THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News I Angels am of the First Degree knowing Meonics Meology’s here

I Angels am of the First Degree knowing Meonics Meology’s here

I Angels am of the First Degree knowing Meonics Meology’s here
the courses of one
be the one at the kings table
the definition of love
flights now begin
be the known christ
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan, Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
Voice file 111231_000
Video file 111231_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham December 31, 2011 at 8:23 AM and I am calling you to tell you I love you or am I planting it deep within thy chest or thy brains art thou one with me that needs no blood pumping muscle of other again that pumps throughout your atmosphere of unholiness not or are you changing all about the unholinessing of me are you nests not of other seeking to only lay your head in a warm blanket and get rest for another weary day are you changing all about the new years me are you years no more of dreariness are you changing everything about what the lights on are you the lights are you the lights will you be delighteds not de lighted again in the ceremonies of notme that only wants to give thee a creed of other and a creek of other will be me not or will I know a lot of Indians or reservations of notme again or am I making reservations now at the kings table restaurant of other not again or café of cosmos do you know anything about Cherry Street or mine are you Sheridan’s on are you Lewis on theodore’s on are you on ing me not again as other are you changing everything about your light what are you lit not by other again or were you only lit darkies or was your lights out were you tense verbs of another tensed for or strengthed only for other were you Samson’s putting others eyes out throughout your day dreariness walking through your creeds interest or what creeks you no more with paddles other in your neurons brains minds are you changing everything o minded one will you be the Creek without the help again of other or changing everything about what you have served will you serve in other no more armed forces as or will you be the army of one the army’s as are you changing everything the army of one will you have no crawling otherees among you on you are you not owning again a bunch of otherees of things that only otherese you are you speaking not otherese again as a language of other or are you changing English my English not again or changing everything about what you speak how why where are you not learning again to be the christ nots or are you knots no more tied up in are you changing everything about your neuron tree ‘s growth of other will not be anymore or will you change everything about how you speak articulately lying in other no more are you changing everything about paragraphs structure this Christmas or New Year’s day or one year will you be in that seeks me not as another
  2. another as an other will no more be I change everything about nothering or nuther will you be no more nuttering or paying off a lot of things now or moving out of towns or changing everything about what you have given away or is all coming back to you or are you creating anew all worlds anew are you changing everything about your mouths mice no more mouse ‘s running around in drawing red dresses in ladies of or making changes altogether in the decks of cards or holodecks house of cards not other again cast in in I change everything o love I love you all I change the miracles working God not or are you God not working anymore on payrolls other are you needing any one or need you anything but my word my words are you changing all the words of other English and every language that their they have been in are they their have been in no more are you have been in no more of the time zone you were in are you changing everything about mem branes I change everything o love I curse the darkness not again have I ever but you or were you me cursing me not to be you again separate from me what are you creating will you be the light lit ones now will you be the differents knowing nuance again not of terror or will you create softwares approach not of other eagleclipse again or changing everything about the eagleware of approval or are you not seeking approval by mankind’s kind of hair crew cuts again are you changing everything about the flattops of apparel or aircrafts other are you not carriers for planes other F4’s 15 ‘s as or changing everything about your F1 B1 carriers bombers are you in the seas of Aden no more or changing everything about the gulfs of the Mediterranean are you Baltics no more caustic curses causing or changing everything about what was are you no more what was are you changing all that was in your life ‘s are you lives no more of terror are you tyranny’s no more on purpose burdened by are you changing all about your coffees where you drink what in cosmos of light are you not the bound to other again ringed fingers by are you fingering not poked eyes out again by your brains invisible or were you only the visible ‘d light to yourselves that you thought you were reality in or were you in reality or only faked out by genes no more are you wearing me tags of approval epi’s of
