Heaven is between your ears, Hell is too. You’re in either one or both at the same time. Which one are you in? Which one is creating you? Which one are you creating? … You are The Creator of you and you’re creating you right now, right now with your thoughts, your power. Is your power in your thoughts? Is reality in your thoughts? Why are you waiting for another? Can’t you understand The Metaphor? Why worship what you don’t understand? Why label things Holy that give you a Mystery … the Mystery of Christ? Come now, should you keep you in ignorance, ‘bout such things? Mercy me.
There’s more to the Story, for sure, but isn’t it time we “grew up”, sitting in the pew no more but becoming what The Story is about, becoming it in flesh, being The One we always thought was another to come and save us, make things right, blissful, comfort-filled, Paradise, for us? Did we not have to go through Hell, to get “there”? Are we raising Hell or Heaven, from what we think?
Hell wars against Heaven, but Heaven does not fight. Light does not have to fight. Light stands, light speaks, light educates and reproduces light. The power’s in the light. It’s a one place. The two places are one, what you make it, what you make of it. When you quit warring against yourself you can hear, you can learn the voice of light, that inner quiet in, the voice speaks, communes, and empowers you that The Real You is, to stand. Be. Resurrected now.
Where do you live? In your mind. I call my soul Hell. My soul was programmed to overpower me, to use my power, and make/keep me subservient to it. But my light renders its agenda powerless; my soul overpowers me no more. I light am. My mind is pure light. That which I was I have become again. The Mind of One. One Mind of One, that heaven makes again, of itself. Bereavement no longer, encroaching on me. I’m duality’d no more. I’m coming unto me, my power and light; and who am I? The surrendered to do so, become, becoming all I am The Consciousness of One. That, this, is what Easter is all about.
Loving you,
April 10, 2020