Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
1. Hi. My name is Theodore Cottingham and I am coming to you today as a simple man to love you, to speak love, and bring healing to you who will bring healing to me my words of, that I am the energies of. And I am one, many, millions in truth the knowledge of, me is me who will put it into effect by speaking my words to be, me birthing me, for I am the new birth me, new birthed by love, love in two shoes Cottingham asking you to be it too; where you come to a justice of the truth. Where you believe not for that which diminishes you. Will you love to learn now, not taking archaic words, patterns of to believe you into Hell or are you there now in 2 feet? Hell are you bound to, until you religious become no more? Or are you changing what you do with your time?
2. O God, are you willing to learn light are you to speak light are you to be the truth of? So truth will set you free, not; but you do, the energies of, having in your possession not again to control other. I’m no more the enigmas of you wanting to stomp out authorities other. I am no more the king hubris of. I’m no more your elections sure. Or am I changing them all? Or will I just be me, and turn the world upside down by your faith not but your love? Are you doing things you never imagined by your peace because you stand still not, but you’re in action by motioning me with your breath am I speaking, speaking with my breath am I you see me with? Am I intangible, incorporeal, amorphous, or am I you the spirit of the energy not of other.
3. I’m no more the energies of your spirit combined with, coagulated with, contaminated to be that I’m no more. I’m pure, pristine, me, crystal not of you, or am I changing the truth you see with? Are you willing to redefine truth? Are you willing to be the immortal no more led to death? Will mortality you no more have such a grip on to be Agrippa of? Or are you changing your circumstances?
4. I am looking for love, light, and peace, not; I am it, the energies of you not frozen into again. I’m no more locked into place, I’m changing mine and I live learn to be with the disciples me who will be me learning leadership to be the leaders of the revolution of you not again, but the revelation of being me who I am perishes not again in religious iconic terms of you. I am no more the standard of your blessing, nor tithing to your institutions, nor crowning a life that isn’t God seeking to be it, willing to speak my words of truth I am raising a race of light beings that no longer are tortured by you in worry, fear and dismay.
5. I’m a simple man having coffee with my lovers who will love me. I drink coffee and talk about Jesus, not; I talk about you, the pattern of no other. Or am I mine now that my mind has procured for you, not; but I’ve become the one I am the present me, presented, present and accounted for, not to you; for I no more worry about your ways. You can have me if you want to be me. In you, I am you many, and many will say this these words saved me not but I became them. I listened to this broadcast day after day. I listened to the words. I studied. I did as I was told, not. I led was to be who I am, who I never thought I was but I became the story about and now I establish a new me school far and wide I look for light who will love it, flow it, learn from it that you are the energy I am; the peace be still movement no more.
6. I change all the charismatic tongues not, but I change who will be me not. I listen, love and learn. I am God, one that does. God I learn this way from God I am and God teaches me to be not separate I am one race of mankind no more worried about. I have given you chance, time, opportunity. I’ve given you my words for 20 years and you could have been on this path with me all the time to be you, the real you, in curtainage not but freedom me and be the crown I wear wearing it for I’m not confusion of you. I’m who listen, learn this way to be the way of kings, no more shed by you, distorted, convoluted conventions of. I’m no more your naming you’s need.
7. I’m no more your Gods, served or not, serving or not, because they are powerless against me not or am I doing a new thing, walking in power, healing the love I show you my tears not again or have you shed some or will you now that you see you could have been me all the time I was the story about or was I God before time was born or are you the birth of the new me? Will you no more New Covenant Me that takes you to death? Will you no more covenant with God to be condemned by it? Will you God no more be separate from? Will you guide you into truth by your own words the energies of if you’re not silenced by you? Will you no more keep you out of your own Garden? Of faith will you no more be the head of? Will you be Christ, not; will you be the girls in truth who have a womb, and use it not, but surrender to be the blessed I am blessing now with faith truth and love or just truth and love that bears out no child of other.
8. I ask you to be God and I shall livestream now or shall you? My words. Yes you, livestreaming me will you speak my words? Will you be peace, standing still no more? Will you be movement in action me, moving me around not by your will or are you taunting you no more to be led by another theory, belief, person, dream, energy, illusion.
9. I’m asking you to be the real you, to grow up out of religion, grow out of where you have been, out of leadership, not, but into it; and see the contrast of the contrasting position I am in, not, or will you be the super me?
10. I ask questions. I ask leadership to be it. I ask leaders to come now who will be saved from themselves and all theories, beliefs, actions and icons too. I ask you to be memories of another no more led by. I ask you to be the Prophets not of old listening to an accorded message of them. I ask you to be, who profits from nothing, not, but you who will love will have no needs here, my friends, if you believe in me, be me.
11. Teach the world a thing or two, not, but God is done with undone now, and not shall no more be climbing into the lap of Antichrist or terms like this will you no more need to learn or will you look up in my words database one grows cold not, but I am no more the hot for thee. I’m looking out for you not. I’m seeking love to be it who will be it will be me who me will be reproduces me and my seed goes lagging no more for an effect of you to have on me that diminishes me my School of. I school the righteous to be it, not, I school the surrendered who will live love and be powerful now; and live, out the window, not, or will you in the heavens be the accordant to no other?
12. I record the words that I am saved from you who want an iconic blessing, privilege of other to shout out or have solace in. I’m no more your solar system in limited to. I visit sometimes not or do I make these broadcasts for you? Or where am I, O God, this day. In Carmen San Diego, not, or where in the world is the blessing to be it the recorders of?
