Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA
1. Hi, my name is Theodore Cottingham with The School of God in Eureka Springs, Arkansas this day in the USA, or am I everywhere now preaching God is a you who will be it. Will you be God in your shoes, across your forehead, your name here with Christ being, not another of, for it’s you who will be Christ too. And God will be one, a recognized one, a man of not again, but a woman in two shoes, breath with, and it’s me, for I have a womb, for you to see it you of who will be in these words too, creating Christ, a southern living not again of. Or will you be in the northern hemisphere with me? Or will you be everywhere you see, because Christ is God, not an anomaly of again that fails the Cross privilege, or am I doing away with all of that mess that’s so engrossed ingrained in you was?
2. I create Christ living and adorned by me who will be it you see? For upon this earth Christ is now a Christ, Christed by me, who’s living and adorned by me. I am my word and my word is me. My words are me. My message is me. And my messengers go forth, my messages with, the message of Christ to be it is now included in you. It is to be it you of a race of light beings now that conquer no other. Will you complete you the Christ, and no more stop it short? Or will you change everything about what you believe man did to God, or God did to man not again or were we but one, all one? Were we the race that divided, not affliction again, to enjoy it or perpetrate other hellish theory in?
3. I’m no more the God you’re serving. I’m no more the God theory of. Theories of God go bye bye while I perpetuate a school for Christ for Christ to be it, Christian of not again. For Christian will no longer taint me, taunt me, teach me anything about your abode of it? that you? contain God? that you are a separate race? that God made for your enjoyment his enjoyment, someone others, someone else’s? I abort that process. I abort all that you did to abort me. And sin shame you won’t recognize in me anymore, you fools. For sin I have none, for I eradicated that thing you see that you think has a soul, for I have no soul for you. I am not sold a bill of good your theories with theories of theorious spurious. I am no more the cockleburs under your saddle. And you will no more saddle me to be your beast of burden in your pews or on your rugs, or thinking your mind, your thoughts with. You will no more think me, my friends; or not my friends were you? or were you friends of the enemies that you called God not but free willites? Did you just want free will so you could abort God in you and have your own will, die with it, create each other to be have nots?
4. I create Christ. And with Christ I create it. For I have a teacher of Christ who will be it for you to you. And I have a creature that’s not crawling off the bench of comfort again or am I changing the altar of faith? Or will the face of God you finally see it’s you in your mirror who will be it with complete faith not to be other? Or competition; not of God with God. Will you change all that you compete for success with? Success of? Who’s defining your success, O God? Who’s defining what you raptured are enraptured with this moment? What are you doing with your time, your days? I am me, mine. And my time is now, and my witness is me, and my Christ is it that’s not you about? My Christ is me. Christian not again. I am Christian, not taught of that confuses me again, that confuses you or creates a territory of waramonging? I’m no more your warmongers. I’m no more your hunger games in. I’m no more perpetuating the world of you. I have mine, you see, and brutality stops me, the Church from not again or will church no more be the brutal forces of a world I create for me.
5. I create me’s you see, with love. And love shall be here. Love is here. I am it in two shoes. And I work, as a man, not. I work, as a God, not you as. I work on things of my mind. Not again to perpetuate it, to be above you. Or are you not in competition with me? Or will you compete with no other? Or are you changing what you see the privilege, the universe of the privilege to be it? Will you eat me out of house and home no more? Will you no more want a diet of fools religion with? Will you no more pray to an angry God? Will you God theory no more be taught by the fools who perpetuate it, who think they’re doing a service to God? Sacred manners with, sacred rites, sacred rituals? All that sacrilege I possess not, I abolish, for you will know it has no meat in me.
6. I am a simple man who’s come back to tell you be the Christ, Christian no more about it. Christ will reign, in the Church, not. Christ will reign all over here and here won’t be separate from there. Or will you hear me these words with and appropriate them to be no other? Will you the appropriate circumstances be in now to learn you’re the Christ? Will you no more teach it otherwise? Will you conquer your burdens? Will you love love for a change? Will you take money from the poor no more and rob them to be blind your blinded curtains with? I shield me from me no more. I am the truth. I am truth. I am light. I live love. I light ignite. I light live. I light destroy no more in me, you of, unless you just want to. You can create darkness in you and call it light. You don’t know the difference, not, or have you ever had the difference explained to you that you are Christ, Christian no more. You are Christ who will walk the earth now and do the miracles and heal it, and let not your rivers be polluted by streams of faith and garbage mouths and dumpsters that you eat of.
