Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA
1. Hi, my name is Theodore Cottingham with the gift of God School for you to be in it, in it you teaching you God that you are again God of God a race of light will you be now understanding these things, that I am a gift to you, not or am I you who will have these words, in His mouth not again but yours, the profits of? Or profiting from your opportunity? Or needing no profits of this land or are you changing everything you do monies for? Or will money not be your prime motivator? Will success no more be defined by you in privilege to remain in it that ceases you, or are you ceasing not to be afraid anymore? Or are you ceasing a lot of things now that you seeing are with the eyes of the mind of man no more over you?
2. In you of you are you creating a race of light that Schools the light to be it, the former things of glory no more your shame of. Will you shame no one again for anything whatsoever? Will you bring shame on the fools no more? Or will you foolish things be putting aside now because you need no monies of this world or breaths are you the breath of God speaking the words creating a new atmosphere of holiness, sacred theology not again of. But Theodore’s one, and I’m one that Theodore is, or are you too, the race of light, being the race of light grand fathered by no other?
3. I teach love to be it. This is my School healing love to be it. I stand here each morning not in mourning of you, for your things abated or not, your life cut short. I change it all and I’m a common man, guy just like you, who will be afraid no more to be it in your power. Will you powerful be, that sows discord no more among you, your friends? Or will you heal God to be it in the everlasting arms of one you’re not afraid of to be in its wrath again? Or are you changing what you see in these words? Will you be the word? Will you be the living word? Will the word you be the living of that never ends now and shames no one else? Will you no longer bash each other? Will you have respect for God not or will you be it, respectful to/too, and spelling that however you want to see in these words?
4. What are you seeing now with the breath of, God are you, everlasting arms in yours not again abated from them or two shoes Christ are you Christian no more of? Will you Christ no more be the reflection of seeking a counter intuitive theory? Will Christ you be the everlasting form of, formless forming will you be me who comes through your mouth this way to inform you to be the creators I am in School I am in School I do make rejoice now, and the benefactors of me will be me not, but I will be bent out of shape no more your light rays with. I’m no more the curt of your curtain calling.
5. I change it all and I teach like this. And I am wicked no more to you, nor shall you be wicked to anyone else either. For I devastate wickedness and the brutality of this earth that you so brutal were with each other, where you only wanted monies and kingdom yours to come riches of so that you could enjoy earth and die out and feeble be a kingdom of that seeks a righteousness of only Godlike ‘ness not, but only what you thought you might want will no more be here. I am here I am saying. I’ve said it many times. Here I am, folks, a common man in girl’s breath. For I have a womb for thee, not, but me, who perishes no more in the everlasting arms of you.
6. Be not afraid of me, you, or anything else, but I devastate a lot of things about the crops of the unholiness, for I am holy of you, not; I am the wholly me. Unafraid of you I’m no more worried about the repercussions or the percussionistic you dinging dongs in my ears you won’t be anymore, you drum bearers, that have children of the Most High God not or do you only God recognize your children as of earth’s privilege to be it, when of the kingdoms of this world you were never abased by until you took it upon you to abase each other.
7. I am no more based here not. I’m in Eureka for a while, but I go do my thing from here there, or am I me upon the universe of thy privilege no more to incarcerate me, for I am no more incarcerating you, for I have set me free. And the breath of God goes bye bye not, but creates a new race of light everlasting arms in your schools no more, for I abate mine not again. I advance the kingdom of righteousness, the creatorships of and the Creators are me and I speak like this and I do new things with the lovingness I am, patient not again for the perpetude of you perpetuating theories.
8. I’m no longer God abating from this earth or am I me no longer cutting me off from me School to be it God is, God everlasting, God in man’s breath not, but women’s who have a womb for the everlasting king that thou shalt be, not afraid of a gendered binary that doesn’t exist in my kingdom.
9. Fools go bye bye not again or are the foolish things of cowards abated now? I seek love to be it, and I do new things. I’m invited everywhere to speak among the heavens of the earth bearers crops of you not again sown by your seeds to reap your awards, I have mine. I deliver mine to me’s. And I’m unafraid of you’s who want to shoot you. I’m no longer the shoots on your tree worried about. Your powerlessness affects me not again to keep me immobilized still. I am among the stars of me.
10. I’m religious not again afraid of or perpetuating the theories of that goes bye bye. But I am me standing, in church not again or am I in the airs of me, the pretense of you shielding not me from me. I am me with the atmospheres of the most Holy God. I serve no other. I am it. Before God was, I am, again now. So I’m not worried about your Deity’s definitions or the definitions of your deity declining me or not. I’m no more reclining at your table not or am I pulling out all the stops? Or am I changing the music of the heavens now, the spheres of me?