  3. I change the genes of the epiphones not or are you phoning me will you now my phone ‘s listed not or is it have I given it many times in these words to thee 7132 or am I changing everything about your coordinates lie in other no more again plains of Shinar I change everything o love I study these words I write and lift up swollen not or are you swollen not in your own memories egos again that only wants id’s suffering are you suffering not again the architect by are you not the architect of Moses for Moses’d by the law Commandments of other are you changing everything about the law Torah’s and Vedic interests no matter what Hinduees you wanted to speak about of Buddha or not whatever your Mahabharata was Mahdi of or not I change everything about Gaea’s interest or Cronus or or are you Troy’s no more Trojans as are you changing everything about the Trojan War Troy’s as or religion are you Troy istic no more are you sidon istic no more sardineistic as are you crowdeds no more folded ‘s over and creasing your brains are you changing everything about the universe are you changing everything about what you created created you or are you not your creations own suffering again I change everything about the worlds your on or are you not on’ing a bunch of suffering again do you wish not to will you create it not again on your head or each others are you calling each other christ will you phone them this day and call each other christ what you’re discovering you are will you be not the ignorant again will you ignorantize not each other again we you ignorantize not the flesh you are cast in are you castes not again making for each other plasters of Paris of or changing everything about Paris Belgium or the Brussels of Belgium not the Netherlands not for what Norwegian interests are you no more Belarus for or looking up a lot of Caucasus Baltics or what are you walking across out the sea on are you the front door of you no more slamming behind you are you changing everything about the manners of the king o queen not being of other
  4. are you changing everything about the XY genes of failure not splitting me mine anymore are you changing my mind no more to be yours are you mined no more by terrors tyranny’s are you tyrannistic no more tyranny’s as tyrants as other is no more begrudging me be’griefing me grief me not as others again besiege me not on my heads again as other wear no vest of other in your priestments garb ‘age I take out all your garbage not again or do I change the vestments of your parish or are you parishing not anymore in the garbs of failure that only lift you above your men or constituencies of women garbs’d in other or are you de-robing other no more in your minds eye no matter what you were famous for or not wanted to be in the sights minds of other ‘s I change everything what you have wanted is no more I change everything I reveal all that you have wanted are you wanting no more billboards as purses or what are you carrying in yours wallets or cards other numbers as what are you changing the mark of the beast or are you it that you marked with other not again shall you be cursing not the darkness again shall you be changing everything about what you were the beast not to yourselves again are you beastly not to yourselves again Beasley’s as or are you busies no more that only busy mouths want to make buzzying about crew haircuts not again or changing yours are you long hairs no more or are you genes not of approval other wanting be gotten in you again are you begetting the christ shortereds or longereds are you changing everything about what you knew
  5. are you the new will you you be sitting where in my chair will you be in the heavens will you be chairless not again or white lightnings me not but I change a lot of rods lightning or cones what are you coneing not again conning as towers as other landing strips here or are you landing down the street at Tulsa’s airport International are you looking up knowing my movies my Towns my cities of scopes not perishing again or are you the trials of monkeys not again at crawling over each other to verify your empirical evidence that you are perceptuals not of granted other are you thinking you’re not in other again are you changing everything about what you think o man of God are you not cast by again women of or coming through the wombs of other are you woundeds no more are you wounding each other no more by mouths shotguns of or AK’s 47’s not but I make a lot of B 52’s not again or do I change all your AK mouthery are you not the AK’s of 47’s again or what year were you born are you Bourne’s identity no more seeking Jason’s of or are you artistic artisans no more as or were you created or creatistic or are you not createds anymore by your own mouths are you mouse ‘s not running around for dresses ladies for to gifts at Christmas gives other again not won’t be or will you want not to gift ry other again be on gift registers other marrying other will no more be I wed not the words of other whet appetites not the words of other for at meals other or are you changing all your discussions what are you the christ discussing me or you are you you at the table of God are you seeking not communion other are you God with God being God in God the reception box of no other cast in or are you hearing me frequency not of sound waves other or cilia other in your ears or esophagus esophageal tubes or micros intercepting or are you intercepting a lot of rockets not again of failures missiles as or changing all the defense systems of me need I any am I fortresses not of failure again Bastilles of bastions of religion no more bastardize me ‘s I change the scope I change everything the sights are no more crosshairs on me in me won’t be targets of failure protons as or am I changing your protonic interest or what you know about them are you changing everything about the neutronic neutron world or bombs not of other going off in your brains explosions as are you changing everything about world trade centers are you not of unrighteousness again are you changing all about the righteousness of man or are you the kingdoms of want no more are you won’t no more saying about that you are the christ I won’t be is not said again about you being the christ or will you not say it breathe it will you think it or only be another not again creating
  6. are you creating you will you learn how to create me what are you seeing said in these words are a lot of gooblygark not again interpreting as or are you changing everything recording are you me you are you you are me will be army of one not again or changing everything about your Marine Corps or core de sprit of other elite other not again or Seals forces will you be seals’d no more again in coffins other I change the lockers of the hurts approach not or do I heal all will you heal me will you let my words heal you that you be become me me’ing me am I you am I one speaking in the wilderness no more of other your brains as are you not brainless dead again or only on life support other of religions monies and Hin duees other or hinders are you no more hindering each other no matter what you lies’d in Allah wanting or Gaia’s other Cronus of or Troy’s chronology not but I make a lot of Socrates known not again caves walls as or are you not in yours again caving yours or caving in a lot of things now will be not other explosions as or are you the righteous no more seeking holy places to prominent be in your vestments other are no more taking you to places to be looked up to in other you won’t be ensconced in thought of other you change everything about your worlds are you the most admired not again wanting to be are you wants no more cast by no matter how you spell that I will do not will do no more again as thought was by other cast in
  7. I change everything about the cast ings of approval and lathes other are you latheings not again or Latham’s other not but Lathan I will know one Debbie’s currency as or shall I know you all curtsying not again to failures charm authorities of as other is no more bowing to other or are you all the christ bowing before each other not again to be seen doing due diligence to or are you changing everything about what you honor and sincerely believe not other again or are you casting no pearls before your swine or were you only creating them before you your sights as so you could mow them down not as other machine thoughts guns as are you changing everything about your bullets of love o man woman of Troy’s legs not again or are you four horsemen not of of apocalypse again Trojaning other are you Troy’s of Helen no more or changing everything about Hellenistic Greeks or interpretations of other what are you BC’s no more or changing all about AD’s are you after death shall you be before you live or have you lived before many times are you not the reused’s and reused again are you not the genes of approval splicing together yours with XY’s others again are you changing all about babies fetuses and not aborting the christ again are you all aborteds no more are you all aboard me or boarding me not up for hurricanes other what on the islands are no more again or are you changing everything about where you live are you in Tulsa’s light of joy are you knowing the light of ones me approvals not of other seeking are you changing everything about what you were connecteds to other won’t be beseeching you leeching you off the cliffs of other Dover as or are you going there now Tony Johnson’s as or knowing Mary’s christ are you all Mary conceiving me immaculate conceptions as or are you the holy spirit not of other seeking are you the holy spirit or one Trinity not of other Carrie-Ann Moss as or is there no moss between your legs or brains neurons that connect you in webs other deceit as are you changing everything about the flowers hairs on your balls not as other or what are you not famous for other what you look seek as are you changing everything about what you touch shall you be light shall you not be the tits of religion seeking again oh bodies of sorrow are you not intercourse ‘s of other coursing with through your veins won’t be turned on’s again ions of will you change everything about chemicals will you not be the addicteds anymore to that of religion won’t oxygenate me again nor bring me to breath other I will have the breath of christ in me I will be it developed I will be the matured christ maturing I will be now in the courses of one that clangor no other bells of sorrow in me for I will not be the bellaffied of ions other ionaffied other Iona’s as not or have I said in these words many times look me up are you coming by me are you me the door are you will you be the door cast no more in sorrow seals’d shut are you opening your gated ions not vocabularies shut anymore Babels by fish ‘d of other is no more fishing piers for or are you piered not the christ in other anymore sorrows of sorrow being cast in shames castes will no more be I caste the Hinduees not or do I change everything about your India’s Indians or reservations other are you not creeks’d without a paddle or changing everything about that
  8. paddled you will be no more upstreams other or changing am I the streams of hate and prejudice or preconceived notions of notme christ be no more be the christ that me is me’ing me holy in one wholly I am I love you all I go now I am wooden no more or was I only flesh Pinocchio as created yours by
  9. bye-bye to a lot of things now I re linquish re lease not again or do I release relinquish a lot of things do you I toy no more with other I toy story not again with stories other biblical Bible as I toy with Samsons not again pillars as or are two eyes mine pulled out no more or are you plugging in no more to theirs you what are you changing theirs of sorrow or yours what are you connecteds no more to that which you see saw or sought are you not sought by other grout ‘d as or are you changing everything about the tiles of sorrow on your jet aircraft aircrafts one or eagles me not again of sorrow I change everything about Air Force One or do I have one or do you watching are you not again of sorrows crafts of sorrow be no more bred by but I change a lot of B1’s ones or do you change R1’s no more to be sorrow are you creating R1’s new new R1’s are D2 bred by D2’s no more will be I change everything about the D’s of sorrow and the B ‘s ones of sorrow won’t bead me sorrow to I change the Bede’s of faith not or shall I go to Osages counsel not of sorrow or shall I be at their home grounds or all their reservations stomping not again drums by I change everything about the dances of failure hoops and hollering other won’t be powder mouths kegs as I keg not the failures Germans as or do I change everything about the currencies of faith and face other won’t book me but I book a lot of Tomlin’s not again to Tommy Jack me it ‘d sorrow won’t be again I jacket sorrow no more in shells as I de-shell a lot of things I reveal all its of love not of other now so everything you will know will be me mine not or shall I reveal all that not mine was are you revealing the minutes of your board sorrow of your sorrows board that you created diaries as or are you wishing you had created one of sorrow joy not or are you dancing in the joys light because transparent you are have ing nothing to hide are you changing everything about what hidden is are you hiding not sorrows from are you changing everything about what you want currencies as are you electricals no more pinions as wanting gears other or transmissions other elight electricals of are you the elite no more wanting to be a part of perishment other perishing are you a lot of things you used to want are you wanting no more to be admired in failures flesh are you flesh no more creating Gods of sorrow are you creating God Godless no more or only supreme beings of light are you all caste free now
  10. I love you all to know me welcome pinion gears no more to sorrows sphere or are you keg’d no more for sorrows clocks or time gravity’s feet webbed in you won’t be beasts of sorrow again I change everything about the fore beast of opinions apocalypse or what are you pinionating no more again you yourself o’s as I am 1 ‘s 1 and I am one’s mighty or am I the humblest of all can you not beseech me again or besiege other not again are you you doing that to yourselves are not again I create loves light I am not in castes of sorrow any more I change everything about India’s hedrons or are you not hedonists anymore hedonistics of hedonology is no more heathens of or are you all christ no matter what you studied I change everything you adhere to are you not here’d to others ever after not or are you changing the now’s today are you knocking on my door ‘s do I have one are the doors empty no more of hinges standard or are you changing everything about what uplifteds are
  11. are you knowing me looking up in these words your language as are you translating them or learning English are you changing everything about where you lie your head on other won’t be anymore breasts as religion vestments as no matter what you wore on your head chest or not I bare my breasts not or bare I my loves life have I given you all of my life in my words or my words as my life have you given me you yours what are you holding close to your vest chest no more are you holding anything but flesh as empty flesh are you not bound by ideas theologies ologies again Meology’s of will you know and be cast in no other are you changing everything about what casting you are to the wind are you the winds of approval no more seeking are you the windings no more for clocks other armatures as energies as batteries other will no more be’spin mes I change everything about the me istic of other won’t be again I won’t be of other I want nothing or do I change the christ do I give you everything or must you develop it create ing me will you be creating me are you me I am creating me this way by
