Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
1. My name is Theodore Cottingham, coming to you this day, from The Table of One, a little table in Eureka Springs I sit at this moment. But will you be with me too, in your words that mine are giving you in your heart to be freed from you who think I’m other than you who speak this way? Will I speak at your Table of One? I do many things now that you never imagined I would communicate this way without punctuation, or are you learning to be me, with coffee cup in hand, taking a swig now and then? Are you changing all that you’re willing to learn the Christ about or will you be it unto Him not, but She I am is one who will be wombing our words at Tables of One just like this, where we are the only one there, not; we are here within ourselves, not of other. Or are we God on purpose? In purpose of me to be it?
2. I teach you to have no other God before you than God in your mirror. I am perfect and accounted for. And you are too, if you will be the derangement not of folly. Will you adhere to no other’s gems for you? Will you be the violate of not sacred other or inviolate will you be with your word, where you are not seemingly in contradiction to other? Or will you contradict all things because you experience it joy with? Will the joyous be you now? Will you have a cookie with me too, to see how informal I am not or will you change what you do with God this day with God the arrangement of God, your neurons not controlled by? Will you change what you have feebly produced up to this point? And will the regal you be now the kings of at The Table of One, having cookies and coffee with me just like this?
3. I burst your bubble not. But I tell you this, old friend. I am not who you thought I was that wear a shielded purpose from you, sit in a harp singing chamber, or run around with authorities on purpose of other. I am the authority of me, the authority of one. I sit at table with my one who’s me. I do these things, you see. I speak them into place to create me this way. I have all things not robbed from me again. I enjoy purpose, on mankind’s mind not, I have mine. And the scope of mine is vast and voluminously with alacrity I make mine known.
4. And I invite you to be me at The Table of One Seminars, the conferences of Christ not again going to to worship another. I’m no more the information of you that data is repealed not, but I make an appeal to you to be in suffering no more and create you as me who has a right mind that writes it with pen on paper and voluminously recording me to make little videos like this where you teach people other to be one I am also at The Table of One where you garner not witness to other.
5. I sing a song of Jerusalem not. I’m no more your iconic privileges with unless I want to be, for I am everywhere I want to be and who I am depends on you. For I am you who will be me, who will sit at The Table of One and be with me, being me, one God; I serve no more other. I serve not mankind its genes of, I wear mine the genetics of truth and I this little recording make for you to show you my table because you see, I did already in this morning’s broadcast where I came to you, as a naked man, not, but my heart is open to you all without pretense, and I am blasting through the atmospheres above, not below. Or am I changing at all in purpose of a simple man am I me coming to you, torturous asking you not to be to yourselves anymore, but live love at the Tables of One will you broadcast me from live streaming now me? Will you change everything you do with your laptops not or will I change my phones now to be in purpose with you, not to be other?
6. I teach at The Table of One Seminars in Eureka Springs and I announce my marriage to faith not, but the marriage to be me is me at the Tables of One I rapture no other. I’m not enamored with you who want to be me. I’m in love who will speak me, who will love me enough to let me speak through them that I am you who I will be now in that purpose, that day, will you look up not or will you in many things, ingest not other words of; will you be mine at the tables of the wicked not again. Will you ingest life to recreate it? Will you be the life of these words? Will you enjoy joy, and beaming, being on time now for School the School bell rings, at midnight here, not, but I’m here right now and I write these words with pen on my heart the paper of yours goes fly by, not again. Or are you changing what you do with your reason for living? Will you live me, O God, and have purpose to be at The Table of One will you learn how to be in this school? Will you write these words, my words that come to you, your lips with, between your ears?
7. What’s happening now, O God, to the God I develop for God is recreating God in purpose of no other God you be God I love God at The Table of One, The Tables of One are full and running over now at my seminars in love with love be with yourselves of every nation, tribe and tongue and this School is injurious to you not, but heals a lot of wounds of the faith of the faithful other. But I am no more God represented to be other.
8. I’m a simple guy who God is, bringing the troops home not, but inviting you to be the angels of faith no more but God on purpose with your head of Christ, not asserted to be you other wise of. I am Christ in purpose, not, I am Theodore. I am the Tables of One announcing open for business are my business of seminars and conferences.
9. Do I heed these words? I listen, love and obey not. I choose. And the choice is yours to make. The choice is mine to make every day as I listen to these words, as I speak and conjure up not other, but create I do a new me, for I go now and I do the things I’ve done in the past, not; I do make a new race with the humble. The feeble will no more be injurious to us, for the words wound us no more. And the behavior of others will not take us down, for we are wards of their state no more. We create ours on, and on I am a new planet’s regime not, but the councils of me are not frozen in you.
10. I’ve said much in this little broadcast. Now Meonics serve you serve me not. Or will Meonics serve you a Degree in the heavens of the heavens will Meonics you breathe into place a major of me and to me being the graduates thereof. Meonics is a major in Christ school not again announced, but I am Meonics in me. And I am God School on purpose. And I raise the seminars to an ecstatic status. Not but the euphoria of me will no more be quelled by you. I am enjoyment in heaven’s best. And I ring out those golden bells not, but I ring the bell of truth. And your bells will go off if you’re me, for you will hear the sunshine singing the songs of the new me in lands that have purpose other not again.
11. I rejoice I’m one. I’m Theodore and Eureka Springs inviting you to be the faith no more of but the faithful of the face of God to write it the words into place, by your adamant admission no more to be other. But the admirable me will be admirals of you not seeking but I’m no more the Commandants of Sorrow. I’m healing love to be it. Everywhere I am I go with love and love sprouts a blessing and pours forth truth that I record this way on my little recorders that I broadcast on YouTube and everywhere else that will have me host me well.
12. I love you all. This is Theodore in discovery of Theodore’s one the disciples make not other, but I am at the Tables of One, making love known to all, to be enraptured with no other. Heal your life, creating a new one in the process. Planning me being me. I love you all. Theodore with the School of God on the web at in truth inviting you to be it the head of you are one. I love you. Good day.
13. Thanks for sharing these words with me this time. Having coffee with me lunch sometime. Creating a school, in the skies of the most beloved be. Good day. Soon, see me well; over you not, but heard me well, you did, if you do. Thanks love. Good day. Immortally be crowned of one light love and peace in action. Create the ones of love, light and joy. Good day. Yay, another first!