Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA
1. Hi. My name is Theodore Cottingham with the gift of God School for you. The gift of God, that’s you to you this day. Will you see you as God, a student of to be it, to be you, the real you, God in cloth, skin, flesh of, the Almighty God being it who is one mind, a mind of God will you be? The mind is no longer separated, separates will you no more insist on being? Will you be God School in God being it? God is a fool no more for flesh to be worshiped by it. I’m no more worshiping anything not, or am I changing the way you think about me, in your mirror, of life, of light, of love?
2. Will you incarcerate no one else in what you think of them what you banish them to, a kingdom somewhere of, your hate recording it in you, your genes of to separate each other of, the church not, or did you first witness me before you were born? Or am I a mighty miracle? Or am I two shoes Christ in the earth? Now, today I am, for I have always been here not or am I a king the crowned of, who will wear it the crown of? Witness me, who crowns my words. You see I am the energies, of not the frozen chosen of you. I’m no more on your pews, baby, grow up. The Christ is no more sitting there listening to a message a pastor prepares for, to say, sing a song, two shoes with and dance you into oblivion.
3. I’m no more oblivious to you. I never was. I was your energy not, but I’m mine, and you will use it no more to be you, separation of. If you want to separate, you can die out. You can choose you, you see, as The Redeemer of you only and be the redemption of Christ, surpassing it no more in your memory, your mind of; or are you not twisted up, conformed of another image to be a creation of God somewhere a deity or not, a form or a universe of?
4. I am your source, not. I am me, the source of all life, protrudes from me. For I am my mind, you see. And my mind is not hurt by you anymore, God, who you choose to be separate from so you can worship it, adore it, lift up your hands and cry, kingdom come? I am come in the earth, I am here in two shoes a man, a lady too, genteel. Otherwise not again. There’s no gentrification here in heaven. Or will you, Hell no more be cast in, your flames licking you in your neurons of light are cast into hell will you no more be by you your ignorance seeking adoring adoration of?
5. I ask a lot of questions, don’t I? And I tell you many things in them, the questions of life; Who am I? Why am I here? What are you doing here, O God will you retrieve your memory not to be other? Or how many generations will you forego me, Israel in, Israel of, or are you not Israel Paradise of or are you changing all of your allegories not again to conform to your oaths? Or will you oath no more to religion or anything else, or anyone else to be under them?
6. You women, hear me. Patriarchy is no more here on the earth. I abolish that stinky thing, and the abolition of slavery will be here too. Or will I abolish thy kingdom come over me not again. Or am I letting Church no more create me as religion does? Or your mosques? your temples? Or Christ are you all shielded from light no more, the light that lives Christ the life of Christ, Christian no more of condemning or condemnation are you no more the controlling interest of? Will you create each other in peace? Will you create the harmony of one? Will you create the love that loves the fools no more or will you worship them no more by their iconic standards? Or will you change all the authoritarianism that exists upon the earth now I do hold you in contempt of your court not, but you can court as you see.
7. Pleased be, with you, Almighty of, and worship it if you must adore someone the Cross of or not, but I will no more be fooled by you. I am taking the women out of here not, I am healing the healers who will heal the Cross not, church not, but love live it and womb their word and wound it no more in each other. For you love Christ, if you love Christ, you will be it, and Christian will no more be the torment, confusion, conformist of the blind leading the blind.
8. I tell you this I am here. My name is Theodore one I am the gift of God, supposing you’re it, proposing you’re it to see you are the God you serve, no more. Will you lift up your hands to no other Gods again? Will you no more worship in adoration anything else that your mind conjures up? Will you no more conjecture be born by something that demands you oath to it and serve it and do its will?
9. I delete a lot of things from the earth, not, or do I delete a lot of things from my memory no more? Or do you fly around no more like angels unaware? Or are you changing what you’re bound to and chained to will you no more chain each other to a belief system, a belief theory, a belief demands of your kingdom?
10. I crown the life light of one who loves each other, who will live love and heal their children of every race, tribe and tongue. For I am life, love and peace, and I make demands known, not. I demand that you love each other, and if you won’t love me, you won’t be here because I am every nation, tribe and tongue on the earth and farther. And this earth will no more behold its kingdom as other than Christ is burned not again or did you just burn it in your memory or delete its graven image, not, but create one with your words? Were you worded to death? Did you someone give you words that created your image and the imagery of a kingdom created was in your memory of dearth and privilege? Or were you it dying out left and right? Or were you your kingdom no more solidified in it? Or are you changing what you know and understand?