  12. bye-bye to a lot of else and sorrow sorrow and else no more love here did you ever or were you only just in thought residing where you thought you were thinking by thought ‘s animals kingdoms or were you just animals for each other thinking so sophisticated you were Sophocles other not or Decocles will you no more be Plato’s cave for or looking in others eyes for their wooden sorrow no more will be cast on you reflecteds as of sorrow is no more
  13. I change everything o love who am I one simple surrendered man of christ are you woman of christ not legs of neurons wanting by again what are you creating all of you equal are you all equal one God is one who guided by no others words are create no others words in me please again word the christ as other not again creating anti I anti christ no more make I am who am I one who cries no more I love you all a lot of people die now wooden interests seek not the woods of sorrow to create cast in your own ideas of other is no more I change everything the apocalypse is now not or are you four horsemen no more in your personalities or your fore brain’d christ are you brained no more by neo’s cortex or changing everything about the ropes of lassoed other Sky King are you not looking up or are you be’jetting me to Tulsa going through the atmospheres of sorrow are you not transcribing my words or yours what are you volunteering for not again all that you gave away your time to all that you paid so richly for tithes in sorrow no more is begetting me or did it ever or were you just fools’d by religion or were you creating some hopes of a hope later for to be fortitude ‘d by other tenacity’s other will no more take you to graves I will not be the religion’d tenacity of again that seeks a soul of Savior’d other savor other no more between your teeth meats of sorrow no more know but meets of heaven you will know now my words be meet me in Tulsa’s light of will you be the light est of all will you be airless no more or seeking not other what will you weigh the way in I have given you the way perish no more live eternal life be it creating it I am it the way I have given you you the real be in will you create it being it be at 302 will you worship me not again as failures God of other you are not seeking richmen of richman as other no more be’woman me or are you the richest of all women or men are you not seeking either one or a God of other to be are you not looking like failures lookings again into other no more will be unto other you will not be unto God born a you again you are not birthing born again sorrows child you are destinies no more of perishment other
  14. perish no more again live forever oh great king eternal immortal combined with no other again genes will be or will you be the jeanless christ or the geneless one the one gene’d by no others words again what are you creating a life of sorrow no more yours be lifted up now in the clouds of no other worthy opinions as or are you changing everything about what opinionated ‘s were or are you not listening to pinings other o’s as I change the digits of faith or are you the numberless no more or higher maths are you knowing or simply mes will you be constructed by mes are you heavens Israel’s in are you in the heavens Israel O Israel are you the real in the real not the fabricated istic again molecular molecules as holding you back to earth no more gravity’s will be I change all of gravity or do you change the king not to be other you of other is no more creating you create the God you were all the time are now will be R1’s are delivereds not unto sorrows again the clones’d armies are no more you are not cloning other to be other you are not cloning you to be other nor are you casting your pearls before swine or were you only tramples’d in your own courts by you were you the one that judged you unworthy deemed you unworthy barred you out of Eden
  15. are you changing everything about what you understand about the Bible biblicals course or are you the courses of me now taking in my schools mine the University of loves mine the New Covenant’s the University of mine is The New Covenant’s me I am Meology’s mine find me well and I am refined by the king at the tables of the kings me teaching me to be me I was the real all the time but faked out I am no more I love you all christ has said a lot of things to christ to christ be all you not religion’d by failures again no matter what you cast aside yourselves are no more are you leprous sinners as or are you changing everything about what you understood know and understand will you heal them all that hate you will you walk through them all unscathed will you be the simple not living in two worlds again or two bodies in or worlds of other are you not cast in or changing everything about the two minds ‘d approach I change everything about the natures of christ you have not two again you are not anti again creating un’s of other I create the christ real in the skies live I live there I live the life of one christ I am all ones are ones in ones not in the arms of other
