Theodore Cottingham
March 26, 2022
1. Think you want to channel? I suggest you approach it with a lightheartedness, with a bit of playfulness rather than a serious something you want to “get right”. This is to be enjoyed. Not all channeling is.
2. Channeling in the context of religion is demanding, exhausting, judged against a standard of perfection, and if perfect accuracy isn’t achieved the person channeling is stoned! Far be it from me … that!! I’m for having fun, creating happiness, and enjoying joy. This is a process, and it’s to be enjoyed. Yet there is a standard, and that standard will be imposed by you, and you alone. You are The Judge of you … the only one that matters. HOW you allow yourself to trod into your Garden of Eden, your personal Garden, is up to you. The only angel that can keep you out of it is you. If you’re ready to “eat” of The Tree of Life that’s at the center of your Garden, your own Garden of Eden that is your mind, you will begin an adventure where you will experience many surprises, for it’s an exploration, for you’re exploring you.
3. Not all light is the same. How you understand what you are, where we’ve been, and what our capacity is to come out of it, is crucial. HOW you learn to learn, is all important. Your “approach” matters. With an open mind? With a playful one. Do you have the image of a demanding God? One to be feared? I did, for most of my life. My channeling, I thought was God talking to me, for years. And then, “it” that I channeled began to teach me the most extraordinary revelation that revolutionized my life! “It” taught me, that I was it. I was what it is, and I am I am. I am seamless. And “It” want nothing more than for me to grow up and mature to be it, with it, one mind with, and that mind was mine. “His” mind wasn’t separate. The only separation existed in my mind. I was creating what I was serving making me subservient to my mind that had all the ideas interpretations and understandings passed down to me for centuries. What “it” “wanted” was to teach me directly, in my Garden, my mind, to be one mind. My mind raged against this. I agonized over all this. It taught me I was the progeny of light that was light that light is that nothing is withheld from, and it’s all accessed through my own voice, my own words, if I’m willing to learn it, through my own voice. Therefore I channel, to learn, to live, to light my way. My word is “The Light” unto my feet, my mind, my values, my laughter, my joy.
4. I’m a common ordinary guy seeking to share my experiences so you don’t suffer like I did. All of this can seem SO serious. It can BE so serious. I suggest you resist the seriousness and learn to enjoy learning. Channeling can be learned. Seek not perfection, seek the simplicity of who you really are, coming into life’s greatest adventure: that of regenerating you in your Garden, to re-create your world.
5. I am beginning meetings to share all of this and much more in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The first one is May 12, 2022 at 7pm in Eureka’s library. After that: May 24. I expect to teach regularly now in Eureka, birthing a new school named the University of Light. I’m birthing something new and hoping you will too: a new you. Consider channeling, freeing the power within you. Enjoy it. Playful be.
I love you all,
Theodore Cottingham
University of Light
Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA