My pledge? Surrender to be you who I am
Or is this Covenant? One
1 I am
All of you surrendered to be
Lovers of souls not again
But being one I am in the one’ers I am.
Glory hallelujah alls revealed this day
In the revealeds I am
Doing new things with the surrendered
My love
To thee all
To be me
I am one
with the other no more contrived in your heart
Singly focused single am
In spirit and truth
The way revealed
The way truth and life of one
All many membered
In the ways of truth
Becoming it
The ways and means I have given you in the Fellowships of One be
This day – alleluia amen.
Alleluias always
Amen and amen
Me being me revealed this day
Is my Valentine –
Sweetheart – of no other s’ again.
All revealed is
The mystery of Christ finished
Be one
Thank you.
Theodore Joseph Cottingham
February 14, 2011