My prayer to you as 2019 unfolds is that you will pray to you and realize your capacity and potential to unite with your light body, your angel, that is you. I pray that you realize your capacity to love, and to fall in love with everyone, with each and everyone on the planet because we all one are a race that all united are, if we can see it. We can see the intangible, in each other, if we see love, and feel love for each other. If we’re not wounded by each other and ourselves we can heal each other from our woundedness that we have self inflicted upon each other. We can light body ourselves into ourselves of light. Light will educate us and grow our capacity for education that our Inner Voice already has. The inner voice of God is your real voice, the light body voice. You have capacity for the infinite and the infinite I call you now into being in each one of my friends of the universe, Source, God, creator, infinite potential with, now exercised. Understood. Walked through.
Now as 2019 unfolds I pray that you begin to understand in New Dimensions with new light with new friends new capacity for potential developing love that love develops your potential and your capacity, your very being. I pray that these words you allow to unfold you in a new being of Love Light and Peace. I pray that your woundedness gives way to forgiveness and you forgive everyone of everything, that you forgive all peoples of all that they have done to each other and themselves and to all of us collectively and individually and heal the planet, our planet of the Angels, and that we understand we on Earth are in a cosmic picture that has been relegated mostly to science fiction by many empiricists. But the truth is: your light cometh forth, you are the light of the world :-).
Now let your light shine before all the angels that you call people and let the people of the Earth be Angels and Angelic once again in the same body, not limited to it. Let Earth rise not again to stand in the way between you and the cosmos and the understanding of your angelic character and Angelic origin. Let the planet of the Angels be at peace and let us survive the attack that we have had upon ourselves to keep us locked in our own egos.
I bless you this day and my name is Theodore.
Theodore Cottingham
PO Box 34
Eureka Springs, Arkansas USA 72632