7. The dumpsters of religion will no more prepare your meals, if I’m around, not. I’m around you all the time, not. Or am I you not seeking a country other to go to when you die? Will you live O God and Christ conquer not the privilege of to destroy it to be your will with? Why will you will obey the church with yours? Why do you give it its funds not, but yours? Why do you support such causes to destroy you, o witness of God will you be God to destroy it no more God will you be a school of God? Will you be the witness of God? Will you be the words of God? Will you record like me this day, God, to your children will you be God in comfort that nurtures them, loves them, is kind to them, patient with them, loving, understanding the wisdom of God having because you connected with it. You connect with it. You are it. You learn by the speaking words that speak you not into approval other wanting, but that you speak of your own volition, your own free will, that you connect God with God to be it. You teach those children they are God. You teach those children they are not Christian, Islamic or any religion of terror, no matter what you called it, each other of. Why do you bash each other? O God, will you grow up? Will you master yourselves no more to be slaves to your own thought worlds of? I am no more contained here by your words world that encompasses me and incarcerates you and all the others.
8. I have said much and I’m no longer playing around. I don’t care about your witness of me, not. I care, greatly, a great deal, and I have given you one. You exchange marriage for breath not or will you have no breath for God to conquer it not or O God will you not conquer you yours with, conquering each other’s? Will you no more tear the wings off of angels? Will you look at you and not hurt you, lacerate you, destroy you? Why do you want to bash each other? when love you are and powerless you aren’t, if you will be me and I am Christ in two shoes Cottingham, a church not with but a fellowship of light, one with love who will destroy not you again, but invite you to be it Christ with me. A Christian school not again with but a Christ school for Christ to enjoy it, to be it, for Christ to do the miracles now, with you, with your garbage lips no more wagging against me. I’m no more the Christian terror of and the horrors of your belief system will no more religionize me’s, for me is a race.
9. I look like a man, but I am a God, not in me of; I am God, with a thought mind, a mind of God that I’m not contiguous to continuous of. Or am I the streaming me as I walk out of this place or fly in the heavens or stop your jets from conquering me? Or changing all of the Accords of Malta? Or going back in time or forward am I pulling you into the truth, not magnetic waves by? I wave goodbye to all of the accords of your soul and all the brutal methods your brutality of will no more Brutus make me of you Et tu Brute. Or will you change what you play with this day? Will you change what you play for? Will you no one else let play you, please? Will you play God no more to worship it, thinking you’re a separate bitch or a cord of a bastardry of heaven? Or are you changing everything you think about the heavens? 10. Will you Christ be Christianated no more? Will you no more be eaten alive by your theories and thoughts? Will you no more be heaven’s best conquered by you who so confused are about where you’ve come from and where you go to? Now I shall be me not in the witness of you. I shall be me in the witness of me’s. And me shall be a light race whose heavens conquered not again to be you separates in. For I am starting the moment of me is started. Starting a church not, but a school has begun. A school has become me, or have I become it, or am I it? Or are you, in these words, among people who will reject God no more again their status of to be God in School, God directed by, God taught directly by God to be it so that you newbirth you to come through what you contained in flesh or will flesh no more be your suit of anger, armor?
11. I take your flesh off for you not. I take my flesh off for me. And me’s will be seen by everybody. And the body of flesh will not conquer you again unless you’re me who just chooses to do so and create your own free will to separate from me being you, a race of light not, but darkness that doesn’t know its name. I’m no more the dark pretending to be light worshiping somewhere in your religion. I’m not the rituals and rites of your preservation societies. I am no more the societies conquered by you, civilizations of. I’m mine, light race of one. And we conquer evil, not. We conquer destroyers, not. We live the light, we live the lies no more. And the darkness will die out, and the flames will extinguish us no more, for we will grow and radiate and the trees of life will perpetuate us that the trees of life are that begins in our brain with a seed of your words no more.
12. I change it all and my name is Christ in two shoes Cottingham a young man in Eureka Springs. I stand, as a 72 year old, not 40 years of. Or have I given my lives to you or my life to you? Or have I given it to me to conquer me not again by me, your words using it?
13. I change it all. I go now. I’m not done with your playthings, not again. I’m no more doing what you want me to do. And you will not conquer me in your pews, on your rugs, or with your prayers. For I am Antichrist not. I abolish the theory. That theory of Antichrist will no more abort me’s. I’m no more afraid of your prophecies and your prophetic miracles go bye bye because you were all creators that created me, you see.
14. I came back for you, not, I came back for me, who will be me unafraid, courageous ones who destroy the truth no more, but walk it out in love, healing the children first saying come unto me, and I will teach you, not; I will teach you to be you and heal the lands and conquer your Congress, your Congressional affairs of confusion. The way your brutality works will no more brutalize me’s. I’m not subject to your subjects of. I have my schools begin with me and me art a race of love, light and joy. And we do the things we want to; we heal people, and we disrupt a lot of your society’s norms and cultural barriers won’t exist, for we are all tribes, nations, and tongues won’t destroy us anymore you fools of.