11. I change it all and I’m doing what I want for I heal people, I heal my lambs, I heal the women, first the children, first you firsting you, bursting no other bubble of joy or am I changing all that you did with you upon the earth? I’m no more raping the earth to be it here lithium metals with or am I changing what you do with your borax? Or are you no more the titanium needed joints for? Or are you changing what you do with your bodies, of light are you listening, healing, hearing your healing ceremonies. Hearing are you a lot of words differently that will portray project no other? Or will you changing all that’s on your screens now?
12. I ask you to heal God and be it, and be it everlasting arms no more in the refuge of other, for I am no more the projection of you stymied by. I am the projects of me, not. But I’m no more on your drafting tables nor drafted into your armies. I am the arm of light not projected by you or am I the light people me? Have I asked? Have you answered? Have you taken out your pen? Will you write longhand cursive with the words of me? Will the words you be everlasting love, incorporating no sadness into it now? What drafting are you? A new constitution of love, light, joy and peace everlasting creation not subterfuge’d by itself?
13. I am a common guy, a witness of love. And love I regard as no other institution of marriage you by. I love love to be it. And I spread love everywhere my arms are, for I’m not the refuge of you looking for. I’m me with the courageous, arm of truth not but head, for I am it and the truth of God is me and I am it Christ a revolution the revelation of, and Christ is an institution not of the church, but Christ Schools mine shall be everywhere. For love I do make known the fellowships of one who will be it, who will star shine not the gaze of you upon to create holiness un of.
14. I am no more the unholy you sacrilege of sacrificing each other, tearing down your woodworking schemes or are you no more the bronze altars for? Or have you no altars in your houses, alterations of or am I changing the fabric of time space you of creating it are you different things now creating, because you can your powers with, because love you loved into place, love you begot miracles with, you became a miracle working God that loves each other and love pervades and permeates and projects no other institution of institutionary means.
15. I’m Theodore, in Christ not of another. I’m Theodore Christ, asking you to be it too, your name here, your forehead Jesus’s not but yours, mine love being in it the mind of God, serves no other to be abreast of it that turns and fights it. I am no more the Adamic of your adamant. I am no more the hubris of your elect ‘ion. I change it all, my friends and you can be my friend if you’re you, not, but I am friendless not again in heaven’s regime or am I regimented no more for failure in the hubris of you elected by. I am the Congress of me and I elect who I want. I put up kings, and put them down not again. I create a king of kings Schools for girls who will womb the words, their words of to be the word, manufacturers of no other. I heal the institutionary means of me not. I heal the grace, light, peace and love, of the momentary stars not burning out again, or are you changing what you do with your grace School or stars? Are you starminded not again to be the unholy of? Will sacrilege you no more need a witness of to save or serve? Will you no more at war be with you?
16. I have asked the right questions of me to be me. I live love you see. I lessonate. I king the king. Eat these lessons if you please or shall you know what it means to dissect not the whore’amony again of that? What do you want, on your plates, spinning you not again the gospel of. I’m no more the fork’ed tongues of your elect ‘ions. I change it all. My name is Theodore Joseph in Christ for Christ to be it not but me who be it now shall elect who we want. For democracy rules not in heaven, we do. And we put up kings. And the women shall be them who love the birth of the firstborn Me who creates it anew, in them to be it, who be it first are the firstborn Me I am.
17. In love with you all this is Theodore Joseph in Eureka Springs Cottingham with a name for you to be it too. Christ, Christian no more. In the School of God be who be it first you cremating not again but creating the Christ in love would love to be it. Love joy. I love you. I record not every day, but I say peace, be still, no more. I say peace be in action in my School living love, recording it, sharing love everywhere to be the meals of faith no more in but love, light; and laws go bye bye. I love you all. Good day.
18. Theodore Cottingham and Eureka Springs with the School of God, magnanimous light. Magnanimity yours of not or are you changing your ways, your separate ways go bye bye while mine is heard, throughout the church not but the kingdom of choice no more warmongers you. I am no more the whore of your thought life. I’m no more the kings of the respiration on aspirated machines or wanting a respite from your Congress. I’m no more the taxations of you. I change it all. Not needing your wars for profits; me, I change it all.
19. My name is Theodore in truth loving you all to be it the creators of manufacturing no other truth abounds in love now and love loves the truth and records it daily in the temples of joy. Good day love. Love each other. Love kindness. Love love, you first. Good day. Forgive you of everything done and not done. Forgive you and be you the real me. I am one race of light. Good day.