11. Willing are you to understand? Willing are you to be right now, the written word of, the living flowing me? I am in Paradise because I see it, in me. I am, afraid of you not again. I go do my thing. I will heal people right and left who want the privilege of God to be it and no more separate in your kingdom come to earth have in your circuitous routes of your promised land? I’m mine. I promise me me, at the end of your tunnel not, but right now I’m no more in your caves. I’m no more worshiping your dialects with. I’m English unafraid of you in the language of one that I perpetrate because I see it has breath in me that I speak with to you the universal language of one be not afraid of you that need no syllables to teach you. Or will I? Am I the energies, of the frozen one no more.
12. Am I teaching like this? Will you behave God as? Will you love each other? Will you heal each other’s children? Will you love the light; black, blue and gray sometimes no more, or green, red and yellow? Or are you RGB no more the colors of or changing what rainbows the spectrums you see now as the energies are light made up of light I am not made up of you anymore. And your thoughts will not control you, not, but your thoughts will no more control me. I am out of your kingdom come of thought life that controlled me to be other than Christ I am.
13. No more the fools for you, I preach this message. I go all over the kingdom of Christ that extends beyond time. And I’m no more shielded by your circumstances nor locked into them. I create life, light I am School in God of to teach it. And God, you are the message of that God you incarcerate it no more to be a graven image of a definition of something else. Why, O God, will you be robbed no more by what you think a definition gave you?
14. I heal Gods. God I am a new birth of and the new birth is me. His kingdom come no more on my land, what you called your land or not? For I am kingdom of righteousness in. And I heal miracles beginning I am, and I speak life unto you this day to heal you. Heal your sister, heal your lands. Men, heal each other. Women, heal each other, heal your daughters, heal your lands. And let not law stand in the way of love. Love each other and crown the church not but life, light, peace. Heal your confusion not again. Heal the conformity to your torment not again. Heal life, light, flow peace, live love, heal each other. Quit bashing the kingdom that you don’t understand. Quit tearing wings off of angels, quit killing God, and God be the armies of light, love and peace are established with this message.
15. Now I am come, that you might have life and have it more abundantly, not, but that you be me, that you no more control me and call it you. Why would you bash you, O God, and comb your hair each morning and go throughout your day making a living when you have vast resources to control not but to create with, to heal people? Why do you fight over garbage, and want the minerals of the Earth to make a computer? O God, where have you fallen from? Fallen to? Why won’t you worship miracles not, why won’t you do be God now? Not because you usurp it, but because you’re you and you teach it not to be other. Will Thy kingdom come no more to incarcerate you? Will you, Lord God, no more be the Series of. Will you listen to the Lord Gods no more that you are? Will your kingdom come not? Will you develop it? Will Christ you be in church not again but the heavens of the Christ, Christian not again the fools of.
16. I create Christ the opportunity of for every girl, boy, nation, tribe and tongue throughout the earth and farther, and that’s my name. And I will not behold your circumstances as having any power over me, for I will not be shielded from me you see anymore. I’m out of the land of your Egyptry, your Bible stories of. I’m no more incarcerated in Earth’s atmosphere, nor your control system of belief that your bodies dead were with. My name’s Theodore. I am life, love, joy, peace. I am happiness personified in the Christ I am two shoes with the person of me that’s you who will see it too in your mirror and be not afraid of her who has a womb for me, my words with. Birth my words. Be the living word, the word that comes out of you like this to learn from as you’re in my School that teaches you to teach God to be it, with the oath to nothing else. I defy oaths not. I define Gods to be it and the definitions of yours perishes now. But I will not perish before you, God, School in I arrange for the heavens to open now and the heavens to be me the heavens are me I am School in I teach this way. I drink coffee, I light, love, play pickleball, take walks, enjoy loves, enjoy loving people and not raping their bodies or their minds.
17. I give you love not, you develop it! You become it! You become what you are again so that the memory of no more deletes you that somebody gives you or defines something out of you, says you have no power, tells you you’re powerless and you must do this or that? I hate that not. I destroy the crops of evil and all the definitions that defied me to be you, you will no more cling to. Or will you know the truth and grow a new tree of life between your ears this time, my love.
18. I love her who wombs me I love, to be the tender shoot of Jesse no more off somewhere, clinging to a branch or vine, the divine of or not. I’m no more your blood supply needing. I am mine light with and my mind heals, the Church not, but I heal many planets now and the planet bearers gathering harvest now I do, make fun of you not, but I have a lot of fun. I laugh light with, at you not, I gave you this message. You didn’t prepare you not or will you prepare now to be you, for you, coming are, in your kingdom, into your regalry, into your power, not forsaking it again. Will you love God O law not again with it
19. I have said much, drinking a little cup of coffee? Or have I said much, in these many recordings that I have given you some 20 years now? My path led me down yours not again to stop here and call it death. I will no more torment death not, I abolish it from the earth for I life am. And death will take its due no more to you who will be me studying me to be the truth in your shoes too, right here across your forehead in your temple of life, light and peace, healing. Destroying evil not or will it all die out now because of its own choice to do so? Because it wanted to be me not, it wanted to be you, it who choose to be separate. Or will you see thy kingdom come? You create it. You create you. You are the divine creation of you, O Creator, sacrilege no more live in that defines you otherwise.