  16. I beseech christ no more as other or do I beseige your genes no more as other or do I set yours free do you set you free by your words will you be cast no more in others what are you studying religions no more will you be my words learning every one lesson one starting with beginning with me now lesson one Database One will you know not the formulas again for approval other disapproval other will you know or walk through it are you leaving a lot behind all sorrow will you not leave sorrow behind or will you redeem it by becoming the christ I leave for now or have I returned have I come to 302 to meet you are you meeting me there here are you now walking through my door are you ways not of perishing again seek no other christ be it revealed you are to you this day you are the real christ if you see you will be it of sorrow no more id’d of sorrow no more cast in sorrow no more genes as I free the christ transparents I am and I parentize christ not or do I appear the christ do you are you me no matter what we looked like to each other in the past I christ the real you are not christless anymore you the christ real be in the real know the quantum world no more or will you change everything about asking questions or studying are you relinquished no more to be other or are you relinquishing a lot of things holds on me of other no more is I change everything about the ringed fingers of hate or do you not have hands of failure drawing pins for or are you penning me now picking up my pen of sorrow no more be cast yours in sorrow no more be writing words for I write the words first person of christ becoming being the christ I always was matureds develops’d no more for sorrow I clone the armies of one for other not again or am I cloneage not of sorrow are we all one living in one the body ‘s of faith no more I change the flesh or do I end it do I end all sorrow be the christ answer all these things you must do and do-lists other will no more take you down given by anybody you again be no more the you ‘s of sorrow be the used no more sorrow be the reused’s of sorrow no more thank you love for being you the real christ all of you of every nation tribe and tongue come here now at 302 I beseech thee not but I govern sorrow not again or shall I change all governments shall you transcribe my words be being the presidents of loves countries galactospheres are you Angels Angels of light will you be cast not at the crowns of other forfeit yours no more please change the christ not to be the sufferers in sufferage again I suffrage delight in not but I tell you this everyone votes not again or are you all the equal christ deciding in your courtrooms are you the courts of approval no more wanting seeking other vestments of approval other no more pineings me I opine other not or do you looking up a lot of words become not the words of other opinions’d as
  17. I brief the writings of not but I change a lot of writings who’s written me will be me become me I am not the cleats of other traction for sorrow again I gravity’s take hold on no more I change release all my words to be the freed I create the christ released am in the heavens live here at 302 be studying my courses yours create me I am in ‘s of in’s and I end a lot of things now and marriages governing other won’t be’whet me to other or will you change everything about the divorce court or the wed court will be empty or what are you emptying out your houses closets your minds of other neuron trees of other won’t be’farm me I change everything o HD love or are you the high definition’d love will you be the definition of love creating it have I given you the formulas of hate not again will be reproduced for I reproduce love ‘s here love you all at 302 be the witnesses of sorrow no more again love the light be the light creating it create it well you are be one R1’s are not the devastated ‘s for sorrow any more I create loves light light be light rooms in map rooms in am I 1 II classrooms 1 and II complete now are you completing me in the great rooms kitchens me studying my manners knowing how to act at the tables of love light and poverty not again or are you redeeming all taking your message of mine are you my messenger not of failures are you the Angels Gabriel Michael or sorrow not again are you all Michael McCutchin’s or guardians of sorrow not again changing all about your loves do you love interest no more of religion ‘s covenants of sorrow change everything you tithed to ties no more bind me of other I change everything I release everything to be known are you releasing you to be known will you be the known christ Zanone’d not by sorrow zoned not by other ideas times of no other take me down isles of other I isle the christ not but the planets of love will know me or will I redeem them all shall you shell the christ not again in shocks awe awe in sorrow no more be jacks assed of I change everything reproduce sorrow no more be the witnesses no more for sorrow be the lifteds up christ christ lifting all sorrow no more shall be here I change the planets regime of other shall no more “angelize” mes I Angels am of the First Degree knowing Meonics Meology’s here the first majors mine that makes all Generals freed and clear in the skies live now sky kings of other no more be sky king love lights one and I’m engines of sorrow not but I need no fields of sorrow for my jets and my orifices are not closed or are you your mouths open not for beaks of sorrow being plantings in other is no more creating in mes
