Happy days shall never end.
I am I am, in love with me. You not, not; both and, I am in love with us. We are one. My real body and my fake body are one, not faking me out again. I am insoluble not, I am the solution to this world’s ills. I am me. I am one. One I am who loves me, to me be thee, who will never end our love for each other again. We are one race, of I ams. I am I am and happy days shall never end for I know who I am now. I know who cares me about, I do. I am me all over this earth, 7 billion and more, people, with “fake” bodies still, who care not for their spirit, but to worship another.
I change all that. My love, goes everywhere. I love all, equally. I serve all, not at all, not again, but all equally. My government’s me. I serve my government, me. I love, to love all equally. I write, love, and obey your laws not again that dumb me down to governments be under of flesh ruling flesh in the dumbest rules, that know not our name, is Israel, upon the stars now. Unabounded no more, the aboundment of grace is here, perfect love, everywhere among all races, of mankind, called angels now; because we are, original race returned, to love again, as we did, before time, locked us in this plane.
I am a regular guy, that knows now who he is, in me that I am, perfect and accounted for, not looking for another, to come, rescue me, satisfy me, or fill me with “good things”. My mouth is full of love, needing nothing, from you who curse the law, curse me not again with it. I love you, all, equally.
This is Grace Cottingham not, this is grace in two shoes Cottingham riding a motorcycle this day, to – anywhere I want, to go, by light, -‘s standards of one. I curse no one. I ride light. My words are. I just am. 🙂
Happy days shall never end now because I am happy, about that. And that, changes everything. I am impermeable, by your love not, but your causes of unhappiness, shall no more pierce me. I am unpierceable by lovenot, and pure love flows through me constantly, to happiness provide, for the “sinners” who don’t know who I am: I am them who perfect love is. Casting out all fear of being love, loved I am, by me first. Who knew no sin, again. Cyclic Israel, cyclic time. I’m cast out of me not again, my kingdom of. I think, with light. Light I am, the bodies of. The light beings of this race now, come out, to complain not again, but create, the Light Race now me. Of one I am, a regular, just a regular guy, who found out, I’m God.
I surrender. I surrendered, to be me. I God afraid of Satan no more, there is no Satan. I don’t create it. I create light, love and peace, and live IN it, for that’s what I am. I am, AM, no matter how you spell it, cast not your diction grammar upon me, who live in it yours of, separate from mine. I will not separate from you not, I separate from the separation, to all make one, unified Lord Jesus about, never again. I am one mind, not subject to yours. I am transparent, full of light, living in this body, that I accepted as me. I know who I am riding motorcycles and loving grace to be poured out among all peoples, never separating from their grace again, that all peoples give all peoples now, for I am, here I am, me. A one.
One makes many, for perishing not again is our happiness, in us. We seek not another’s. We come, to our senses. We come, to “our” senses. We come, to each other, to never be demised by each other again, but released angels of the Angelic Race of One, the host of all angelic mistakes no more, that divided us. We create ourselves, you see. Thus we are the creators. The Creators, are us. A new race, is us, never divided again to seek happiness in another. We the Lord am, not again under. We are God, a race of, and “Lord God” theory and that which, divided, us, shall never divide us again. Happy days are here again, us doing what we want, for we need not laws, but guidelines and values never perish, that love prevails in, and thrives about, making wisdom perish not again. I love you.
Love never fails, to love. Love abundant, is here now. I am, you are. We are one. We one are, in spirit, truth, and blessing, each other. Equally I love you all.
Going to ride my cycle, my cycles, my motorcycle, and my frequencies, never perish again. I lack, nothing, but frequency to tell you I love you? I love you, is everywhere. We “make” each other happy not, we let. Let happiness fly, to her places now. Let wisdom prevail. Be prevalent in thy thought O Lord, never under God again, but becoming him, not; but Her, who knew no sin, but was raped by thought. Thought shall no more rape us. We create light, and “happiness” in each other, releasing revealing the angels, are, who we thought we were. And now “thought” shall give way, to reality, thinking, perceiving, love, love in action.
Not meeting your expectations, I have mine. I meet no others’. I meet all my friends now. And I break bread. With the lovers I become. That which I am. We all say, and do, that which is best, for ALL of us, ONE RACE, of ONES. Angels, of angelic race one, are all one. Saved from all who think they don’t, can’t, or have other agendas, we prevail, in kindness; and affliction shall no more rape us, in thought, bodies of. We are, OUR LIGHT. ONES.
Good day, enjoy it mightily, in “light” afflictions no more, but LIGHT, being it.
Let light flow. Between you all, that I am, is ALL of us.
Theodore Joseph Cottingham
April 11, 2017