15. I am me me’s witness to mes I do now with the works I do that terrorize you who were afraid of me you’s of, for you will see your miracles you could have done, you could have taught the people, you could have loved them to death not but light, life and peace. You could have taught them they are God and that God has a voice and that God will teach directly through the sinner who has no sin because they separate no more from the God of light, love and joy. Do you know the difference? Will you teach the Lord God series no more a sinner of to enjoy it enjoin it? Will you change what you join? Will you disenfranchise the sinner no more or will you all realize you’re God a race of if you will be it the light of if you will live the joy of, not brutality again.
16. I bring you an offering, not. I bring you the Cross, not. I destroy your theories, and I live the love of love. And love will pervade and permeate the witness of me. And I will joy and enjoy my life, for it’s never ended you see. I came along. I came back. Or were I you all the time, all of you, a race of God’s God shall not claim Israel as some far off country again, or a landed moleculed by.
17. I change it all and I’m in the heavens of me and I ask you to also, claim God, not that you’re separate, or will you cling to no other theory? will God you be, relinquished to a right entitle of other no more, the redemption of? I redeem me. I redeemed me. I Christ the Christ. Church will not fool it again and your theories of God will go bye bye and die out and not be, perturbed not, but they won’t be perpetuated by me, for I divest a lot of things that conquered me from its point of view.
18. I point to you not I point to me, for I’m responsible. I’m the responsible party of me. I have free will to choose; you’re not God either, not again. We all are, and we will be one, not conquered by this space, race again of. I am the race of Christians not. I am the race of Christ, light beings, light of that conquer me not again us of. And we will no more tear us out of our privilege, nor cement us in a pew or on rugs, live in, lying in squalor.
19. I change it all. And my name is Theodore Christ and I have given you this message. I am responsible for it. I am me. These are my words. I am a man, God too, for I am one and one minded one shall be all of us who will do the miracles now because we’re not afraid of them. We’re not afraid to walk in our power. We’re not afraid to develop our love that conquers us no more to be other separates of. We heal each other. We heal each other’s children. And we love the girls and boys of every nation, tribe and race. And you will not be afraid of aliens or any other power, of God or hell or heaven or anything else you see. For I am light and heaven lives in me not again I am it, between your ears no more do I live, but mine. And I hear the things I want to hear, not, I create let, light there be in me this day through all of you the land of promise, the natural one of me. And I beget Israel in the skies that I am healed by my word that I see not the reflection of you conquering me with some graven image.
20. I’m no more the walking graven images of you cast down stone by that you stoned me with yours. I am no more your words carrying out in me nor birthing them. I am the birth of the new birth me. I am life and light. I am privilege of one, the opportunity of faith to no more conquer it; but love the law of the land, not, but the love of God shall be it God to each other who heals the land. No more demanding curses come for what you don’t obey a theory of.
21. I teach God to be it and that is my name Christ, in Christian suffering no more bowing at your Cross or anything you are stations of. I change it all and my name is Christ here and now. Christ in cloth, a flesh man. Christ that’s Christian no more. Christ teaching you to be it in my school of joy, the School of God for all nations, all tribes and tongues shall no more hurt us or betray us. We are life lit with joy, love impermeable by your stances of unlove. We walk in light love, not needing to have all the answers that a mind can conjure up. But I live in love. I enjoy my circumstances. I have plenty of light love and joy to go around. And I feed the nations, bull no more. I feed joy at the tables of one to enjoin it to be no other. Join no other church or society. Be love, light and the apostles of the destroyer will no more hurt us. I live love and I walk it out. And I love you. I love you. I am you who one is God is. And we are not a race cut off by southernby’s other planetary systems of.
22. It all changes now grow up, be God. Hurt the church not, just be God. Be who you are. Listen, love and peace be still no more but in action to develop the Christ mind of one, God one, hurt not by the church and all your religions again that separate us all from who we are. Be God healed this day. Be God. To love be love God be again, in church not but in the heavens doing the things we rejoice in now. And all the rivers of light, love and peace will flow. And we will be all one mind ignited by the lovers who we are. Good day.
23. Theodore in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, with the School of God., write me, come, call me, call me, call you, call my name? I’ll be there. Or am I you? one mind with? Heal them all who will let you be me. Good day.
24. Love these words, cherish them, live yours no more to the destruction of you. Be the redemption I am you in your mirror. Christ Christing the one. Christ school. The school of God. Love me, be me. Change it all. Good day. Love each other. Thank you. Good day.