13. I am love loving love, loving truth and truth will be my bedfellow not again to be raped by it, having my energy promote them. I’m no more in your pews. I’m no more on your rugs praying to you. I’m asking you to wake up not or will you grow up? Will you learn from you the inner internal you the spirit of the energies of peace, reside in you not but you’re it; or will you be all wisdom, truth, and peace, privilege of? The kings will you king, beginning with you first? Will you come unto your own power? Will you love truth and be it? Will you judge properly? You first judge you judge you Christ or healed from God will you be now, and all of the God theories or God will you no more need the terms of or God will you be because that’s the superior term for the supremacy of me.
14. I heal Gods and you are all one if you will be it not creating a race of torment for each other. I heal Gods and I start a new one, and it’s time. The new beginning me has come, is here, and I am He not, I am she who has a womb for love and will bless the eagles not again over them. I am one, without time and space ruling me. I am one who love is, love’s love; and love preeminent and blessing shall be upon my disciples who no longer languish in such status concern of. There’s no hubris here. There’s love in blessing for each other who will heal it to be the blessed Christ, not. But you know what I mean. You know the story.
15. I have taught you for 20 years. I have languished many times in the waiting periods of me. But I no longer have one. I’m dry as a bone not, I am flowing me and the liquid you will receive me not or will you be blood supply no more wanting?
16. You see, I’m looking for light who will love and leadership be for the new beginning me to produce a race of light. And if you won’t be me, you won’t have my words flowing through you like this to learn from them that you are the real you that never was separate from me us I am.
17. I go now. I live stream me in new ways and teach new peoples, the earth is crumbling before you not or are you no more subject to it? Will you live love? Will you be powerful? Love is. Love is not meekness that lets it be run over. I ask you to love and be not enamored nor subservient to people or theories that say they have power over you.
18. I lift up the veil now and see my marriage to truth not, or am I it that looks like me, you. Are you the real me, who will be healing people, changing the wars or destroying the brutality of malice, hate and evil no more being there against your neighbor. I change the gun powder not or do I, make sure your woods wet no more. Or am I firing up the boilers me of hell no more? I’m not the frog in your kettles. I’m no more the stupid sitting there in religious circles or wanting to drum me out of reality.
19. I have said much and I ask you to learn from you, learning how to learn from you first before you go off on some cockamamie position. I’m no more the concocted of your conjuring up ways. But I am the creation me who creates me I am in love with me you are if you will love each other and see that you are each other is a race no more of folly. We are one in the mind of I am him no more led by a Lord God series. I am she who am is a race of light, love and peace that destroys the nations of war, not, or am I doing a new thing with the loves of one who love will be healed by love I am this day pronouncing healing to you who will love love and start learning from you, learning how through these words that I’ve given you the energies of to heal you. Blessed be you.
20. Heal each other. Heal the children first, of wars? There will be no war here soon, for there’s no war in me. And I am here. And I am my disciples not or are all of you me who speaks like this no more discipling other leadership as. I heal the lovers and I love you to live the law no more. I ask you to live by your words, that your words are healing me to heal you us I am a race of light, and if you will be light again, truth flowing; knowing, the truth is not enough, but flowing it to create me I am do.
21. I love you all. Theodore Cottingham with the School of God. The School of Me. The School of Cottingham? The school of one love, the school of you right here across your forehead. Be my enemy not again and let you out. Freedom bells ring now and the class is started of the new me this day receive your blessing if you will be it, out of the scope of you, your comfort, zone. I ask you to live in peace, not; I ask you to destroy your war against me and be the frenemy of no other. I’m not the frenetic you about your wars, nor friending you, because of me, not, I am me simply in heritage scope of me. The lineage of Satan no more cast me out.
22. Livestream me. Let the love flow and be the learners I am learning a new language not of faith; certainly not of tongues that babel on Babel of. I change a new law not, but I destroy a lot of them. And the books of faith won’t be here, but I am. And I heal a language, not of yours. I heal the hearts, of stone to no more be stoned silence of. I heal of me who will speak in action be the glorious disciples, not, but the leaders of me will be me. For a season it’s death camp no more but my boot camp is announced. I’m in Eureka Springs for now, and it’s six weeks, not, but two will be one, not again saved by thought that thought isn’t.
23. I use a lot of terms because you know the words. You’ve used them somehow because the definitions reside in you, but I do now. A new language of me arises, heart to heart, without syllables needed. And I speak this way where you energize me. I love love. I connect light. I live peace and walk among the wars to quell them. And the brutality of your suffering will no more torment me. You can die out. You can live as you believe, breath with. But I have mine. And I breathe into new people’s me to live love the language that needs none of your punctuation nor syllables of patterns, other energies of yours go bye bye while I raise a new race of light beings me. Live love O great God be who you are, without hubris, without blessing other not again, or will you bless the children? Heal the loves of one, heal all I am.
24. Theodore Cottingham in Eureka Springs. I have asked you and taught and I teach religion not, but be far from it. Or free will you be, from me, not, but worship me no more. Be the real you in one love that love is forever one immortally. Be saved by you, healed by you, becoming you. I love you all. My name is Theodore one in love. Good day. The School of God in Eureka Springs. Be on the lookout for me. I’m here, folks, in new ways, in your voice, in your heart that speaks, that leads love to be it, and learns a new people’s me rejoice now. I live love the new beginnings here. Live love. Be it. Good day.