20. I live love, and I tolerate the Church, not. I obliterate it, not. But it will be here for a while. Or will I change everything at sunset? Or will you come unto you your senses with and sense the presence of a God Almighty, in your church not but in your heart, your mind, your head of Christ will you the head of be, the Church no more of that defines it such as.
21. I’m no more the garbage mouths of your temple spouting a theory that God is someone else. I am every nation, tribe and tongue truth of and I walk it out in people just like you, who will heal a church not but love have for every nation, every race, every sinner, every God. Heal the love, love lovers to heal healers, and destroy law that says you’re not God. For God will be law driven no more. I heal light bodies of love, to inflict pain no more your brutality with. I destroy brutality from this earth, and my name is Theodore, king of kings for you all to worship it no more but to be it. The armies of the earth are no more invaded by kingdoms other. I sell you light theory not, I tell you you are God, your kingdom is here if you will see it, believe it, grow it, develop it. Christ the natural kingdom of one BE afraid of yours no more. Heal power over you no more. Shift the shifting sands of time no more. Heal your love and be it. Realize you need nothing from this world that keeps you here in it. You are love among the Cosmos if you will be not afraid of it again. You must birth it. You birth your kingdom into the righteousness of one that holds you here not again in the thinking of another to worship or come. I am life. I am light. I am love. I am peace, and I disrupt a lot of things; not your laws with, but love. And love shields me from me no more.
22. I have said much, and I can say more. I could talk a lot more. I could tell you more things to come and how I work out the laws of you not under, but mine, light with. But this is my preparation for you this day. Heal these words within you. Eat them, manifest them. Imagine them. Love them. Discuss them. Let them be your word meals. Love law no more. Love your creativity to be the Creator I am that you are the creator one of one mind is healed now this day, and I pronounce it. I am healing the healers who will heal the Cross no more, nor a theory of God, no matter what you call it in your tongue.
23. I heal righteousness, of confusion not the conformity of. I heal the diversity, of the kingdom of you not again. I heal the righteousness of me, the rainbows with the spectrums of. And your spectrometers will go crazy, not, or will I change all the molecules of the earth not again to see the kingdom of righteousness that dust is not afforded you again to be the creator of. Or are you changing everything you will ask the questions of? O God, will you draw me on your drafting tables no more in your mind? Or will you change, Proverbs 31? Or will you be the virtuous woman because you have a womb for me, your word destroying it no more? Will you all have a womb? Every man said yes who’s me. Every boy will too. And every woman will be afraid no more of their power and walk in the kingdom of light righteousness with because wombing I am my word and the wombers are established and the wombers are the kingdom creators of light who will enjoy it now not being under the authority of men or any kingdom of righteousness you called law or not with. For I teach Christ to be it. Thy kingdom come.
24. You be God. Quit worshiping it. Grow up. There, I’ve said it. My name is Christ. I am God right across your forehead if you will be it too, one mind of, healing the earths, School privilege with the privilege to be God again is in your temple. You’re hearing these words this day, for the first time not; you were God before God was a concept. But God is here, in his temple, not but mine; and I’m a woman in truth that bears the sowing seed not sown into you again to die with it.
25. I am the living word and I’m out everywhere. My name is Theodore and I’m the gift of God to you, not; you are, because you’re it. See you in that temple no more afraid of it that creates God no more to be separate. Will you your imagination have coming into the creatorship of one. O creator be living no more with envy. I’m no more the envious you of your richest men or women. But I am the riches of heaven, the kingdom of, the kingdom of me. I am all of you who sows not the perishment of other.
26. I raise light to be it. I heal light, life and love. I’ve given you my message. The School of God in Eureka Springs starts a new beginning to heal the earth and farther light love and joy be it in your powers of one. And be not afraid to be the real you. Thank you.
27. Theodore Cottingham in Eureka Springs., loving you all this day. I’ve said much. Transcribe these words? Eat them, love them, lessonate them, link them, draw maps to them. Mind maps? Map the love you are to be throughout the universe of one love appealing to no other but God being it adorned adore you in your mirror this day. I love you. Peace, be still not, be in action now this day. Love me. Write me at Box 34 in Eureka Springs, USA. Good day.