  18. I create the christ by my words ways and sorrow no more I way the christ I walk through the doors of sorrow no more for I nail them shut not but I go through the one ‘s at 302 are light ‘s lifted up now being the cosmos of light in have coffee with me dears of love know tears no more tiers of unlove no more sorrow me be the light lifted up I’ve given you much love be sorrow no more good day christ be christ be good day creating it new days here New Year’s new everythings here and the mores of sorrow no more take thee ‘s down be the christ in the skies kings of love light at the lit ‘s table of one and Schlitz I have not but I change everything about what you have drank drunk in the past you won’t be or change you everything about times clean slate of love or slates no more of roofs sorrow are you changing everything about where you live what in lie where lies’d no more take me down I speak the words of christ creating it I am’s am good day love christ be all of you one in my courses contact me call me phone me you have my numbers you have my name I write my name on yours not again of sorrow or shall you write mine the christ as the christ be ing developed this way be the christ develop matureds christ are one’s am good day love see you amen
  19. broadcast here well I teach how and many things change the light room ‘s not or shall you be the libraries of faith no more discarding are you a lot of things be the christ lifteds up know mine my words of love know my booklets beginnings of sorrow no more be The New Beginnings year ‘s here hearless hearless no more hear my words esophageal being no more dependent on I speak right into the hearts your heart of love be mine one’s one blood pumping muscles no more of sorrow need me anything I create loves here be it adorned of sorrow no more be the perfect pure pristine christ perfect one am seven equals on Meonics beget ‘s sorrow no more lifteds up be thank you good day see you I be will you R1’s are new days here new beginnings folks see you thank you I bow I honor you all see you map me well study diligent be thanks thank you all of every nation tribe and tongue land now at my door yours will you you be your kingdom entering here will I be the way door will you walk through yours will you create your kingdom opened will you open it has it been here all the time there will you be there where whereupon sorrow no more I lie my head no more but where I lay my head christ is or am I the head of christ am I being called to the head of the table that’s you what you are saying ask ing each other are you the christ being called to the head of the table to be the head of christ are you wearing the head of christ without other neurons begetting arming you for others armies of terror no more befarm thee’s amen so be it one am armies of sorrow no more touch thee walk thee through it fly flights now begin me well amen men of Angels Angels of light women of love all be one ‘s one without the genes of sorrow ever reproduced again thank you for mixing me not up that’s up no more love you all done gone good day
  20. schedule me love me enroll thank you transcribe love pour your heart into others no more be the love ‘s that love all equally amen good day question me seek me ask a lot of questions look up in these words thank you and amen record me well I have you everythings known revealed now is all your words thoughts and motives now are shielded no more from thee each other be good day and the bare’ds chests of sorrow no more walk around aching with devastations intake again change the airs of faith and the intakes of manifolds other will no more be’manifold thee’s I give thee everything create the christ privilege ‘s of one your heaven aters reward aten by no other eat no others words again the tables of sorrow no more be’sheath thee nor take their knives out on thee to be sorroweds again live the christ love the christ be the one at the kings table knowing how all works rest in loves light study here now be in the galactics the fearless the Jedi’s of knights other not but I change all the Keira’s of love or do I you or do you me I love you all no matter what you’ve looked like what you have done said or cast yourselves in I release all the castes of faith and the face of love un’s will no more unme I love you all equally every single one of you of every nation tribe and tongue and face of books other won’t book me into your genes again love you all be the timids no more release christ in you to be begotten of no other deliver the christ to you be in the skies adorned of unloves no more the diamondry of christ is revealed and I wear no other amen see you love good day.
* * * * *
This Lesson is part of Database 4 Volume 1 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham. To accelerate your understanding of what is being given, watch the video and/or listen to audio while reading the text; then print the text to link and map ‘s make.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that God will teach them ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD that can change your world, if you let it, and begin with you first.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
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Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.

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5.1.037 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 037) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham March 5, 2012 . . .